Yellow Knives Language

The suffix '-win' (a contraction of 'winyan', woman) makes a word or phrase feminine - e.g., Napewastewin, 'good-hands woman'.
The suffix '-pi' makes a word or phrase plural - e.g. Olepi, 'they seek him'.
The prefix 'o-' indicates the chief or principal example of anything - Odakotah, 'the real Dakotah', the parent tribe; otacan, 'the most'.st'.

* Denotes words found in "Savages of Gor" & "Blood Brothers of Gor"

The Yellow Knives language is a mixture of Lakotah and Cherokee along with the Kaiila found in the John Norman novels.

Yellow Knives - English
A  B   C  D  E-F   G   H   I   J-K  L  M  
N  O  P  Q-R   S  T  U-V   W  X-Y-Z

Adastiyuali = Shooting Arrow
adatasti = drink
adela = money, beads
adiwasti = wash
adulula = incomplete
adusgi = garden
aganasti = sweet
agatanai = wise
agawela = old woman
agevli = aged
Agidagwa = Clay Woman
Agigau = Greatly Beloved Woman; beloved
agisti = food
*agleskala = striped lizard
agosti = raw(uncooked)
ah-ah = child's term for sh! or listen
ahali = mouth
ahaluni = bell
ahanulahu = beard
Ahbleza = observer, literally perceives
ahboo = childs term for sleep
ahni = here
ahpe = wait
ahte = father
*ahtudan = something to be spit upon
*aiii = expression of anxiety
aka`hla = rattle
*akamda = fringe
ake iyayapi = again they go
*akicita = 'clubmen', watchmen for the hunts, camps, and traveling bands; police
*akicita = warrior
*Akicita hemaca = I am warrior
*akihoka = skilled
akita mani yo = observe everything as you walk
Alisgia Waya = Dancing Wolf
alstaidi = meal
ama = salt
a`ma = water
amagai = dew
Amagayvhi = Running Water
amayeduhi = water lily
*amomona = baby or doll
ammonmonla = child's word for doll
anasga = council
anetsa = ball
anhe = exclamation of self-satisfaction
anisgina = ghost, bad
anotluski = leather
Anpagliwin = returns-at-dawn woman
*anpao = dawn or daylight
anpetuwi = the sun, literally day-sun
*anptaniya = breath of day
asdudu = door
asgasiti = ugly, mean
asita = log
askai = fear
asti = thread
astiyihu = hard
astsadi = fish
astu tsigi = best of all
astuhi =tough
asuhiski = fishing
atalista = lend
atsila = burn
atsila sustiyi = campfire
Atsilatlvdatsi = fire panther
atsista = bed
atsutsa = boy
ayateni = flat
ayeli = middle
ayo = ouch
ayusta= abandon
ayuta= stare
ayvsti = same
aze = woman's breast
blaha = open
*blotahunka = advisers to a large war party
*Bloketu = Summer
*cahanpitasaka= lump cake of sugar
*cahapisasa = candy
*cancega= drum
*canhanpitiktica= molasses
*canhapi= tomahawk
*canka = fire-steel
cankuna = little path
cannakpa = a mushroom growing on trees, literally tree-ears
Canoni = wanderers-in-the-woods
canozake = fork in a tree
canpahmiyan = wagon, literally rolling-wood
canpaza = wood pointing toward the sky, ancient term for tree
Cante Tinza = * brave heart, sometimes used as name of a warrior society
canumpa = pipe
canumpa o'ke = pipe-dig, pipestone quarry
canwita = woods
capa = beaver, literally swims-stick-in-mouth
*casmu = sand
catka = left hand
catkuta = seat of honor
catkuta iyaya yo = go to the back, the place of honor
ce = penis
ceazin = oral copulation
*cega= pot or kettle
cekpa = navel, umbilical cord; a twin
*cesli= dung
*cespu = scab or wart
cetan = hawk, small falcon
ceya`ka = mint
ceyaktonpi = bridge
ceyohe = abdomen
cezi = tongue
cezin = erect penis
chinyeh = brother
chonzeh = angry
choonweh = sister
cicila = child's term for small bug
cin = desire, want
cinksi = son
*cinto = surely or certainly
cinye = man's term for older brother
cokata = center
cokata hiyupo = come to the center
*cotanka= flute or love flute
cunksi = daughter
cuwe = woman's term for older sister
*cuwignaka = woman's dress
danitaga = blood brother
danawa = war
daskasti = afraid
dastihe = thirsty
dastiyusti = thorny
delaka = warm
delasula = legging
deli = over
detsinagwana = kneeling
diadela = beads
digewi = blind
dikata = eyes
dilsti = fight
diwali = large bowl
diwayi = hands
duhasata = dead
duya = beans
duyu nasdii = peas
*eca= well done>
ece = connotes uncertainity
egasinu = go to sleep(you)
egwa = great
egwani = river
eiii = connotes regret
eladi = below
eti = old(long ago)
Eyanpaha = camp crier, a herald
eyaunpa = accuse
gada = ground, dirt
gadanai = dirty
gadane = mud
gadawahi = land
gado = which
