Welcome to the Manchster Prep rpg page. Based on the hit film "Cruel Intentions," this rp revolves around Kathryn Mertueil, who has recently moved to the wealthy Manhattan townhouse with her mother, step-father and step-brother, Sebastian, a young mastermind in scheming and seduction. The two siblings team up and devise plots against fellow classmates and friends.

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Check out the new sections! Updated Sexy Secrets, Extras, and Buffy.

Sloth says "Hello everybody! Super-Chunk?"

Choose Your Destination

Sexy Secrets*Updated*4/02/03
Kathryn Mertuiel*Updated*4/02/03
Sebastian Valmont*Updated*4/02/03
Annette Hargrove
Blaine Tuttle
Greg McConnell
Other Characters
Manchester Prep E-Group
Manchester Backstory
Manchester Prep: Season One
Buffy Special*NEW*4/02/03
Sebastian Richard Valmont-Journal-*NEW*4/4/03