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Copyright © 2002
Matthew J. Daye


Here's an archive of all the "exp" and "story so far"s for each game. Just to explain, at the beginning of ever game ed gives a paragraph about what exp everyone got, and why they got them. The 'story so far' is a brief story about what happen during the previous game. With out further adu here is the archive. Sorry but this is not complete as I never was able to save them sence now.


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Welcome to The Staff of Vidar Website: Archive

Jan 18, 03'


Uni gets 800 & some M&Ms(for going to hell), Art gets 900 & a hershy bar with almonds(for quality time spent with jenna, and for supplying mig with spell scrolls so i can make his life difficult), Flip gets 600 and a bag of pixie sticks (for being stoned enough that going to hell seemed like a good idea), Kineko gets 900 and a box of jaw breakers (for doing things that could some day get her into trouble), and mig gets 800 and a blow pop (for doing unnatural things with tori)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes mig had again accidently created a new life form, this one looks like his wife only with red hair, he named her tori. Art and jenna experimented with shape changing magic and other things (there seems to be a trend here...). uni found the road darek had been building and used it to get the group to their destination, without the use of a hand basket. flip got the munchies and thought that Tori was a practical joke Art had been playing. Kineko stopped over during breakfast and chatted with people, then returned home and chatted with people, then got on the mash and didn't chat with people (guess her jaw was tired). finnaly the group arived in hell to be greeted by a demonic construction crew, and a large sign that read "WPH. See what Hell can do to you."

Feb 3, 03'


Uni gets 800 (for having a nice chat with that demon foreman and getting flattered by the new guy), Art gets 900 (for having a picknic with his girlfriend on the back of a fast moving vehical while other people were walking around on the front end of it and miraculously not being intterrupted), Kineko gets 800 (for managing to say the wrong thing to calli right in front of art and bringing cal along for the ride), Mig gets 700 (for worrying about tori's safty with kineko, but still letting tori learn seing from her), Flip gets 800 (for missing the fact that tori re-arranged all the kitchen cabinets, and admitting that it was his fault she got that far into it before someone stopped her), Mike gets 900 (for flattering the dragon)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they were driving down a large road in hell on their way to Nos'Gna's castle, in hopes that they will be able to locate his secret heart and destroy it before he locates and destroys them. on the way they encountered a mysterious hooded demon holding a sign that read "will lay waste to souls for food", deciding that an extra pair of hands would be really handy when they confront an ultra-powerful bad guy like Nos'Gna kineko hired the demon, who sais his name is cal. a short while later they encounteded a human walking along the road who turned out to be mike, he also joined them, and seems to have a thing for dragons (although uni is pretty impressive as far as dragons go...). and finnally in a relativly calm area on the ship Tori rearranged the cabinets in the kitchen, proving that a living metamorposis spell can really be more trouble than she is worth...

Feb 8, 03'


EXP: uni gets 900 (for secret things that happened in her room), Art gets 800 (for discussing death with jenna, and then worrying about her all week :) ) Flip gets 600 (for being confused), Mike gets 700 (for vollenteering to be the first player killed by the knights), Mig gets 700 (for worrying about anne being in the presence of a demon), Kineko gets 900 (for abuse of power)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they had a meeting with cal in which he told them what he knows about Nos'Gna's castle. it was decided that Nos'Gna must keep his heart in his throne room (2n'd floor) or his bed room (8th floor). so our heroes broke up into two teams, to assault both places simultaneously. the first team consisted of Art, mike, jenna and joshua, while the second team was the rest of the PCs and Cal. you are now driving swiftly towards Nos'Gna's land in hell.

Feb 15, 03'


EXP: Everyone gets a 1,000 exp story award for defeating Nos'Gna without anyone dieing but Nos'Gna (good job everyone) Flip gets an additional 300 exp for being the first to come up with the correct solution to the puzzle (even if he rejected it a second later, infact he suggested it and rejected it 3 times last week)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they had invaded Nos'Gna's pallace, they found his secret heart (after much searching) and thanks to the efforts of Flip and Mig (who nearly shot flip) the heart was thrown out of an 8th story window and destroyed before it hit the ground. they the party teleported back to the mash (with a refugee Sol'Gneriad who was serving Stry'Gne and didn't want to be blamed for Nos'Gna's death), and rode up the rainbow bridge to asgard (thanks to uni being vidar's champion). on the ride home Cal revealed himself to be a Silhouette Phase Mystic and not the arch fiend that everyone thought he was, and declaired his intentions tosee that the people he rescued from hell were brought someplace where they could live in peace. uppon reaching Asgard our heroes were greeted by Heimdal who at uni's request summoned Vidar, and the Sol'Gneriad who were chaseing you immediately swore their allegence to him as soon as they saw him. you are now on the doorstep of Asgard again.