gadu = bread
galuna = gourd
galunusti = scent
ganega = skin also hide
ganodu = life
gasdu = ashes
gatola yatusulo = breech clout
gatsodi = bow
gayasiha = hungry
gayvhi = running
gedalastula = feather headress
gei = distant
gewi = closed
giga = blood
glaha = to curl
gnugnuska = grasshopper
gnuska = contraction for gnugnuska, grasshopper
gotlvhnv = butter
gugu = bottle
guheyu = mischief
Gunasawu = One Arrow
gunaski = grass
gunesti = cooking
guni = arrow
guniska = drown
guta = hanging
*guyapi = branded slave
gvhita = long
gvnosasdi = broom
hai = startled sound
hakamya upo = come follow closely
*hala = hinti (small active insects)
hanhepi wakan =*mysterious night, aurora borealis
hankasi = female cousin
hanpa ahpe = strike the moccasin, a game
hanta yo = clear the way
Hapstin = name for 3rd daughter
hasapa = black skin
hau = I am attentive
hawiya = meat
hayalasti = knife
haun-nn = cry of a dying man
*hci = gash
he = mountain
hecitu yelo or welo = that is true
hehaka = branched-horn, elk
hehakapa = elks head
hehlogeca = hollow horn
*hei = faster or hurry
*hemaca = I am
hesapa = black mountain, black hills
hetsi = get
hewanzi = one-horn
Heyatawin = woman-on-the-ridge
heyoka = clown, a contrary
hilagu = how much or how many
hilunu = go to sleep
hinhan = owl, contraction of hinhanska, white owl or young owl
hinu, hinu = woman's term of astonishment
hinyete = shoulder
Hinziwin = yellow-haired-woman
hiye aheye hibu = a returning visitor suddenly appears
hiye haya = vocables
hiye ila maya = ceremonial thanks
hiyupo = come forward (plural)
hiyu wo = come forward (singular)
*ho = expresssion of readiness; yes(gorean usage)
hoh = expression of wonder, used by men only
ho iyaya yo = ready, forward
hoka = badger
ho'mna = fish odor
honyehdu = night
*hopa = pretty or attractive
*hou = greetings
Howa = Your welcome
*howe= agreed
*howo = come
hoye = expression of assent, agreement
huhukahnigapi = voting stick
huhupiye = bone-setter
hu ihpey wicayapo = an expresssion used by warriors calling for total defeat of an enemy, with the implication that the enemy will be forced to submit to sodomy.
huka = I am not afraid
huka hey = war cry, obscene term for attack
hunhunhe = man's expression of sorrow, astonishment, or apprehension
hunhunhe pangeca = outstanding performance
hunka = relative by choice
hunkagapi = contraction of hunkakagapi, previously made a relative
hunkakepi = elders
hunkapi = everyone's relative (without need of ceremony)
hunku = somone else's mother (blood relative)
hunumpa = biped, ancient term for grizzly bear
huste = lame
huya = winged bird
Hvya huska = He will die
Icabu = drum-beater
ica`homni = wheel
icamani = walks alongside
icamani iyapi = they travel
ichinca = child
icilowan = death song
*Ieska = One who speaks well
ie wakan = lake precocious
igluhinhan = to lose one's temper
igugu = rock
ihambleiciyapi = contracted to ihamblecya, vision-quest, literally they go beyond
*Ihdazicaka = One Who Counts Himself Rich
ihe = rock
igohidv = forever
iho = expression to get attention
Ihoka = badger, used as a name for a warrior society
ihomniya = circulating
ikipi = ability
iktomi = spider, trickster (legendary practical joker)
iku = chin
ikusan = mink, literally yellowish white chin
ina = mother
inadu = snake
*inahan= slave
inahma skatapi = hide-and-seek
inipi = sweat-lodge ceremony, renewing ceremony
initi = sweat lodge, steam bath
inyan = pebble
*isanna = little-knife
*isbu = little stones
i ska = to find interesting
isna = alone
isnati = menstruating
isnatipi = tipi for isolation for women during menstruation
Istahota = grey-eyes
Istakpe = one-eye-out
istima = sleep
itancan = leader of any kind of group
*Itancanka= Master
ite = face
iteopta sapa = literally black stripe across the face
iwa kob = above
iwicahupi = forced copulation between men
*iwosa= pouting lips
iya = pumpkin
iyotanyapi = honorable
iyuptala = together
jaja = wash clothes
jolo`wan = whistle a tune
*Kahintokapapa= One who walks before
kahtah = hot
*kailiauk= dangerous beast with a trident horn standing 20-30 hands this animal the red savages use the meat for food & the tanned hides for clothing. The hide is also used as covering for the lodges, the fur for clothing and sleeping robes. The bones for utensils.
