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The Adventures of Sith Sprite Archive

I flittered in to see your site,

I must say it is a delight,

On twinkling, shiny wings I came to share,

To spread the Spirit everywhere,

I leave this spirit dust,

Just for you,

So you can spread the spirit, too.

I've dusted, so I must go,

To another wonderful site,

To spread more magic and delight,

Cause sharing spirit is my plight.

So you came unto my site
And what you saw was quite a fright
To see that the Jedi Knight
Must fight the evil Sith sprite.
But this sprite was small and dumb.
The Jedi squashed it with his thumb.
The Sith sprite, he is no more.
Writing poems is such a chore.

I just flew in to take a look

And sprinkle Sprite dust in this book

Good luck this week in all you do

With votes and laughs and merry cheers too

So you took a look, and signed the book
But did you even get to cook?
The evil sith the Jedi killed
Was very yummy once it was grilled.

Put a little Sprite in your life,

lots and lots of cheers would be nice,

You have just been sprinkled,

and good luck in your fight,

Put a little Sprite in your life!

I put some sprite in my life
By stabbing Sith Sprite with a knife.
He exploded into little bits.
For him it was indeed the pits.
But I took those bits and sprinkled my site,
To win the game of Fantasy Fight.

I just flew in to take a look
And sprinkle Sprite dust in this book
Good luck this week in all you do
With votes and laughs and merry cheers too

If you continue to sign these books
And write these poems of taking looks
The Sith Sprite will cut off your toes
And set them into neat straight rows.

I flittered in to see your site,

I must say it is a delight,

On twinkling, shiny wings I came to share,

To spread the Spirit everywhere,

I leave this spirit dust,

Just for you,

So you can spread the spirit, too.

I've dusted, so I must go,

To another wonderful site,

To spread more magic and delight,

Cause sharing spirit is my plight.

Here's what I did with your dust:
I put it on a white bread crust.
The Sith Sprite ate the dusty food
And it put him in a rotten mood.
He drew his sabre and attacked me,
I threw dust in his eyes, he couldn't see.
Then I chopped of the Sith Sprite's head.
At the scene he was dead.

Just flew in on this fine day
to spread a little cheer your way.

Good luck in the Fights!

You've been sprinkled by:

This is the way Sith Sprites spread cheer:
They have themselves an ice cold beer.
They cut the hands off Jedi knights,
And get involved in saber fights.

I just flew in to take a look

And sprinkle Sprite dust in this book

Good luck this week in all you do

With votes and laughs and merry cheers too

Thanks for giving me the dust.
It makes the Sith Sprite drool and lust.
He rubbed the dust on his horny head
And with a hutt he went to bed.
He rubbed more dust on his body.
These poems are getting rather naughty.

*** Sprinkles ***

Elf Ohnepunkt

and his reindeer

Went out for a stroll

and thought they'd drop by

To lift your spirits

and sprinkle your site

and wish you luck

In the Fantasy Fights!

I will try to make this poem cleaner
Though the Sith Sprite's getting meaner.
He took the dust that you sprinkled
And throw it in the lights; it twinkled.
He used the twinkling distraction
To wear down my car's tire traction.
I slipped on ice but didn't die,
And swatted Sith Sprite like a fly.

Sprite Gusty
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home

With unicorn friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam

So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile

And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style

Sith Sprite saw your unicorn
And saw potential in its horn.
With it he could stab a guy
And make him bleed and make him die.
But we know Sith Sprite is too small
To kill a guy who's six feet tall.
Too small even to hold a horn
That has come from a unicorn.

I flittered in to see your site,

I must say it is a delight,

On twinkling, shiny wings I came to share,

To spread the Spirit everywhere,

I leave this spirit dust,

Just for you,

So you can spread the spirit, too.

I've dusted, so I must go,

To another wonderful site,

To spread more magic and delight,

Cause sharing spirit is my plight.

Sith Sprites are like raccoons
They like shining foil and spoons,
Or shining wings, as the case may be
So the fairy may want to flee.
If Sith Sprite sees the wings so shiny
He'll rip them off though he's tiny,
And all the dust that on the site is put
Will have to be distributed on foot.

I flittered in to see your site,

I must say it is a delight,

On twinkling, shiny wings I came to share,

To spread the Spirit everywhere,

I leave this spirit dust,

Just for you,

So you can spread the spirit, too.

I've dusted, so I must go,

To another wonderful site,

To spread more magic and delight,

Cause sharing spirit is my plight.

It is the plight of the Jedi Knight
To do away with Sith Sprite.
The Jedi made an elaborate trap
Involving death sticks, poles and crap.
Right into it Sith Sprite walked.
By the Jedi he was mocked.
He didn't like the mocking voice,
And decided he had a choice.
Using his strong Dark Side power
He obtained a sack of flour
And threw it in the Jedi's eyes.
He escaped to Jedi's surprise.
But the Jedi vowed not to fail
The next time he caught Sith Sprite's tail.

Sprite Gusty
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home

With unicorn friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam

So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile

And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style

One his tippy toes, Sith Sprite
Snuck around to avoid a fight
For he knew Jedi would win
And killing Jedi is a sin.
Sith Sprite was caught--Imagine that--
And the Jedi clubbed him with a bat
Until Sith Sprites lips were fat.

