Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire


Chapter 9:

Jacqui was a woman on a mission. No one knew more office gossip than she did, but it just so happened that she was working a million prints when the little scene between Nick and Greg transpired. She hadn't found out until some little blonde morgue attendant yammered on and on about how cute Nick and Greg were.

Jacqui was pissed, to say the very least, that Bobby or Archie hadn't informed her about this, but they were overloaded with work as well. Bobby seemed a little ticked that he didn't know as well. Nothing went on in the lab without Jacqui or Bobby knowing and Archie by default because he was in the circle after all.

But then again there was someone else in the circle. There were two someone else's that were in the circle. Jacqui didn't like Hodges that much. Sure he was an okay guy when he wasn't being too snarky or sarcastic, but that was usually slim to none.

He did his work though and he was pretty good at it so Jacqui couldn't find too much fault in him. He had a great work ethic, but a lousy personality. Jacqui sometimes wondered how Nick could stay friends with him for so long without strangling the little weasel. Yet here they were, months later still telling each other everything.

Jacqui thought she once saw them gossiping and giggling like little school girls. She wasn't entirely certain how Greg would take Nick and Hodges being so close. He hadn't said anything yet.

The problem with the circle was that one person in the circle was a grumpy puss and refused to gossip. Nick gossiped. He gossiped a lot more than he'd let on, but Hodges didn't have a taste for it. In fact, if truth be told, he hated it. He wanted nothing to do with all of it.

The circle only worked if everyone in the circle was willing to cooperate. All Jacqui asked was to be told when things happened around the lab. She'd even sat Hodges down and told him the codes they came up with so that they could get the information across the lab in record speed without anyone knowing.

Nick obeyed the codes, Hodges didn't and so Jacqui was left out of the loop on the juiciest thing to hit the lab since that whole Holly Gribbs thing and Sara came to town and Warrick's gambling problem was revealed to the world. Or since Greg's little stalker incident.

Sure things happened in the lab. Guesses were made as to what was going on in the CSIs lives, but nothing ever really interesting happened on a day to day basis. Jacqui was supposed to know when it did.

Things weren't supposed to change without her knowing. She felt like and idiot that she had to hear this news from someone like a morgue attendant. It was her lab. She was supposed to know what happened in it.

"So you guys didn't see anything?" Jacqui asked. Archie and Bobby sighed.

"That's what we said, Jac. We didn't see anything. Though after what you said about Nick not liking being kissed in the lab I highly doubt that he let Greg practically molest him on the break room table." Bobby said.

"Well, who was in the break room?" Jacqui asked.

"According to Stacy, she works in one of the labs, it was Hodges and Warrick. Just those to. Though she also said that Nick and Greg had some sort of argument and than Greg dragged Nick off." Archie said.

"Where the hell did she get her information?" Jacqui asked.

"Chris... he works in the handwriting analysis lab... but he also works swing and was filling in for the usual guy." Archie said.

"That doesn't sound like Nick and Greg. I mean I know they're a couple and everything, but they don't seem like the arguing type. Even if they are a couple." Bobby said.

"Oh come on. There wasn't an argument. Nick and Greg don't argue. I've never seen them argue. No, an argument didn't happen, but something sure did." Jacqui said.

"We could just ask Nick. I mean, we don't have to ask him deep dark personal questions. We can be subtle about it." Archie said.

He didn't necessarily like the look in Jacqui's eye. It spelt trouble. Archie had seen here get that look numerous times. He looked over to Bobby for some help. Bobby looked just as disturbed.

"Archie's got a point. Why don't we just ask Nick what happened. I'm sure he'd tell us. We are his friends." Bobby said.

"He would never tell us. And, if the rumors are true, Greg's got the night off so there's no way we can bug him about it. We have to get to someone who's gonna tell us everything we want to know without too much trouble." Jacqui said.

"Well, we could ask Warrick, but I don't think he'd tell us." Archie said taking a sip from his coffee.

"I wasn't thinking Warrick. I was thinking more along the lines of a snarky pessimistic Trace lab tech." Jacqui said as she stood up.

