Sharing is Caring

Sharing is Caring


Sharing is Caring:

Martin's brain was buzzing. Here he was sitting with Sam someone who had been the object of his affections for a little while now. They were sitting quietly watching some movie that Martin hadn't really been paying attention to and it wasn't because he was so enamored with Sam that he couldn't pay attention.

No, Sam wasn't whom he was thinking about at all. If anyone were to walk in right now they would think Martin and Sam where just friends maybe even related. That sat at least a couch cushion away from each other both clenching onto the sides of the sofa they were sitting on.

They seemed irritated with each other. No talking had passed since the Chinese take out they had eaten together. Sam had picked the movie. She seemed to really like it, but Martin found it dull from the parts he had actually tried to watch. It had Alicia Sliverstone in it that was all Martin knew.

She looked young too. Like it was during her days when she was in the Aerosmith music videos. Yes, Martin knew about that. He hadn't been a complete square back then. He had gone out and had fun and listened to music just like any other kid his age. He even happened to like Aerosmith, though his father would probably not want to hear that.

The movie was kind of irritating about this girl that, in Martin's opinion, really had some issues. Sam knew how to pick them. A movie about some deranged fourteen year old who thought she was in love willing to do anything to keep some guy from having an actual life.

Martin was surprised they weren't watching Single White Female. He wondered what it said about Sam that her taste in movies often veered in that direction. He didn't really want to think about it too closely.

He wasn't really. He was thinking about their case. The one they had worked earlier. It was solved and though everything wasn't exactly a happy ending, Martin was pretty happy with the outcome.

He had got to work with Danny, something that he hadn't had the chance to do lately. He forgot how good they worked together. He had forgotten how easy it was to just be around Danny. He had just plain forgotten what it was like to be around someone that knew him.

Though he had been with Sam for some time now she didn't really know him. They didn't share meaningful conversations about their lives. They hardly talked. They went out whenever they could. They spent nights like this trading off movie choices neither liking the others choice. It was just so... boring and predictable and even a little awkward.

But it shouldn't have been. It shouldn't have been awkward if they were dating. They should have developed a dialogue by now. They should have gotten over that awkward phase. It seemed that they were perpetually in it.

Then there was Danny. Martin couldn't stop thinking about him. Sam had managed to distract him for awhile. Not very long, but awhile yet the second Martin spent just a shred of time with Danny it seemed Martin couldn't get him out of his mind. They had hung out before. They had done things friends would do. They were comfortable with each other.

So comfortable Danny apparently thought it was okay to just start eating Martin's sandwich. Not that they hadn't shared food before. Sometimes Martin's eyes would be bigger than his stomach and he'd give Danny whatever he couldn't finish. They had mixed up their coffees occasionally too. So that wasn't weird.

Martin didn't know why this time it was weird. Danny had just assumed that Martin was saving his sandwich for Danny. Didn't care when Martin pointed out he meant the files. Danny just gave Martin a look that said 'Do you mind?' while bringing a napkin up to his face to wipe away the residual tuna.

"Do you mind?" Danny had said and Martin thought it was weird that he could read Danny's thoughts.

Of course Martin hadn't minded. Danny looked really hungry. He made that little noise in the back of his throat he made when he was so hungry that he wouldn't have cared if he were eating cow dung. So Martin had let it slide, but it did creep him out that he knew Danny so well.

That he could tell Danny was really hungry and could read his facial expressions. Danny wasn't exactly the easiest person to read. He liked the banter between the two of them and he hadn't realized how much he missed it until it was gone and then had suddenly reappeared.

Martin knew he was joking when he had said he could see Martin and Sam living in a house with kids, but it got Martin thinking. He couldn't see him and Sam in a house with kids. He hadn't even given that much thought to it. Now that he had it just didn't seem right at all.

"I don't see us with kids." Martin blurted out during some commercial that looked like it could be advertising car insurance. Sam looked over at him weird look plastered on her face.

