Season II, Episode XI:

"Operation: Rebirth"

Writer: Bob Forward

Director: Gary Graham

Original Air Date: March 30, 2002

Introducing: Nick Fury

Synopsis/Review: This episode begins with Wolverine motorcycling down a rural road- y'know, what he's doing in every other episode he's in anyway. Well, a chopper following him, and we see...somebody.... do an x-ray scan on Logan and find out that his bones are adamantium. Yep, this is the guy they're looking for. Logan, meanwhile, smells something and unsheathes his claws- in them he can see the chopper's reflection. Logan runs off the road, hoping to lose the chopper in the forest. The guy in the chopper calls for the two ground pursuit vehicles, themselves hidden in the forest, to go after Logan, and they comply. Logan manages to evade/trash the two pursuit vehicles (complete with laser cannons!), and he eventually drives out of the forest... right onto a dead-end cliff edge. The chopper manages to hover down right next to the cliff face, and a gray-haired man with an eyepatch steps out, saying hello to "Weapon X"...
    Wolverine asks Fury (Nick Fury) what he wants. Nick responds that they needs Logan's help, but Logan refuses- he doesn't work for S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore. Nick says, hey, that's alright, oh, and by the way, gunner, target Logan's bike. The gunner locks on, and Logan growls angrily and turns back towards Nick- yep, Wolverine's motorcycle's his weak point. Logan angrily asks what Fury wants, and Fury says that the Rebirth project was stolen- he shows Logan a picture of a large hole in the side of the max. security building, the metal apparently bent outwards until it split. Logan identifies it as Magneto, but... he thought the Rebirth project was destroyed? Fury says that they had a backup copy, just in case. Figures. Logan reluctantly accepts the mission.
    Back at Bayville, Rogue and Kurt and walking through the schoolyard to their next class when some big rude guy pushes by one of them, telling them to get out of the way, Rogue angrily points out that "I think the phrase you're looking for is 'pardon me'!?" Well, he don't like that, obviously, and starts pushing Rogue, and Kurt jumps in and the big guy crushes his holowatch... revealing Kurt's true self. The bully's understandably freaked out, and is about to go off and tell other kids about it when Jean comes up, using a "Jedi mind trick", heheh, to make the bully believe he didn't see anything, and to walk away. Jean asks Kurt if he's okay, but Kurt just mutters that he's used to this by now, and teleports out.
    Later, at the X-Mansion, after a short, cute scene in which Wolfsbane "helps" Multiple with his homework, we see Wolverine talking to Xavier while the two take a stroll (or, in Xavier's case, "ride",) in the Mansion's yard. Wolverine tells Xavier about what transpired earlier that day, and what Project Rebirth was all about. Apparently, it was a top-secret project by the U.S. government during World War II, to create "super soldiers" to fight the Nazis. A guy named Steve Rodgers was the first (and only) guy that underwent the process. Steve Rodgers became Captain America, and went forth to kick much Nazi booty. We learn that Logan was also around back then- his anti-aging factor that's a side effect of his regeneration abilities made this possible- and he served in the U.S. Military alongside Steve Rodgers. Both were rather good friends. Xavier responds that he didn't know Logan was THAT old- wow, those regeneration powers are amazing. And then they talk about how the Rebirth Project created a very powerful machine (capable of producing super-humans). And now, Logan says angrily, it's in the hands of Magneto...
    Later, Rogue and Kurt have just returned from their day at school and are walking through a hallway of the Mansion when the lights flicker. Rogue mentions that it MIGHT be a power surge, or... "Cerebro!" Kurt mentions. They run off to go check it out.
    In said Cerebro, Xavier's pulling up a map of all the known Mutants on the world, represented by colored dots. There's a TON of 'em, and Logan says so. Mutants definitely aren't going to be under wraps much longer... Xavier says that he can't locate Magneto via Cerebro, so he can't help Logan there. Rogue, peeking in the entrance along with Kurt, starts to say something, only to stop. Logan looks up and notices her, and asks her what the eavesdropper wanted. Rogue says that she got a bunch of memories from Magneto when she touched him in New York City. (Remember, in "On Angel's Wings"?) She says that one of those memories is of some dome, somewhere in the Sahara Desert. She doesn't no exactly where, but she can point out some landmarks if she recognizes them. Logan gets what she's hinted at, and tells her sternly that she is NOT coming along. Rogue stubbornly responds that he won't be able to find Magneto otherwise- and the only way to get in the metal dome is with the power of magnetism, or... "Teleportation!" Kurt pipes in again, glad that he's going on the mission as well. Logan just groans and shakes his head.
    Later, the three X-Men are all suited up, and they all take off in the Velocity helicopter-jet thingy (Logan piloting, of course). Kurt's excited that he's finally going on an official mission, and Rogue responds that it's not really any big deal- there's not really many of them here. Besides Logan, they're just a team of two.
    The "team of two" phrase triggers a flashback in Logan's mind- we phase back to WWII, where Logan and Captain America are in an airplane, being briefed on their mission. Their instructor tells them that the "team of two" will be dropped into a Nazi prison camp, to free some POWs. They're to hold the place for a minute or so until more troops can arrive by ground. And it's gonna be a REAL quick drop, too- no parachutes.
    The plane swoops low over the Nazi POW camp, and manages to evade enemy fire long enough to quickly drop Logan and Captain America right into the POW building. The two quickly usher the inside citizens out, Logan grabbing a small boy and helping him out. Logan and Captain America both manage to single (or is it double?)-handedly keep the Nazis at bay until the reinforcements arrive. They're helped out by the small boy, who- magnetizes!?- incoming grenades away to explode at a safe distance. As Logan helps the boy onto the rescue truck, he asks what the boy's name is. The boy responds, in obviously a tone that suggests that English is not his first language, that his name is Eric Leinsherr- thanks for saving them!
    The flashback is interrupted when he realizes they're getting close to the metal dome, as Rogue spots a familiar landmark. They eventually spot the metal dome in the distance and land, not wanting to get too close to the dome's defense systems. They go back to the cargo bay, and get out some dune buggies- or sand... motorcycles... or whatever. I'm not familiar with whatever sand-traveling vehicles they got out. Rogue, after hooking some explosives to her hip and putting on her helmet, idly asks what happened to the Rebirth project, and Logan tells her that the project had a flaw- it caused the recipient's cells to slowly break down. In short, Captain America was dying... Determined not to let the army use the machine on (and, as a consequence, kill) another human being, Captain America and Logan (or, as he tells Rogue, "...another guy",) secretly infiltrated the building where the Rebirth machine was and blew it up. But now, Logan said, there's a backup... and Magneto has it. With that, the three take off in the sand vehicle thingies, heading towards the dome. They soon run into the missile defense systems, which the barely manage to dodge 'till they make it to the dome. As soon as they get there, an errant missile strikes the ground in back of them, sending them all flying off their sand motorcycle thingies. Kurt manages to quickly grab all of them before they hit the ground, and teleports them all inside the dome.
    Inside, they find out that the place is under construction, but otherwise empty- except for the large greenish containment unit on the other side of the dome. The three cautiously make their way towards it, until Sabretooth tackles Wolverine and a metal beam (controlled by an out-of-sight Magneto) catches Rogue and Kurt and traps them between it and a one of the walls of the dome. Kurt manages to quickly teleport out from behind the metal beam and catch Rogue's thrown explosive pack, quickly teleporting again to the machine, where Kurt straps the explosives on the thing and is about to pull the pin out, when he hears a familiar voice telling him not to do so... it's Magneto in there! He looks reeeeaally old, too. Kurt, confused, asks Magneto what happened to him!? Magneto explains that he's an old man- up until now, his Mutant powers had kept him young enough to endure the physical activity he had to do in order to keep running his "team". But no more. The Rebirth machine will help make him younger again, give him new strength! Kurt says that Magneto's got it wrong- that machine slowly kills whatever it effects! Magneto counters that that's only for normal humans- for Mutants, though, it grants them long life.
    Meanwhile, Wolverine finally manages to knock out Sabretooth and angrily asks Kurt what's going on- pull the pin already!
    Kurt's torn as Magneto begs him not to destroy the machine that's about to revive him. Is he THAT much like his mother!? That hits Kurt where it hurts, and Kurt reluctantly looks down as the machine finally activates, and Magneto is turned back into his old self. Wolverine's not so understanding, though, and runs over, gets Kurt and Magneto's limp body, and pulls out the pin, managing to get far enough away from the machine so its explosion doesn't hurt them, it only knocks over a bunch of steel girders and stuff. And the metal beam holding Rogue to the wall is dropped, too.
    Magneto stands up, looks at the destroyed machine, and is furious with Logan. He immediately uses his powers to cobble together a bunch of the metal to form a giant metal spider-like thing, which he tries to get to deal with the three X-Men. He manages to knock out Kurt and pin down Rogue and Logan with the thing. Just as it seems that he's about to kill them, he holds- he says that although he has them at his mercy, Kurt spared his life. So he will spare theirs this one time and grant them safe passage out. (He's apparently over his quick bout of anger by now.) Logan sort of smirks, and he, Rogue, and the now-recovered Kurt make their way back to the Velocity. Well, Kurt says, that's that. They've completed their mission. Logan responds that it's not quite over yet- he wants to stop to see an old friend first...
    Later, we see Nick Fury lead Logan into a room in a top-secret government building, apparently S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. In there is none other than Captain America, in stasis under cryogenic ice. Logan comes up to the comatose Captain America sorrowfully and tells him that they had a victory today... for him. And that they're sure to eventually find a cure for the Rebirth Project's effects. Someday... An interesting point is that Logan's voice is cracking- for the first time ever in the series, he's actually close to crying.
    Before he can get any more emotional, Logan walks back to Nick Fury, who reminds Logan that he was never here. Logan sadly nods his head, and Nick Fury leads Logan out of the room, leaving the frozen Captain America to himself...

