Gay World

Gay World

Gay World:

Sara was having the worst night of her life. It had started out with her date earlier in the day. Sara had really liked the guy. He was nice and sweet and seemed like a great catch. Better than Hank Pettigrew that was for sure.

Sara still cursed the bastard's name to this day. It was a good thing he moved to the dayshift. Sara knew this was to avoid her. Last she heard he was getting married to Elaine. Sara hoped they'd be very happy together... not.

But this guy was different. This guy was sweet. This guy was charming. This guy had a flair for fashion. This guy was... gay. Apparently very gay.

When Sara asked him why he went out with her, he merely shrugged and said he liked Sara, very much, but as a friend and he thought he was perfectly clear that he was gay. Sara smiled and nodded and sat and ate lunch. He was still a nice guy and the place they were eating at had really good food so why not stay and enjoy the company.

Then she got to work. She and Catherine were working a case together. A shooting at a gay club. Sara shook it off as she walked into the club, dozens of hot sweaty GAY men standing outside behind the police tap.

Some were crying, some were yelling for answer, but most looked scared and worried as Sara and Catherine made their way inside to process the scene. Sara couldn't help looking at a few of the guys as she walked in. There were some guys that didn't have their shirts on and had well defined chests that Sara had to look.

She hadn't had sex in months.

"Catherine, did you know that Josh Green was gay?" She asked as she took pictures of the crime scene.

Catherine was busy bagging the shell casing she'd found.

"Who? Oh you mean the paramedic? Um, yeah Sara. Everyone knows that guy is gay. I even think he's got a life partner." Catherine said as she began to lift something off of the victims' body.

"Oh?" Sara said.

"Any reason for that question?" Catherine asked.

"Oh, no, just curious. You know you here things and you're not sure if they're office gossip or not." Sara said as she continued to take pictures.

They made their way back to the lab and visited the coroner's office. After being briefed on the cause of death, kind of obvious that it was a gunshot wound to the head, and given the bullet, Sara made her way to Bobby Dawson in ballistics. Bobby Dawson was humming to a tune when Sara walked in. He seemed very happy about something.

"Hey, got a bullet for you." Sara said.

"That's great." Bobby said his usual southern accent shining through his words. Bobby took the bullet from Sara and began to look it over.

".25 caliber automatic... most have caused some damage." Bobby said.

"That's what David said. Turned the guys brain into brain matter soup."

"Might not find anything special off of it. Gun's pretty common and cheap. Probably could by it anywhere. Gimme the gun and I'll be able to tell you more."


"So this from that night club shooting?" Bobby asked.


"Tragedy really. That place used to be so calm... well as calm as a nightclub could be. New generation kids came in and it got a little wild. Course I was already gone by that time. Nice family man." Bobby said.

Sara smiled at him. Bobby was gay. She knew Bobby was gay. She met Steve, his partner, at many Christmas parties. She'd also met their daughter Christina.

Bobby wasn't a shock. Not like Josh Green had been to her. And of course Bobby was a good guy. He was sweet and charming and definitely okay to look at. Bobby was Bobby.

But Sara didn't need to be near Bobby right now. She'd had enough gay men for one day. She wanted to go to someone who would say nice things about her. Maybe even flirt with her. She was starting to think that there was no one in Las Vegas that wanted her.

She walked around the lab aimlessly, spotting Grissom talking intently with one of the lab techs about his case, someone drowned in a pool or something. She sighed. Yes, she still had a little crush on Grissom, but she was determined to rid herself of it. She had to. And what better way to do that then go to Greg.

Greg would flirt with her. Greg would make her feel better about herself. Sure, she'd shoot him down, but Greg would still flirt with her. It's what Greg did. Hell, Greg flirted with everyone. Feeling a little more life in her step she made her way to Greg's lab.

There Greg stood, hair standing up in weird angles and bleached in odd patches. He was wearing a white shirt with weird black marks on it and tight dark blue jeans. Sure he was good looking. Sara knew he was good looking, but he acted like such a kid sometimes that Sara couldn't even see herself being friends with him let alone dating him.

He was swaying to his rock music slightly.