"What?" She said less than eloquently.

"Kids, us I just don't see it." She was looking at him like he had grown a second head.

"Again I say what?"

"I just... me and Danny were at Lance Hamilton's... house and Danny had said he could picture you and me there with kids and I... I just don't see it." Martin said feeling ridiculous.

"We've only been dating for a few months, Martin." Sam said logically.

"Are we dating?" Martin said before he could stop himself. Sam looked offended.

"I thought we were." Sam said utterly confused.

"I guess you could call it that. I don't know anything about you though. Shouldn't I know more? Like shouldn't I know your middle name?" Martin asked.

"I don't have a middle name." Sam said in a deadpan voice.

"Yeah, I didn't know that. Shouldn't I know that? I mean I don't need an entire life history, but small details... right?"

"If you want to know something about me then just ask." Sam said looking a bit angry.

"That's just it... I don't know if I won't to know anything about you." This made Sam look outraged. Martin could smack himself.

"I'm not doing this very well." Martin muttered.

"No I think you're doing a fantastic job. Please continue." Sam said voice filled with sarcasm.

"What I'm trying to say is that... I like you, but I don't think it goes too far beyond friendship. I mean I should know things about you and I don't. If I really liked you then I'd make the effort. I'm not... and I don't really feel like I want to. It shouldn't be this hard. I should know your moods. When you're sad or angry or happy or... hungry." Martin said trailing off.


"I should be able to read your mind or your facial expressions like when you don't like something and your eyes get all wide."

"Martin I don't do that..."

"It's an example. I'm not saying you do it. It's just an example." Martin said hurriedly because it wasn't Sam who did that. Danny did that.

"And it shouldn't feel weird if we accidentally get our coffees mixed up. Because we're dating and yeah okay salvia and all that, but come on I mean we have sex." Martin said and he knew he was sounding crazier by the moment.

"You want us to share coffee?" Sam asked as her nose cringed up like sharing coffee was the equivalent of bathing in vomit.

"I'm saying it shouldn't be weird if we do." Martin said.

"But the germs alone..."

"Sam, you're not listening. Germs shouldn't be a problem. And when one of us gets sick the other should bring soup and watch TV with the sick person not avoid them like the plague." Martin said.

"I didn't have enough vacation time to afford getting sick. Besides I thought you said Danny was there with you." Sam said.

And Danny had been there with him. Had brought him some kind of miracle soup Martin didn't know the name of. All Danny had said was he had gotten it from the Chinese deli next to his apartment. Danny had force fed Martin his medicine and kept Martin company by watching TV with him and making his weird comments.

"It's not his job to do that." Martin said.

"But it's mine?" Sam said and she was pissed again. Pissed at Martin's stereotype of a girlfriend.

"You should at least want to Sam. I would have wanted to." Martin said.

"But not anymore?" Sam asked.

"What?" It was apparently Martin's turn to be confused.

"You wouldn't bring me soup now if I got sick?" Sam asked. Martin looked puzzled.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know if I'd stay with you. I'd check in I guess." Martin said.

"So this isn't my fault?"

"What isn't your fault?"

"Us breaking up."

"We're breaking up?" Martin said.

"Martin you just pointed out that we're not at all compatible. Seems like you've got someone else on your mind." Sam said.

"What are you talking about?" Martin asked.

"Eyes going wide when I don't like something... the soup thing."

"What are you getting at?"

"Oh don't play dumb. You have a crush on Danny." Sam said.

"WHAT!? No I don't. What would make you say that?" Martin asked.

"The fact that it's true. I was surprised that you two weren't dating already. Viv sure thought you were." Sam said.

"Wait... what?"

"Martin, this thing between us... my reasons for starting it were because I didn't have anything better to do... no wait that sounds cruel. What I meant to say was that I thought that this would be the least painful relationship I could start." Sam said.

"I was... safe?" Martin asked.