Feb 22, 03'


Art gets 800 (for bad timing on arivals), Flip gets 500 (for playing rollercoaster for a kid who didn't really care), Kineko gets 800 (for good business decisions), Mig gets 800 (for creating a maid and a butterfly), Mike gets 600 (for being fascinated by mig's magic), Uni gets 800 (for coaxing Kai out of his armor)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they were roaming around doing different things while resting after defeating Nos'Gna

Mar. 1, 03'


Art gets 800 (for getting his life just about perfect before uni threw a wrench in the works) Flip gets 600 (for getting stoned), Kineko gets 850 (for unspeakable acts of evil), Mig gets 700 (for having a very weird conversation with his wife), Mike gets 600 (for being eager to learn, and uni gets 900 (for screwing up art's life)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they were enjoying a vacation in silvereno. everyone who had a significant other spent some time alone with them doing private things that are best left private. after a week of privacy people started returning and chatting with other people, art stopped by to talk to uni to ask her to try to be friends with jenna (whom he just got engaged to), when uni decided it was the perfect time to confess her undying love for him (or something to that effect) potentialy screwing up art's 'happily-ever-after' with jenna.

Mar. 8, 03'


everyone gets 400

Story so far

people talked

Mar. 15, 03'


everyone who was here last week gets 600 exp for running around in 50 million directions and making my(ed3) life difficult

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes, they hung out, had breakfast, went on shopping trips, and did unmentionable acts with their significant others. now hopefully you are all ready to throw flip's party (or maybe just throw flip) and then get back to saving the megaverse from the forces of evil...


Mar. 22, 03'


everyone who was here last week gets 600 exp for the party

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they threw a party in flip's honor. rider fell for Tori, only to descover she is taken, uni worked on developing a deeper relationship with art, then jenna tried to drown her. mig and some others spent time in the sauna and all mannor of chaos developed surounding the three new PCs (only 2 of which are here tonight...).


Mar. 29, 03'


Art gets 700 (for a pool party), flip gets 400(for showing up), Kineko gets 800(for various things done off screen), Mig gets 800 and a living magic that he doesn't know much about(for doing business with Wan Mo), Rider gets 600(for a fit of jealous rage), Venus gets 600(for avoiding the water fight, almost...)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they had a party, a water fight, a visit from wan mo, a shopping trip, and a slumber party (well some of them did...). rider almost got into a fight with calli, mig was almost drown by tori and trish, art was almost drown by uni and jenna, venus had a brief chat with sen, anne stared at a bright light the entire game, so did flip. Mig went shopping for a ring for tori, some weaponms for mordred, and came back with a living magic named Hsieh.

Apr. 5, 03'


art gets 600 (for getting everyone moving), Flip gets 500 (for resisting being moved), kineko gets 800 (for going off on her own), mig gets 700 (for comic relief), rider gets 800 (for confusing tori), uni gets 600 (for practiceing with joshua).cai gets 700 (for being protective of calli)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they decided on their plan of attack, they sent kineko to atlantis for recon, then they gathered their forces and prepaired to leave for palladium to battle Dre'Gnus.

Apr. 12, 03'


everyone except kineko (including athar) who was here last week gets 600 exp. kineko gets 1,000 exp

Story so far

when we last saw out heroes they were sitting around doing things, kineko did some stuff in atlantis. and athar showed up so sab could play while waiting for you to come to atlantis...

Apr. 19, 03'


everyone who was here last week gets 600 exp.

Story so far

when we last saw out heroes they got to palladium, and were prepairing a strike against the dungeon they found in the old kingdom mountains, which clearly must be dree'gnus's castle, because we all know that the old kingdom mountains aren't riddled with thousands of underground mazes castles and dungeons of all sorts (you wish).


Apr. 26, 03'


everyone who was here last week gets 1000 exp for having their heads handed to them by a major villian

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they went off to battle Lon'Gnel in the hoppes uf utterly destroying him, things did not go according to plan. the battle ended with Kineko, Jezebel, and 50 innocent by standers horribly mutated, one of rider's hounds dead, and Lon'Gnel wandering off thinking it was a great joke. needless to say our heroes are not in the best of moods.

May 3, 03'


Art gets 900 (for having a private 'chat' with mig's wife), Flip gets 500 (for being stoned), kineko gets 850 (for having a private chat with Wan Mo), Mig gets 700 (for dealing with a pouting and then a depressed Tori), Rider gets 600 (for almost getting killed by mordred), Venus gets 500 (for playing with her truck), uni gets 900 (for using resources she had that even I completely forgot about.)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes quite a bit happened. kineko introduced everyone to a second beatrice, uni introduced everyone to una, art got wan mo to give the mutants new bodies, and stopped jezebel from trying to kill herself, then the group traveled to two moons which they found burning, fortunately the residents of two moons extinguished the flames before the group arived.