She walked over to the coffeepot and powered herself some more coffee. She had that wicked gleam in here eye. Archie and Bobby were officially scared.

"Hodges's is never going to tell us anything and you know it. He's liable to go crazy even if we just ask." Archie said.

"Yeah, but does he scare you more than I scare you?" Jacqui asked glaring.

Archie gulped. Bobby looked upwards. Neither was willing to answer that question. Both were equally scary. Bobby had even asked Archie once who he thought would win in a fight and Archie couldn't honestly answer.

Both agreed it would be a hell of a battle. Jacqui was definitely the original scary lady though. She had been in the lab the longest next to Nick. She decided who was in the circle and who wasn't in the circle.

Bobby liked being in the circle and Archie didn't even know there was a circle. He just knew not to piss off Jacqui.

"So the way I figure it is we get Hodges cornered and we make him talk." Jacqui said.

"Do you think that'll work. I mean he might get upset if we corner him. Maybe we should find a less evasive way to do this." Archie said.

"No, we've got corner him." Jacqui said.

"Corner who?"

Archie and Bobby looked behind them to see Hodges standing in the doorway. He had that overly fake smile on his face. They turned back to Jacqui. Her eyes went wide for about two seconds before a sly smirk unfolded on her face.

"No one. We were just talking. Lab stuff you know." Jacqui said in a nonchalant tone.

Her arms clenched onto the counter as she spoke. Hodges's folded his arms across his chest fake smile still on his face.

"Talking about cornering someone and this has what to do with the lab exactly?" Hodges asked.

He leaned against the break room door. He looked way too smug. A smug Hodges could never be a good thing.

"Well, when you listen to the conversation in context it'll make sense to you." Jacqui said her tone cool.

"Really." Hodges said his voice sounding overly sarcastic.

"Yeah." Jacqui said tilting her head.

"It's a standoff." Bobby whispered to Archie who nodded his head.

"You know everyone's been asking me about Nick and Greg and that little event that happened yesterday. It's the strangest thing. I said to go to the resident gossip Queen of the lab. They all said you didn't have any information. That's what... a first right, Jac." Hodges said as he moved over to the coffeepot.

Jacqui was literally sneering at him. Her hands clenched tighter to the break room counter.

"Yeah, I was busy with Sara and Warrick's case at the time. Didn't get a chance to see what happened. Maybe you could clue us all in here?"

Hodges's fake smile turned into a real one as he finished pouring in cream to his coffee. He looked up and shook his head at Jacqui sighing as he did so.

"You know, Jacqui, I thought you had a little more tact than that. You even brought out the whole circle. I'm impressed. Though it is just Archie and Bobby. What are you hoping to accomplish here?"

"I just want to know the truth. I mean I can't have the CSIs knowing more than I do."

"The CSIs wouldn't know more than you do about what's going on in here if they were hit over the head with it. If it's not a crime scene they clearly don't care."

"You know what I mean, Hodges. I've got morgue attendants knowing more than me. Morgue attendants! What's next the paramedics telling me Grissom and Catherine did the wild thing." Jacqui said.

Hodges sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Look, even if I wanted to tell you, which I don't because I really could careless about the comings and goings of the people in this lab, I wouldn't because Nick wouldn't like it. Nick's my friend okay.

"Probably the only friend who doesn't care that I'm a dick so I'm not gonna betray him like that. Why don't you ask Warrick? He was there." Hodges said.

"There's a certain order to things, Hodges. You know something you tell the rest of the circle."

"Do you realize how cultish you sound. Next you're going to tell me to drink the Kool-Aid."

"Just tell us why Greg dragged Nick out of her. I'm not asking for intimate details of their sex life."

"Good because there would be no way in hell that I would know those details."

"Hodges, why don't you just tell her? She's just gonna keep bugging you until you do." Bobby said.

"I have my reasons. Besides does she need to know everything that goes on in the lab?" Hodges said.

"Yes." Jacqui said standing in front of Hodges to keep him from moving.