kakisniyapi = they torment you
kala`la = sow
kaletsahidi = fat
kamama = butterfly kan = vein, tendon
kanati = hunter
kangi = raven
kangi yuha = raven-owners
kanta su = plumstone
kanuka = scratch
kaonspe = teaching-with-force
Kashna = Mistress
kasti bouncing
kata = eye
*k'cha= comb
*k'chegah= argue
kehala = small turtle shell
keya s`e upihcihci = ladies dress fringes
kihi= able
Kipanna = a little call, as in calling to a child
kiwani = awakening
kiwani owapi = literally awakening of earth
Kiyuksa = break-their-own-customs
*koda = friend (Dust Legs)
*kodaiciyapi = peace, friendship (Dust Legs)
kokala = small keg
kokela = quickly
*kola = friend (Kaiila)
koyela = quickly
kunaskasi = thief
lagesi = field
lazatakiya = backward
leksi = woman's term for uncle
limunga = a mystery to be dreaded
Lowansa = singer
luhi = climb
*mahpiya = clouds
*Mahpiyasapa= Black Clouds
mahto = grizzly bear
mahtociqala = small bear
mahtola = bear cub
maka = earth
maka kin le, mitawa ca = I own the earth
makamnaya = they go smelling like a skunk
makatozanzan = clear blue earth
mastincala = little rabbit
*maza = metal
*mazasa= red metal (copper)
*mazasapa = black metal (iron)
micante = contraction of mitacante, my heart
micinksi = my son
micunksi = my daughter
mihigna = my husband
mihunka = my relative through choice
minisala = red water
minisupekazo = loosening of the bowels, diarrhea
miniwatu = legendary water creature
*miniwozan= rain
misun = man's term for younger brother
*mita = my
mitakoza = my grandson, my grandchild
mitaoyate = my relatives
mitawasicun he omakiyake = my familiar voice tells me so
mitawicu = I take this woman for wife
mitawin = my woman, wife
miticante = my heart
miyaca = prairie wolf, coyote
mnihuha = paper
mnisa = contraction of minisala, red water
nagi napeyapi = psychic shock, literally they make the spirit flee
nakpa cikcika = very small ears
Napewastewin = good-hands woman
*napoktan = bracelets
*natu = corn silk
*natusa = red tassel
nehi = you
netahwah wincincala = your girl
ni = look(there)
nita = young
niteiyapehe = apron used in sungazing dance
nitohompi = underskirt
*nitoske = urt
noquisi = star
nu = also
nuge = ear
nugi = fall
Nvnadaulatsvyi = Trail of Tears
nvwati = medicine
oglala = throwing small particles into something of one's own
oglala, san oglala = she throws dust into her vagina
oglesa = red shirt
*oglu= good
*oglu waste= good luck
oguye = handful
ohwongteh = beautiful
*oiputake = kiss
oju = to plant
okandada = asking for a place
oki`ta = tired, worn out
okiya = to make peace
o'ko wayelo = I talk nonsense
*olakota = peace
olepi = they seek him
onsimaya = I command recognition
onze nihupi kte lo = they will use your anus, unnatural copulation
onze wicahupo = already violated, sodomy
onze wicawahu = sodomy
oowesica = bad wound
osota = smoky
Otancan = the prinicpal leader, the most
owasa = all
owanyake waste = good looking, handsome
oyate nimkte wacin yelo = I want the people to live (spiritually)
oyohusi = die, death
ozu = to plant or put in the ground
pahaha = curly hair
pahamni = hill and spring water near a ridge
pahasapa = black hills, the hills
pangeca = expression for person with unusual talents
pangiciya wo = expression for live it up
*parfleche= pouch
pasu = nose
paza = archaic word for tree
pesla = bald-headed, contracted from peyuslaslapi, pluck out hair
peta = fire
petala = little fire
peta-o-zan-zan = brightens the lodge, candle
*petutse= firebrand
peyuslaslapi = pluck out hair
pezi = mature grass
pezuta = grass roots, healer
pezuta-wicasa = healer
pila maye = thank you
po = fog
pogehli = snotty-nose
pta = male kailiauk, a herd-father
ptagica = any animal with a hump
*pte = kailiauk cow, also herd, all kailiauk collectively the Pte is considered mother of all the tribes.
ptepazo or pte woyaka = points-in-direction-of-the-herd; a large wingless grasshopper
Ptesanwin = white kailiauk-cow woman
ptewinkte = hermaphrodite kailiauk
putehin = hair-on-upper-lip
quana = peach
*sa = red
sahpah = blackwine
sakehanska = long-claws
san = vagina
sanke = one's father's other wife
*sapa = black
sechon = thigh
*seechoonah = barefoot
sge = listen
sica = distasteful, tricky, mischievous
sice = a woman's brother-in-law
sinaska = white robe
sinte = tail
*siptopto= beads, beadwork
skan, taku = something in movement, spiritual vitality
sluka = foreskin-pushed-back, adult penis
slukila = childs penis
stugi = key
sunalayi = tomorrow
sunali = morning
sustiyi = camp
susweca = dragonfly
suyeta = chosen
tabloka = bull kauiliauk (the word 'ta' originally specified animals with a hump - later becoming a generic term for all ruminating animals; 'bloka' signifies bull)
tacansina = corpse-carrier, the Big Dipper
tacante canku = heart-shaped path
tagoza = grandchild
tahansi = man's term for cousin
tahin = his hair
tahiyu = shout
Tahwah = Owner
takiyati = race
takpe = attack, meaning kill
taline = second
taluli = pregnant
talutsa = basket
tanazin = contraction of tatanka nazin, standing bull
tanka = woman's word for younger sister
tankala = little-big, a derogatory term meaning too big for one's boots
tanke = man's term for older sister
*Tantankasa= red bull (Tarl Cabot's name given to him by Canka)
*tatancka= kailiauk bull
tatanka = big-hump creature
tatanka nazin = standing bull
tatekohomni = whirlwind
Tatewin = wind-woman, weather forecaster
tatezi = yellow wind
tawaiciyapi = they-belong-to-themselves, free of other men
tawamiciya = to belong to one's self, free of other men
tawicu = wife
Tawitko = a foolish buffalo
Tayazo = flute player
tayi = get out
tazuska = short-necks, ants
techila = I love you
*tehhekah= awful
teya = term of relationship between two wives of one husband
tezi = belly
tiblo = woman's term for older brother
tigwali = buttocks
tikahpa tipi = down, strike camp
tipi = a dwelling place, moveable lodge
tipsila = turnip
tiyospaye = big family, blood and affinal relatives
toeu = truth
tohi = serene
toka = enemy
tokahca = real enemy
tokahe = the first
takota = forward, meaning in the future
tokeca = different
Tonweya = scout
tsahi = nut
tsaluyi = forest
tsidanalu = family
tsila = flower
Tsiloni = flower moon
tsuna = foot
tsunela = deaf
tsusasi = revenge
tsuola = weaver
tunkasila = grandfather
tusti = small bowl
tuti = snowbird
tsalalui = pucker mouth
tsuwaluka = bark
tsuwetsi = eggs
tsvyatiga = naked
tusu = tent pole
tuwe miye he = Who am I?