"Hey Greg." Sara said. Greg looked up at her confusion clearly present on his face.

"Hey Sara... I don't have anything to process from your case... do I?" Greg asked.

"Um... I don't know. Catherine might have brought something in." Sara said.

"Well in that case, no I don't have anything to process from case. Catherine didn't bring anything in." Greg said going back to work.

"Oh, well, it's been a boring night." Sara said.

"Really, not for me. Grissom's case gave me tons of samples to process. Nick and Warrick's too."

"Yeah, I got stuck with a shooting at some night club. Vintage... I think that was the name."



"The club. Its called Retro." Sara frowned at that and opened her mouth to speak, but Greg cut her off.

"Look Sara, I've got a lot of work to do, so..." Greg said trailing off as he pointed to the door.

"Oh, yeah right, see you later." Sara said leaving his lab not feeling much happier with herself.


It was the end of a very exhausting shift when Sara made her way into the bathroom. She walked in and splashed water on her face when she heard someone come into the bathroom talking. Two guys coming in talking. Sara looked around and realized she was in the men's bathroom.

Rather than risk looking like she was loosing it and head out of the bathroom she ran inside one of the stalls and was behind it only closing it slightly as she prayed whoever was coming into the bathroom would be quick about it.

"All I'm saying is that you don't have to be so pissy all the time." Sara would recognize Nick Stokes voice anywhere and saw the man standing in front of her.

He wasn't alone. Greg was standing next to him looking tired and angry.

"I'm not pissy all the time. It's just when he walks in there thinking he's the big man, thinking he can push me around just because he's a CSI, I get a little agitated. And you didn't even say anything." Greg whined pouting slightly.

"I told him off later for it. Though he was looking at me weirdly through the entire case tonight." Nick said.

"Still... it's not like I can't stick up for myself. If the lab rats didn't put the CSIs in their places then we'd have a bunch of CSIs running around with big heads thinking they're the boss of everything." Greg said.

"I don't do that, do I."

"Oh, no, you're a rarity among the bunch. It's refreshing."

Nick smiled down at Greg. And then he did something Sara thought she'd never see in her entire life. Nick leaned down and kissed Greg. Really kissed him. Not a friendly peck on the cheek but a full on lips on lips tongues touching tongues kiss.

"Feel better?" Nick asked when they broke apart. Greg moaned slightly.

"Hmm... a little. But you know what would make me feel a lot better?"

"No, Greg. We're still at work."

"Yeah but we're not on the clock. Shift was over like eight minutes ago. Mostly everyone already went home."

"We're still in a public area. Anyone could walk in at any moment."

"That's supposed to make it more exciting. Come on you know you want to do it for me." Greg said seductive smile on his face. Nick swallowed and moaned.


"Come one, you know you look so hot when you do it. What do you think of when you're touching yourself?" Greg asked.

Sara wanted to close her eyes. She wanted to make her presence known. She wanted to be anywhere besides behind the stall door in the men's bathroom listening to Greg talk dirty to Nick and Nick actually enjoying it.

Yet somehow she couldn't stop watching them. They weren't even touching, but they were still close. Greg was whispering in Nick's ear and Sara was straining to hear what Greg was saying. Nick let out a loud moan.

"You're evil." He whispered.

"Yeah, but you love me because of it. Now, are you gonna do it for me." "Fuck, you know I can't say no to you." Nick said.

Greg smiled widely at him and watched as Nick undid his pants and took out his hard cock slightly stroking the head as he did so.

Sara was surprised she hadn't been caught yet. She knew she was breathing pretty hard. She shouldn't have been turned on by this, but there was something so... hot about watching Nick Stokes, blushing secretive Nick Stokes stroking himself to the sound of Greg's voice. And when did Greg get so seductive?

"What do you think about, huh Nicky. What do you think about when you're jacking yourself off?" Greg whispered touching himself through his pants.

"You." Nick gasped out as he continued stroke himself.

"Hmmm, what am I doing... what are we doing?"

"We're... I'm... I'm fucking you." Nick said his strokes becoming harder.

"Do you like fucking me?" Greg asked as innocently as he could.

