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After four (4) wonderful years I have finally decided to close Torayan Weyr. It was a heart wrenching decision... but in the end it is for the best. With my wrist problems and the lack of time to properly care for my Weyr and update the website I don't think it's fair to my outstanding and much loved members to neglect them due to that lack of time. We have also been quite.. comatose.. as of late, and it is obvious that although it was a blast, Torayan has run its course in the world of RP. I will never forget the members who have stuck through with me 'till the end nor those who are a bit newer and gave my Weyr a chance. And for those of you who had applied recently I deeply apologize for not responding but I just don't have the time anymore to pay Torayan the attention it and its members deserve. I hope that all of you who were members have fond memories like I do, and I'll never forget you.

I'm starting a group for prior or current members so we can all keep in touch... if you would like to join and touch bases once in a while, please email me

Torayan Weyr Play-by-Email Guide
Revised 2002-02.24 by the BoD

Originally written by Rachel

I. Club Structure and Copyright Notice
II. Basic Rules of Role-Playing
III. Charter Rules and Those Required by Anne McCaffrey
IV. Personas
V. Leaving the Club
V. Writing and Formatting Guidelines

VI. Infractions

These are some rules we would like you all to follow when role-playing by email. Please keep in mind that these rules may change as our club evolves. The BoD will always keep the membership informed of any changes, and we are open to discussing rules with our members.

Since we require identifiable personal information to join, all new members are required to be age 13 and up as of February, 2002, to comply with United States Federal child protection guidelines. Our formal privacy policy is in the works and will be posted soon.

Other membership requirements are listed in the FAQ.

At the bottom of this page, you'll find the Infractions section. While we have only had to discipline members on extremely rare occasions, it can happen.

I. Club Structure and Copyright Notice

Torayan Weyr was founded by Rachel in February, 2001. Rachel is the Charter Holder, and she is the final arbiter regarding all matters of Weyr management.

We have an appointed Board of Directors to assist Rachel in daily club management, persona approval, and maintenance of the web site and the mailing lists. The BoD works together as a team to solve any problems that may come our way.

Our primary mission is to help you, as our members, have fun playing in the world of Pern, and if anything is getting in the way, we want to know about it so we can help you. :)

If you have any questions or problems, at any time, feel free to come to the BoD member of your choice, or to send a message to the BoD list.

Board of Directors:

Rachel - Charter Holder/Webbie
Crysty -BoD

Ranking positions in the club are available to any member who wishes to apply for them. The BoD encourages both veteran and new members to try for ranking positions. These positions are generally filled by written application, judged by creativity and writing quality.

Accepting a ranking position may include additional in-character and out-of-character duties. See the Persona Creation section for more on this.

Copyright Notice: All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern¨ is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.

Torayan Weyr is credited to Rachel Weatherby, 2000-2002. All original characters, places, and situations are property of their creators.

II. Basic Rules of Role-Playing

A. The number one rule of role-playing (RPing) is to never role-play another person's character without their explicit permission. In the gaming world, this is like taking control of another person's words or actions, and it is almost the worst thing you can do in a game.

B. Please treat your fellow role-players with respect, and try not to confuse in-character and out-of-character actions and emotions. If your character is picked on or disliked, it doesn't mean the real people in the club don't like you. Likewise, if your character gets in trouble in role-playing, it doesn't necessarily mean that you, the player, are in trouble too.

If you have a problem with another member, please bring it directly to the BoD. Do not post your complaints to one of our mailing lists, and do not flame the other member. Flaming will not be tolerated on any of our lists.

C. We want you to be creative in coming up with story ideas and characters... but if you're going to go beyond "normal" Pernese life, we would appreciate a heads-up. We may have other storylines in the works which might conflict with your idea, (we are full of evil plots!) or we may need to schedule your plot idea so we don't have too much going on at the same time. When in doubt: ask!

Plots requiring prior approval from the BoD, no exceptions:

  • Death or major injury of a PC, a dragon, a fire-lizard, or an important NPC. If you have questions about what entails a "major" injury, just ask.
  • Introduction of a PC or an NPC, unless the NPC is on one of your characters' approved persona sheets or has been written up separately.
  • Any mating flight, green or gold, dragon or firelizard
  • Finding a firelizard clutch
  • Anything that might affect a large number of personas, such as a fire, virulent illness, natural disaster, serious or violent crime, etc.
  • Anything that might push the boundaries of the basic Pern canon... again, please ask.

D. If you plan to get into anything sexual or explicit, have it fade to black before it goes too far. We have several younger members, and it wouldn’t be appropriate. If you wouldn't see it on standard, network prime-time TV, you won't see it in one of our RPs. If you want to go beyond that, feel free to take it off-list.

III. Charter Rules Required by Anne McCaffrey

These rules are extremely important to follow, because they determine our right to play in Ms. McCaffrey's world. Other fan Weyrs may interpret these rules differently than we do, but we all follow the same basic tenets. If you have any questions about these rules, email the BoD and we'll talk about it. You can also refer to the fan club rules posted on Ms. McCaffrey's web site. (no direct link available: click on "FAQ" in the bar menu)

A. No character can be related to Lessa, F’lar, Robinton, or anyone from Ms. McCaffrey’s books. Additionally, no character names may be reused from her books. See the Persona Creation section for more on this.

B. Pern fan clubs are not allowed to use Benden Hold, Benden Weyr, or Ruatha Hold in role-playing. To make it easier for our members to follow this rule, our scenario does not include these locations: they simply do not exist. Please see our Places page for a list of allowable locations replacing these. Connell wine (our analogue to Benden) is just as good, trust us!

