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After four (4) wonderful years I have finally decided to close Torayan Weyr. It was a heart wrenching decision... but in the end it is for the best. With my wrist problems and the lack of time to properly care for my Weyr and update the website I don't think it's fair to my outstanding and much loved members to neglect them due to that lack of time. We have also been quite.. comatose.. as of late, and it is obvious that although it was a blast, Torayan has run its course in the world of RP. I will never forget the members who have stuck through with me 'till the end nor those who are a bit newer and gave my Weyr a chance. And for those of you who had applied recently I deeply apologize for not responding but I just don't have the time anymore to pay Torayan the attention it and its members deserve. I hope that all of you who were members have fond memories like I do, and I'll never forget you.

I'm starting a group for prior or current members so we can all keep in touch... if you would like to join and touch bases once in a while, please email me

Torayan Weyr Persona Sheet and Guidelines
updated 2002-03.06

Thank you for your interest in Torayan Weyr! Before you start playing, you need to fill out this persona sheet for each persona you would like to have. Once we receive your sheet(s), we will look them over and get back to you ASAP.

While you are waiting for us to approve you, you may participate in our out-of-character chat list, TorayanNonsense.

Please note: If you wait longer than a week for a reply, please re-send the sheet: it's possible that we may have overlooked it, or that Yahoo! Groups ate it before it reached us.

If you need to contact us, or send us a persona sheet this week, please send it to one of the individual addresses below, and remember that we may not be able to get back to you right away. Thanks!

Weyrwoman Kalina - Rachel - reviews dragonriders
Candidatemaster Savannah - Crysty - reviews Candidates
Weyrwoman 2nd Ysera- Leland - reviews Holders, Crafters, Lower Caverns folk, etc.

Persona Creation Guidelines

First of all, you need to read this page completely.

You also need to read the PbEM Guide (rules) and our Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQ)

If you have any questions about these three documents, email us. Thanks!

Persona Creation Limits:

New members are allowed to create or adopt three PC characters in their first three months with the club. One character may be ranking, and two may be general characters. After your first three months with us, you will be allowed to create three more personas. This rule is intended to cut down on "burnout," which has caused many departures from the club. The rule applies to everybody, including the BoD!

Persona creations are counted on a quarterly basis: January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December.

People who were members as of 7/31/01 are exempt from this rule in terms of personas they already possess, but new personas will fall under the three creations/adoptions per three months limit. Current members are also encouraged to "prune" their ranks and deactivate PCs and NPCs they are not using. Questions? Just ask!

1. Before you begin: Please read our PbEM Guide , the FAQ, and this entire page before you create a persona. This will give you an idea of how our club operates, and some of the do's and don't's of creating a Torayan persona.

2. Names: No character names from Anne McCaffrey's books may be used: for humans, or for dragons. These names are copyrighted by Ms. McCaffrey, and she has them well protected. This includes names from the UbiSoft video game, Dragonriders: Chronicles of Pern.

It is your responsibility to check your characters' names before you send in the sheet - we have a few very helpful name lists linked at our Resources page, so you can check it yourself. (We're looking for a character list from UbiSoft, and we will link to it when we find it.) If you do inadvertently use a McCaffrey name, please be aware that the BoD can ask you to change it at any time.

The Pern books are still coming out every few years, so if your dragon's or character's name appears in a novel, story, or game published after your character was approved, we will review the situation then.

We discourage the use of names from any popular book, movie, TV show, or game, and we discourage the use of "joke" names as well. Common Earth names should be adapted for use on Pern.

Just a reminder... dragon names must end in "-th", and no human, dolphin, or fire-lizard names may end in "-th."

3. Be original. Take your time thinking about what type of person you want your character to be. And please, don't make them a walking stereotype. No perfect people! (Dragons get fed up with perfect people, and have them as a tasty snack!) Give your character some flaws... we love flaws.

4. Please, no HADs. (characters who hear all dragons telepathically) We already have our full allotment of these very rare characters. The membership will be informed when there is space for another HAD.

5. When you create your persona, you are creating a personality. Be sure to stay consistent with this personality when role playing them. If you put on the persona sheet that they absolutely hate dancing, and then you have them on the dance floor like they have been doing it all their life, you have just contradicted the persona sheet. If you are in doubt, refer back to your persona sheet to make sure that your character stays consistent. It will keep all of us sane. You can, of course, update your persona sheet, as you get to know him or her better. Personas do surprise us sometimes!