"Look, don't think you're..."

"Bobby get the duct tape. Archie..."

"You think you can intimidate..."

"Get the glue. We're gonna make you talk Hodges. Just wait and see." Hodges had the good sense to look a tad bit frightened.


"Oh fuck... Greg... harder..." Nick screamed as Greg continued to pound into him his hand stroking Nick's cock as he did so.

Nick wasn't sure how many times they'd had sex in the few hours. He knew he was going to be way to tired before worked started, but Greg just kept touching him and teasing him and Nick was loathe to push him away.

Nick guessed they were on about round three, but it felt like much, much more especially since there had been a blow job or two thrown in there. It wasn't fair. Greg was young.

Greg could do the all night thing and still have energy to burn, but Nick was getting tired. Way tired, but that didn't mean he wanted Greg to stop.

He looked up and stared into Greg's eyes. Greg looked like he was starting to get tired as well.

"You want it harder. I'll give it to you harder." Greg said as he kept thrusting. He was biting his bottom lip as he did so.

"Urgh... fuck... oh... so good... so good..."

"Yeah, baby, you like that."

Nick made a mewling noise. No matter how tired he was, he just couldn't stop. He couldn't get enough of Greg. He couldn't stay away from Greg. Everything about Greg was just too intoxicating to let go of.

"Greg... I'm gonna..."

"Come on... cum for me Nicky."

Nick did just that, cum spurting onto Greg's hand and Nick felt like he was going to pass out.

His mind drifted in that hazy place right between sleep and wakefulness. He could feel Greg still pounding into him, thrusts hitting Nick's prostate. He could hear Greg shouting. Nick was right about Greg sometimes screaming in Norwegian.

Nick wasn't even sure when Greg had cum, but he knew he had to have because Greg limply rolled off of him his harsh breath loud in the room that was now quiet. Nick's own breathing and evened out as he listened to Greg move and shift and breath.

"What was that? Three? I can't remember much after the couch." Greg said.

Nick grunted. He was way too tired to be answering Greg's questions.

"Course after the couch there was that little debacle on the hallway floor... hope your knees aren't rug burned."

Nick grunted again.

"And now this little romp on your bed. Yup... I think three is right."

Nick didn't bother to grunt this time. He didn't have the strength to do so.

"Did I wear you out? Sorry, it's just it didn't seem like you minded. I mean what with the screaming and the blow job."

Nick limply raised his hand and waved it a bit before letting it fall back down at his side.

"Well I guess you didn't say anything at the time. Sex is always good." Greg said as he moved himself to cuddle against Nick's side.

He laid his head down on Nick's chest and let his fingers roam around Nick's torso. Nick tried to get him to stop, but he didn't have much strength to move.

"You know you're going to have to go into work soon."

Nick moaned at that. He didn't want to go to work. He didn't want to do anything that required moving. He just wanted to lay on the bed and do nothing all day.

"I could call Grissom. Tell him you're sick. He wouldn't believe me, but he kind of does owe me one."

"No, no, I'll go in. How much time do I have?" Nick said in a croaky voice. He could feel Greg smiling against his skin.

"Hmmm... about thirty minutes." Greg said. Nick groaned.

"That's not much time. I don't think I can move. I need at least ten minutes to be able to move."

"Like I said I could call..."

"No, I'll just be late."

"You don't want to spend the day with me."

"If this day included more sex, much as I love it I don't think I could have anymore."

"Oh, little Nicky's all sore. You know... you wouldn't have to be on the receiving end all the time. I could..."

"Greg, don't finish that sentence." Nick said.

"Why not? You wouldn't want to fuck me."

"You like torturing me don't you?"

"Oh come on Nick. You'd want to, wouldn't you. I mean it's not a dirty thing to say. You say you want me to fuck you. All you have to do is say the words baby and I would definitely do whatever you want."

Nick knew Greg was trying to torture him now. Or at the very least make him play hookie. As much as the idea was enticing Nick couldn't do it. If he didn't show up to work people would start to talk if they weren't already talking. Nick liked gossip just as much as the next person, but not when it was about him.