udiyvlitv = shadow
ugama = soup
uhisati = lonely
ulunuhi = feather
unadelii = lake
unaguhu = blanket
unasuga = grapes
udelega = hot
uhusti = strong
unci = grandmother
unkce = excrement
unole = air
unpa = to smoke
unpongapi kilo = an extremely joyful surprise
untli = across
unula = storm
Unulahi = Windy Moon
unule = wind
unvti = milk
usahi = yesterday
usdi = small, little
usga astu = bad
usi maya ye = I command attention
uskala = head
uskanigili = scalp
ustagalayi = cave
usuye = mixed
usvhiyi = twilight
utsetsi = smile
utsetsiti = laugh
utsuni = footprints
utsuti = many
uwaduna = sinew
uwaghi = passion flower
uwagiatustsa = boy
uwayi = hand
uyatiga = naked
uwayi = paw
uyaska = shell
wa= a, an
wacantognakapi = affection
wacape = stabber
wadulesi galu = honey pot
waglula= worm
*wagameza = maize
*wagmu= corn
wahanksica = arrogant and overpowering
Wahcawin = flower woman
wahcheche = dance
wahchee`sah = dancer
wahehal= about then
wa hecel = about
wahinham = snowing
wahin-numpa = two-arrows
wahn or wan = man's term for surprise
wahohonkiya = admonish
Wahosi = messenger
wahosi icun = messenger-delvers-a-message to an individual, whiteman
wahpani iciya wo = give away everything
wahupa = realization of the ultimate, enlightenment
wahupa = all birds
*Waiyeyeca = One Who Finds Much
wakan = mystery, an unknown
wakanhca = a true seer, a philosopher
wakanka = contraction of wankanyanka, one-who-sits-above-all; wife
*Wakanglisapa= Black Lightening (the medicine tarn also known as Ubar of the Skies)
wakanl yanka = to reckon as a mystery, wife
wakantanka = any big mystery, undiscovered law
wakany hibu yelo = in a mysterious manner I come
*wakapapi= pemmican
wakicun, wakicunsa = decider, decides
wakinyan = contraction of wakankinya, mysterious flight, lightning
wakinya hoton = lightning-gives-birth-to-sound, thunder
wan la wa! = Look! (woman speaking)
wamakaskan = animal
wambli = eagle, a wingflapper
wambli gleska = spotted eagle, immature golden eagle
wambli okiya = eagle-helps-him
*wamezahu= cornstalks
wanagi = spiritual self
wanagi yuha = spirit-owner
wanapin = fur necklace
wanasa = make meat
*wanasapi = kailiauk hunt, surround
wanisugna= contraction of owani wasu ognaka, life-within-the-seed or seed-within-the-shell, creative-force
*Waniyanpi= tame cattle-the sames, the people that tend the gardens for the Red Savages
wanyaka, tuwena icunsni = look, no one acts in this manner
waonspekiye = teaching with patience
wapaha sa un = wears-the-red-headdress
wapasa = contraction of wapaha sa un, wears-the-red-headdress
*Wapike = One Who Is Fortunate
wapiya = a seer, sacred man, healer
wasicun = contraction of wahosi icun, messenger-delivers-a-message to an individual, whiteman
*wasna = grease
wasu = snow-seeds, hail
*wasnapohoti= pimples
*waste= luck
wata = boat, canoe
watauga = broken water
*watonka= rich one; one who is rich
watsigu = squash
waunca = imitator
waunyanpi = altar
*wawinhaka= joker
*Wayaiha= One who makes others laugh
wa yan ka! = Look! (man speaking) *Wayuhahaka = One who posesses Much
waziya = contraction of waziyata, toward-snow-and-pine-trees, north; the north wind; legendary white giant
wechote = camp
wehondah = dream
wicahca = the true husband
wicala = believe
wicasa = man
wicasa iyotanyapi = man of honor
wicasa okinihan = an honorable and respected individual
wicasasni = not man, deceitful
*Wicayuhe= Master (Dust Legs)
*wihopawin= woman
*wincincala= girl
winkte = contraction of winyanktehca, wants-to-be-woman, hermaphrodite
wine da = let's go visit
winu = captive woman
*winyela= female animal
Wipatawin = quill-worker woman
wisahibu = red-sun coming
*wismahi = arrowhead
*Witankanka= One who is proud
witantanpi = false pride
wiwanyag wacipi = sungazing, the sundance
wiyaka = eagles tail feather
wiyanna = girl child
Wiyukcan Mani = ponders-as-she-walks
wocinpi = starve, beg
wodi = paint
woksapa = wisdom
*wolakola= peace, friendship (Kaiila)
*womnaka = something which exudes odor
woni = talking
*wopeton = trader
Woskate = tribal fair, game man
wotawe = whatever token is relied upon in war
*wowiytanye= temptation
*wowiyutane= white female slave
Woze = take something (such as meat) out of boiling water
yewiya = sewing
yuni = swim
yuwakan = to set apart, consecrate
*yustoh= caress
yuza = to take hold of, catch, hold; to take a wife
zehe = amber
zitkala = small bird
zola = whistle
*zontaheca = honest
zuya = going to war
zuzueca = common striped ground snake

English - Yellow Knives
A  B   C  D  E   F  G  H   I  J-K  L   M  
N-O  P  Q-R   S  T  U-V   W X-Y-Z

a, an = wa
abandon = ayusta
abdomen = ceyohe
ability = ikipi
able = kihi
about then = wahehal
about = wa hecel
above = iwa kob
across = untli
accuse = eyaunpa
admonish = wahohonkiya
advisers to a large war party = *blotahunka
affection = wacantognakapi
afraid = daskasti
again they go = ake iyayapi
