Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinare


Chapter 4:

Nick was nervous. Nick never remembered being this nervous in all of his life. Not even when he had to read a poem he wrote to the whole fourth grade. He never really forgave his teacher for making him do that. She thought he was an oddball, always sitting alone never really talking to anyone except for his older sister, Tina who was in the sixth grade.

The only thing Little Nicky seemed to be interested in was science and sometimes math when it had to do with science. For some reason Mrs. Terry found that extremely weird. She wanted Nick to be more social around the other kids and, in an effort to boost his confidence, she made him read his well written poem to the class. Nick threw up all over Tracy Whitmore and was nicknamed 'pukey' until he left high school.

Greg was supposed to be at his house in less than fifteen minutes and Nick still had no idea what he was supposed to wear. All he had were big baggy shirts and big baggy pants, all plain and all ugly. Nothing compared to the nice shirts and tight jeans that Greg wore so often. He was going to look like he didn't belong and he just knew it.

Nick hadn't been on a date in what felt like years. It had to have been before he'd moved to Las Vegas. That was at least four years ago. Nick just never had time for it. He never had time to go out and look for someone to have good time with. Besides he wasn't into one night stands.

He looked himself over in the mirror one more time. Baggy khaki colored pants, his cleanest and his best fitting, baggy blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of regular comfortable shoes. His hair, being that it was the longest he'd ever had it in his entire life, feel into his eyes.

He would have tried to do something with it, but it was just too wild and Nick didn't even know what to do with it. He couldn't get rid of the glasses though he really wanted to. Six other siblings and he was the only one with bad eyesight. It was like the universe was trying to tell him something.

Nick wasn't one to obsess about how he looked. He ate healthy, that was a given by anyone who knew him. He tried to keep his meals well balanced and his sugar intake low. He ran in the morning before he went to sleep. He tried to keep in shape, but that was more so he was healthy and less to look good.

It wasn't like he felt in the mood to even try and look good. He had a demanding job. He wasn't putting on airs for anyone. No one expected him to go to work in a suit. They didn't say anything if he was in sweats. He did his job. That was all they cared about.

Letting out a sigh, Nick stepped away from the mirror in front of him. He walked over to the couch and sat waiting for Greg to knock on his door. He didn't have to wait very long, which was a good thing because he was liable to puke if he did. There were three short knocks on his door and Nick got up, smoothing out his clothes as he did so, and ran to the door.

The sight that greeted him was Greg wearing a gray suit jacket with light blue pin-stripes, a blue shirt underneath it the same blue as the pin-stripes and gray colored jeans with red tinted sunglasses hanging on his nose. His hair was brushed in that messy fashion that he perfected so well. He looked really good, in Nick's opinion.

"Hey Nicky." Greg said smile on his face.

"Um... hey." Nick said a bit shyly.

"So, you ready to go?" Greg asked.


"Well, I figured we'd take my car. I know you think it's small, but well, I just want to be able to spend all the time with you that I can. That and you don't know where we're going so it has practical applications too."

"Okay." Greg smiled nervously at Nick.

"I tend to over talk when I'm nervous. Babble really. I've tried to work on it, but as you can see I'm not doing such a good job." Greg said. Nick smiled at him.

"I under talk... when I'm nervous." Nick said.

"Well, then that's perfect."

"Yeah." Nick said.

They stood smiling at each other for a few seconds before Greg grabbed Nick's hand and pulled him out of his house. Nick smiled and closed and locked his door then followed Greg to his car.

When they started to drive, Nick began to look around. He didn't know where they were going. Greg had mentioned something about a hair cut and shopping, but Nick usually went to the little barbershop down the street from his house. He figured they weren't going there especially since Greg didn't know where that was.

"So, where are we going?" Nick asked.

"Well, as much as I love this mop you have on your head, you can't really see your eyes... which are really hidden behind those glasses. Are you sure you don't have contacts?"

"I... I do, but I don't usually wear them... they're... I don't like touching my eyes." Nick said.

"Well, anyway, I thought I'd take you to my hair cutting place. It's very exclusive and whatnot, but I'm friends with someone who works there so I usually get the friend discount. Called him and he said no problem." Greg said.

Nick frowned a bit. He didn't mean for the spark of jealous to flare like it did, but it did and there was really no helping it. Greg probably had lots of friends. Greg probably had lots of guy friends. Just because Nick didn't have many friends didn't mean Greg didn't have hordes. It didn't mean anything.

