Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire


Chapter 2:

Greg could have patted himself on the back for solving the case although he had help. He and Warrick had worked the case. It wasn't too hard. Just a gunshot victim, but the story went way deeper than he thought it would.

It went all the way to a hired gunman that had killed the wrong mark. Greg had solved the case and stopped another one from happening and that made him feel... great.

"What are you smiling about?" Warrick asked. Greg hadn't realized he had probably been smiling all night.

"No reason. I wonder if Grissom will let me leave early." Greg said. Warrick looked at him weirdly.

"You want to go home early. You're usually worse then Sara. Why would you want to go home early?" Warrick asked.

"Because... I sort of have a date." Greg said. Warrick leaned against the lockers looking at Greg like he was an alien.

"You still don't go home early. I've never seen you go home early just cause you have a date. Must be something special about this one." Warrick said.

"I've been waiting years for this one. Trust me I'm going to make the most of this one." Greg said as he pulled out something from his locker.

"Years? I didn't know you had that kind of restraint." Warrick said smug smirk on his face. Greg rolled his eyes.

"Well, I do. This one's different from all the other ones. I can just feel it."

"Man, never heard you talk about someone like this. Must be serious." Warrick said losing the smirk and standing up straight. He had known Greg for a long time now and though they weren't the best of friends he had gotten to know things about Greg that other people didn't.

It was unusual for Greg to talk about commitment like he was. Greg was the type to go from girl to girl and not think anything of it. He had a free spirit and it was understandable considering he was still in his twenties. Warrick would be him too had been him at that age, but Greg showed no signs of slowing down.

"So, what makes this one special?" Warrick asked. Greg smiled a secretive smile as though he knew something that everyone should know.

"I don't know." He said honestly looking up at Warrick with that same small smile.

"There's just... something you know. I've never met anyone so... there's just no one like... it's hard to explain." Greg said.

"Better not tell Stokes about it." Warrick said.

"What?" Greg said.

"Come on man. You can't tell me you don't notice the way he looks at you. Big doe eyes behind those owl glasses. He's digged you since he first started here."

"Okay, so I've noticed."

"And you've never done anything to dissuade his interest. In fact... you've been giving off signals." Warrick said as though he were just figuring it all out.

"For a CSI, Warrick, you're a bit slow." Greg said teasingly.

"Nick Stokes, huh. He's... well he could do with a hair cut." Warrick said.

"Oh come on... he's totally... he's just..."

"He's plain Greg. Way plain. I mean I knew you... went that way, but... Nick?" Warrick said.

"Yeah, okay so maybe Nicky isn't the social butterfly, but he's just... he's special and he doesn't even know how special he is. That makes him even more special."

"Ah, the whole innocent thing. I can dig that. He does seem a little shy."

"He's just nervous around you. Maybe if you didn't act like you ran the show..."

"Hey, I'm sorry, but some times the job can get intense."

"Just remember that without the lab techs things would go a lot slower. Anyway I better go." Greg said.

"Yeah maybe you can actually bring the guy out of his shell." Warrick said.

Greg just smiled as he made his way out of the locker room and to the DNA lab. Nick was processing something or another Hodges standing next to him.

"Hey, Nicky. You almost done here?" Greg asked. Hodges was looking at Greg weirdly, but Greg could care less. He had a date with Nick.

"Um... yeah. There was a flood of new evidence from Catherine's case, but I'm almost done. David and I were just talking about some nature show we both saw yesterday." Nick said as he squirted something into a test tube.

"Oh, sounds... interesting." Greg said. Hodges snorted and Greg tried not to glare at him.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean I never knew that..." Nick stopped short as he looked at something that had just come out of the printer. It must have been results to something.

"That can't be right." Nick muttered.

"What is it?" Hodges asked.

"I don't know. Seems there had to have been a mix up... or something. This can't be right. Shit, Catherine's gonna be pissed." Nick said.

"It can't be that bad, Nicky." Greg said.

"It is... I think some samples got contaminated." Nick said his voice barely above a whisper.

"That doesn't mean it was your fault. I mean the samples could have been contaminated when she brought them in. Why don't you just ask her to come down and talk? I'm sure you'll clear everything up." Greg said reassuringly.

Nick smiled a small smile. Hodges had already slipped out of the lab and had gone back to his own domain. Nick had paged Catherine. It was a long talk, in which Greg sat in the background listening to Catherine try and sooth Nick's worries that he had contaminated the evidence chipping in when he could.

Catherine checked and checked again and it seemed the evidence had been contaminated at the scene. She and Sara had gone back to collect something new leaving Nick to sit and wait in the lab. Greg sighed as plans for breakfast seemed to be slipping further away from him.