Now that we have that out of the way, it's time for some fun! Please save this sheet as a new plain text file (.txt extension) and send it to the BoD . (RTF and HTML persona sheets don't work very well for us!) The BoD member in charge of your type of persona will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest!

Blank Persona Sheet for Torayan Weyr
Also available in plain text format for your convenience.

(Like we said before, take your time with it, think about it, and please be detailed! Oh yeah...and have fun!)

Persona's Name:
Date Created:
Date Updated:

Your information:
(This section is about you... not your character)

Name: (a nickname is fine, whatever you want to be called in the club)
Email Address:
Alternate Email Address: (This is so we can contact you in case there is a problem with your regular email account... for example, if your account fills up and messages start bouncing.)
Real Name and Postal Mailing Address: **Required for membership. The BoD will not share your address with other members or anyone else, and it will only be used for official club correspondence. (print 'zines, newsletters, postcards to check on AWOL members) Our Privacy Policy is being written and will be posted soon.**
Age: (We are an ages 13 and up club, to comply with the United States Children's Online Privacy Act of 1998, but bear in mind that some storylines may contain mature content and some violence.)
Number of Pern Books you have read:
What was the first Pern book that you read: (this is just to satisfy our curiosity ;) )

What conflicts, if any, will possibly make it difficult for you to check your email? (school? job? family?) If you play a ranking character, you'll need to be able to participate regularly: not every day, but often. Please don't let this deter you from joining. You're welcome to participate at your own pace! We all have real lives, too.

Have you read, and do you agree to comply with, this page, the PbEM Guide and Frequently Asked Questions?

Basic Character Information

Name: (include pre-honorific if male dragonrider. We do not elide female riders' names.)
Name pronounced:
Age: (our "current" Pern year is 2010.)
Birthdate: (All you have to do is add 9 to the Earth birth year, and there you have it! For example, someone born on May 12, 1980 would be born on 1989-05.12 in our Pern. Please format the date in the style given. Remember that Pern has thirteen months of twenty-eight days each.)
Birthplace: (Please check our Places page for a list of allowable locations.)
Current Residence: (Please check our Places page for a list of allowable locations.)
Mother's name/rank/age/location:
Father's name/rank/age/location:
Siblings' name/rank/age/location:
Other close family members: (Grandparents, aunts, uncles?)
Significant others: (Friends, love interests, arch-enemies?)

Physical Info

(Please, no cliched people, no perfect people, and no super people. No psycho-paths, either. Please make your description as realistic as possible, with height, weight and build making sense together. If you need help on this score, we'd be happy to assist you.)

Hair color, length, and style:
Eye color:
Build: (Is your persona scrawny, chubby, muscular, etc.?)
Personality: (As much as you can give us! We really do want to know everything!)
Facial Features:
Distinguishing Marks: (Scars, birthmarks?)
Clothing Style: (Favorite colors, neat or sloppy, favorite outfits?)
Habits: (Don't skip Habits or Hobbies, they're important in rounding out your character)
Hobbies: (Everybody does something to relax. Or, if they don't on principle... you can put that here too.)
History: (We love detailed histories, with timelines if you can!)

Dragon Info

(Only if your character is a rider or Candidate... Candidates, think of this as a "wish list" for the dragon your character may Impress.)

Physical Description:
When and where impressed:
Dam/Sire: (we will fill this in for you)
Size: (are they big or small for their color)

Hold Info

(only if your character is a minor or major holder. If they are a major holder, check with us first before you dive into it.)

Hold Name:
Hold Size:
Rank at hold:
If a minor territory, whose territory is it in?:

NPC Info (These characters are only rarely played, if ever)

Physical description:
If dragonrider, name of dragon:
Color of dragon:
Date and where impressed:

Crafter Info

(This is only if your character is a crafter)

Special talents:
Which craft:
Number of turns in craft:
Apprenticed (date and for how long):
Journeyman (date and for how long):

Pet Info

Note: No more than two firelizards per character, and no golds or bronzes without BoD approval. Browns, blues, and greens are fine.

Also, no new Candidates or weyrlings will be allowed to have any pets under 2 Turns of age... classes will keep them too busy to properly care for them.

Color/Physical Description:

Questions? Contact the BoD.

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