"So you're gonna take me to some upscale hair cutting place wearing this?" Nick said gesturing to his clothes. Greg looked over at him and frowned a bit.

"What's wrong with how you're dressed?"

"Well, for starters, I look kind of... homely looking. Won't all the high paying customers shriek?" Greg quirked his lips into a smile.

"Perhaps, but that'll be their problem. There's nothing wrong with the way you're dressed. You're dressed like Nicky."

"Yeah, I know, because I am Nicky, Greg, but I guess I just don't get why you'd..."

"Oh, look we're here." Greg said parking the car into a spot.

He quickly turned it off and walked out. Nick sighed. He knew Greg was trying to change the conversation, but that didn't mean he wasn't thinking about it in his head.

He slowly made his way out of Greg's car and walked over to where Greg was standing.

"Alright so here's Cheveux." Greg said pointing to the building. Nick gave him a questioning look.


"It's French for hair. I know extremely original in a not kind of way, but it's a really cool place. Come one we're going to be late for your appointment." Greg said dragging Nick by the arm into the building.

"Hi, we have an appointment. Greg Sanders for Josh Bell." Greg said in his most charming voice to the receptionist.

"Hey Greg, back so soon. The color still looks good so you can't be here for a touch up." She said in a flirty voice. Nick felt his jaw twitch.

"No, I'm not. I asked Josh for a favor." Greg said.

"What kind of 'favor'." The girl said in a conspiratorially tone. Nick's jaw was definitely twitching now.

"The kind that involves him cutting my new boyfriend's hair." Greg said.

Nick saw the girl look shocked. Nick was shocked too. Greg just kept on surprising him.

"Well, poor Josh probably didn't take that well."

"Lisa, how many times do I have to tell you that Josh just cuts and colors my hair. There's never been anything between us." Greg said in an almost exasperated tone.

"Doesn't mean he doesn't look at your ass."

"Please, Lisa lots of people look at my ass. I happen to have a very nice ass." Greg said.

Lisa smiled sweetly to that and turned to a girl standing next to her. She whispered something in her ear and the girl left.

"I can't argue that you have a nice ass, Sanders." Lisa said. Greg smiled and pushed his sunglasses to rest on the top of his head.

"Thanks." Greg said.

A few moments later a tall man, very tall, taller than both Nick and Greg and probably even taller than Warrick. He was skinny and lanky with dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

He was wearing tight blue jeans with green stitching, a light blue button up with different shades of green stripes, a light blue sweater vest on top of the button up and a dark blue suit jacket. He had a pleasant smile on his face.

"Gregory Sanders. Well aren't you just oozing cool today." The man said. Greg smiled at him.

"Josh, as hip as ever. How're doing?" Greg asked.

"Can't complain. I'm making pretty good dough with this job. How's you're life going?"

"Pretty good. Work keeps me busy, but I love it."

"So, where's the patient." Josh asked. Greg grabbed Nick's shirt sleeve and pulled him in front of him.

"Oh dear, Greg it's a train wreck." Josh said putting a hand in front of his mouth. Nick scowled at him.

"He's not a train wreck... granted he's a little... unkempt, but definitely not a train wreck." Greg said.

"Well, babe to each his own. So what do you want me to do with this one? You want me to dye his hair some outrageous color? Perhaps you want me to cut it in some sort of weird pattern. He's got a great head of hair. I could do so much with it."

"Josh, just cut his hair and then style it. That's all I'm asking of you." Greg said.

"Okay, okay." Josh said grabbing Nick's shirt as well. He pulled Nick to the shampoo chairs and made him lay down.

"Take off those ugly glasses please." Josh said. Nick complied, handing them to Greg who took them without much thought.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want just a little dye?" Josh asked as he began to wet Nick's hair. Seeing the look of horror on Nick's face, Greg laughed and shook his head.

"It's taking everything I've got to convince him to cut his hair, let alone dye it. Nope, you better just work your scissor magic and be done with it." Greg said.

Josh pouted, but continued to wash Nick's hair thoroughly. When he was done, he began to dry off Nick's hair. Nick had never been to a saloon before. His barber never shampooed his hair before cutting it. Sure the guy wet it down some, but he never gave Nick a head massage.

Nick really wasn't used to the fancy treatment. He followed as Josh guided him to a chair and sat down. Josh threw a poncho over him and started to look at his hair in concentration. Nick would have asked for his glasses back, but Josh took out a pair of scissors and began to cut.