If he believed in signs he would have thought that someone was trying to tell him something. He had decided to stay in the break room hoping that Nick would make it out before both of them had to go to sleep to be rested for the next night. He must have fallen asleep on the break room couch because the next thing he knew Nick was shaking him awake.

"Hey, how come you didn't go home?" Nick asked.

"I was waiting for you. What time is it?" Greg asked sleepily.

"Um... close to ten in the morning." Nick said sheepishly.

"Really... that's not that late. We could still get some breakfast. How's Catherine's case going?"

"Oh... we don't have to go to breakfast still... I mean I am kind of tired and you look really tired so you should..."

"Nicky, don't even try to finagle your way out of it. We're going to breakfast." Greg said as he got up from the break room couch. He straightened out his clothes and stretched his arms out a bit.

"So again I ask, how's Catherine's case going?"

"Um... seems things were all around contaminated. They have little to no leads and both Sara and Catherine seem exhausted. I was just glad they didn't get mad at me." Nick said as he and Greg headed out of the crime lab and into the parking lot.

"Why would they get mad at you if the case was a bust?"

"Well... it's just... sometimes the CSIs take things a little too... I don't know personally and they get mad when they don't get what the want. It's just the way things are some times." Nick said his head down slightly.

"Oh... I've never done that have I? I mean sometimes cases hit me a little hard too and I know I can get a little... edgy."

"Oh, no. You've never yelled at me... you do seem to yell at David though."

"David... I've never yelled at... oh you mean Hodges. Well, he is one royal pain in my ass."

"He's really not that bad. I mean sure he does seem to think that he's the best, but... he is a really good lab tech."

"Yeah, but I bet he wishes the best. No one can compare to you Nicky." Greg said when the reached the parking lot. He turned towards Nick just in time to see him turn a bright shade of red. Greg's smiled sweetly at him and motioned to his Jetta.

"That's my car. Why don't you follow me to the dinner in your car?" Greg said.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather go home and sleep?" Nick asked.

"Of course not. I promised you breakfast and I plan to deliver. So get in your car and let's go." Greg said smile widening as he took out his keys and unlocked his car.

He waited before pulling out to see that Nick didn't bail on him. He didn't think Nick would, but he had been waiting a long time for this moment and wasn't about to let Nick slip away that easily. He saw Nick get into his Chevy truck and listened as the engine started before starting his own little car and pulling out.

Greg started driving to the diner that he knew that he was pretty sure would be devoid of anybody from work. He would look behind him occasionally to make sure that Nick was behind him. He trusted Nick, but he wasn't so sure Nick wouldn't bolt. It seemed like he liked to be more private, more recluse.

Greg wasn't lying when he said Nick was the best lab tech in the lab. Everyone knew that. Even the guys on dayshift knew it and they always claimed to be the best. Greg knew for a fact that Ecklie sometimes used Nick's too eager to please attitude to get his samples done from him and there was no way that Ecklie could stop being Ecklie for one second to keeping from being condescending to Nick.

Greg told Nick a million times that he had to stand up for himself and stop being so trusting and passive. He didn't want Nick yelling at people back, but the least he could do was demand a little space. There wasn't any need for him to do "favors" for the dayshift or take crap from Warrick or Sara.

He just had to do his job and be good at it, which he was. There was no need for him to be the crime lab's doormat. Of course Greg figured there was no way around it. Nick was just one that liked pleasing people. That didn't mean Greg couldn't try and change his way of thinking.

As he pulled into the diner parking lot, pulling on a pair of his favorite highway cop looking sunglasses he smiled as Nick pulled into the spot right next to him on the passengers side. Nick quickly turned off his truck and got out his car eye blinking to adjust to the sunlight. He looked over at Greg and smiled.

"So this is your diner? It's... pretty far away from the lab." Nick said.

"Only a fifteen minute drive." Greg said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but... there isn't one closer." Nick asked as he walked over to Greg.

"Well, yeah there is, but this one is pretty close to my house. The other one that everyone always goes to is five minutes the other way."

"Oh, well my place isn't actually too far away from here either." Nick said smiling a bit wider. Greg couldn't help smiling back. He grabbed Nick's hand and dragged him into the diner.

It was pretty much deserted except for the waitresses. Nick guessed that everyone was already at work by this time. He allowed Greg to pull him into a booth at the back of the diner. He wasn't sure what he would have done if Greg had made him sit on the same side as him, but he didn't have to think about it as Greg made him sit on one side while he settled in on the other. Greg picked up a menu and handed it to him.

"You're not going to look at it?" Nick said.

"Nah, I already know what I want. Ham and cheese omelet." Greg said with a smile.

"Oh, well I guess I should look." Nick said opening the menu. He looked over the options and sighed as he saw a few that he would like to try. He had it narrowed down to two when he heard Greg laughing.

"What? Do I have something on my face or something?" Nick said jokingly.

