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Chapter 11; Twin Sorrow

When Bostaff1 was struck unconsious during the battle to drive back the Gobline Hord from the dwarven mining village, the last immages he saw were that of the death of his mother, Lucy, & seeing his Uncle Bojutsu, seemingly slain with a battle-axe bow to his head. Wakeing, Bostaff1 found himself on a pile of bodies, both dwarven & gobline, in an end of a cave. Looking up at the grey ceiling, Bostaff1 didn't know where he could be or who he was or how he could have gotten there. He seemed to be a warrior, in armor & with a heavy pack at his side, strap accross his opposite shoulder, not sure what was in it. Bostaff1's head hurt, blood on the back of his hair, as e tryed to stand, looking around. Not yet realizing that he had been carried away for dead, as food, he staggered out from the pile of bodies, pausing as he heard grunting. Staying at the side wall of the cave, Bostaff1 saw an ancampment of goblines. Not knowing what to do, he focused on escaping. It semed that Bostaff1 was still aware of the telling of weaknesses in defenses & guarding, as he easily made it past to the outside. As toe goblines standing watch outside the cave saw hi, Bostaff ran, knocking one gobline down, then fleeing into the woods, quickly loosing hisi persuers. Free, Bostaff1 still didn't know who he was or where to go. He wandered aimlessly for 2 years with amnesia, eventually staying at a temple far north & high in a mountain-range. In the early winter, it was a cold and cloudy day, while helping with the errands & chores to earn his keep, he was out late. The gates were already closed by the time he got back so he had to wait outside in the cold till sun-up. Perhaps the cold did something to him, perhaps the creeking of the opening gate or his pounding on the great iron doors of the gate the night before with no answer, the sound of which could have reminded him of the sounds of the battle, but for whatever cause, suddenly Bostaff1's memory flooded back, filling him with grief & guilt. He blamed himself for not being by his mother to defend her, then in being unable to help his uncle Bojutsh, who had raised him like a son. Thinking more, he considered how he had not stood up for his borther & even sometimes joined in the mocking, that drove his twin brothr away, assuming to Bostaff's death lost in the woods. Determined that he would not let any others die on account of him, Bostaff1 set out, on his own wanderings once again. Taking up the back he has still, he discovered 7 of his large double-crescent-bladed throwing axes remained. It seems that 2 of the axes were lost over time, probably even left upon the battle-field so long ago.

Now no longer with amnesia but racked with guild, Bojutsu tried to help thouse he could, always overdoing his jobs to where what he would intend as help would end in disasters. His skill as a warrior was keen, yet his judgment was hasty & reckless. Bostaff1 would take on any danger, trying to spair others but in then others rushing to rescue him, only getting even more killed, adding to the guild Bostaff1 felt. By hiis skill, he usually quickly advanced in rank in any guard or military postition he took. With brilliant but risky strategies, others galdly followed, thrilled at the risk under Bostaff1's leadership, often bringing great victories in impossible battles but eventually always ending in one risk too many, where all under his command would perish but Bostaff1. After loosing his last regiment of a town defense force that he had been with for years, Bostaff1 wandered to a new region, no one blaiming him but himself; wondering why he had not been granted the honor to die with his comrads. Many years had then past, also believing himself to be the last remaining of his family, Bostaff1 started being recognized & thanked, & asked why & how he had changed so much in such a short time, by people he had never seen before. Bostaff1 though surely it was some crule trick of evil magic, a doppleganger or some such explanation, so he set out to find the source of these stores that people say he had helped them, when he had never been to such places until then. As Bostaff1 investigated, it seemed that all expectd him to be beardless and wondering where he got the armor that he seemed so used to as if he had worn it for years, which of course he had. Following the trail of reports of deeds he supposedly had done, Bostaff1 arrived at the central inn for travelers. Others there all the more though Bostaff1 to be another, seeming as if they knew him well when they had never yet met him before. All found his beard strange, though in it's self, he argued that of course, dwarvs are supposed to have beards & angrily would call them fools. Others finally pieced together, as they also knew Bostaff whe came at other times, that they must be related, asking one of the other. Bostaff realizing but finding it hard to believe that it could be his brother, though long dead, as of the reports of the goblens from the area that was once hiis home, had suggested that all villages in that region had been totally wiped out. In time though, Bostaff's friends arranged for both brothers to arrive & meet at the same time. Now over 30 years later, the twings were reunited, to their astonishment, finding each the other to be alive. From this time of fame of Bostaff's travels, Bojutsu, who was also wandering still, had heard of such a dwarf seeming to resemble Bojutsu, but younger. Not thinking that it could be Bostaff, who had ran away as a child and who Bojutsu had never known, Bojutsu considered though that it may be somehow the Nephiew that he had raised & taught to fight. This was still hard to for him to accept but home welled up in Bojutsu to go search out the source of these accounts. Arriving perhaps a mere month after Bostaff1, Bojutsu found both brothers & all were united, Bostaff already now a rich & mighty warrior, yet the othr brother, who Bojutsu had raised and was so close too, was still quite insain with guilt. Even after the discoery of his Uncle & borther still alive, Bostaff1 was still reckless in rushing in, in attempts to spare any others, depressed & suicidal, not careing if he lived made Bostaff1 a formidable warrior, howbit a danger to those with him for what he would bring down on them. Guild would buld in him, with his new re-discovered family watching Bostaff1 lest he kill himself from guild, in time, perhaps he would find redemption. Will he overcome the guld & shame he feels? If so, how. Or will he succeed in his own death, to then join his fallen comrads & mother, Lucy? Such will have to wait be revealed in the pages of future books. How did Bostaff get to the inn & why was he so renound? Theanswer to some of this can be found in furrthr chapters to follow. ;-)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Book 2