"So, where'd you find this one, Greg. If you don't mind me asking." Josh said.

"I work with him." Greg said.

Nick began to scowl. He hated it when people talked about him like he wasn't in the room. His parents used to do it all the time when he was a kid.

"Well, maybe when I get this hair out of his face he'll be a prince. Ever think about not wearing the glasses. You have such a great face and all you're doing is hiding it." Josh said.

"I don't like wearing contacts." Nick said a bit petulantly.

"Still, if the glasses are the only thing wrong than that's okay, but the clothes... do you want people to think you just got out of a garbage can." Josh said humming as he cut more pieces of Nick's hair. Josh was really starting to get on Nick's nerves.

"I happen to think he looks cute." Greg said smiling at the mirror reflection of Nick.

"You would, Sanders. You know sometimes I don't know about you. Can't figure you out." Josh said looking back at Greg.

"I like being mysterious." Greg said.

Josh continued to cut and didn't say anything more. Nick sat letting the man do his job. He wasn't sure what he'd look like. He'd seen Greg come in with some rather wacky haircuts.

That could have just been Greg, but what if it was really this guy. What if he actually cut Greg's hair weird and, being that he was a friend, Greg never said anything. Not that it made that much of a difference. Greg was good looking even if his hair was a little odd.

Nick still couldn't help the antsy feeling though. Nick was a creature of habit and as such he didn't like that much change in his life. Sure some change was necessary, but this was a big change.

He was allowing someone else besides Carl the barber to cut his hair. His hair was on top of his head noticeable to anyone who looked. Hair was a big deal. Sure he could wear a hat, but Grissom would probably tell him to take it off. He would just end up drawing more attention to himself.

Lost in his paranoia, Nick didn't even notice when Josh put down the scissors and product and stared at him eyes opened pretty wide.

"I stand corrected. Definitely a god from the head up now anyway." Josh said staring at Nick appreciatively.


"You, babe. Just look at you. All that long nasty hair was hiding something alright. I'm almost pressed to let you just walk out of here free of charge." Josh said.

"Well, if you want to..."

"Nice try, Sanders. I'll give him a little more discount than I would you only because I just got to ogle your little friend here, but I'm stilling getting paid." Josh said. Greg sighed and pulled out his wallet.

"Here, that should cover it." Greg said handing Josh a few bills. Nick couldn't see exactly how much it was, which bothered him.

"It sure is. You're free to go. Get this man some decent clothes." Josh said walking away.

"I was real tempted to punch him you know." Nick said.

"I know. He can be an arrogant little asshole, but he cuts good hair. Which gotta say, he did a pretty good job with you." Greg said.

"It's just hair Greg."

"No, it's not just hair. Hair is an expression of how you are. The way you have your hair tells the world who you are. Not to mention the fact that you get to see your face. I always knew you were hot, but damn Nicky. There's no reason to hide that face." Greg said.

Nick could feel himself blushing under Greg's intense scrutiny. Usually, under these circumstances, he'd turn away from Greg and hide, but there really wasn't anywhere to turn away.

"And it's going to be crap to have to put these glasses back on your face, but we have to go buy you some new clothes and get something to eat."

Nick frowned a little. It wasn't exactly the traditional idea of a date, but it was time with Greg. Time with Greg was always good, but the questions still lingered in his head.

"Would... would you still date me if I was in these clothes, with my old hair and my... 'ugly' glasses?" Nick asked. Greg looked surprised by the question.

"Of course, Nicky. I'd date you if you were three hundred pounds and had bad teeth."

"Bad teeth?"

"I have this thing with teeth. I spent so much time making mine perfect that everyone else's have to be perfect too. You have perfect teeth... but as I was saying you could be the ugliest thing in the world and I'd still date you because it's not about what you look like. It's about what's in here," Greg said pointing to Nick's chest where his heart was.

"And here," Greg said pointing to Nick's brain.

"That's what's important to me."

Nick smiled. "Now that had to be a line."

"A line? Moi, use a line? I thinking my winning good looks would be enough for me not to have to stoop to using a line." Greg said smiling.

"Oh, it was a line, but it was a pretty good line so I'll just let it go." Greg leaned down and placed a small kiss on Nick's lips.

"One of these days I'm going to convince you that you're special. Until then I'm going to bask in the glow that is your presence."

