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Joining Tohel

The following information MUST be posted on the Joining Tohel board, nowhere else please. If you have not read the rules, you may not post. After you have posted, I will give you any other information you may need, like how to use the boards. Make sure you put the number of the wolf colour you want down.

Colour List

Here are the all important colour numbers that you will need to get onto the member list. Please remember to actually list the colour number or your wolf will not have a colour. Thank you.
Please Note: if your wolf’s colour is not listed, please contact Pura (Redrum). She possibly may be able to make you a personal icon, but you must understand that she is a very busy person.

Joining Information

*Age: (in years)
Mate: (if applicable)
*Colour Number:
Accepted By: (if applicaple)
Picture: (URL)
*RP-ing skills: (type a short paragraph IC so we can see your rp-ing skills)
Any other information:
*How did you find us?:
MSN Contact(if applicable):
Email Contact(if applicable):

(*= Needed fields, they MUST be on your post)

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