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After four (4) wonderful years I have finally decided to close Torayan Weyr. It was a heart wrenching decision... but in the end it is for the best. With my wrist problems and the lack of time to properly care for my Weyr and update the website I don't think it's fair to my outstanding and much loved members to neglect them due to that lack of time. We have also been quite.. comatose.. as of late, and it is obvious that although it was a blast, Torayan has run its course in the world of RP. I will never forget the members who have stuck through with me 'till the end nor those who are a bit newer and gave my Weyr a chance. And for those of you who had applied recently I deeply apologize for not responding but I just don't have the time anymore to pay Torayan the attention it and its members deserve. I hope that all of you who were members have fond memories like I do, and I'll never forget you.

I'm starting a group for prior or current members so we can all keep in touch... if you would like to join and touch bases once in a while, please email me

Torayan Weyr: Places of Our Pern

PC Locations - Role play at these locations is permitted.
NPC Locations
- Characters may be from these locations, and occasional role-play is permitted here with prior BoD permission.
NPC Weyrs and Holds- Players may use these locations in creating persona sheets, and may mention the personas without permission. Any other use of the personas requires prior BoD approval.

Torayan Weyr

Weyrleader R'vynn, bronze Wynnyth - Crysty
Weyrwoman Kalina, queen Pirenth - Rachel
Weyrsecond T'kequil, brown Moryasanth - Erin
Junior Weyrwoman Ysera, queen Miryath - Mary
Candidatemaster/Retired Weyrwoman Savannah, queen Seth - Crysty

Territory Map: Created by Mary.
Weyr Floorplan: Created by Rachel. Not to scale.

Beholden to Torayan Weyr:

Torayan Hold - Rachel

Lord Holder Talan - Rachel
Lady Holder Faliya
Hold Steward Rynkali - Mary


Southern Harper Hall
Healer Hall
Southern Smith Crafthall
Southern Weaver Hall
Torayan Beasthold

Island River Hold - Mary

Lord Holder Boghran - Mary
Lady Holder Yebena - Adoptable NPC

Small fishing and farming Hold established during the last Interval.

Dependent Holds include:

Mason Sea Hold, fishing Hold - Millard

Holder Jonythin - NPC
Holder Marie - NPC

Members: If you would like to create a hold, or adopt an existing Hold, please contact the BoD. Lord or Lady Holder is considered a ranking position, and a Hold comes with a lot of responsibility.



NPC Locations

All Lord and Lady Holders, Weyrleaders, and Weyrwomen below are BoD-run NPCs. They are listed to let the members know of named characters which may be mentioned during play, or in the creation of persona sheets. Check with the BoD if you have any questions.

Beholden to Torayan Weyr:

Kahiko Hold
Vintner Hall, farming center. Located approximately where Southern Hold is in the canon Ninth Pass.

Lord Holder Zadok
Lady Holder Nerine

Malu Sea Hold
Prosperous Hold, home of Malu Dolphincrafthall and Starhall.

Lord Holder Sanayos
Lady Holder Ranrilly

Blackrock Cothold - Mary
Struggling settlement south of Island River territory.

Tangleway Hold - abandoned in eighth Interval

NPC Weyrs and Holds

Connell Weyr

Weyrleader D'shel, bronze Cierth
Weyrwoman Ennia, queen Peldath
Wingsecond H'len, brown Xaeloth

  • Replaces Benden Weyr.
    Please note that no references to Benden Weyr, Hold, or wine are permitted in our RPs. Your character may not be from there, since Benden has never existed in our timeline. Connell wine is just as good as Benden's... we promise!

    Connell Hold
    Bitra Hold
    Lemos Hold

Fort Weyr

Weyrleader B'len, bronze Belrath
Weyrwoman Penga, queen Dominath

  • Please note that Ruatha Hold has never existed in our timeline. Also, no storylines may take place at the Fort Hold Harper Hall, though a character may be from there. We prefer that you use our Southern Harper Hall, located in Torayan Hold.

    Fort Hold
    Southern Boll Hold

Kalrin Weyr

Weyrleader Z'hel, bronze Droeth
Weyrwoman Cadeina, queen Urianth

  • Replaces Eastern/Monaco Bay Weyr of the canon Ninth Pass.

Kalrin Hold

Lord Holder Herolk
Lady Holder Michiko

High Reaches Weyr

Weyrleader O'mar, bronze Granth
Weyrwoman Quileia, queen Daishanth
Wingsecond F'kob, bronze Choth
Retired Weyrwoman Quila, queen Tanveth

High Reaches Hold
Tillek Hold

Igen Weyr

Weyrleader V'ron, bronze Aforth
Weyrwoman Olara, queen Rissath
Junior Weyrwoman Lysana, queen Tath
Junior Weyrwoman Syrra, queen Irisanth

Keroon Hold

Igen Hold
Lady Holder Herin

Ista Weyr

Weyrleader M'gal, bronze Odrith
Weyrwoman Loreya, queen Fenith

Telgar Weyr

Weyrleader N'won, bronze Gerenth
Weyrwoman Meyalla, queen Perilath
(Retired Weyrwoman Savannah, queen Seth - Crysty - transferred 2010)


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