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Why is NSU here?
NSU is here because my girlfriend has this fan-made series called NAoStH based off of AoStH. I thoght to myself, "Why not have a fan-made series based off of SU?" So, I made NSU.

Are you still going to have the same crappy songs like SU in NSU?
That's a BIG change for NSU! In NSU, you chan choose your own songs for the characters to sing. Just read the rules and regulations to know what is and is not allowd for songs.

Will Tails be in it?
Unlike SU, Tails IS in NSU, though he's just a tad bit different. Check out his profile to know what's the same a different about him.

How long do the episodes have to be?
SU episodes were only a half an hour long, but NSU episodes will be a WHOLE hour long! Read the rules and regulations to know how much you have to write to get the right timing.

I've noticed that some characters have different Martial Arts skills. When I write fight sequences, how can I make sure that their fighting styles are correct?
I can't really answer that. I, myself, only took hand-to-hand combat while serving in the CAP, so that really wasn't martial arts. However, here's a little trick you can do. Each character has a style that a famouse martial arts actor has, so follow the actor's skills and moves to the character. Here's a chart:

SONIA fights like JET LI

How should the episodes be named?
Okay, try to name your episodes in adult-like names. Try to use words that mean what the situation means. Use your thesaurus if you need help. (Example, the word "Buffer" means a time in between certain events. There is a "Buffer" in between when Aleena gave up her children until when she can meet them again.) Or try to use sayings that people use to describe the situation. (Example, when someone says 'Don't looks a gift horse in the mouth' means don't take what you have for granted. If the episode is about a the SU taking something major for granted and it's getting them in trouble, use an episode title like "Looking In A Horses Mouth"). Another way, if the major problem or event is a special name, use that special name as the title. (Example, if a ship is causing all the problem in the episode, use the ships name as the title.) You get what I'm saying?

Will our episodes have a link with each other or can we freelance it?
At this point, you can write freelance. However, once in a while, I'd like to see some references about past episodes in your episodes. When we get later on in the series, like a season two, they will be constant continuations like an anime series. So, it will kind of like be a round-robin, except you have to tell me that you want to write the next episode so I wont have to get multiple episodes at once that take place at the same time.

I have a tough time trying to think of a name for my episode based on how you want it named.
If you have a tough time naming your episode how I want them named, that's fine. I'll read it and I'll send you a list of episode names that can be used for your episode, and you just choose one.

How many episodes can I write?
Your maximum should be either five or six. I'll hire (no, you're not getting paid) three other writters to join my NSU staff. Two of you will write five episodes and one of you will write six. That way, we can be done with a season easily. As we progress and more writers want to join, I'll let them, and that will limit the number of episode anyone has to write. If a writter quits, you all have to write more.

Can I write my episode any way I want to or will you tell me what to write about?
I'm not trying to be mean, but I will give you a plot to write about. HOWEVER... I'll be as vauge as I can be when I give you the summary, so you can still write anything you want. (Example: The story is, Sonic and Manic find something miraculous in an ancient city and Robotnik's trying to steal it. He kidnaps Sonia and holds her for ransom. Meanwhile, Aleena is trying to steal something from Robotnik, but found something vital on the way.) You see, I gave you a little summary and you can still fill in the blanks, like what Sonic and Manic found, how Sonia was kidnapped, and why Aleena was trying to steal something from Robotnik. You get it? Got it. Good.

What's the deal with that CAP link?
I'm in an Air Force Auxilary called Civil Air Patrol. Those stories are a re-makes of the original SU episodes using me and two other of my fellow cadets as the charachers.

What's a "Teaser"?
It's a little video clip that's played right before the opening theme what's about two to three minutes long. Shows with teasers always have a two-minute clip of the episode, then the opening intro, then the first act. Examples of shows with teasers are: "Buffer the Vampire Slayer," "Angel," "Charmed," "Law & Order," "Sonic X," and more.

When will the entire series come to an end?
When I believe we've got enough episodes and/or seasons written. Could be two seasons... could be ten seasons. It all depends how well the story is going and how well people like it. Sooner or later, when we plan to end NSU, I'll write the biggest giant finale!

What kind of episode am I NOT allowed to write?
Only the season premier, season finale, and any "To Be Continued..." episodes. I'll write those.

How many episodes will be in the first season?
We're planning to start off with 22 episodes. If the first season was good, there will be a second season of another set of 22 episodes.

Once all the episodes are written, what are you planning on doing?
I'll worry about that once all the slots are full. If the first season went well, we might be able to do a second season.

If you reach the final season and end NSU, what will you do?
Again, I'll worry about that when the time comes. Not sure if it will be animated or anything. And don't ask to write the series finale, because I'm going to do that.

Why are you basing the series on SU? That series was crap!
Hate it all you want, I loved it! And I hope NSU will attempt to make people like it better. It worked for NAoStH. Most of the Sonic fandom population hated AoStH, but when NAoStH rolled along most fan that hated AoStH love it! (... including me! ^^)

I have a question, where should I ask?
Contact me and ask away! Ask anything you want!

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