aged = agevli
agreed = howe
air = unole
alive = ne
all = owasa
allied ones, the Sioux = Dakotah
allow = iyowinkiya
alone = isna
also = nu
altar = waunyanpi
always = ohewe
Ambassador = ganuseda
amber = zehe
angry = chonzeh
animal = wamakaskan
answer = ayupta
ants = tazuska
any animal with a hump = ptagica
apron used in sungazing dance = niteiyapehe
a returning visitor suddenly appears = hiye aheye hibu
argue = *k'chegah
arrogant and overpowering = wahanksica
arrow = guni
arrowhead = *wismahi
ashes = gasdu
asking for a place = okandada
astonishment, woman's term = hinu, hinu
attack, meaning kill = takpe
awaken = kikta
awakening = kiwani
awakening of earth = kiwani owapi
awful = *tehhekah
baby or doll = *amomona
backward = lazatakiya
bad = usga astu
bad wound = oowesica
bald-headed = pesla
ball = anesta bank, river = maya
barefoot = *seechoonah
bark = tsuwaluka
basket = talutsa
beads, beadwork = *siptopto
beans = duya
bear cub = mahtola
bear, grizzly = mahto
bear, small = mahtociqala
beard = ahanulahu
beast wih a trident horn, stands 20-25 hands at the shoulder, weighing as much as 4,000 lbs, they migrate across the Barrens in massive herds, hunted by Red Savages and those who trade in their hides. = *kailiauk
beautiful = ohwongteh
beaver, literally swims-stick-in-mouth = capa
become = aya
bed = atsista
beg, starve = wocinpi
believe = wicala
bell = ahaluni
beloved = agigau
below = eladi
belly = tezi
bend = yaskopa
beneath = ohlateya
beside = isakib
best of all = astu tsigi
between = oko
big, great = egwa
big family, blood and affinal relatives = tiyospaye
big-hump creature = tatanka
biped = hunumpa
birds = wahupa
bird, small = zitkala
bird, winged = huya
black = *sapa
Black Clouds = *Mahpiyasapa
Black Lightening (the medicine tarn also known as Ubar of the Skies) = Wakanglisapa
black metal (iron) = *mazasapa
black mountain, black hills = hesapa
black skin = hasapa
black stripe across the face = iteopta sapa
blackwine = sahpah
blame = eyaunpa
blanket unaguhu
blind = digewi
blood = giga
blood and affinal relatives, big family = tiyospaye
blood brother = danitaga
blow = bogan
boat = wata
bone = dalu
bone-setter = huhupiye
bottle = gugu
bouncing = kasti
bow = gatsodi
bowl, large = diwali
bowl, small = tusti
boy = atsutsa , uwagiatustsa
bracelets = *napoktan
braid = sun
branch = aletka
branded slave = *guyapi
brave heart, sometimes used as name of a warrior society = *Cante Tinza
bread = gadu
break = kaksa
break-their-own-customs = Kiyuksa
breath of day = *anptaniya
breathe = oniya
breast, woman's = aze
breech clout = gatola yatusulo
bridle = ipahte
bridge = ceyaktonpi
brightens the lodge, candle = peta-o-zan-zan
bring = agli
broken water = watauga
broom = gvnosasdi
brother-in-law of a man = tanhan
brother-in-law of a woman = sice
brother = chinyeh brother, older of a man = cinye
brother, older of a woman = tiblo
brother, younger of a man = misun
bug, small, a child's term = cicila
build = kaga
bull kauiliauk (the word 'ta' originally specified animals with a hump -later becoming a generic term for all ruminating animals; 'bloka' signifies bull) = tabloka
burn = atsila
butter = gotlvhnv
butterfly = kamama
buttocks = tigwali
calf = ptehincala
camp = sustiyi or wechote
campfire = atsila sustiyi
camp crier, a herald = Eyanpaha
candy = *cahapisasa
cane = sagye
canoe = wata
captive = wayaka
captive woman = winu
caress = *yustoh
catch, hold; to take a wife = yuza
cave = ustagalayi
center = cokata
ceremony = wicohan
ceremonial thanks = hiye ila maya
certainly or surely = *cinto
Chief = Itancan
child = ichinca
child's call, a little call = Kipanna
chin = iku
chosen = suyeta
circle = womime
circulating = ihomniya
Clay Woman = Agidagwa
clear the way = hanta yo
climb = luhi
closed = gewi
cloth = mnihuha
clouds = *mahpiya
clown, a contrary = heyoka
coast = ohuta
comb = *k`cha
come = *howo
come follow closely = hakamya upo
come forward (singular) = hiyu wo
come forward (plural) = hiyupo
come to the center = cokata hiyupo
consecrate = yuwakan
cooking = gunesti
copulation, forced between men = iwicahupi
copulation, oral = ceazin
copulation, unnatural they will use your anus = onze nihupi kte lo
corn = *wagmu
corn silk = *natu
cornstalks = *wamezahu
corpse-carrier, the Big Dipper = tacansina
council = anasga
cousin, female = hankasi
cousin, male = tahansi
coyote = miyaca
cry of a dying man = haun-nn
curly hair = pahaha
dance = whacheche
dancer = whachee`sa
Dancing Wolf = Alisgia Waya
daughter = cunksi
dawn or daylight = *anpao
dead = duhasata
deaf = tsunela
death(of human) = oyohusa
death song = icilowan
deceitful, not man = wicasasni
decider, decides = wakicun, wakicunsa
desire, want = cin
dew = amagai
diarrhea = minisupekazo
die = oyohusi
different = tokeca
dirt = gada
dirty = gadanai
distant = gei
doll = ammonmonla
door = asdudu
down, strike camp = tikahpa tipi
dragonfly = susweca