May 10, 03'


Art gets 900 exp (for having top put up with all his little brothers and sisters), flip gets 800 (for realzing who art is), Kineko gets 700 (for a conversation with beatrice), Mig gets 900 (for figureing out what the Sol'Gneriad was trying to teach you.), Rider gets 600 (for being positive that the group could handle 15 sol'gneriad when they couldn't handle 4), Venus gets 600 (for hanging out with rider), Uni gets 700 (for trying to talk with calli while i was busy with 50 million ICQ conversations)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they had just arived at Two moons a short while ago after the attack by the Sol'Gneriad. despite the vast devistation no one was killed and only 10 people were injured. the players are now hanging out for a few days assessing the damage and planning their next move. art is in his room chatting with two of his sisters, i don't recall where everyone else is

May 17, 03'


Art gets 800 (for taking both uni and jenna out on a date without either complaining), Flip gets 800 (for showing Jezebel around town), Kineko gets 900 (for stuff only she knows about that castually saved the party from tremendous problems in the future), Mig gets 800 (for having a chat with jezebel and then going clubbing with his wives), Rider gets 700 (for lwalking his dogs without a leash)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they were in two moons, a whole lot happened (you'll have to take my word for that since most of the action was outside the chat room) and several players went out on dates.

May 24, 03'


Art gets 600 (for ruining a perfectly good plateu with 9 meteor spells), Flip gets 900 (for spending an entire session in bed), Mig gets 700 (for spending almost as much time with jezebel as flip did), Kineko gets 800 (for heading off alone but being spart enough to bring some NPCs this time), Rider gets 800 (for attempting to determine the morality of slavery) no body else was really here last week.

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they were pretty much hanging around and doing nothing in two moons. Jezebel hooked up with flip (odd couple...), mig found a spot for his new home, art trashed said spot with meteors, and kineko went off to find her own way to wormwood so she can become human again (well as much as she ever was).

May 31, 03'


Art gets 900 (for chatting with his mom and dad), flip gets 800 (for taking jezebel to an amusement park for their second date), mig gets nothing (for not being here), Rider gets 500 (for watching joshua and mordred practice), Toni gets notghing (for never playing here before), uni gets nothing (for missing last week)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they had their last day of rest and relaxation in two moons. kineko visited wormwood and got the items she required. Flip had a date. uni wentt shopping with jenna. and then you all left two moons. a week later they arived back in silvereno. kineko was waiting there.


June 7, 03'


Art gets 700 (for making mig's life interesting), Flip gets 600 (for playing survey), Kineko gets 800 (for completeing a very important quest on her own THAT YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE ALL HELPED WITH(art's note: she asked and left to do the stuff without telling anyone....), mig gets 700 (for having wife problems), rider gets 600 (for playing survey), Uni gets 500 (for showing up) Alex gets 500 (for showing up and trying to help)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes way too much happened that those who weren't involved don't want to know anything about, lets just leave it at that...


June 14, 03'


Everyone gets 850 exp, for a pointless slaughter

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they royally stomped three Sol'Gneriad while flip prevented them from using their cool powers. it really sucked to be a bad guy last week...

June 21, 03'


Flip gets 800 (for being kind to Jezebel) Kineko gets 900 (for tempting cleopatra, amoung other things), Mig gets 800 (for making last week's game very difficult but I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!! *evil Laugh*) rider gets 500 (for locking the only woman who would sleep with him in a room and guarding her all night so she couldn't escape), Toni gets 750 (for fixing stuf and being a fairly normal person), Uni gets nothing because she never showed up)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes Flip was comforting Jezebel how lost her lunch after seeing what our heroes did to the three sol'gneraid. Kineko wandersed around a bit, took beatrice out on a date, and then tried to seduce Cleopatra who unfortunately was commanded by mig to avoid her. Mig and art created a bunch of living magics all at once (*mutters dark things*), Art bought Jenna a chainmail bikini (from rifter 9 1/2) which had obvious effects on mig, trish, tori and practically everyone else in the room (resulted in art and jenna's first fight, and art having a chainmail bikini thrown at him). one of mig's living magics (who looks exactly like tori)tried to seduce rider, who oddly became very civilived and moral (although no more normal) and locked her in a room for her own protection.


June 28, 03'


Art gets 800 (for making uni extremely nervous about cuddles) Flip gets 700 (for talking with everyone), Kineko gets 700 (for beating up rider), Mig gets 900 (for organizing his living magics), Rider gets 600 (for lasting suprisingly long against kinko), Toni gets 800 (for giving gwen a cookie), Uni gets 700 (for putting up with 2 awkward situations at once, and then having the good sense to speak with una once in a while.)

Story so far

When we last saw our eroes mig unloaded a bunch of living magics into a hotel, including cleopatra who is doubtlessly going to cause more trouble in the future... Uni tried on a magical bikini so art could stare at her in it, then she let jenna drink her blood, and went to talk to una about the future. Toni met gwen and gave her some cookies (which gwen kept safe in case anyone wanted them). Rider got his head handed to him in yet another sparing match. and flip chatted with everyone.