All Nick could do was smile nervously.


"Greg, there's no way I'm gonna wear that." Nick said sighing for what seemed like the millionth time.

They had done some pretty good shopping and for the most part Nick was happy with the clothes they'd bought. Greg had stayed true to Nick's usually style only going as far as to make the clothes more fitting than the baggy stuff Nick usually wore.

Greg was now trying to convince Nick to get a more modern style. This included preppy shirts and tighter jeans. Nick had let him go for the jeans, but he stopped where the shirts were concerned. Who wore more than one shirt?

"Oh come one. You'd be hip." Greg said.

"I don't wanna be hip, Greg. I wanna be me." Nick said.

"Yeah, okay, okay. I'm forcing too much of me on you, but you gotta admit the style nowadays... I was so made for it." Greg said as he practically drooled over a leather jacket in front of him.



"Oh come on. Everyone has a leather jacket. Even people who don't like leather have a leather jacket. It goes with everything." Greg said grabbing the jacket despite Nick's protests. He started moving around the store, grabbing button up shirt after button up shirt.

"Greg what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I let you get all those black short sleeve shirts and baseball shirts. Now you have to let me have my fill of stuff to get for you." Greg said as he put a red shirt next to a pair of black pants. He nodded his head and held on to the clothes.

"You're serious... why do I need all this stuff anyway?"

"Well, the shirts make you look more professional. Not that I don't like coming into the lab seeing you with long hair, big glasses and an A&M sweatshirt that could fit two people, but these'll accentuate what you got."

"And what exactly is it that I've got?" Greg looked at him, eyebrow cocked as though saying 'You're really serious about that question'. Nick just continued to stare at him waiting for an answer.

"Trust me, Nicky you've got it and you're not showing it off. Just let me do a little shopping of my own for you and you'll see." Greg said kissing Nick lightly on the cheek.

Nick watched as Greg zoomed in and out of aisle of clothing occasionally stopping to look at something before moving on. Nick was almost afraid of what Greg would come up with. His style had always been a bit different.

Even his new work friendly clothes still had a little zing that was Greg to them. Nick remembered back to when he first started working at the crime lab and Greg had actually come to work in a Marilyn Manson concert T-shirt. He remembered the look Warrick gave him, but Warrick had said nothing.

Grissom had said something though. Greg merely through a button up and a suit jacket over it and went back to work, but you could still see Marilyn peeking out from behind the layers.

Greg had style, that much was evident, but he was still young therefore he could get away with the things he wore. Nick wasn't a kid anymore. He knew sooner or later all his runs and healthy food wouldn't be enough and he'd get old. He wasn't exactly sure he could hack tight shirts and tight pants.

"Okay, try this on." Greg said as he walked back to Nick.

He was holding out a white button up shirt with subtle black pinstripes and a pair of khaki colored pants. Nick grabbed the clothes and looked at them.

"Well, go. We don't got all day." Greg said ushering him into the changing room.

Nick made quick work of putting on the clothes. He was glad Greg hadn't tried to squeeze him into some tight tiny shirt.

This one actually fit pretty good, though it was much tighter than anything he'd ever worn before. He put on the pants. Again they were tighter than ones he's worn before, but not excruciatingly tight.

They fit perfectly. He noted that Greg had also handed him a belt and some shoes. He quick put the belt on and pulled on the shoes. He looked himself over once more.

It was something he'd even think about wearing and his hair was definitely not like he would have kept it even at that length. He could pass for an average guy, but his glasses really did have to go in order to pull everything off.

He took a deep breath before opening the changing room door. Greg was leaning against the wall idly playing with his fingers.

"Okay, now, it was a good try, but there's a few things wrong." Greg said. He moved to Nick and unbuttoned two of the top buttons. He opened the cuff buttons too and tried to pull out Nick's tucked shirt.

"Greg, what are you doing?"

"The shirt doesn't tuck, Nicky."

"Like hell it doesn't. You have to tuck in your shirts."

"No, Nicky, tucking in shirts died a long and painful death. Shirts are supposed to be left untucked now."

"Then why did you give me a belt?"

"Because the belt isn't really there for anything. It's just there for you to know it's there. Maybe I should undo another one of those buttons."

"Are you kidding me? My chest is already over exposed as it is." Nick said in a whiny tone. He was too busy looking at his shirt cuffs that he almost missed Greg openly staring at his chest.