dream = wehondah
drink = adatasti
drown = guniska
drum =*cancegam
drum-beater = Icabu
dung = *cesli
dwelling place, moveable lodge = tipi
ear = nuge
eagle, a wingflapper = wambli
eagle-helps-him = wambli okiya
eagle, spotted; immature golden eagle = wambli gleska
eagles tail feather = wiyaka
earth = maka
earth, clear blue = makatozanzan
eggs = tsuwetsi
elders = hunkakepi
elk, branched horn = hehaka
elks head = hehakapa
enemy = toka
enemy, the real = tokahca
enlightenment, realization of the ultimate = wahupa
excrement = unkce
expression of anxiety = *aiii
expression of assent, agreement = hoye
expression for live it up = pangiciya
expression for person with unusual talents = pangeca
expression to get attention = iho
expression of self-satisfaction = anhe
expression of sorrow, astonishment, or apprehension by a man = hunhunheexpresssion used by warriors calling for total defeat of an enemy, with the implication that the enemy will be forced to submit to sodomy = hu ihpey wicayapo
expression of wonder, used by men only = hoh
extremely joyful surprise = unpongapi kilo
eye= kata
eyes = dikata
face = ite
fall = nugi
family = tsidanalu
fat = kaletsahidi
father = ahte
false pride = witantanpi
faster or hurry = *hei
fear = askai
feather = ulunuhi
feather headress = gedalastula
female = winyan
female animal = *winyela
field = lagesi
fight = dilsti
fire = peta
fire, little = petala
firebrand = *petutse
fire panther atsilatlvdatsi
fire-steel = *canka
first = tokahe
fish = astsadi
fishing = asuhiski
fish odor - ho'mna
flat = ayateni
flower tsila
flower moon = Tsiloni
flower woman = Wahcawin
food = agisti
flute or love flute = *cotanka
flute player = Tayazo
fog = po
foolish buffalo = Tawitko
foot = tsuna
footprints = utsuni
forest = tsaluyi
forever = igohidv
fork in a tree = canozake
forward, meaning in the future = takota
forward, ready = ho iyaya yo
friend (Dust Legs) = *koda
friend (Kaiila) = *kola
fringe = *akamda
fur necklace = wanapin
game man, tribal fair = Woskate
garden = adusgi
gash = *hci
get = hetsi
get out = tayi
ghost,bad = anisgina
girl = *wincincala
girl child = wiyanna
give away everything = wahpani iciya wo
going to war = zuya
good = *oglu
good-hands woman = Napewastewin
good luck = *oglu waste
gourd = galuna
go to sleep = hilunu
go to sleep(you) = egasinu
grandchild = tagoza
grandfather = tunkasila
grandmother = unci
grapes = unasuga
grass = gunaski
grasshopper = gnugnuska or gnuska
grasshopper, large wingless = ptepazo or pte woyaka
grass, mature = pezi
grass roots; healer = pezuta
grease = *wasna
great = egwa
Greatly Beloved Woman = Agigau
greetings = *hou
grey-eyes = Istahota
hair = gilug
hair-on-upper-lip = putehin
hand = uwayi
hands = diwayi
handful = oguye
handsome, good looking = owanyake waste
hanging = guta
hard = astiyihu
hawk, small falcon = cetan
He will die = Hvya huska
head = uskala
healer = pezuta-wicasa
here = ahni
hermaphroditewants-to-be-woman = winkte
hide(skin) = ganega
hide-and-seek = inahma skatapi
hill = paha
his hair = tahin
honest = *zontaheca
honey pot = wadulesi galu
honor, man of = wicasa iyotanyapi
honor, place of; go to the back = catkuta iyaya yo
honor, seat of = catkuta
honorable = iyotanyapi
honorable and respected individual = wicasa okinihan
horn, hollow = hehlogeca
horn,one= hewanzi
hot = udelega or kahtah
how much or many = hilagu
hungry = gayasiha
hunter = kanati
hurry= *hei
husband, the true = wicahca
I am = *hemaca
I am attentive = hau
I am not afraid = huka
I am warrior = *Akicita hemaca
I come in a mysterious manner = wakany hibu yelo
I command attention = usi maya ye
I command recognition = onsimaya
I love you = techila
I own the earth = maka kin le, mitawa ca
I take this woman for wife = mitawicu
I talk nonsense = o'ko wayelo
I want the people to live (spiritually) = oyate nimke wacin yelo
imitator = waunca
incomplete = adulula
joker = *wawinhaka
kailiauk bull = *tatancka
kailiauk cow, also herd, all kailiauk collectively the Pte is considered mother of all the tribes = *pte
kailiauk-cow woman, white = Ptesanwin
kailiauk, hermaphrodite = ptewinkte
kailiauk, male; a herd-father = pta
keg, small = kokala
key = stugi
kill = takpe
kiss = *oiputake
kneeling = detsinagwana
knife = hayalasti
ladies dress fringes = keya s`e upihcihci
lake = unadelii
lame = huste
land = gadawahi
laugh = utsetsiti
leader of any kind of group = itancan
leather = anotluski
leaves = utalotsa
legging = delasula
lend = atalista
lesson = gohwelvi let's go visit = wine da
life = ganodu
light = egahi
lightning-gives-birth-to-sound, thunder = wakinya hoton
lightning, mysterious flight = wakinyan or wakankinya
listen = sge
listen, child's term = ah-ah
usdi = little
little-big, a derogatory term meaning too big for one's boots = tankala
little knife = *isanna
log = asita
lonely= uhisati
long = gvhita
Look! (man speaking) = wa yan ka!