July 5, 03'


Artemis gets 800 (for being so nice and creating a tux for rider), Kineko gets 900 (for the party and what not), Mig gets 800 (for plotting secretly with his living magics before the party.), Flip gets 800 (for trusting someone named Jezebel to pick his dinner for him, even if he is dating her), Rider gets 600 (for having the best table mannors of any barbarian), Toni gets 700 (for being a grease monkey with a prehensile tail), Ivory gets 750

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes theu were hanging you before kineko's party. then they went to kineko's party. had interesting and expencive foods. then kineko got up and appolagized to art for killing him, and to mig for trying to kill him (but not to rider because both times she almost killed him he asked her to), and made a blanket apology to everyone for being unfriendly. art accepted, mig did not, everyone eles seemed ok with the whole thing

July 12, 03'


Everyone gets 900 exp for participating in the down fall of a great villian. Toni gets an additional 100 exp (for scareing some sol'gneriad), uni, mig, and Ivori get an additional 200 (for bringing home Quin and containing her). Kineko gets an extra 200 (for actually killing Lon'gnel, and for the fact that if she had gone in alone she probably would never have been spotted).

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they entered Lon'Gnel's fortress, killed him. beat back a horde of Sol'Gneriad with a lead pipe, returned home with a prisoner in tow, hung out, ate cookies, and rider got turned into a plush doll and teleported to a toy store for disturbing calli's sleep (don't mess with an 8 year old diobolist cat girl with a magic teady bear, it's just bad...)

July 19, 03'


Uni gets 900 (for kidnapping Quin and taking her to Vidar), Art gets 900 (for digging his own grave, climbing in and pulling the dirt over himself in one session), Kineko gets 800 and a new body (for prepairing ahead), Mig gets 700 (for a nice quiet dinner and a game of cards), Flip gets 500 (for hanging out with jezebel), Rider gets 700 (for getting stabbed by an Enihar), Toni gets 700 and a weapon smithing skill (for hanging out with dwarves)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they were hanging out and each doing their own things

July 26, 03'


everyone gets 800 exp (because i'm too lazy to calculate individual EXP for a party that spent the entire session sitting at home when there are bad guys out there that need killing)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they were hanging out at home trying to make their lives better in some way. art found out about rider sneeking in to talk with calli and punished him, uni found out about rider sneeking in to talk with calli and glared at him, and joshua found out about rider sneeking in to talk with calli and punished him while lectureing him. mig had dinner with art and uni. rider got sword training. kineko had a chat with uni

August 2, 03'


Uni gets 700 (for hanging out with two other dragons), Art gets 700 (for being in two places at once), Mig gets 900 (for being in three places at once and getting a suprising amount done.), Flip gets 500 (for admireing Jezebel and not doing much else), Rider gets 850 (for doing an amazingly good job last week, and putting up with alot of grief about the knight's code), Alex gets 500 (for not doing nearly as well with the code as rider did),

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes lots of stuff happened and i'm too lazy to type up all of hit. but some of the high points include; Rider doing a better job handeling the knight's code than alex. Art and jenna turning into dragons and flying off with uni (hopefully not into CS teritory), and Ivory's Monst-rex using a tree as a scratching post.

August 9, 03'


Everyone who played last week gets 900 for the pool party.

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes Jonathan retutrned from Fee's homeworld, with tales of sol'gneriad attacks as well as two daughters. our heroes immediately took decisive action and threw a pool party. everyone had fun, and the party has just now broken up (since half the players have told me they wanted to do things after the party.)

Special: Due to the chat room that was used there's a manuscript available here. (Read from the bottom up)

August 17, 03'


Art gets 800 (for making jenna's life interesting), Kineko gets 700 (for going out damcing etc with beatrice), Mig gets 800 (for running around all over camp doing stuff), Rider gets 600 (for practicing), Ivory gets 700 (for trying to teach rider's dogs to behave), and Toni gets 800 (for going out on an almost-date with sen).

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes the pool party broke up and they went off and did their own things. >>>Warning Fast forward in progress<<< it is now 3 weeks later (if you have something pressing that absolutely had to get done the next day you can do it over an IM)

August 23, 03'


Artemis gets 900 (for pain and suffering), Kineko gets 700 (for working with her sorceresses), Mig gets 800 (for playing the worst night of cards his dice could arange), Flip gets 700 (for finding a robot head).Toni gets 800 (for flirting with Sen), Ivori gets 600 (for playing taxi), John gets 600 (for bugging art about dating uni.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they were hanging out in town each doing their own thing.

August 30, 03'


Art gets 700 exp (for swapping out mig and trisha's minds), kineko gets 900 (for events behind closed doors), Mig gets 800 (for emotional distress), Rider gets 900 (for fighting axel), Toni gets 600 (for fixing up her car, and suprising sen), Flip gets 500 (for doing whatever flip type things he did)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they gathered together to see the result of months and months of hard work and magical research. and the result was a minor disaster. (oh well)
It is now the next day.