"There's nothing wrong with that chest." Greg said licking his lips. Nick gulped and blushed feeling the warmth spread through his whole body.

"Greg..." Before Nick could say anything more Greg was pulling him into a kiss.

Greg had been kissing him all day. There were soft pecks on the lips, quick cheek kisses, soft lips pressed against his palm. Greg had been kissing him all day, but those were like the kiss in the diner. This was like the kiss in the parking lot.

Filled with fire and passion as tongues caressed tongues and lips touched lips. Greg's hands came up to Nick's neck and played with the short hairs at the base while Nick grabbed onto Greg, arms pulling him close and meeting behind Greg's back. Greg may have initiated the kiss, but Nick was an eager participate.

There was just something so addictive about the way Greg kissed. Like he put his whole being into just that one kiss. Like he could just get lost in kissing for hours and not even notice.

Nick wasn't like that. Things were calculated for Nick right down to the last second, but when he was around Greg, things got a little dizzy and out of proportion and Nick never thought letting himself go would feel this good, but here it was.

He and Greg were making out in the changing room of a clothing story and Greg didn't even care enough to lower his moans and hums. His hands were moving everywhere on Nick and Nick just couldn't get himself to care.

Even when Greg's hands were pulling his shirt out of his pants. Even when Greg's hands began to play with the hem of Nick's shirt. Especially when Greg's hands slid under Nick's shirt and began to touch and knead the skin underneath.

Greg's hands caressed Nick's sides and his back and pulled his hips closer to his own and Nick let out a needy little moan as his hips started to ground against Greg's.

Of course Greg didn't seem to mind considering he was grinding his own hips against Nick's with just as much force and Greg's back was against the wall, but nothing was registering in their minds except for their kissing and Greg's hands on Nick's skin.

"Ah hem!" Nick pulled away slightly from Greg who just tried to pull him closer.

"Greg." Nick whispered.

Greg opened his eyes slowly the lids feeling way too heavy.


"Greg, there's a saleslady standing right there looking very pissed." Nick whispered into Greg's ear.

Suddenly Greg was alert. He looked over at the lady in a work suit her light red hair pulled back in a tight bun a stern look on her face. She was tapping her foot on the ground and her arms were folded across her chest.

"Oh." Greg said.

"We do not allow that kind of behavior in our changing rooms. Now I suggest you hurry and pay for the items that you want and leave the store premise." She said curtly before walking away.

"Shit." Nick said. Greg started giggling and Nick turned a sharp glare at him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing. Just I don't think I've ever heard you curse before." Greg said bright smile still on his face.

"Greg how could you be laughing when we just got caught... I've never... I mean..."

"Hey, let it go. That lady was a bitch. She was probably just mad because she saw you and got all jealous."


"Come on, let's go before that scary saleslady comes back."

"What about the other stuff?"

"Well, if these fit than I know everything else will. I'll pay for them and then we can go back to your place and you can put on a little fashion show for me." Greg said placing a small kiss on Nick's nose.

"Greg you don't have to pay for this stuff. I mean I make..."

"Come on, I just wanna do something nice for you. Now hurry I think I hear cheap Jimmy Choo knock offs coming this way." Nick rolled his eyes.

"What if she was coming back? What would you do?"

"Well I'd defend your honor, duh."


"That... was... exhausting." Nick said laying down on his bed.

Greg had made him try on everything. Every last thing they had bought that day. He'd even had to try on some things twice to see how they would look with other things.

They'd spent a good hour doing that before Greg went on his search from Nick's elusive contacts. Nick hadn't been much help merely stating that they were in the bathroom somewhere... he thought. Greg was currently rummaging through Nick's medicine cabinets in his search.

"Sorry, just wanted to see how everything looked on you. I think you looked great. You're going to wear that outfit to work Friday right?" Greg asked from the bathroom.

Nick lifted his head to look at the outfit hanging on a hook on his door. It was the outfit he'd been wearing at the store. Nick smiled softly.

"Yeah, I guess. If you're going to make me." Greg came out of the bathroom contacts in hand.

"Don't think for one second I want come here and dress you for work Friday night. I will."

"Yeah, I know you're evil like that."

"Yes I am." Greg said. He sat down next to where Nick was lying on the bed.

"So, do you know how to put these in?" Greg asked.

"Hmm... yeah, I do. My mom got them for me when I moved out here. I used to wear contacts... my sister forced me saying she didn't want me to look like such a dork. I just never liked them." Nick said looking down at his hands. He heard Greg sigh next to him.