"No... it's just that..." Greg tried to choke out between giggles. Nick started to get self-conscious at Greg's laughing.

"It's just that... only you would look like you were dissecting atoms or something when you're trying to decide what to eat." Nick scowled.

"I happen to think it's a big decision. I mean I've never eaten here and you have so I can't exactly have a favorite." Nick said defensively.

"Nicky, don't get all upset. I actually think it's cute." Greg said.

Nick felt himself blushing at Greg's words and was saved from having to say anything when the waitress came over. She was twenty something looking with long blonde hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and light blue eyes. She was pretty and Nick wondered what she was doing working in a diner.

"Hey, Greg, long time no see." She said in a sweet voice as she chewed her gum.

"Yeah, well you know, the job. Life of a CSI can be pretty hectic." Greg said. She smiled at him and Nick had the irrational urge to smack her because of it. He curbed this urge by playing with the packets of sugar on the table.

"Well, that still doesn't excuse you from breakfast. A man has to eat sometime right?" She said batting her eyelashes at him and Nick was going to need a lot more than packets of sugar to keep from ripping her head off.

She was clearly flirting with Greg. Nick would have much rather preferred to not be witness to this. At least in the lab he didn't have to see people actually flirting with Greg. He knew that people probably did, but seeing it in action was just not something that sat well with his stomach.

"Frozen meals. Every guy's best friend. Anyway, Melinda, I was just trying to get my friend Nicky here out more. He's a bit of a shut-in." Greg said.

"Oh, well, hi." She said looking in Nick's direction. He knew she was taking in his appearance and probably wondering why Greg would even be friends with someone so old and so geeky looking.

"Hi." Nick said shyly. She gave him a tense smile and Nick really wished she wouldn't try at all.

"So Greg, the usually." She said turning back to Greg bright flirtatious smile back in place.

"Sure and of course whatever Nicky's having." Greg said motioning to Nick.

"Oh, right. So what'll be?" She asked.

"Um... I guess I'll have the... uh... French toast with strawberries... that doesn't come with whip cream does it?" Nick asked.

"Um, yeah it does. We can take the whip cream off it ya like." Melinda said pleasantly enough. Nick knew she probably just wanted to flirt some more with Greg.

"Yeah that would be great." Nick said as politely as he could manage.

"And to drink?"

"Um, glass of milk." Nick said.

"Alrighty then I'll be back with your orders in a minute." She said giving Greg another bright smile and a wink. Nick put the menu back behind the napkin holder and folded his hands into his lap.

"Milk... no coffee?" Greg asked.

"If I have some I'll be up until shift starts. Did you get coffee? I thought you didn't like anything but your special blend. Hawaiian Blue or something like that."

"Blue Hawaiian. Yeah, well I ordered a Sprite. Once you've had Blue Hawaiian you're taste buds shut off to any other coffee." Greg said.

"Having tasted your coffee, man, I can honestly say I agree."

"That the reason you ordered milk."

"I have to sleep, G." Nick said. Greg smiled and reached over to Nick pulling off his glasses. Nick protested a bit, but Greg just batted his hands away.

"Ever think about contacts? You would look really good without these huge things taking up your whole face."

"I don't like poking things into my eyes. Give 'em back, Greg." Nick said leaning his hand over to Greg.

"Nope." Greg said as he put the glasses on.

"Wow, someone's as blind as a bat." Greg said as he plucked the glasses off of his face. He blinked several times before his eyesight was re-adjusted.

"Can you give them back please. Now that you're done playing with them." Nick said clearly irritated.

"Answer me one question first. How did I look with them on." Greg said flashing Nick that smile that made Nick's insides do funny things.

"You looked fine." Nick muttered.

"How long have you been wearing glasses?"

"I thought you said you just had one question?"

"Well, I lied. Now, answer the question."

"Fine," Nick said sighing a bit.

"Since the first grade."

"Wow, that a long time. They always been this ugly?"

"They're not ugly. It's just... when you have a thick lenses you need a thick frame."

"So you can't see at all. You can't see me."

"I can see you, but... you're blurry." Nick said squinting to get a somewhat clearer look of Greg sitting in front of him.

"Hmmm." Greg said. Nick watched as a blurry Greg leaned in towards him.

Nick wasn't sure what Greg wasn't going to do. He certainly didn't think Greg was going to lean in and place a chaste kiss on his lips. Greg slowly pulled away and Nick thought he could see a smirk on Greg's face. Nick could feel his lips tingling from the kiss.

"So did you see that?" Greg asked. Nick coughed clearing his throat a bit.

"Yeah, yea... I saw that." Nick said in a somewhat raspy voice. He couldn't believe that a simple kiss was effecting him so much, but then again it was a kiss from Greg.

"Oh look our food's here."