Sept 6, 03'


Art gets 700 (for wracking his brain to come up with a solution to mig & trisha's problem), Kineko gets 800 (for learning the difoiculties involved in persuing a chosen path), mig gets 700 (for trying everything in his power to swap trish and him back), Flip gets 500 (for fliping out), Rider gets 700 (for making a good living magic), Toni gets 800 (for going out with sen), Ivori, uni and john weren't here so they aren't getting anything *evil laugh*

Story so far

when we last saw our heres, they did all sorts of things mostly having to do with their own personal projects and they had very little to do with the quest.

Sept 13, 03'


Art gets 800 (for wracking his brain for a cure for mig and trish ALL WEEK LONG), Kineko gets 900 (for forgetting to ask the obvious questions), Mig gets 700 (for being a goldfish), Rider gets 700 (for a successful philosophical debate, and a failed kidnapping attempt), Toni gets 500 (for making a sword), Ivory gets 500 (for dragging billy home)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes Mig was still a girl, but now he is a girl with good eyes. Rider kidnapped cleopatra in some mistaken attempt to bring her to a place where everyone is as hedonistic as she is. Ivory met a shape shifyting critter. Toni made some vibro swords, and one of them even works. and kineko made a VERY powerful enemy by not asking to see the warning lable.

Sept 20, 03'


Everyone gets 1,500 Exp for an extremely well played game

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes an Assassin from ordia named Ish'Bosheth the Rattrap arived with his handler Doeg, who informed the party that Kineko and beatrice were to be executed for the rape and mindcontrol of the emperor's illigitimate daughter, a healer named tamar that kineko had reascently acquired. Chaos ensured, Kineko was kicked out of Hoi Wan Mo's shop. when our heroes finnally tracked her down they found that she was possessed by Stry'Gne, and now comes the difficult task of exorcizing the knight and then determining if it was the knight who commited the evil deeds or it was infact kineko herself. and there is also the question of how exactly beatrice was involved in all of this. And what happens if they are innocent will our heroes be able to convince the imperial assassin to spare kineko and beatrice untill they can get the emperor to cancel the order for their deaths?

Sept 27, 03'


Everyone who played last week gets 3,000 for the questioning of kineko, for allowing the Ordians to fulfill the verdict of their laws, and for not foolishly attacking the knight who has made your lives the most miserable out of all of them.

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes it was the trial of the century (well it hasn't been a very long century yet...) Kineko was questioned under magic about what she did to the Ordian princess, and she did her best to evade the questions. the players handed her overto the ordian assassin to be killed and then the goddess Artemis (not to be confused with the cat guy named artemis) arived to further complicate matters. once the involvement of artemis (both of them) was settled, kineko fought the assassin and was taking horendous damage when beatrice (of all people) interfered using an incredibly powerful pyrokinetic attack. kineko then escaped with the beatrices (who turned out to be Stry'Gne) under the cover of two sol'gneriad who were threatening to vaporize uni and calli (those fiends!). then after all that was over and we thought nothing else weird could happen mig started talking chinese with Hsieh and some new guy who is also hunting the knights. and art finnally got married to jenna, in a wedding attended by represetatives of three (maybe 4) pantheons.

Oct 4, 03'


Art gets 1,000 (as a wedding present) Bao gets 800 (for going dancing and hireing some young girls), Flip gets 800 (for being betrayed), Ivory gets 600 (for trying to sell billy to wan mo), Mig gets 800 (for hireing some people for his inn), the new guy gets 500 (for not doing much)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they sorted aout the aftermath of our previous episode and doing personal activities that they needed to get done (like feeding the remains of kineko's ship to becky). It is now two weeks later, Art has finnally returned from from wherever he went. mig has hired kineko's entire crew to work as waitresses and such at his inn, and ivory has mannaged to avoid billy for all this time

Oct 11, 03'


Uni gets 600 (for running off to wormwood), Art gets 800 (for getting rid of rider), Mig gets 700 (for interrogating Jezebel), Flip gets 700 (for helping interrogate Jezebel), Rider gets 800 (as a farewell present), Bao gets 800 (for things he dosn't even know he is doing)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes Art had a picnic on a ley line, and then ate desert inside a bowl of jello. Rider lost his marbles, but art gave him a new on. Mig wanted to talk to jezebel, but flip didn't know where she was, despite the fact she was in bed with him. Mig and Flip then enouraged jezebel to be her own person. Uni ran off with rider. rider spiked everyone. bao got Jade and Sephira to change their style of clothes for him

Oct 18, 03'


Uni gets 800 exp and an eye full (for being late to the picnic.), Art gets 800 and 2 pretty girls (for making it to the picnic on time), Mig gets 900 and cheated on by his wife (for falling into a carefully laid trap), Flip gets 700 exp and a big kiss from jezebel (for encouraging jezebel to learn about vidar), Ivori gets 600 and a headache (for spending so much time with billy), Bao gets 800 and a big suprise (for bringing two impressionable girls home with him), Rubiert gets 500 and a threat of bodily harm (for hitting on jezebel)

Story so far

when we last saw our heroes they did all sorts of strange things, alot of which has a high potential of getting someone(probably rubiert) shot.