Nick moaned, his hand speeding up just a little.

"You know I do." Nick said his voice breath, choked of moans emitting through his lips.

"Better than anything you've ever felt before?"

"Fuck... Greg you know it is."

"Did you used to think about me... before..."

Sara was a little curious to know when before was exactly. How long had Greg and Nick been gaying it up together without anyone noticing. Or did people notice. Sara doubted it. Nick had said that Warrick had looked at him weirdly when he stood up for Greg. Warrick wouldn't do that if he knew Nick was just defending his boyfriend.

It was a wonder to Sara why they were keeping it quite. It wasn't like anybody cared. Bobby was way more than openly gay and no one did anything to him. It was definitely something to think about.

"Oh God... Greg... please... touch me..."

"Nah uh, baby, wanna see you touch yourself."


"Shit, Nicky, I love it when you beg. Come on, fuck your hand. Pretend it's my ass... squeezing you... thrusting against you... letting you fuck me..."

"Fuck, Greg, can't... gonna..."

"Yeah come on Nicky, wanna see you cum. You gonna cum for me?"

Nick let out a guttural moan, his hand speeding up, eyes tightly screwed shut. He was panting for breath and Sara couldn't look away. It was better than any sleazy porn on a sleazy porn channel. This was Greg, who Sara grudgingly admitted was pretty hot and Nick who everyone knew was hot.

They could get any girls that wanted and they only wanted each other. It wasn't right for two men to look so hot together.

"Oh sweet... fuck... Greg... can't..."

Sara shouldn't be watching this. She shouldn't be seeing something so intimate as Nick Stokes coming all over his hand. She heard them whispering to each other, but she couldn't quite make out the words.

When Nick's orgasm was over, milky cum all over his right hand, Greg lifted it to his mouth and licked it clean. Sara really knew she shouldn't be watching this.

"You know... that's pretty disgusting, Greggo." Nick said in a slightly out of breath tone.

"You know you love it."

"You've got some weird kinks, babe."

"And you know you love that as well."

"No, I love you. It's the reason I put up with some of the... stuff I put up with." Nick said.

The uncomfortable look on Nick's face just screamed sex related stuff. Sara thought back to that case they had at Lady Heather's and Nick's squeamish behavior.

"Smooth talker you. You know Nick you don't have to say the love word to get into my pants." Greg said.

Nick was pulling up his pants and buckling them, trying to appear inconspicuous Sara thought he was probably planning his exit at that moment. When he was done, he placed a hand on Greg's hip and pulled him close.

"Don't need to get into your pants, G." Nick said.

There was a slight moment of hesitation before Nick kissed Greg, hands running up his sides. Greg's arms wrapped around Nick's neck, fingers idly playing with the small hairs at the base of Nick's neck. The kiss lasted a little while before Nick pulled away, big smile on his face.

"Yeah, but you like getting into my pants, don't you." Greg said with a playful smile.

Nick let out a small laugh and shook his head.

"You know I do. Come on, let's go home before we're both out of a job." Nick said.

"Aw, always the voice of reason. Don't you ever like to do anything daring?"

"Greg, baby, I just jacked off in a public bathroom in my workplace just cause you asked me to. I think that's pretty daring."

"Right, regular old wild man. Well, come on Wild Man and let's go home. I got what I want. I think it's your turn now." Greg said coyly.

Nick just smiled and followed him out of the bathroom.

When Sara was totally sure they were gone, she let herself out of the stall panting slightly, eyes wide with amazement at what she had just witnessed. There was definite love between them and Sara for the life of her couldn't figure out why it was a secret.

She sighed as she walked out of the bathroom, first making sure she didn't look bad or flushed before exiting. She'd have to think about Nick and Greg and their secret relationship another time. Right now she had other things to think about.

Like the part of her that couldn't believe she'd just sat by and watched that, something between two people in love that was meant to be private. Part of her felt dirty. Part of her wanted to take a long shower and try and clean her brain out. Part of her wanted to berate herself and forget what she'd seen all together.

But then, there was also a part of her that wished she could watch Nick's turn.

Sequel to Gay World... Slow Motion

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