I flittered in to see your site,

I must say it is a delight,

On twinkling, shiny wings I came to share,

To spread the Spirit everywhere,

I leave this spirit dust,

Just for you,

So you can spread the spirit, too.

I've dusted, so I must go,

To another wonderful site,

To spread more magic and delight,

Cause sharing spirit is my plight.

Sith Sprite flittered to the Jedi's site
And what he saw was a delight.
The Jedi was distracted by
A gross squashed up fly.
He attacked but Jedi sensed him
He drew his lightsabre and fenced him.

Put a little Sprite in your life,

lots and lots of cheers would be nice,

You have just been sprinkled,

and good luck in your fight,

Put a little Sprite in your life!

See Sith and Jedi fighting.
Their lightsabres are lighting.
Hear the clash of blade to blade,
And see that no peace has been made.
Jedi cuts Sith Sprite in half,
But he'll be back and he'll laugh.

I just flew in to take a look
And sprinkle Sprite dust in this book
Good luck this week in all you do
With votes and laughs and merry cheers too

Sith Sprite came to take a look.
And sprinkle Sith dust in Jedi's book.
The dust made the Jedi sneeze,
And then he found himself in a sqeeze.
Sith Sprite threw some dark side lightning.
Loud and bright and very frighning.
Jedi got smashed into a wall,
But he would not begin to fall.
He struck back with such might and Force,
That Sith Sprite is quite dead of course.
But sprites come back, they always do,
So we'll see him in Sith Sprite II.

Just flew in on this fine day
to spread a little cheer your way.
I sprinkle here and sprinkle there
spreading spirit everywhere!

Good luck in the fights!

Sith Sprite took his spirit there,
And sprinkled it everywhere.
Jedi's allergies to dust
Made him itch and so he cussed.
Sith Sprite attacked with all his might
And got into another fight.

Sprite Gusty
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home

With unicorn friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam

So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile

And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style

Jedi broke Sith Spite's sabre,
So Sith Sprite faked 'mergency labor.
But Jedi knew he had know whomb,
So Sith Sprite landed in a tomb.

*** Sprinkles ***

Elf Ohnepunkt

and his butterfly

Went out for a stroll

and thought they'd drop by

To lift your spirits

and sprinkle your site

and wish you luck

In the Fantasy Fights!

Sith Sprite and his friend Mynock,
Made away with Jedi's sock.
Without a sock on his foot,
Jedi got blisters from his boot.
Sith Sprite tried to take advantage,
But beating Jedi he could not manage.

Put a little Sprite in your life,

lots and lots of cheers would be nice,

You have just been sprinkled,

and good luck in your fight,

Put a little Sprite in your life!

Sith Sprite did a bunch of killing.
He would fight all that were willing.
The other guy was always dead,
Often stabbed in the head,
By the Sith Sprites laser knife,
"Put some Sprite in your past life."
Jedi stopped the evil Sprite,
And killed him in a flash of light.

Sprite Comet Tail
and her android
Went out for a stroll
and thought they'd drop by
To lift your spirits
and sprinkle your site
and wish you luck
In the Fantasy Fights!

The evil Sith Sprite
And his droid
Were by the Jedi
Quite annoyed.
It was decided
That they should
Turn the Jedi
Into wood.
But since the Sith
Did not know how
The Jedi is still flesh
Right now.

*** Sprinkles ***

Elf Ohnepunkt

and his butterfly

Went out for a stroll

and thought they'd drop by

To lift your spirits

and sprinkle your site

and wish you luck

In the Fantasy Fights!

And I am here to say

vote, cheer and have a happy day.

Sith Sprite
went for a stoll,
And saw the Jedi
Making some cole-
Slaw with the Force
And Sith Sprite thought
That he ought
To attack Jedi again.
But it was too hot,
So he went to find
A cooler spot.

Sprite Gusty
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home

With unicorn friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam

So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile

And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style

Sith Srite went for a ride
On the majestic bantha hide.
Jumping off the bantha back,
He gave the Jedi an attack.
The Jedi had to use the Force,
Only for defense of course.
But we can't know if it was planned,
To cut off the Sith Sprite's hand.

*** Sprinkles ***

Elf Ohnepunkt

and his butterfly

Went out for a stroll

and thought they'd drop by

To lift your spirits

and sprinkle your site

and wish you luck

In the Fantasy Fights!

And I am here to say

vote, cheer and have a happy day.

Sith Sprite sprinkled
A bit of dirt
And gave the female sprite
A flirt.
She drew her sabre
Very fast,
And now he's in
A body cast.

Put a little Sprite in your life,

lots and lots of cheers would be nice,

You have just been sprinkled,

and good luck in your fight,

Put a little Sprite in your life!

Put a little Sith in your life.
Even they need a wife,
Or a husband if the Sith's a she.
They need some lovin' whoever
They may be.

Sprite Comet Tail
and her android
Went out for a stroll
and thought they'd drop by
To lift your spirits
and sprinkle your site
and wish you luck
In the Fantasy Fights!

Sith Sprite and his evil droid
Went for a stroll in space, the void.
They tracked down Jedi and attacked,
But patience was what they both lacked.
In the end the Jedi won,
But Sith Sprite is far from done.

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