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Thanksgiving: Angel At Midnight
The more I thought about it, the more I realized their short stay had possibly saved us all in an old house that could have gone up in flames so quickly. A Thanksgiving Day doesn't go by but what I think of the young mother and her entrance and exit in our lives.
Diane Dean White

The Parable Of The Child
There is a difference between education and experience. Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it! But isn't it true that great learning comes from both education and experience?
Steve Goodier 8/07/03

The 10 Golden Work Attitudes
Although every work environment has its own peculiarities and, therefore, its own unique approach requirements, there may still be some general points to ponder in every setting. These points, based on positive organizational behavior, have proven to work through times, cultures, and work environments. They may do it for you too!
Joan Marques 7/28/03

Myths About Managing In Tough Times
Myth #1: Employees are more loyal when the economy is weak. When times are tough and jobs are scarce, employees wouldn’t dream of jumping ship, right? Wrong. If employees feel that you haven’t rewarded their past loyalty, they’ll never give their all in a downturn.
Kathleen O'Connor 7/27/03

The Equality Question
I've never believed the chain of command to my child's future ran from Washington to Columbia to Blanding Street to the local principal to the local teacher to my child. If we all read from a Good Book -- "Children are a heritage of the Lord." I translate that to mean that as parent -- I am held totally responsible for every act of my child.
Commentary - The NewsMoose 6/23/03

In The Name Of Diversity
When too many media outlets fall into fewer and fewer hands -- diversity is doomed. Local service is doomed. Access to airwaves and editors can be quite limited. Political campaigning becomes a tortuous, expensive event -- strung out at extraordinary cost over years instead of months. What passes for truth today often takes years of effort to be proven wrong in many cases.
Commentary - The NewsMoose 6/4/03

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