Look! (woman speaking) = wan la wa!
look, no one acts in this manner = wanyaka, tuwena icunsni
look(there) = ni
luck = *waste
maize = *wagameza
make meat = wanasa
man = wicasa
man of honor = wicasa iyotanyapi
many = utsuti
Master = *Itancanka
Master (Dust Legs) = *Wicayuhe
meal = alstaidi
meat = hawiya
medicine = nvwati
Medicine Man = nvwati wicasa
menstruating = isnati
messenger = Wahosi
messenger-delivers-a-message to an individual, whiteman, contraction of wahosi icun = wasicun
middle ayeli
milk = unvti
mink, literally yellowish white chin = ikusan
mint = ceya`ka
mischief = guheyu
Mistress = Kashna
mixed = usuye
molasses = *canhanpitiktica
money = adela
moon = wi
morning = sunali
mother = ina
mother, someone else's (blood relative) = hunku
mountain = he
mouth = ahali
mud = gadane
mushroom growing on trees, literally tree-ears = cannakpa
my = *mita
my daughter = micunksi
my grandson, my grandchild = mitakoza
my heart = miticante or micanti
my husband = mihigna
my familiar voice tells me so = mitawasicun he omakiyake
my relatives = mitauyate
my relative through choice = mihunka
my son = micinksi
my woman, wife = mitawin
mysterious night, aurora borealis = *hanhepi wakan
mystery, an unknown = wakan
mystery, any big; undiscovered law = wakantanka
mystery to be dreaded = limunga
naked = uyatiga
navel, umbilical cord; a twin = cekpa
nephew = tunska
night = honyedhu
not man,deceitful = wicasasni
nut = tsahi
observe everything as you walk = akita mani yo
observer, literally perceives = Ahbleza
old(long ago) = eti
old woman = agawela
One Arrow = Gunasawu
one-eye-out = Istakpe
One Who Counts Himself Rich =*Ihdazicaka
One Who Finds Much = *Waiyeyeca
One Who Is Fortunate = *Wapike
One who is proud = *Witankana
One who makes others laugh = *Wayaiha
One who posesses Much = *Wayuhahaka
One-who-sits-above-all, wife = wakanka
One-who-speaks-well = *Ieska
One who walks before = *Kahintokapapa
one's father's other wife = sanke
open = blaha
ouch = ayo
over = deli
owl = hinhan
owl, white or young owl = hinhanska
Owner = Tahwah
paint = wodi
paper = mnihuha
passion flower = uwaghi
path, heart-shaped = tacante canku
path, little = cankuna
paw = uwayi
peach = quana
peace = *olakota
peace, friendship (Dust Legs) = *kodaiciyapi
peace, friendship (Kaiila) = *Wolakola
peas = duyu nasdii
pebble = inyan
pemmican = *wakapapi
penis = ce
penis, adult foreskin-pushed-back = sluka
penis, child's = slukila
penis, erect = cezin
performance, outstanding = hunhunhe pangeca
philosopher, a true seer = wakanhca
pimples = *wasnapohoti
pipe = canumpa
pipe-dig, pipestone quarry = canumpa o'ke
plant or put in the ground = ozu
pluck out hair = peyuslaslapi
plumstone = kanta su
points-in-direction-of-the-herd; a large wingless grasshopper = ptepazo or pte woyaka
ponders-as-she-walks = Wiyukcan Mani
pot or kettle = *cega
pouch = *parfleche
pouting lips = *iwosa
prairie wolf, coyote = miyaca
pregnant = taluli
pretty or attractive = *hopa
prinicpal leader, the most = Otancan
psychic shock, literally they make the spirit flee = nagi napeyapi
pucker mouth = tsalalui
pumpkin = iya
quickly = kokela or koyela
quill-worker woman = Wipatawin
rabbit, little = mastincala
race = takiyati
rain = *miniwozan
rattle = aka`hla
raven = kangi
raven-owners = kangi yuha
raw(uncooked) = agosti
ready, forward = ho iyaya yo
realization of the ultimate, enlightenment = wahupa
red =*sa
red bull (Tarl Cabot's name given to him by Canka)= *Tantankasa
red metal(copper) = *mazasa
red shirt = oglesa
red-sun coming = wishahibu
red tassel = *natusa
red water = mnisa or minisala
regret = eiii
relationship between two wives of one husband = teya
relative by choice = hunka
relative, everyone's (without need of ceremony) = hunkapi
relative, previously made = hunkagapi, hunkakagapi
returns-at-dawn woman = Anpagliwin
returning visitor suddenly appears = hiye aheye hibu
revenge = tsusasi
rich one; who is rich = *watinka
river = egwani
rock = ihe or igugu
running = gayvhi
Running Water = Amagayvhi
salt = ama
same = ayvsti
sand = *casmu
scab or wart = *cespu
scalp = uskanigili
scent = galunusti
scout = Tonweya
scratch = kanuka
seat of honor = catkuta
second = taline
seer, sacred man, healer = wapiya
serene = tohi
sewing = yewiya
shadow = udiyvlitv
shell = uyaska
she throws dust into her vagina = oglala, san oglala
Shooting Arrow = Adastiyuali
short-necks, = tazuska
shoulder = hinyete
shout = tahiyu
sinew = uwaduna
singer = Lowanotcuwe
Sioux true name = Dakotah
sister = choonweh