"I'm not trying to change you Nicky. I like the way you look just fine. You don't have to wear any of the new clothes I bought or the contacts. It's fine, but couldn't you just do it one time... for me." Greg said puppy dog eyes in place along with the cute little hopeful smile. Nick felt himself melt inside.

"Okay, I'll do it... but I want you to know that you're evil."

"Duly noted. Well, I guess I should head out." Greg said.

"Um... yeah... sure." Nick said.

Greg was about to get up from the bed when he felt Nick's hand pull him back down. Greg landed with a grunt on top of Nick. He looked down into Nick's eyes and saw conflict in the deep chocolate orbs.

"I... um..." Greg didn't let him finish.

He knew what Nick wanted. He wanted it just as bad. He leaned down and kissed Nick again, his mouth and tongue and teeth basically forcing Nick to open up to him.

Nick didn't complain at all as he let Greg kiss him, let Greg's tongue explore every crevice of his mouth. Nick could detect the slight change in this kiss. All the others had been slow and passionate, the fire there and burning bright, but never threatening to consume.

This kiss, this fire was burning them both alive. Greg pulled away and Nick could hear himself whimper just as little. Greg seemed to register the noise, but couldn't help it as his hands pulled Nick's shirt off of him.

Nick felt the cold air hit his chest, but the cold was soon replaced with Greg's warmth as Greg leaned down to kiss and suck and lick and nibble at his neck. Nick, involuntarily, pushed his hips up against Greg's and felt Greg's hard cock through the fabric of Greg's jeans. He let out a sharp gasp, hearing Greg's answering growl, as Greg's hands opened his pants.

"Greg... oh fuck, Greg..." Nick said when he felt soft warm fingers wrap around his hard cock.

Nick fought to keep his eyes from rolling into the back of his head as Greg's fingers slowly stroked him, thumb sliding across the head of his cock.

"Greg..." He moaned.

Nick wanted this to last, but he couldn't. He couldn't just let himself feel Greg's hands on him. Couldn't let himself give in so easily. Besides Greg had promised him three dates.

"Greg... wait... stop." Greg lifted his head sharply at hearing Nick's voice.


"We can't do this... not yet." Nick said his tone breathless. Greg looked confused for a second before he shook his head.


"I mean... I want to, but... it's just..." Nick's breath was coming in short pants. Greg's hand was still on his cock and it was making it very hard for him to think or speak properly.

"I just... I think that maybe we should..."

"Shh, it's okay. Really I'll just go, okay. We don't have to do anything right now." Greg said. His hand left Nick's pants.

"Thanks. I mean some people wouldn't have been so..."

"Nicky, you don't gotta say anything, baby. I'm fine, you're fine. I'll see you ate work tomorrow... and we have Saturday off. How about we go to the movies." Greg said.

"You're really okay with this?" Nick asked.

"Of course I'm okay with this. If you don't want to, then I don't want to."

"Good, because I like you... a lot, but I don't know if I'm ready... yet."

"It's fine, Nicky. You don't gotta explain yourself. So, what do you say to the movies? We'll get dinner and everything."

"That'll be our third date." Nick said.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I swear. We could just go to the movies and dinner."

"That sounds great."

"Okay than. I'll see you later." Greg said kissing Nick's nose before he got up and walked out of Nick's room.

It took a few moments before Nick heard his front door click and close softly. It took him a few more moments before he was really starting to regret turning Greg away. Nick could feel his control slipping.

He would have let Greg fuck him right then and there. More like demanded it and that kind of loss of control was just something that didn't sit well with Nick. Not so soon when he still wasn't quite sure that Greg really wanted him.

It was stupid. Greg had spent all day with him, touching him and kissing him and hugging him. Telling Nick how hot he was or how beautiful or how special. Nick couldn't remember a time when he received more attention.

He groaned as he pulled off his pants. The front of his boxers were already sticky with pre-cum, but Nick didn't want to move. It probably would have been painful to move.

Nick couldn't remember a time when he was this hard, his body aching for release. Sighing, he pulled down his boxers and wrapped his hand around his cock the slight sensation making him shiver just a bit. His eyes closed he began to see images of Greg behind his eyelids.

Greg's face when he laughed, Greg's smile, and the look Greg got when he was kissing Nick the lust so clear and evident in his eyes. Images of Greg kissing him with such passion and fire popped up into his mind as he stroked himself.