"Greg, please, I'm begging you, just let me go to work. I'll be back soon and then we can start this whole thing all over again."

"I'll stop if you tell me one thing... do you want to fuck me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"The one I'm asking."

"Well of course I would, but could you ask me when I can actually move?" Nick asked.

He rolled Greg away from him and made an attempt to get up. His first one failed as did his second, but he got it right on the third and stretched a bit before standing up and off the bed.

He looked over at Greg who seemed to be thinking about something intently. This was never a good sign.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking of a new way to great you when you get home today." Greg said stretching out on the bed. He curled up on his side and pulled up the sheet.

"You know I think your ways of greeting me when I get home might give me a heart attack." Nick said.

"Nicky, you're not that old to be having to worry about that stuff." Greg said his eyes shutting closed.

"Finally getting tired I see."

"Yup." Greg said yawning a bit.

"Yeah well, I'm going to be dead on my feet today thank you."

"You know you love it. Go on then. Go leave me here and go to work. I'll just take a little nap until you get home." Greg said.

"You'll be here when I get back?" Nick asked. Greg opened one eye and looked at him curiously.

"You don't think I'm going to drudge up the strength to move so that I can drive back home and then drive back here. Nope, not gonna happen. I'm staying right here. You're bed's more comfortable than mine anyway." Greg said closing his eyes again.

"Oh, well, I guess I'll see you when I get back." Nick said a smile appearing on his face.

"Of course you will. Now, go. The sooner you leave the sooner you get back." Greg said.

Nick shook his head and smiled as he walked to the bathroom to start getting ready to leave.


Nick practically ran into the locker room. He was about twenty minutes late to work and it was all Greg's fault. He didn't really feel his best either. Damn Greg and his wily ways.

Who seriously thought it was a good idea to have a sex fest right before one of the participants in said sex fest had to go to work. Nick didn't that was for sure. He was slowed down by the fact that he felt sore everywhere.

Maybe he should have let Greg just call him in sick, but Nick didn't like lying where work was concerned. He would just go the eight hours, pray that Grissom didn't make him work overtime and then go home where he would try to fend off a sex hungry Greg... though that was easier said then done.

In his limping run to the locker room, Nick bumped into Sara who was walking along, apple in hand. He didn't bump her too hard, but it was enough to make her stop and for Nick to help her straighten out.

"Whoa, easier there, why are you in such a hurry?" Sara asked. "I'm late. I'm really late." Nick said.

"I'll say, shift started like a half hour ago. I've already been to my crime scene and back." Sara said.

"Yes, I know I'm late."

"And you're looking a bit disheveled. If you didn't want people to talk about your absence the least you could do was appear well groomed. There still going to talk you know."

"They wouldn't do it with me here... would they?"

"I once walked in on Jacqui telling Archie that I should just throw Grissom down on his desk and have my way with him." Sara said in a deadpan voice.

Nick blanched and frowned.

"But... but Jacqui likes me. She does... I'm in the circle." Nick said.

"You guys have a circle?" Sara asked.

"No! No what would make you think that." Nick said in a defensive tone. Sara raised her hands in surrender.

"Look all I'm saying is that everyone in the lab already knows that you're dating Greg and everyone in the lab knows that Greg's... well Greg. I personally know he's a little freak, but that's just what I know. It's not what everyone else knows. And after what happened yesterday..."

"What happened yesterday?"

"Greg dragging you out of the lab. People saw that Nick. They're all talking. I'm surprised Jacqui hasn't ambushed you yet. She seemed pretty pissed that she didn't know this knowledge before everyone else." Sara said.

"Thanks... for telling me I mean. She'll probably come and ambush me later." Nick said in a defeated tone.

Jacqui would find out, but there really wasn't anything to find out. Nothing had happened when Greg dragged him out of the lab.

"Just out of curiosity... why did Greg drag you out of the lab like that?" Sara asked.

"He had a tough case. Wouldn't tell me what it was about. He just wanted to know why he should still do his job." Nick said.