Last Words: This episode was wonderfully written, with nice dialogue and a good story. Many people see this as primarily Wolverine's episode, but it's just as much his as it is Magneto's. We find out quite a bit about both of their pasts, and we learn of Magneto's jaded view of humanity (since he used to be in the Nazi concentration camps) and of Wolverine's past with S.H.I.E.L.D. We also see a side of Logan we've never really seen before at the end of the episode- a side that deeply mourns for his as-good-as-lost friend. Rogue and Kurt were really just in the ep for variety of character. My only major complaint about this episode is that it consisted of too many flashbacks- it seemed like the half the episode was taken up by them. I would have better liked Logan's past with S.H.I.E.L.D. to be slowly revealed over several eps, instead of the "Okay, here's what you missed- now here's the REAL story" attitude that is prevalent in the episode. Flashbacks just don't have quite the "suspense" inherent in them as the actual story, since... you know at least partially how flashbacks are going to turn out. Also, the scene in school with Rogue, Kurt, Jean, and the bully didn't really have any impact on the story at all, or any extra characterization added to any of the characters... it just seemed to be in there to take up time. Additionally, in case you're wondering, I didn't put "Captain America" in the "Introducing" part because I don't consider him an official character in the Evolution universe; he doesn't even have any lines! Other than these small problems, this was a practically flawless ep. Definitely worth your time.

Overall Rating: 9/10 Excellent

(NOTE: This episode was aired as the fourteenth episode of Season 2, even though, in actuality, it is the eleventh.)

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