He could vividly imagine what it would be like to have sex with Greg. He knew, just knew with a certainty that Greg would be loud and vocal. Maybe he'd even say some things in Norwegian.

Greg could probably walk around a department store naked and not feel any shame. That's just how he was. Nick pressed his eyes closed tight, biting his lip to keep from crying out as a fantasy played out in his head.

One where he and Greg were lying naked in his bed and Greg was teasing him paying attention to every part of his body with his mouth and his lips and his tongue. He was picking up right where he left off before Nick had asked him to leave.

Greg would be so fucking gentle that Nick would be begging for it. Nick knew Greg would take his time, make him suffer a bit before finally giving in and fucking him. And that's what Greg would do to.

He'd fuck him hard. So hard all Nick would be able to do was hold on tight and bite his lip to keep from screaming.

And he'd love every second of it. Nick could see it so clearly in his mind the image playing out for him as he stroked himself harder, feeling himself tense orgasm flooding through his body threatening to shut down higher brain functions.

Nick thought he almost passed out from the intensity of it, but his brain floated in a dizzy trance like state. He couldn't really move a muscle though he could feel his cum drying on his stomach and hands.

It was really all Greg's fault for being so... Greg.


Greg had wanted to protest. He had wanted to cajole and convince Nick to let him stay. They were so close to. Greg could still feel Nick's cock in his hand. He could still hear the noise Nick made as Greg stroked him.

Perhaps all it would have taken were a few well-spoken dirty words and he'd still be in Nick's house Nick's legs wrapped around his waist as he pounded into him. Greg could do it too. It wouldn't have been too hard. Nick seemed a little far gone as well, but it wasn't like that with Nick.

It was about Nick trusting Greg enough to let him in. All Greg wanted was to be apart of Nick's life. The sex didn't matter. Sure, it would have been great. Greg could already tell Nick would be great, that they'd 'e great together. After their brief encounters, Greg knew Nick was fairly responsive to him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't responsive to Nick.

Greg walked to his car and opened the driver's door and got in. The intense throbbing from between his legs was threatening to make him pass out. Greg groaned. He'd have to take care of that now or risk getting into a car accident. He looked around Nick's neighborhood.

There weren't any people out and about, not that Greg was in a situation to be secretive even if there were. He needed a release and if it wasn't going to come in the form of Nicky Stokes than he'd just have to say hello to Mister Right hand.

Greg wasn't above masturbating. He did it on a regular basis mostly with Nick's smiling face in his head, but now he had a few new images to add to his fantasies. Nick's naked chest, who knew he was hiding that under all those shapeless clothes.

Nick's flushed skin when he was heated with desire. The noises Nick made. The way he bit his lip to keep from moaning aloud. The way his cock felt in Greg's hand. Greg hurriedly opened his pants pushing them down along with his boxers just enough to take out his hard cock as though images swirled to the front of his brain.

He could almost imagine what Nick would look like when he came as he stroked himself hard. There wasn't any time to really drag this out. He could if he wanted to, but right now was about getting off as quickly as possible.

He tried to imagine what it would be like to fuck Nick. What noises he'd make, what expressions would cloud his face. He wanted Nick to talk, he'd make it his personal goal to get Nick to talk dirty to him. He'd definitely talk dirty to Nick.

"Fuck... Nicky." Greg moaned as he stroked himself imagining that his fist was Nick.

He wanted to know what it would feel like to be surrounded by Nick. Nick's hands on his back, Nick's legs wrapped around his waist, Nick's tight heat wrapped around his cock. Just kissing Nick made Greg want to explode.

Greg moaned as he felt himself cum, spurts of white cum hitting his hand and the steering wheel, none quite reaching the dashboard. Greg's breaths were coming in short pants as he tried to calm himself down enough to clean himself up and drive. His brain was hazy and he was thankful that his place wasn't too far from Nick's.

He opened the glove compartment and grabbed a few tissues. He cleaned himself up as best he could still feeling sticky as he tucked himself into his pants. He wiped the steering wheel and threw the tissues in the passengers seat hoping he'd remember to take them out.

He put his keys in the ignition and started his car waiting awhile before the engine warmed up. His brain was still hazy and his hands felt a little heavy and he briefly wondered if he was going to make it home alright.

It really was all Nick's fault for being so... Nick.

Chapter 5

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