Oct 25, 03'


Everyone gets 900 exp wether you deserve it or not because i had a weird week and can't remember what we did. and since i can't remember i'd like everyone to provide their own brief story so far.

Story so far

Art:Found out something wrong with his plan to make the link. Got a magic computer program and spent the rest of the day trying it out with jenna

Mig:settled things with sue and dunni, then had a private biorthday party with the wives

Ivori:had billy troubles, watches apoasha eat rubiert's bike

Flip:Found out girl my girl friends pregnant despite an inter species ting between us

Rubiert:I visited miguel and the remnants of Toni's shop with Uniqua

Bao:talk to hoi talk to Jade and Sephs old old master

Nov 1, 03'


Everyone gets 1,000 experience for getting past the various death traps i created for them (at least so far...) Uni gets an additional 600 exp for coming up with a way to sneek attack Ku'Gnel (and for making art depressed)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes art finished his link spell and trish linked to mig who then linked to tori both of whom are now experiencing the 24 hor coma that comes with the link. uni was then going to link with jenna so the uni/art/jenna love triangle would be further complicated. however at the last minute uni's plans took a sudden left turn and she attacked ku'gnel for no apparent reason, in the hopes of catching the witness off his guard, and killing him, there by blinging the knights of ya'blik to the groups activities(at least somewhat...)

Our heroes are now in the chamber of the heart ready to destroy Ku'Gnel's heart, however they have two problems; first if they touch the heart it will instantly teleport to KU'Gnel and the room will explode, second if they do destroy the heart the entire station will explode. either way, anyone in the chamber of the heart will be killed

Nov 8, 03'


Everyone who played last week gets 2,000 for the destruction of Ku'Gnel. Uni gets an additional 300 (for letting art's dice determine her fate), Art gets 200 (for enjoying the show that ruined his marriage, now uni and jenna are going to run off together), and Bao gets an additional 100 (for rituals conducted in secret.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they defeated the Ku'Gnel the witness's final trap through a combination of sneekyness and nerve. it is now 1 week later. a war has broken out between the CS and pretty much everyone in the magic zone, and the CS is blaming everyone in there for Ku-Gnel's magically enhanced nuclear strike on chi-town. on the up side similar strikes wiped out all the vampire kingdoms in mexico, unfounately the burbs around chi town, and most of mexico are radioactive sheets of glass. i'm sure the remaining knights are enjoying the show.
in other news Uni has become linked with jenna and by extension with art. jenna and uni shared some interesting R-rated dreams and are understandably weirded out by the experience. Bao took his captured Sol'Gneriad maid to his house in hell and put her to work. then he got married to one of his own kind. Mig woke up from his coma and spent some quality time with trish and tori.
it is now a week after you killed Ku'Gnel, and all the prepairations have been completed for art to throw the party.

Nov 15, 03'


All who played last week get 900 exp for verbal sparring with major bad guys. in addition Flip gets a 200 exp gift for his anouncement, uni gets an additional 100 exp (for selecting an ineresting gift for art's wedding).

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes they had a party to celebrate a death and anounce a coming birth. while the party was going on Uni and Bao snuck off together to visit Syr'Gnok the Fiddler at his theater in center, while Gnutheze Leader of the knights of Ya'Blik paid a visit to the part (pun intended). chaos ensued, however both conversations remained mostly civil and they both ended without bloodshed. afterwards Jezebel anounced that she was going to have a baby (flip's), and flip proposed to her (she accepted). and the party continues to this very day...

Nov 22, 03'


Art gets 800 (for buying mig a new wife), Casper gets 600 (for getting dragged off to 'dance' with cleo), Mig gets 900 (for officialy becoming the most picked on character), Flip gets 400 (for appearing), Ivory gets 700 (for talking to flip), Bao gets 900 (for getting into trouble), Rube gets 800 (for sorting things out with Ariti), Uni gets 800 (for being a dragon)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes, the party was concluded, and various individuals attempted to pursue their own agendas inspite of my interferance

Nov 29, 03'


Art gets 800 (for doing strange things to jenna), Bao gets 900 (for getting into trouble because he only obeyed half his orders), Everyone else who played last week gets 700 (for having a GM who is too lazy to assign everyone 700 individually)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes Mig had a day alone with angel, Art took jenna to the beach and turned her into a shark, Bao killed someone then confessed to a cop as he was being arrested, and other people did their own things too numerous to list. It is now the next day.