Nick had been nervous throughout the whole time they were eating. He wasn't sure how to act around Greg and that made him lose his appetite somewhat. Greg just ate and chatted happily about work and such clearly not caring about Nick's nervous state.

It didn't go unnoticed by Nick the way waitress Melinda was giving him the evil eye. She had clearly seen the little kiss that Nick and Greg had shared. Nick was practically a nervous wreck by the time they were done with their meals and heading out to their cars.

"So, I'm gonna give you this card. It's my business card. It's got the number to my cell phone on it and on the back it's got my home phone number on it." Greg said as he stood in front of Nick who's back was against his driver seat door. The room between him and Greg was almost unbearably small due to how close their cars were parked.

"Greg, I already have both your house and you cell number." Nick said playing with the card that Greg had forced into his hand.

"Yeah, but it's the principal of the thing. I was thinking that maybe I could take you out again some time. Maybe for a haircut." Greg said his finger briefly carding through Nick's long hair.

Nick felt himself blush a bit, but cleared his throat to speak.

"Yeah, it's gotten a little outta control, I guess. Would really want to go with me to get my haircut?"

"I'd go with you anywhere." Greg said his voice honest sounding.

"Greg..." Nick stopped talking as Greg leaned in and kissed him for the second time.

Nick wasn't sure if he moaned or not when Greg's soft lips touched his own. Lips that looked like he took care of them while Nick's were a bit chapped. He certainly didn't hesitate to open his mouth when he felt Greg's warm moist tongue started tracing his bottom lip.

It had been a long time since anyway had kissed him. It had been a long time since he had kissed someone. Nick hadn't really realized how much time and energy he spent on his little crush on Greg, but now that Greg was kissing him, tongue clashing with his own teeth nibbling a bit on his bottom lip as Greg's hips grinded into his into his own and Greg had him pinned against his truck door hands placed on either side of Nick the sensory overload was too much.

All Nick could do was kiss back hands pulling Greg as close as he could get. Endless moments had passed before Greg pulled away just a little bit to gather air his breath coming in pants. His eyes were heavy lidded and half way closed and Nick knew he probably didn't look any different.

"Does that answer your question?"

"What question?" Nick asked a little breathy and he really hated that Greg could be so composed in a situation like this. He could see Greg smirking and letting out a little chuckle.

"The one you never got around to asking... well you sort of asked it, but not really."

"Quit with the mind games."

"Oh, and little Nicky gets a tad bit bossy. Who knew? Anyway the question you were thinking is why would I want to spend time with you. Well it's really easy here, Nicky. I'm sure a little genius lab rat as yourself could figure it out." Nick could feel himself scowling a little pout forming on his lips and Greg was laughing at him again.

"Sorry, babe, you're just so easy to tease. And look you're even cuter when you pout." Greg said his voice soft and teasing eyes sparkling a bit with mischief. Nick smiled at him.

"So you're just teasing me?"

"Oh, no, see I had this whole plan of seduction mapped out. This is our first official date. You have the first kiss on the first official date. Then the second date is just a filler date to get to the third."

"And what's so special about the third date?"

"Oh come on, Nicky. Everybody knows you're supposed to have sex on the third date." Greg said as innocently as he could manage which sounded pretty innocent on Greg despite the conversation topic. Nick always wondered how he could do that. Make something as kinky as liquid latex sound like he was teaching Nick basic geometry.

"Must be outta practice."

"Or maybe it was different back in your day."

"Greg, watch it..."

"Sorry couldn't help the teasing. You're just..."

"I know, I know, I'm easy... to tease I mean." Nick said blushing a bit more at having caught his almost innuendo.

"You know, if you were so inclined, we could skip the whole three dates thing and I could just follow you home right now." Greg said his voice a little hopeful and that sent a surge through Nick's body.

Having Greg pressed up against him like he was had to be the most intoxicating thing Nick had felt in a good long while. He knew he was hard and he knew if he pressed up a little against Greg he'd find an equal hardness against him.

His hands were still clutched in Greg's clothes and Greg's hands were casually stroking Nick's sides and he wanted to give in. He wanted to tell Greg to follow him, but he still wasn't quite sure what Greg could possibly see in him and he was going to try and milk it for whatever it was worth. He'd rather take his two dates and then see where it led him then get it over with quickly.

"Sorry, G, not easy." Nick whispered. Greg smiled at him.

"It's okay, I can wait. So when's your next day off?"


"Hmm... it'll take some doing... but I'm sure I can convince Grissom to give me Thursday off. How about I pick you up at your place at say... two and we go out and get you that haircut."

"What if you don't get the day off?"

"I will, don't worry about that. So... is that a yes?"

"Yeah, yeah it's a yes." Greg smiled again and Nick's stomach did that weird flip-flop thing. Greg leaned up a bit and kissed Nick on the nose.

"Great. I'll see you then."

Chapter 3

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