"Damn, I mean... I knew it was a hard case for him. I offered to switch, but Greg said he had to take that one. Said Grissom gave it to him and he had to see it through." Sara said.

"What was it... I mean what was the case about. I didn't work his evidence so I don't know."

"Maybe you should ask him. I don't want to interfere in an couple stuff." Sara said.


"Seriously Nick. Just ask him. Maybe now that he's had time to calm down he'll tell you."

"If you say so. I should get my lab coat on, grab some coffee and get to work. Man I don't know how I'm gonna make it through these eight hours." Nick said.

"He wore you out, huh?"

"He wore himself out too. He's... well you said you know him. He's Greg."

"Yikes... he didn't use any of his... toys did he?"


"Hmmm... I guess not. Good luck with him, Nick." Sara said patting Nick on the chest before making her way to wherever lab she had originally set off to.

Nick stood in the hallway for a second trying to absorb what Sara had just said before remembering he was late to work. He hurriedly went to the locker room, opened his locker, threw on his lab coat and made his way to the break room.

When he entered the break room, he was greeted by the most unusual sight. Hodges was bound to a chair, duct tape covering his mouth. Bobby was standing behind him, arms crossed over his chest just staring at Hodges.

Archie sat in a chair diagonally across from Hodges. Jacqui had a pairing tweezers pointed at Hodges and she was shaking them at him. Nick sighed.

"Jacqui I thought David already passed the lab tech hazing ritual." Nick said as he made his way over to the coffeepot.

"Nick, what a surprise. We didn't expect to see you here." Jacqui said hiding the tweezers behind her back as through Nick hadn't seen them. He rolled his eyes.

"I work here Jacqui. I may be a little late, but I still work here." Nick said.

"But... we just... you know when you didn't come in early we figured you might be... sick or something." Archie said.

Nick cocked and eyebrow at them and frowned.

"I can come in late sometimes. I just overslept." He said.

"Nick, you never oversleep. I mean you're always in here first and out last. You're the most dedicated tech in the lab." Bobby said.

"Thanks Bobby, but I was tired last night."

"Any particular reason you were so tired last night?" Jacqui asked.

"Way to be subtle there, Jacqui." Bobby said.

"What, he ain't talking..."

"Oh my god! You tied David to a chair and threaten him with tweezers to get information on my private life! That's... that's... that's so... untie him." Nick said.

"Jacqui I think we should just untie him." Archie said noting the very angry look on Nick's face.

Jacqui, who's eyes had gone considerably wide, hurriedly untied Hodges from the seat and ripped the duct tape off of his face.

"Thank you. And you know that was even less intimidating the second time around." Hodges said.

Jacqui waved the tweezers at him and it was hard for Hodges not to flinch.

"Yeah not intimidating at all." Jacqui said in a sarcastic tone.

"I cannot believe you guys. torturing someone to get information about my personal life. You could have just asked." Nick said.

"See... didn't I say ask." Archie said.

"Shut up Archie." Jacqui and Nick said.

Archie shrank in his seat.

"No, guys, don't be mean at Archie here. He did say we should just ask you, Nick. We just didn't think you'd tell us anything. Now that that's settled we can talk about this like mature adults." Bobby said.

"There's really nothing to talk about." Nick said.

"Like hell there isn't. Why did Greg drag you out of here last night?" Jacqui asked.

"You certainly don't waste any time." Hodges said.

Jacqui glared at him.

"It was nothing. He had a tough case and he wanted to talk. Talking is all we did. There was nothing else involved." Nick said.

"You two having sex?" Jacqui asked.

Archie and Bobby waited intently for the answer. They were both pretty sure Nick wasn't going to answer, but then that would be an answer by omission. Anything to get Jacqui out of scary mode. Hodges looked like he would rather be anywhere, but where he was.

"Jacqui, we're dating. We're two adults and we're dating. What do you think?" Nick said grabbing his cup of coffee as he stormed out of the break room.