"Well, yeah. I knew you'd never hurt me. I knew you'd never really expect things from me. I was actually kind of shocked when we went out. I thought you and Danny would have realized by then... but I guess I was wrong. I walked into this knowing we could never really be anything. I was actually okay with that." Sam said.

"How... I mean... Danny... you actually think I like Danny?" Martin said. Sam looked at him as though he were crazy.

"Um, yes, Martin I do think you like Danny. I think you know you like Danny... somewhere in your oblivious mind." Sam said.


"Come on Martin think. Every little thing the two of you do for each other. All those little gestures you do. The fact that you can share food... personally I think that's gross, but you two think nothing of it. That's a couple thing. In fact I've actually been feeling kind of like the 'other woman'. I really don't like that feeling Martin." Sam said and Martin knew exactly why she didn't like that feeling.

"So... you... I like Danny." Martin said.

"Like Martin... the two of you have been in a relationship for the past year." Sam said as if it were totally obvious.

"And that... that doesn't bother you?" Martin asked.

"Not one bit. I knew it was only a matter of time. What did you expect me to be all choked up? Sorry, I knew the score... apparently before you knew the score. You're a good FBI agent Martin, but when it comes to your personal life you're so blind." Sam said and it looked like she wanted to laugh at him.

She probably would be too if Martin didn't have the sense of mind to look pissed at that comment. Here he was sitting on Sam's couch talking about his crush on Danny like it was the easiest thing in the world. She didn't care. She actually thought it was a good thing. She wanted him to be with Danny.

"So... I should probably..."

"He's probably still up. Of course I don't know him as well as you do... that's actually sad considering I've worked with him longer... though not really because I'm not crazy about him like you are... wait I had a point there somewhere." Sam said. Martin smiled at her flustered attitude. It wasn't often that Sam was flustered.

"You keep elevating my interest in Danny. First it's a crush. Then I like him. Now I'm crazy about him." Martin said amused smirk on his face. Wasn't anywhere near Danny's smirk, but Martin did know how to smirk.

"Well aren't you?" Sam asked. Martin took a couple seconds to think that over.

"Honestly... I'm not sure." Martin said.

"Well you know there's only one way to find out. Go on, before he goes to sleep." Sam said smile on her face.

Martin smiled as he got up from the couch and looked for his jacket. Once he put it on and was near the door he looked back at Sam who seemed to be engrossed in her movie.

"I'm almost sad it didn't work out." Martin said. Sam looked up at him a surprised look on her face.


"Because, you're really perceptive. It's gonna be like the blind leading the blind isn't it?" Martin asked.

Sam smiled at him again. She was really pretty. Most guys would think he was insane to just leave her.

"Yeah, it is. But you know they say love is blind."


Martin had taken a cab to Danny's. He had gone home with Sam in her car and he didn't really feel like picking his car up. It gave him an excuse to, at the very least, ask Danny for a ride back to his apartment.

He had rattled off the address like it was nothing and the cab driver had driven him there. Now Martin stood in front of Danny's door and Martin knew he wasn't asleep. He could just feel it. So he knocked on the door. It took Danny a few moments to answer, but he did in a white shirt and sweatpants his hair sticking up in weird angles.

"Did I wake you?" Martin asked, but he knew he hadn't. Danny was probably lying on his couch in front of the TV soda can on the coffee table.

"No, I was watching some movie. That Dracula movie with Gary Oldman." Danny said leaning against the door.

His eyes looked slightly droopy, but that didn't mean he was going to sleep. It just meant he was tired. Probably coming down from a self induced caffeine high.

"I like that movie." Martin said.

"Yeah you mentioned that once. You wanna come in?" Danny asked. It was that easy. Martin smiled.

"Yeah sure." Danny smiled back at him. A smile not a smirk and Martin's smile widened. Danny moved aside to let Martin in and Martin glided past him and into Danny's small apartment.