C. 1. Also as stated and requested by Ms. McCaffrey, we can have no online role-play. All of it must be done through emails only, or through members-only print "zines." Do not role-play in chat rooms or using instant messenger programs, do not post stories on your personal homepage, and please do not share them with others outside the group. More than any other, this is the rule which might endanger our existence as an approved fan Weyr... so please, keep your fellow members in mind, and just don't do it.

C. 2. We are not allowed to archive our emails with our mailing list provider, Yahoo! Groups. Each member is responsible for keeping copies of each message he or she would like to save. You may need to download messages from your email account more often.

D. Our role-playing will follow the basic tenets of Pern, as we all know and love from the books. If you're not yet familiar with Pern, please check out our FAQ.

IV. Personas

A. Torayan Weyr Pairings for Impression:

Members and characters of all genders and sexual orientations are warmly welcomed at Torayan Weyr. The dragon pairings listed below are consistent with the majority of Pern fan clubs currently in operation.

Dragons are only allowed in the five standard colors: no exceptions.

Gold: Only heterosexual females
Bronze: Only heterosexual males
Brown: Only heterosexual males
Blue: Homosexual and bisexual males, and sometimes homosexual and bisexual females (fandom allowance, varies from club to club)
Green: Homosexual males and heterosexual females

B. PCs and NPCs... PC stands for Player Character, and NPC stands for Non-Player Character. Virtually all role-playing on our lists will take place with PCs. NPCs are the "bit parts," like extras in a movie.

If you plan to use an NPC for an extended period of time, such as in conjunction with a continuing plot, you must write up an abbreviated persona sheet and submit this to the BoD. If you're going to keep an NPC permanently, you must write him or her up as a full PC.

C. Ranking Personas: As stated above, all members are encouraged to write up and apply for ranking characters. While we don't have the kind of requirements found in some fan Weyrs, like reports and zines, we will probably ask you to take on certain in-character and out-of-character responsibilities in keeping with your new position.

For example, say you've applied for the position of Weyrlingmaster Assistant:

In-Character responsibilities: Help run Weyrling and Candidate lesson role-plays on the TorayanYounguns list, interact frequently with Weyrling and Candidate personas, take orders from the Weyrlingmaster and Weyrleaders regarding duties.

Out-Of-Character responsibilities: Post frequently on the Weyrlings list, help keep the plot moving, help come up with creative lesson ideas, etc.

Ranking Positions include, but are not limited to: all gold and bronze riders, Wingleaders, Wingseconds, Weyrlingmasters, Headwoman, Lord Holder, Craft Master.

More guidelines for persona creation are located on our Persona Sheet, including limits on the number of PC characters each member may create at a time.

Please read both this page, and the Persona Sheet, before you begin.... have fun!

V. Leaving the Club

We would greatly appreciate it if you would notify the BoD if you plan to leave the club. We all have real lives, too, and we'll understand, though we'll be very sad to see you go.

Except in the case of goldriders, you can tell us how you want to write your characters out of the story. You can choose from making the characters adoptable for other members, arranging their deaths, or having them slip into assumed NPC obscurity.

Goldriders may only be killed off or transferred out. To keep the club fair for everyone, these characters will not be able to return if you rejoin Torayan Weyr in the future.

If you do not specify how your characters are to be treated when you leave Torayan Weyr, or if you abandon characters without responding to our attempts to contact you, the BoD will take charge of the characters and do with them as they see fit.

We are generally open to former players who want to return. We will discuss reinstatement of characters on a case-by-case basis.

VI. Writing and Formatting Guidelines

In order to keep sanity within the weyr, we have a few writing guidelines to keep in mind. We won't put a dead tunnel-snake in your bed for not adhering to these rules, but everyone will be happier if you do.

A. Please make an attempt to date all your posts with the Pern date. (i.e. 2010-06.01) This is so the BoD can compile a timeline, and to help us avoid conflicts. If you're not sure of the date, please ask the originator of the thread, or the BoD-- we'll work something out.

B. In our Weyr, human to dragon telepathy is enclosed in [[square brackets.]]
Dragon to human telepathy is enclosed in {{curly brackets.}}
Human "mental monologue" by non-riders, or riders who aren't talking to their dragons, is enclosed in ::colons,:: or ~tildes.~

C. When replying to a long section of text, we would really appreciate it if you would put your reply before the previous text in the story. Please don’t include every single email from that one RP every time you reply: just put in the section you're directly replying to.

D. Put << >> (brackets) around the text that you are replying to... it helps us tell the difference between what you are replying, and what your reply is. We prefer manually typed brackets over the automatic ones inserted by most email programs.

E. Please RP in the past tense. It’s less confusing, and makes it easier to read.

F. Please spell-check your posts, if you can, and make an effort to use proper punctuation and grammar. Again, no dead tunnel-snakes, but clear and correct writing helps to make role-playing go much more smoothly.

VII. Infractions

Please remember that the BoD and the Charter Holder have discretion over all these rules, and have the right to refuse or revoke membership at any time. We will do our best to resolve any situations before they cause major problems before they get to this point.

The first time a player breaks any rule in Section II or Section III, the BoD will remind the player about the rule, and offer him or her an opportunity to fix the mistake or apologize to anyone else involved.

The second time, the BoD will warn the player. The player will have one week to post a retraction and/or an apology to the list, or privately to the other player(s) involved if the situation warrants.

The third time, the player will have his or her mailing list status changed to Moderated for a period of one month. (This means that the player will not be able to post directly to the lists: a BoD member must review all posts before they are sent to the general membership.)

If, after one month, the player has shown that he or she can post without moderation, the player will be returned to full status in the club.

These guidelines have been made to make role-playing go a bit smoother, and to keep general chaos to a minimum. Please remember them, and play by them, and everyone will continue to have a good time.

Thank you for reading this page! Any questions, comments, or thoughts? Contact the BoD.

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