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Notice Board

~ I'm looking for people to fill in the position of birthday person, as our new member welcomer is Hannah Snow. I'll need another one or two people who can design or look for graphics, as in pictures to decorate the webpage. Also people who can be in charge of recruiting (yes, I know, I'm obsessive about this) people who are creative, and willing to RP. If you're interested in taking up any of these positions as well as a seat on the Council, please mail me. You know the address.

~ Below are places which can be filled if you are looking for a NW character who is already involved in the game as an NPC (you can jump straight into the plot), or if you are simply looking for a place in a plot to put your character:

The CD Plot:

a) Lord Thierry

~ Currently a NPC played by Gift, I would quite safely assume that this character would have a lot of chances to RP, what with Hannah being kidnapped and the rest of the Daybreak players storming his mansion. If you would like to know more about where he is or what he is doing, start typing me an email!

The NW Plot:

b) Kidnappee
~ I don't know how else to put this, but basically I'm looking for one or more people here. If you want to be kidnapped along with Hannah, and therefore RP with her and the rest of the NW players, you'll have to volunteer fast, because the kidnapping is about to take place!