"So to what do I owe this lovely visit. It is a little late. Shouldn't you and Sam be asleep right now? Not that I'm complaining that you're here. I was actually starting to get a little bored." Danny said as Martin walked past that couch.

He didn't sit down. He just stared around the living room. It wasn't big, but Danny made it look homey. Way more homey then Martin's apartment felt.

"Danny... what's my middle name?" Martin said turning to face Danny. He could have smiled at the confused look on Danny's face.

"Richard, why?" Danny said.

"And your full name is Daniel Luiz Alvarez." Martin said. He saw Danny flinch at his real name, but Martin continued.

"You listen to Spanish music and watch Spanish soap operas when you get the chance. You like rock and roll, but your tastes aren't limited to that. Your favorite movie is Ferris Buller's Day Off... which happens to be my favorite. You're a secret John Hughes fan though you saw the movies years after they came out. You like Mexican food and avoid burgers like the plague, but your love cheese.

"Any kind of cheese. And Chinese food. And your coffee with three creams and two sugars. You have an elderly Spanish neighbor who makes you take her to church every Sunday and you go even though you hate it because she may not Cuban, but she's as close as your job allows you to find." Martin said taking a deep breath.

"I know you grew up in Florida and I know that your parents died when you were eleven in a car accident. I know you feel guilty about that and I know that you've got some old wounds that you won't tell me about, but you don't have to say anything because I know that it's hard for you to talk about them.

"I know you have a brother and you'd like to visit him and his family, but work and your fear gets in the way. I know you're a recovering alcoholic and that you sometimes wish for a drink, but instead you come here and count the spots on your ceiling." Martin said as he walked closer to Danny.

Danny had his serious look on his face. The one where his eyes narrowed and he pouted. Danny was always pouting. It seemed like his lips were in perpetual pout mode. It was one more thing Martin noticed about Danny. He noticed it and he catalogued it and it was in the back of his mind with all his other Danny information he seemed to be spilling forward.

"You like to steal my pens on chew on them because you used to smoke and you wanted to give up all your bad habits at once. You wear glasses, but you think they make you look like a nerd, but I like them. Truth is you are a bit of a nerd. You watch Star Trek and you did great in college. I know you wanted to be a lawyer, but you've found your niche as an FBI agent though I know you've thought about it once or twice.

"You pout... like all the time. When you're angry or sad or serious or even happy. Your eyes get wide when you're angry or serious or excited or hopped up on caffeine. You like to talk with your hands. You mutter incoherently when you've had too much coffee. You have to make comments when you watch TV." Martin said. He wasn't even close to finished, but he needed some breath.

"You know all this?" Danny asked.

"Well, I listen... and I watch. And I'm not really even close to done." Martin said.

"Really, you know all this about me. What does this mean, Martin?" Danny asked.

"I don't know... maybe we're just friends, but... I like it when we share food. Seems intimate or something. I like watching TV with you, but I find it annoying when other people talk while I'm watching something. I don't like spending time with other people." Martin said.

"What about Sam?" Danny asked and Martin could see the jealous flicker in Danny's eyes. It was the first time Martin had really looked. He had been watching Danny for so long and he had never seen that.

"Well according to her we've been in a relationship for almost a year now. She feels like a mistress." Martin said with a smile. He liked the puzzled look on Danny's face.

"She... what is it she knows?" Danny asked.

"Well, she said I'm crazy about you. She said I'm oblivious. She said the only reason she even started a relationship with me was because she knew I... well she thought you and me were dating already." Martin said realizing how close he and Danny where.

They were barely six inches away from each other. Martin could remember all the other times they were this close. It was a lot. Suddenly Martin realized what that must have looked like to other people and it was no surprise that people thought they were dating.

"So she dated you because she figured you'd be all lovesick over me and she could brood about Jack." Danny said smirk on his face.

"I guess." Martin said. He had to look up slightly to see Danny's eyes.

"And you..."

