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Daybreak Plot

Setting: Las Vegas, The Strip

Characters: Blaise, Lupe, Quinn, Gift

Blaise escapes from the Convent and is wandering around Las Vegas in search of the Daybreak Mansion, in the hope that she might be able to meet up with her cousin Thea (NPC) there. Unfortunately, she is attacked by a gang of men; fortunately, Lupe and Quinn come to her rescue. After the fight ends, they begin introducing themselves. Gift enters at this point.

NW Plot

Setting: Las Vegas, further along the Strip

Characters: Jyira, Icantha, Jayden

Jyira wanders along the Strip, bored out of her wits, when Icantha meets her. The girls introduce themselves and start a conversation when Jayden appears, inquiring if they have seen a friend of his. They haven’t, but Icantha reveals the plot to kidnap Hannah Snow and asks for their help. They eventually strike a deal: he helps them kidnap Hannah, and they help him look for his friend.

 Daybreak Plot

Setting: Las Vegas, Coffee shop

Characters: Blaise, Lupe, Quinn, Gift

Gift suggests they adjourn to a coffee shop she knows. On the way, the girls talk; Quinn hangs behind, thinking of Rashel (NPC). Once at the coffee shop, Blaise reveals her motive for being in Vegas, and Quinn offers to take them there.

NW Plot

Setting: Las Vegas, further along the Strip

Characters: Jyira, Icantha, Jayden, Jacob

Jacob has been eavesdropping on the little group; now he steps forward and offers some news. As Icantha’s old partner in crime, he knows about the kidnapping plan. Better still, he offers transportation.