sister, older, man's term = tanke
sister, older, women's term = cuwe
sister-in-law, man's term = hankasi
skilled = *akihoka
skin = ganega
slave = *inahan
sleep = istima
sleep, child's term = ahboo
small = usdi
smile = utsetsi
smoky = osota
snake = inadu
snake, striped ground = zuzueca
snotty-nose = pogehli
snowbird = tuti
snowing = wahinham
snow-seeds, hail = wasu
sodomy = onze wicawahu
sodomy, already violated = onze wicahupo
something to be spit upon = *ahtudan
something which exudes odor = *womnaka
son = cinksi
soup = ugama
sow = kala`la
spider, trickster (legendary practical joker) = iktomi
spirit = wanagi
spirit-owner = wanagi yuha
spiritual self = wanagi
spiritual vitality, something in movement = skan, taku
squash = watsigu
stabber = wacape
standing bull = tatanka nazin
star = noquisi
stare = ayuta
startled sound = hai
starve, beg = wocinpi
stones, little = *isbu
storm = unula
strike the moccasin, a game = hanpa ahpe
striped lizard = *agleskala
strong = uhusti
sugar lump cake = *cahanpitasaka
Summer = *Bloketu
sun, literally day-sun = anpetuwi
sungazing, the sundance = winwanyag wacipi
surprise, man's term for it = wahn or wan
surround kailiauk hunt = *wanasapi
sweat lodge, steam bath = initi
sweat-lodge ceremony, renewing ceremony = inipi
sweet = aganasti
swim = yuni
tail = sinte
take something(such as meat) out of boiling water = woze
talking = woni
tame cattle-the sames, the people that tend the gardens for the Red Savages = *Waniyanpi
teaching with patience = waonspekiye
teaching-with-force = kaonspe
temptation = *wowiytanye
tent pole = tusu
thank you = pila maye
that is true = hecitu yelo or welo
they-belong-to-themselves, free of other men = tawaiciyapi
they go smelling like a skunk = makamnaya
they seek him = olepi
they torment you = kakisniyapi
they travel = icamani iyapi
they will use your anus, unnatural copulation = onze nihupi kte lo
thief = kunaskasi
thigh = sechon
thirsty = dastihe
thorny = dastiyusti
thread = asti
throwing small particles into something of one's own = oglala
thunder, lightning-gives-birth-to-sound = wakinya hoton
tipi for isolation for women during menstruation = isnatipi
tired, worn out = oki`ta
to belong to one's self, free of other men = tawamiciya
to curl = glaha
to find interesting = i ska
together = iyuptala
to lose one's temper = iglu`hinhan
tomahawk = *canhapi
to make peace = okiya
tomorrow = sunalayi
tongue = cezi
to plant = oju
to reckon as a mystery; wife = wakanl yanka
to set apart, consecrate = yuwakan
to smoke = unpa
to take hold of, catch, hold; to take a wife = yuza
tough =astuhi
toward-snow-and-pine-trees, north; the north wind; legendary white giant = wiziya, waziyata
trader = *wopeton
Trail of Tears = Nvnadaulatsvyi
tribal fair, game man = Woskate
trickster (legendary practical joker) spider = iktomi
tricky,distasteful, mischievious = sica
truth = toeu
turnip = tipsila
turtle shell, small = kehala
twilight = usvhiyi
two-arrow = wahin-numpa
uncertainty = ece
uncle, woman's term = leski
ugly, mean = asgasiti
underskirt = nitohompi
urt = *nitoske
vagina = san
vein, tendon = kan
very small ears = nakpa cikcika
vision-quest,literally they go beyond = ihamblecya or ihambleiciyapi
vocables = hiye haya
voting stick = huhukahnigapi
wagon, literally rolling-wood = canpahmiyan
wait = ahpe
walks alongside = icamani
want, desire = cint
war = danawa
war cry, obscene term for attack = huka hey
warm = delaka
warrior = *akicita
wash = adiwasti
watchmen for the hunts, camps, and traveling bands; police = akicita
water = ama
water creature, legendary = miniwatu
water lily = amayeduhi
wears-the-red-headdress = wapasa or wapaha sa un
weaver = tsuola
well done = *eca
whatever token is relied upon in war = wotawe
wheel = ica`homni
which = gado
whirlwind = tatekohomni
whistle = zola
whistle a tune = jolo`wan
white female slave = *wowiyutane
whiteman= wasicun
white robe = sinaska
white woman's dress = *cuwignaka
Who am I? = tuwe miye he
wife = tawicu
wind = unule
wind-woman, weather forecaster = Tatewin
Windy Moon = Unulahi
wisdom = woksapa
wise = agatanai
Woman= *wihopawin
woman-on-the-ridge = Heyatawin
woman's dress = *cuwignaka
woman's term of astonishment = hinu, hinu
wood pointing toward the sky, ancient term for tree = canpaza
woods = canwita
worm = waglula
yellow-haired-woman = Hinziwin
yellow wind = tatezi
yes(gorean usage) = *ho
yesterday = usahi
you = nehi
young = nita
your girl = netahwah wincincala
You're welcome = Howa

Greetings & Phrases