Dec 13, 03'


Uni gets 800 (For giving art an Embarrassing gift, it's not what you think either), Art gets 800 (for uncovering Kasumi's Secret), Mig gets 900 (for having a lovely night out with his wives and discovering that Cleo has quite a voice), Bao gets 700 (For using his 'get out of jail free' card), Rube gets 700 (for trying to seduce Ariti and learing about her dark past), Lei gets 400 (for barely doing anything at all), Casper gets 900 and a bullet between the eyes (for getting killed by mordred and then letting Cleo pick out his new body)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes Art tried to cast a spell on Calli but it ended up effecting Kasumi instead, and he discovered some very interesting things about his robot. Uni gave art her TW plush Uni doll to use as he saw fit, since she was always too embarrassed to use it herself. Casper bothered Mig, Mig told Morderd to 'get rid of him' Morderd took out a gun and shot Casper after confirming that Mig 'did not want him coming back' (Mordred is a tad literal). Then Mig went ghost hunting, discovered that Cleo had found a new way to share her body and was possessed by Casper. Cleo pleaded Casper's case and Art paid for him to get a new body. Then Art pleaded Cleo's case and mig may end up with a 4th wife (all still with the same face). Rube tried to get involved with Ariti and discovered that she had been a witch in the past, and had a death sentence passed on her should she ever encounter someone who knows of her crimes. Needless to say there was much chaos and very little productive happened.

Dec 27, 03'


Everyone who played last week gets 700 exp (for either the insanity of the poker game or the fact that they put up with everything getting slowed down because of it.) In addition to that; Uni gets 500 (For having a very interesting night, and an even more interesting day after…), Art gets 700 (for his time with uni and for avoiding getting kicked in the groin by Tori), Mig gets 800 (for having so many things going on at once that my head exploded and I am still finding bits of brain stuck in my keyboard), Flip Gets 100 (for having breakfast), Ivory gets nothing (for not being here), Bao gets 800 (for running away from a pre-pubescent berserker apprentice sorceress), Rube gets 300 (for trying to get into Ariti's loin cloth), Lei gets nothing (for not being here), Casper gets 400 (for prancing around in his new body)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes (Oh boy…) Art held a soon-to-be-legendary Poker game. Everyone who lost a hand was transformed into a slightly different shape by the winner. Needless to say everyone was a bizarre shape by the end of the game (or even the middle of it). In addition there were strange mental changes to accompany the physical ones so that uni, art and jenna went home all being the wrong genders and accepting it as normal (which lead to a very very surrealistic night, and an even stranger morning after). Also Mig had a talk with Cleo who is in love with him, the only thing really preventing Cleo from being with Mig is Tori, who thinks Cleo is trying to steal Mig away. So Mig arrange for a chat between them which resulted in Tori shooting Cleo in the chest with a laser pistol. Insanity ensued, and it ended with tori being confined in a room with art and raving with a lunatic then zapped with a spell and dragged to Wan Mo's shop. Meanwhile (actually about 2 weeks later) Bao was trying to clean up the mess left behind by a botched assassination job, while he is haunted by the ghost of a 12 year old girl. However his attempt to fix things has also gone wrong because his intended victim had a talisman of 'Sorcerous Fury' and after repeated warning to him not to try to carry her off (he was confused about what was really going on and wanted wan mo to sort it out for him) she activated it and attacked. Rube tried talking to Ariti, but things were really moving too slowly in that room for things to progress much, so he gave up (but he'll be back), Flip had similar problems with Jezebel, but we can assume if they weren't talking they were doping other things (no not that, they were having breakfast and a smoke). Finally Casper wandered around in his new body that Cleo picked out for him, wearing clothes Cleo picked out for him, attracting a lot of attention from everyone and enjoying it (the new body is that of an amazon).

Jan 3, 04'


Uni gets nothing (For not being here), Art gets 900 (for having certain problems with Calli), Mig gets 800 (for nuking a 12 year old girl with an 8-ball bullet), Flip Gets nothing (for not being here), Ivory gets 700 (for dealing with both Billy and Casper at once), Bao gets 700 (for not warning mig that the 12 year old girl had a talisman with sorcerous fury in it, he would have gotten more if he had exhibited some teamwork), Rube gets 500 (for walking off when Ariti asked him a question, even though he is still trying to get into her loin cloth), Lei gets nothing (for not being here), Casper gets 700 (for wandering around and chatting with everyone.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes everyone was running around pursuing their own agendas. Art went to chat with Calli and discovered that she was now physically 16, even though she is still really only 8, and he very nearly negated her clothes trying to fix this discrepancy. Bao went looking for help dealing with his problem with pre-teen girls, and after a talk with Una and Jenna he decided to enlist the aid of Mordred who is an indiscriminate killer and doesn't mind killing children (or anyone else when asked) however Mig was hesitant to unleash Mordred upon the world so he went with Bao instead. Mig got Tori back from wan mo, who pronounced her insane, then cured her for a modest fee of 2 million cr., after welcoming Tori home Mig ended up helping Bao deal with a 12 year old sorcerer's apprentice named silvie, who whipped out a sorcerous fury talisman and started kicking his but. Mig responded by vaporizing her with one of his special bullets, unfortunately Bao needed the body so he could resurrect Silvie, otherwise he will spend the rest of eternity haunted by a pre-pubescent phantom. Rube tried talking to Ariti, but when she asked him a serious question that could have lead somewhere, he wandered off to hang out with Casper, which probably has something to do with the fact that casper is currently inhabiting the body of a pretty amazon. Ivori also took time out of her busy schedule (it's hard work trying to avoid Billy) to hang out with Casper and to give him (and Billy) a ride on Apoasha, and attempt to have Dean fix the bike Apoasha chewed on. As a final thought, no one really paid much attention to Casper before he became a woman with large breasts, I have to wonder if there is some reason for her new popularity…

