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Stubby Clapp Online No Right Click







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Darryl Kile

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About Me


If you have any stories about meeting anyone famous, please e-mail them to me and I will put them on this page. Feel free to include pictures. Also, let me know whether you want a link to your e-mail or your site if you have one.

Opening Day 2002
*By: The creator of this site, Katie*

Submitted on: Nov. 29, 2001
*By: Katie G.*
I also attended the autograph signing at the Millenium Hotel. where I met Katie and her dad. I was there with my mom and my best friend Wendy. We were there to get Bud Smith's and Trung Candidate (of the STL Rams)autographs, and to also take pictures of J.D. We stood waiting to meet for awhile before our numbers were finally called. Then we stood in line some more, where we took pictures of Bud. When we got to the table, Bud signed our pictures and we had our picture taken with him. Then we waited for J.D. to come out. We didn't have tickets, but we took lots of pictures. About an hour later, we came back and were standing in line to get Trung's autograph. There was no one in line for Az-Hazir Hakim, so Wendy and I went to get our picture taken with him. While we were standing there, this guy comes out and says that J.D. wants Az to autograph his football. He does and J.D. was like, "Thanks a lot man. Hey, when you guys win the SuperBowl, send me one of those rings. I'll represent." It was so funny, him being from Georgia and all. Then Wendy had a little conversation with him, but I'm sure she'll tell you all about that. It was a very good day!

Submitted on: Dec. 5, 2001
*By: Kara*
Well, I was at a cardinals game, the one right after the September 11 thing, and I was sitting in the right field section, right above where JD Drew plays. It was a really great game with all of the events, and things, but what made it great was, as I was sitting there, someone hits a ball into right field and JD Drew catches it for the third out. Myself and all the people with me began to cheer and as he was running back to the dug out (earlier, while they were warming up I kept trying to get his attention for a pic and finally he looked at me so I could get one, so he knew where I was sitting) he looked at me and held the ball up and tossed it to me with a wink. Oh my gosh, I melted right there in my seat! It was the best! Well, that's all! Hope you enjoyed my story!!

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please e-mail me.


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