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Civil Air Patrol

You're asking yourself, what the heck is CAP (Civil Air Patrol) and why I have it here? Well, CAP is a United States Air Force Auxilary called Civil Air Patrol that I'm a Sergeant in. These are the re-makes of the stories listed right here for your viewing pleasure. They star 1Lt. Christopher Vatier, CMSgt. Nina Yacovone, and me, SSgt. Ryan Perreault. These are not what Civil Air Patrol does, but these are great stories that are a MUST READ! In each story, the three cadets sing a song that are all copyright to Bruce Springsteen. Enjoy.

Use this color code chart to determine the type of story:





WEEDING BELL BLUES The three cadets (Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault) find out that their Commander of Cadets (Yoeins) is being brotherly adopted by Osama bin Laden. The cadets head to the adopting church only to find out that it was a trap set up for them. How will they espace? Hungry Heart
(Part One)
Three young children have been born, and Osama bin Laden started seizing the world at the same time. The Commander of Cadets, Lt. Yoeins, was forced to separate the three babies into different locations so that one day the three will each meet at the same Civil Air Patrol Squadron and learn about the truth. The Rising
(Part Two)
18 years have passed since the three cadets met and learn about their special combat gift they have. They learn and meet each other as they jurney to Maxwell to learn about their destiny and recieve their training. Glory Days
(Part Three)
Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault's training are almost finished when they get news of bin Laden trying to sabatoge Westfield, Massachusetts. The three cadets leave before training was done to try and push back bin Laden's forces. Into the Fire
TO CATCH AN OFFICER The three cadets learn about the capture of a former CAP Senior Officer and set out to rescue him. He explains to the cadets that Lt. Yoeins is not far away. Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault set out to search for Lt. Yoeins, but bin Laden is trying to find Yoeins too, except he's trying to find and kill him. You're Missing
MAXWELL The cadets are invited to a CAP Anniversary Party at Maxwell. Perreault thought to himself that, since he lived homeless most of his life, he always wanted to find a place to call his own and he finds out it's Maxwell and doesn't want to leave. The party is cut short when the base is seized by Al-Quida. Can Perreault re-take the base so he can have a home? Darkness on the Edge of Town
THE PRICE OF FREEDOM After the cadets escaped Hussein and Arafat from capture, Yacovone leaves Vatier and Perreault to meet a former cadet of hers (Settle). She then soon realizes the shocking truth about Settle's father. The Price You Pay
UNDERGROUND MASQUERADE The cadets save Moscow from being over-run by Al-Quida. Perreault is happy of the fact that the city is full of theives and pocket-pickers. He visits the Duke group and teaches them a few things about stealing. Soon, the warehouse is over-run by Al-Quida and they accuse Perreault for stealing the Duke money and was put in prison... but he didn't do it! How will the cadets and the Duke clear Perreault's name and rescue him? Jungleland
TANGLED WEBS After Vatier rescues Perreault and Yacovone from capture, the three get some intelligents information from MSgt. Hogan and must stop it. Problem is, if Hogan resists Al-Quida, they'll kill his father. Pony Boy
THE DEEPEST FEAR Vatier has a nightmare about a shipwreck on his way to Halfa. The cadets quickly realize that the port is ready to be seized by Al-Quida troops by submarine, and by a mythical creature known as the legendary "Moby Dick." Problem is, Vatier is on the dock and his cadets are on a battleship in the sea unaware of the submarine! How will Vatier stop the Al-Quida troops and face his fear of swimming? Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? The cadets travel to India to get some intel from some Al-Quida bases. On their intel mission, Yacovone is hit in the head with a bat and looses her memory! Now Vatier and Perreault are searching all over the city to find Yacovone. When they find her, she is intantly captured by Al-Quida. Will Vatier and Perreault save Yacovone and will Yacovone regain her memory? Cover Me
THE LAST RESORT The cadets travel to a Middle-Eastern town that was loyal to the Allied government. They stay there only to realize that the commanding officer, a cute guy to Yacovone, is a former member of Al-Quida. How will Yacovone convince Vatier and Perreault not to kill Lt. Stripes and save the resort? The Promise
COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE Yacovone recieves intelligents of an Al-Quida military supply base located deep in the Desert of Tehran. Problem is, the base is heavily guarded by Moble SAM's and AAA's. On the practice simulator, Yacovone was the only one who passed through the defence and must be the only one to destory the base. Can she do it? Cadillac Ranch
WINNER FAKES ALL After the cadets rescue a prison bus, they learn that bin Laden is setting up a race for the fastest man in the world. It's obviously a trap for Vatier, but he goes anyway, then changes his mind and heads home. Perreault and Yacovone, unknown that Vatier returned home, head to the stadium to look for him. Vatier sees them on the television and sets out to rescue them. Born To Run
A FIRST SERGEANT'S HOME IS HER CASTLE After a hard day at Civil Air Patrol, Yacovone and Perreault stay at a catle-like hotel only to realize that it's haunted by Al-Quida members. Vatier soon arrives and is the first to notice. The three cadets and the caretaker realize that the mirror is the only way to escape when they realize that Al-Quida troops are going to seize the castle and kill the cadets. Darlington County
ARTIFACTS Osama bin Laden auctions off two artifacts to Smn. Howard. The cadets soon ralize that the artifacts are bombs and they're activated! Howard doesn't believe them. They must get rid of the bombs and very soon! The Promised Land
BUG! Stranded in the Australian desert, an Australian Air Force fighter pilot, named Rudy, meets the cadets and tells them of some metalic bugs stinging military personell and making them think they're Al-Quida members... Perreault was stung by one and he thinks he's a member of Al-Quida! How will the cadets tell Perreault he is not Al-Quida and how will they get rid of the bugs? Local Hero
CHRIS PISS bin Laden discovers some chemical fluid to make people run as fast as Vatier. He calls it "Chris Piss." Sadam and Arafat capture Vatier but soon escapes. Then Sadam and Arafat's feet start growing huge! Vatier realizes that the Chris Piss is dangerous. Perreault and Yacovone put on the Chris Piss before Vatier can warn them. Their feet start growing huge too and they're ambushed by Al-Quida troops. It's hard to escape with big feet. Can Vatier save them? Working on the Highway
FRIEND OR FOE? The cadets learn that a new cadet is joining their unit, known as CMSgt. Shawn Carter. Before Carter joined, Osama bin Laden tells him that Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault are Al-Quida members in disguise. Carter then tries to kill the three cadets while the REAL Al-Quida are sealing the Chaos Emerald. The E-Street Shuffle
HEAD GAMES A village in Congo is being traded in for an Al-Quida base camp. The cadets get word that Al-Quida is on their way with Howard. They head to Congo to try and settle the matter. Perreault notices three human statues that look very familiar... and are a very lethal weapon! The Fuse
WHEN IN ROME... After a failed mission in Iraq, the cadets think to themselves that they're not making much progress. They head to 2nd Lt. Baker for advice. Baker transports the cadets into the past in the city of Rome, Italy. They must try to accomplish a task they know nothing about, and they must do it without their weapons! Atlantic City
INSIGNIA ON THE COLLAR The cadets over-hear a conversation from bin Laden that a Second Lieutenant insignia bar will glow brighter the closer it gets to Lt. Yoeins. The cadets steal the insignia and they try to find Yoeins, but Al-Quida is determined to find Yoeins as well. Human Touch
THREE CADETS AND A BABY Osama makes a robotic baby to fool the cadets. The cadets find the baby and they must take care of it, unknowingly that bin Laden is seeing and hearing everything the cadets are saying. When Vatier and Yacovone leave for some intel, Perreault has to stay back and baby-sit! As Perreault babysits, he grown attached to the baby and wants to bring him to Maxwell, but Vatier and Yacovone refuse. Vatier and Yacovone head out only to be captured by Al-Quida troops. Meanwhile, Perreault disobeys orders and heads to Maxwell with the baby, unkowingly that it's a robot and a whole air-squadron is out to ambush him! Living Proof
DUNES DAY The cadets head to Cairo to meet an Egyptian Marine Air Base, but Perreault is having some suspition with the base commander. He then realizes that the base commander is a former Al-Quida member. The Egyptian Marines find out that Perreault knows and they drop him off alone in the desert. Vatier and Yacovone get pissed at the Marines for what they did to Perreault! Vatier and the commander set out to find Perreault, only to return to an Al-Quida-seized Air Base. No Surrender
