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Before we start, let me tell you that you will be given very few chances if you blatantly break these rules. You are playing at my (and the other GMs') sufferance, and if you do not follow the rules you could be thrown out.

And so we begin:

1. Only one character per player.

This is designed so that every player has a fair chance at the game. This also stops players "kindly donating" resources and weaponry to one "super-character". The only time two characters can exist at once by one player is if an old character (and yes, characters do grow old) decides to retire. Then a new character can be created, as his heir or simply a stand-alone. The previous character cannot be brought back unless specifically challenged.

2. GM word is law.

The most important rule here. If a GM says something, it means a lot to the storyline, or it puts the questors on the right path. If a GM suspects that a player is going off-course, he/she may want a player to edit his/her posts. If it is not done, it will be done by the GM.

3. Player control.

Is fairly limited. You can control yourself, your equipment, and in special occasions, other party members (such as if you've hired a warrior for a purpose). Baically the way this is run is if you want to do an action, you would post something like this:
"Fyordan stepped up to the Half-Orc, and swung a right hook at the creature's face." That is acceptable. This isn't:
"Fyordan stepped up to the Half-Orc, and proceeded to punch him in the face. The humanoid staggered, and then fell."
The GM decides the result of all your actions.

4.Time Dimension.

Time is as real on Telandron as it is here. Characters cannot do more than one thing at once, or be in two places at once. It takes time to go from one city or place to another, and this is at the GM's discretion. Thus according to the rule, you can only train in one skill or spell at the same time.
IMPORTANT: If you have to go away for a while, or will not be able to play for a time, then tell someone. Otherwise costs will continue to be extracted from your inventory (meals, clothing, inns, taverns etc.). If for some reason you cannot get online, there is an automatic 5-day cut-out if there is no activity by your player. (This rule is currently being revised, with alternatives being tested)

5.Thin line between reality and fiction.

Remember that there is a line. No swearing, or profanities will be suffered in or out of character. Remember if you have a quarrel with a player in character, then forget it once you drop out of Telandron, or take it off the board. None of this will be suffered at all.


The GMs will not be able to pick up everything you do. You are trusted in this universe to play by these rules, and to do whatever the GM says. The GMs do not get paid for this job, and I don't get revenue from it, so basically we have zero tolerance for anybody who tries to twist the rules to his/her advantage.
It's your choice - if you want to stay here, play by the rules, and you'll have a good time.

And finally - the messanger function will be used frequently on the board, so check regularly to see if you have any new messages. They will probably be important.

Remember that the purpose of this is to create a fantasy world of the player's own imagining, where they control their characters to do things they could not do in real life. The purpose of the rules is to make the experience as much fun and as rewarding for everybody.