Red Savage Suggested Names

These are just suggestions please look at the language page and make up your own combinations as well

Male Names

Adastiyuali = Shooting Arrow
agateno = one who looks around
Akatena Akicita = Keen-eyed Warrior
Alisgia Waya = Dancing Wolf
Amagayvhi = Running Water
Asgaya Gigagei = Spirit of Lightening
Atagulakal = Leaning Wood
Atalvtiski = He throws him down
Atsilatlvdatsi = fire panther
*canka = fire-steel
Canoni = wanderers-in-the-woods
*Cante Tinza = brave heart, sometimes used as name of a warrior society
Dasigiyagi = Shoe Boots
Edahi = He Goes About
Ganodugwaluduski = Master of Life
gnugnuska = grasshopper
Gunasawu = One Arrow
Icabu = drum-beater
*Ieska = One who speaks well
*Ihdazicaka = One Who Counts Himself Rich
Istahota = grey-eyes
Istakpe = one-eye-out
*isanna = little-knife
*isbu = little stones
Kanuga = Scratcher
*Mahpiyasapa = Black Clouds
Nvnehidihi = Pathkiller
*Tantankasa = red bull (Tarl Cabot's name given to him by Canka)
Tonateu Asgaya = Honest Man
udagu galoyasti = throwing hawk
unula = storm
Utsutiganagohi = Lying Fish
Vlita = Long Winded
wahin-numpa = two-arrows
*Waiyeyeca = One Who Finds Much
*Wakanglisapa = Black Lightening
Wapasa = contraction of wapaha sa un, wears-the-red-headdress
*Wapike = One Who Is Fortunate
*Watonka = rich one; one who is rich
*wawinhaka = joker
*Wayaiha = One who makes others laugh
Wayasti = Mighty Wolf
*Wayuhahaka = One who posesses Much
wisahibu = red-sun coming
*wismahi = arrowhead
*Witankanka = One who is proud

Female Names

Agidagwa = Clay Woman
Agigau = Greatly Beloved Woman
agiyatsuali adagaue = lost love
Amagayvhi = Running Water
amayeduhi = water lily
anipi = to live for Him
Anpagliwin = returns-at-dawn woman
*anptaniya = breath of day
asiule ehu = lover
atsilaski hopa = pretty flower
Atsilatlvdatsi = fire panther
*Bloketu = Summer
*cahanpitasaka = lump cake of sugar
*cahapisasa = candy
Datsaluni = Green Corn moon (June)
egahi ganodu = light of life
galv'lati aganasti = sweet heaven
Hinziwin = yellow-haired-woman
hopa quana = pretty peach
ica`luta chila = to flow over with love
*iwosa = pouting lips
kamama egwa - great butterfly
miticante = my heart
moca walu = full of love
Napewastewin = good-hands woman
*natusa = red tassel
noquisi = star
pahaha = curly hair
*petutse = firebrand
sunali noquisi = morning star
sunali daganogeda = morning song
Tatewin = wind-woman
toeu adonvdodi = true heart
tsalalui = pucker mouth
tsikiki = katydid (bird)
tsila = flower
Tsiloni = flower moon
tuti = snowbird
udahali = sunny
Unulahi = Windy Moon
uyaska = shell
uwaghi = passion flower
wadulesi galu = honey pot
Wahcawin = flower woman
*wamezahu = cornstalks
*winyela = female animal
Wipatawin = quill-worker woman
Wiyukcan Mani = ponders-as-she-walks
*wowiytanye = temptation
yeliusta gwanvsti = pleasant plum