"Well apparently I'm oblivious. I am oblivious right. I mean I'm not making a fool out of myself here. Because you'd be a real asshole if you just let me go on and on about how stalkerish I can..." Martin was cut off by Danny's lips on his own.

Soft wet lips that were kissing him and Martin hadn't known he wanted this for sure until he had it. Danny's arms wrapped firmly around his waist and pulled him closer and Martin could tell he was moaning into Danny's mouth.

Martin's arms wrapped around Danny's neck in his attempt to get closer. His lips parted slightly allowing Danny to slip his tongue inside. It was so good and it was just a kiss. Martin's brain soared at the possibility of how right other things would feel.

When Danny pulled away he let his forehead rest on Martin's their lips just centimeters away. Danny's breath flooded into Martin's mouth and all of it was just too good.

"You're not making a fool of yourself... and I'm not an asshole." Danny whispered. Martin laughed.

"Hmmm... good. You know when you said that you could picture me and Sam with kids... you didn't mean that did you?"

"Well, I'd kinda given up hope, Fitzie. A year is a long time to carry a torch for someone. You seemed straight to me. Sam's better than anyone else I guess." Danny said.

"But she's not better than you. I couldn't see it. The house and the kids with her. The Uncle Danny part sounded nice though, but it wasn't exactly Uncle Danny I was thinking about." Martin whispered.

"That right." Danny said his hands had seemed to have developed a mind of their own as they absently stroked every available surface of Martin's skin.

"Uh huh." Martin choked out at the feel of Danny's hands.

"So, I should be mad. I mean you've been cheating on me, Fitzie." Danny said playful smirk on his face.

"Maybe we could just forget all about that. Think of it as a loss of sanity." Martin said hopefully.

"Well we haven't really official started our relationship so I guess I can forgive you this one thing. Just don't think you can get away with it again." Danny said as he started pulling Martin towards his bedroom. Martin saw where they were headed and frowned.

"Aren't we doing this a little too quickly?" Martin asked.

"Martin, most guys would have left after a month of your song and dance. I think I should be rewarded a medal. You thwart my every advance for a whole year and now here you are in my apartment telling me you like me and that we've been in a relationship for a year. No sex after a year... we're not living as monks here." Danny said.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Martin said a playful grin on his face.

"But you know I sleep on the right side of the bed."

"How did I know you would? I prefer the left myself." Danny said as they entered Danny's room. Danny's hands were all over Martin at this point. Under his shirt, on his legs and sides and neck and hair.

"Compatible... it's nice." Martin said his voice barely a whisper.

"Hmmm... yeah it is."


Sam came in earlier then usual to see Martin and Danny at Martin's desk Danny sitting atop the desk smiling at Martin. There was one coffee between them. Sam stopped herself from cringing. Finally all was well with the world.

"They finally get it through their skulls." Sam turned around to see Viv standing behind her.

"Yup, took Martin a little push. I think they're pretty happy with it." Sam said.

"And you're not heartbroken I take it." Viv said.

"Nope not at all. I'm happy for them." Sam said smiling as Martin and Danny laughed and touched each other.

That wasn't new. They always touched each other. It was usually one armed hugs or pats on the back. This was hand touching something a bit more intimate.

"Am I missing something?" Jack asked papers in hand. He looked so puzzled that Viv and Sam wanted to laugh.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Those two." Jack said pointing to Danny and Martin.

"Oh... you mean the married couple. Martin's done with his indiscretion and he's back with his partner." Sam said as she laughed. Viv laughed as well. Jack still looked perplexed.

"I thought you and Martin were dating?" Jack asked.

"Nope, I was just the mistress." Sam said between giggles. Viv wasn't even attempting to hide her laughter.

"I'm confused." Jack said and it wasn't often that Jack admitted that. It made Sam laugh harder.

"I'll tell you all about it over coffee."


*Movie being referenced to in this story is 'The Crush' and is always playing late night on TBS!

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