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Ranking System

This is the ranking system on Tohel. It is very different to conventional role-plays, so please take heed and read! Please also make sure you read the ranking rules before you apply for a rank. In addition, please read up on your ranks, as each come with a job, and you must be able to do that job.

Alpha Male: Albite
Alpha Female: ____
Legends: ____,
Beta: Druid
Gamma Pair: Isamu, ____

Lead Warrior: Pyrope
Warriors: Kurijn, Iodo, Opali, Renegade
Lead Hunter: Lyzander
Hunters: Zealand, Xian, ____, ____
Lead Scout: Ghost
Scouts: Galapagos, Skurrs, Eli, Hagrim
Shaman: Ensume
Apprentices: Anethe [Pyrope], Alora [None As of Yet]
Pup Sitters: Daylite, ____
Omega: ____,

Exiled: Aqua,

Alpha: [Usually 1 of each gender]

The Alpha are the main leaders of the pack, usually one is offspring from a past Alphen, but loners have been known to overthrow Alpha, and take the pack as theirs. Alpha usually are mated, although its been heard of a single Alphen leading. Alphen can do near enough anything. Alphas are the only ones that can promote and demote members. They are also the only ones that may declare war, raids or make alliances and enemies. They are the ones that make all the final decisions. Ask the alphas for permission to mate, acceptance into the pack or perhaps permission to spar for a rank if you so choose.
This rank cannot be challenged for.

Legends: [Unlimited]

These are the ex-alphas and elder members of a pack. They are wise and experienced and can help the Alphas as advisors. They have the utmost respect of the pack and are usually the parents or grand parents of the current alphas. They are now retired but not useless. Their experience is valuable and they are the storytellers, head medics and main advisors to the alphas.
This rank cannot be challenged for.

Betas: [1 of either gender]

Usually only those with approval from the Alphas may challenge the Betas for their rank. Betas may judge any type of fight, start up pack hunts as well as patrol. Betas serve as the alphas advisors, like the legends they are well experienced and strong, but their main jobs are protection of the Alpha and any young Alpha heirs and assassination and intimidation at the paws of the alphen. Almost like police, keeping the order in the pack and bumping off untrustworthy members. Good warriors and trusted friends of the Alpha. Can have a ruthless temperament. When the Alpha steps down or dies, the Beta takes over the pack.
This rank can be challenged for.

Gammas: [2 of each gender]

Gammas hold a lower rank than first few wolves, but are in command when none of the above are present. They still play an important role within the cadre, greeting newcomers and judging fights. Gammas are the ones that organise the pack and helps with the training of warriors, and also check to make sure that other wolves are doing their jobs.
This rank can be challenged for.

Warriors: [4 of either gender, 1 of either leading]

Courageous and strong; warriors are chosen carefully and are hand picked by the Alpha and Beta. They take on Apprentice's who have learnt to become Warriors and judge all types of spars, as well as fighting for the pack, should danger rear its ugly head. Warriors answer to the Beta, and the best warriors, are sometimes promoted to Beta. Warriors are very respected for their job and bravery but must be loyal to the Tribe.
This rank can be challenged for.

Hunters: [4 of either gender, 1 of either leading]

This rank is given to those who are good hunters and enjoy the job. It is their duty to make sure the pack has enough food to eat, without killing too much prey. In the clearing there is always a fresh kill pile that the hunters must keep adding to (small things like ptarmigan and rabbits) due to the demands of the pack. A hunter must not eat while hunting for the tribe, and may only have their fill after a days work. The Lead Hunter may arrange pack hunts where the whole pack hunts as a unit.
This rank can be challenged for.

Scout: [4 of either gender, 1 of either gender leading]

Scouts spend most of their time scouting the land for trespassers, relaying messages, checking up on allies and perhaps even spying on enemies. The Lead Scout organises patrols, Dawn, Midday, Evening and Midnight, where Scouts patrol the borders, making sure that all’s well. At least 3 wolves must be on a patrol, and at least one of those much be a warrior, so the Lead Warrior and Lead Scout are often familiar with each other to organise such rounds. Scouts are usually small in size for lurking about in the shadows and have no families as their rank may need for them to spend long periods of time away from the packlands.
This rank can be challenged for.

Shaman: [1 of either gender]

Shamans are usually wolves that would rather save lives than take them. They are well-respected members in the pack and hold a very high rank, and are present at most spars, births and hunts. They must know the terrain of Tohel very well, as they must know where all the herbs and plants are for healing certain things, as they are also the packs healer. Shaman also are also in charge of Ceremonies, Marking painting, as well as communing with the spirits and predicting disasters.
This rank cannot be challenged for.

Pup Sitters: [2 of either gender]

A rank that is usually held by a female, although it has been given to a gentle male on occasion. Pup Sitters spend a lot of their time around whelps, and are usually present at births. A pup sitter will teach the pups very basic skills needed in later life. For more isolated skills, pups will need to visit Mentors, but will not be taken on until they become teens. Pup sitters will give their lives to save those of the pups.
This rank can be challenged for.

Mentor: [Unlimited]

These wolves teach new skills to teens and adult wolves who lack them. They are well skilled at what they teach and often have other roles in pack life. They can also improve a wolf's skill. A wolf can request this post but can step down at any time and may chose who to teach. Youngsters often come to Tutors to learn
This rank can be challenged for.

Apprentice: [Unlimited]

These are the wolves of teen age and above who are trained by tutors. An apprentice may have only one tutor at any time and if a tutor does not possess a particular skill the tutor can leave the mentor, though a new tutor may not be found. An apprentice can only refuse to be taught by a tutor if sufficient reason is given to the Alpha.
This rank can be challenged for.

Subordinates: [Starting rank for adults]

This is the common rank of the pack that newcomers fall into. Any Subordinates may challenge or request a rank. They have the right to mate too, though perhaps asking for permission off the alphas or higher ranks is respectful. All subordinates must have fighting or hunting skills.

Whelps: [Starting rank for pups]

These are either pups that belong to the ranks, Subordinates or pups that have yet to be adopted. They have no rank and fall in as subordinates seeing as only the Alpha Heirs are pups with rank. Even Sub-Alpha and Legend pups fall in here until older.

Teens: [Next rank for pups]

These are the next rank stage of the whelps, teens. Teens have no rank until they become adults, or become an apprentice. Teens may not have pups or get a mate until they are adults. A whelp becomes a teen after four seasons (1 year), and then progresses to an adult after four more seasons (2 years).

Omegas: [Rank of shame]

The rank of shame. They are taunted and bullied by all the others until they have learned their lesson. Those that don't submit or do not follow orders find themselves here. Anything can happen to the Omegas as long as they are not killed and no one else is too bothered about them. They are not allowed to have mates and their families if they have any, are frowned upon. Anyone that learns quickly makes his or her way out of this Omega rank quickly.
This rank cannot be challenged for.

Exile: [Rank of banishment]

An exile has either been denied entry to the pack or has been chased out on certain grounds. Usually exiles are wolves who have been incompetent or been placed at Omega level and continued to annoy or anger the Alphen. Exiles are lower than Omegas and should be taunted and bullied even more so. Exiles are often targets for wolves that want to test their fighting moves out. Exiles are not allowed to fight back on the grounds of death. Any wolf that kills an exile will be rewarded.
This rank cannot be challenged for.

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