Jan 10, 04'


Uni gets 1,000 (For going to seeing a shrink to talk about her problems.), Art gets 900 (for giving uni a panic attack instead of a massage), Mig gets 800 (for seeming to have solved the cleo problem), Flip Gets 700 (for planning for the future), Ivory gets nothing (not being here), Bao gets 600 (for not working and playing well with others), Rube gets 500 (for finally making some head way with ariti and then being evasive when she asked his intentions, even though he is still trying to get into her loin cloth), Lei gets nothing (for not being here), Casper gets 700 (for wandering around and chatting with people.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes a whole lot happened so I'm going to break things down a bit. On migs front he sent Angel off to art's instamatic mage college (diplomas printed on demand). Then he sat down with trish tori and cleo to discuss the 'cleo problem' and just when all seemed lost for the smitten living spell, mig decided to welcome her into the family as well (that's 4 wives now, all with the same face…). On art's front he assisted bao and ended up in cuffs for his trouble, and went on a date with uni which involved rock climbing, a picnic and uni nearly falling off the mountain (some date…). Flip talked to jezebel about babies and proved beyond a doubt that though she has had several of them, he knows far more about them that she does (which isn't saying much). On uni's front there was a conference with the manager of kineko's brothels who was happy to see uni, but also had bad news (however she was gl;ad to have a new potential investor). Then there was a visit to Hoi Wan Mo for some advice, which she got, although the shop keeper tends to be a tad long winded so their conversation is not yet finished. And of course there was the unfortunate incident with the cliff… Bao went out to solve the problems of heaven and hell and got himself in a whole mess of trouble, along with art. He was last seen entering the wizard's house with the intent of bringing out a teenage girl, unfortunately she has yet again outsmarted him. Rube had a serious chat with ariti which unfortunately went nowhere due to his materialism and fear of commitment. And casper wandered around briefly chatting with people (flip mostly I think) but he accomplished very little (then again, I don't think accomplishing things was his intent…).

Jan 17, 04'


Uni gets 900 (For making magic happen with her art and jenna.), Art gets 900 (for cureing Jenna's confusion after the weird uni dreams, and the after poker night event.), Mig gets 900 (for hatching all sorts of strange schemes some of which I still don't know what they really are yet...), Flip Gets 600 (for being purple), Ivory gets 600 (for trying to get hired by the sheriff who doesn't particularly like the group.), Bao gets 500 (for having crafted his downfall and now beginning to labor on his ultimate doom BECAUSE HE REFUSES TO MAKE ANY REAL ATTEMPT TO WORK WITH OTHERS!!!), Rube gets 700 (for almost learning things about ariti that even he didn't want to know) Lei gets one more week (and if he doesn't show up next week I'm giving his spot to Kat.), Casper gets 500 (for claiming to be Mordred's friend.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes everyone went and pursued their own agendas even Bao who was told by his superiors to get the group to help him. But I'm lazy and I've been up since 7:45am instead of my usual 12:30pm so I'm not typing any more. :p

Jan 24, 04'


Uni gets 1,000 (For helping Bao with his wizard problems.), Art gets 700 (for going shopping with Jenna.), Mig gets 700 (for getting joshua to teach dangerous things to one of his living magics.), Flip Gets 800 (For giving Jezebel his jacket after Uni negated her magically created clothes.), Ivory gets 800 (for fighting a golem.), Bao gets 800 (for actually shareing most of his information when he was attempting to get someone's help and for trying to work with a group), Rube gets 700 (for going sunbathing and swimming with ariti) Lei gets tossed out if he isn't here right now (.), Casper gets nothing (for not being here.)

Story so far

When we last saw our heroes Bao got uni flip and ivori to help him with an assault on the home of the wizard he is supposed to kill. The attack went very well. Uni cast anti-magic cloud and got rid of all the duplicates, smashed his golem, collapsed his house, stole his stuff and then left. Art went shopping for clothes with Jenna. Flip almost got hurt messing with magic things he doesn't understand. Art spent a lot of time sorting things. Mig got Joshua to teach Ash to forge Japanese swords. And Rube took Ariti sunbathing and swimming.


Updated last May 27