MUMMY DEAREST The cadets hear about Laden's plan to start an Operation in Egypt. The cadets make it to Egypt first and they meet Vatier's great Egyptian ancestor. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
SIX IS A CROWD The cadets meet Sm. Baker again for more information. Baker sends the three cadets into the future to meet their future-selves... only to find out that their future-selves have turned bad and bin Laden is good! Thunder Road
(Part One)
During a joy-flight, Vatier and Perreault notice an Al-Quida flying fortress planning to destroy Washington, D.C. The cadets ask CMSgt. Carter for help, but refused. He soon changes his mind but 2Lt. Rein tells him not to leave. The cadets head to the flying fortres to seize it. Meanwhile, Sadam and Arafat are feeling that bin Laden doesn't need them anymore... so they steal a special crystal called a "Chaos Emerald" and the plane starts plummeting... Empty Sky
(Part Two)
The cadets are now stranded on an island unkowing that Arafat betrayed Sadam and stole the Chaos Emerald, but breaks it and releases all the Chaos energy throughout the enitre planet! The cadets get help from 2Lt. Rein to save the planet, but he tells them that the only way to save the planet, they must make an alliance with bin Laden. As the cadets leave, Carter tells Sadam to take him to bin Laden... Bobby Jean
(Part Three)
Osama bin Laden agrees to help Carter save the planet, but only if he hands over the cadets to him. Carter helps Osama capture Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault, but Carter quickly saves them. Then they find the broken emerald and Yesser Arafat. With the chaos energy, Arafat turns into a huge monstrus monster and plans to seize Baghdad. Osama and Sadam agree to help the cadets stop Arafat and save the planet. Further On (Up The Road)
THE SEAL IN THE IRON MASK The cadets save a Navy SEAL from a POW camp. The seal wears a huge iron mask hiding his face. Al-Quida play with the cadet's heads. Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault have an argument and they split. Each are captured one-by-one by Al-Quida troops and they realize the SEAL is NOT a SEAL at all! Worlds Apart
COUNTRY CRISIS The cadets get a message from Yoeins of a red-neck village in Louisiana about Al-Quida planning to seize them. The cadets must make the village make peace and save the day! Light Of Day
HAIRCRAFT IN SPACE The cadets don't realize that a traditional hairstylist is recording people's conversations about Al-Quida. Yacovone falls for the trap and accidentally tells the location of Maxwell. Yacovone saves the hair stylist. Vatier and Perreault do something cruel by letting the hair stylist get captured by Al-Quida... unaware of the information the woman has! Wreck On The Highway
HEALER The cadets find out about an anti-Al-Quida serum that makes people into better soldiers against Al-Quida. Vatier realizes it doesn't work at all and realizes that the inventor is trying to kill Yacovone! Where The Band's Are
YACOVONE'S CHOICE After a failed mission in Baghdad, Vatier and Perreault are captured by Al-Quida... leaving Yacovone to choose WHO she wants to stay alive and who should die! Paradise
MELTDOWN The cadets were enjoying a vacation in the Bahamas... until they're called away on duty to Antarctica! Their mission: prevent Al-Quida from causing a global warming and flood the entire United States with freezing cold water! Land of Hope and Dreams
SLEEPERS The cadets get intel about a special powder that Al-Quida has that makes people fall asleep and easily capture them. Vatier and PErreault are hit with the powder and Yacovone rescues them. Then they all have to destory the location of the substance of the powder so Al-Quida can't use them anymore. Lion's Den
HOWARD THE PRISONER Howard is imprisoned for crimes that the cadets comitted. Howard soon realizes that it's all a trap for the cadets and she warns Yacovone about it, but Vatier and Perreault have already fallen into it! Growing Up
ART OF DISTRUCTION A new Al-Quida member, Satam Art, is the ultimate weapon against the cadets, can't die! When he catches the cadets, Perreault convinces Art that Al-Quida isn't good. Art decided to help the cadets against Al-Quida, but they already found out! Lucky Town
THE PENDANT In a valley, Vatier, Yacovone, and Perreault are sent to prevent a city to be seized. Yacovone finds a pendant to see the future. She then realizes that the pendant is slowly killing her!!! Tunnel of Love
VIRTUAL DANGER Vatier and Perreault over-run an Al-Quida air base and steal some bombers. Once home, they are zapped into a flight-sim game by bin Laden. Will they get out alive? Badlands

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