He started walking to his lab trying to think up a story for when Grissom came over to ask. He would just go with the overslept thing. He might have to work later, but that would be all okay.

When he was halfway to his lab, Nick decided to turn around and just tell Grissom before Grissom came to him. It would be easier that way. He'd be able to work without fearing that Grissom was going to come up to him at any moment.

The door to his office was closed, which was weird, but Nick didn't think anything of it as he barged in. After seeing the sight that greeted him he really wished he had knocked.

Catherine and Grissom... were making out. Catherine was sitting on Grissom's desk, legs wrapped around Grissom's waist, her hands wrapped around Grissom's neck. Grissom's hands were under Catherine's shirt, pulling her closer to him. Their clothes were a bit tangled around them.

"Oh my god! Shit... I'm sorry... I'll just..."

Nick hurriedly closed the door not bothering to look back. He hurriedly ran to his lab and closed his eyes trying to forget he just saw his boss making out with someone in his office where anyone could find them.

This was not good. He wasn't the kind of person who should know these things. He didn't want to know these things.

He briefly wondered how long it was going to get Catherine and Grissom to straighten up and get over to Nick's lab. Nick hoped it was a long time as he started to process whatever was in the fridge or on his desk. He didn't even notice it when Catherine and Grissom did finally manage to wonder into his lab.

"Nick, put the stuff down. We've come here to talk." Catherine said. Nick looked up at her with that deer caught in the headlights look.

"What... we need to talk. About what?" Nick said as he continued to work.

Catherine gave him her 'Are you for real look' and snorted.

"About what you saw in Grissom's office." Catherine said.

Nick looked up to see Catherine standing there looking slightly agitated and Grissom had his hands folded across his chest.

"Um... I don't know..."

"Look I've been under a lot of stress lately what with Eddie dying and Lindsey not being able to cope with that. So I get a little comfort from my friend. Is that a big deal."

"No, no I didn't say that. I didn't even see anything. Saw nothing. I swear." Nick said. He didn't want to incur the wrath of Catherine. She could be scary than Jacqui.

"Oh, well... then... that's good." Catherine said.

She began to walk away, but Grissom stood staring at Nick not really sure what to say. Nick smiled at him and Grissom gave him a questioning look.

"But, let's say... I did... you know see something. I might... you know tell someone... because I'm so tired." Nick said.

He wasn't exactly sure why he was committing career suicide, but it seemed like a good idea while he was doing it. Maybe he was taking a leaf out of Grissom's book. Catherine turned around and glared at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know Greg wasn't feeling so good after that case you made him work." Nick said to Grissom.

"So he needed to be... comforted." Catherine smirked at him and then went back to glaring.

"I'm thinking a couple days off for the both of us and I can forget this ever happened." Nick said.

He was being bold. He was being very bold. He was being so bold that, if they could see his hands, they would know that they were shaking.

"You trying to bribe us, Nick."

"Not bribe. More like blackmail." Nick said in a steady voice.

He didn't even think he could talk at this moment. He was blackmailing his boss and one of the people he liked most in the lab for some much needed vacation time. Grissom had remained stoically silent. He could probably see the pleading looks Catherine was giving him.

"You must really, really want this badly if you're willing to put your job on the line for it." Grissom said.

"You could say that." Nick said.

"And you and Greg do work very hard. And you haven't had a vacation in awhile. I suppose... I could give you three days off." Grissom said. Nick held his breath.

"Go home Nick. I'll see you on Thursday." Grissom said leaving Nick's lab.

Nick let out the breath that he had been holding. Catherine turned back to him.

"I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you." She said.

"I knew if I just asked, he would be hesitant. This way I figure he can feel better about himself because it wasn't entirely his fault that he's giving me and Greg the days off." Nick said shrugging.

He took off his lab coat and threw it over his arm.

"Don't you mean you wouldn't feel guilty about taking the time off?" Catherine said. Nick smiled and blushed.

"Well maybe a little of that too."

Catherine smirked at him as she made her way out of the lab.

All Nick could do was smile as he tried to not think about how close he came to losing his job.

Chapter 10

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