Home. Contact. |
See: Global Marijuana March. ~600 different cities since 1999. First Saturday in May. City lists: 1999 2000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010. 11 ...Search them. Add city name to search. |
With less than 5% of world population the USA has over 2.4 million of 9.8 million world prisoners! The majority of U.S. inmates are in due to the drug war. |
Most Republican leaders oppose cheap universal healthcare. 45,000 uninsured Americans die each year due to lack of health insurance. |
EVIL Texas ;) - Charts. Astronomical Texas incarceration rate. 1% of its population imprisoned in 2001. 1.3% of its adults incarcerated in 2001. Second only to Louisiana's incarceration rate. In 2003 Texas led all other U.S. states with 4.6 percent of its adult population under correctional supervision: jail, prison, probation, parole. The true legacy of the George W. Bush governorship of Texas (1994 to 2000). | |
Mirrors 1. 2. | Change mirror pages if problems. |
*Introduction. *USA and Texas rates. Timeline Chart. *State-by-state U.S. incarceration rates. *USA and Texas correctional supervision numbers. Chart. *World incarceration rates. Chart. *More drug War charts, and other info. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Introduction. [TopLink] |
In 2003
Texas had 4.6 percent of its adult population in jail, prison,
probation, or parole...
Compare the astronomical Texas incarceration rate to the
of other nations in the world chart below. The true George W. Bush is
shown by his previous governorship of
Texas 1994 - 2000. Some of the Texas info is at the end of the
timeline chart that illustrates the 5-fold increase of the U.S.
rate since fellow "friendly-fascist" President Nixon declared a
War on Drugs in 1971.
USA and Texas incarceration rates. Timeline Chart. [TopLink] |
U.S. Incarceration Rates Timeline. Number of prison and jail inmates per 100,000 population. Midyear population. Rates slightly lower if yearend population. TEXAS rates at the chart end: 1014 in 1999. 966 in 2001. That is 1% of Texans imprisoned! |
1925 to 1977 incarceration rates are estimates
based on prison rates. 1925 to 1977 jail rates are estimated to be 50% of prison rates. The 2 rates are added together to get the 1925-77 incarceration rate. High*** and low** rates are shown for 1925-77. See endnotes. |
Year | Incarceration Rate. |
Total inmates in prisons and jails. |
USA. Total Midyear Population. |
Some key years. 1968. Nixon elected. 1969. Nixon in power. 1971. Nixon declares a War on Drugs. 1973. DEA begins. 1974. Nixon resigns. 6 Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan 666 and Nancy Reagan. Their "Just Say NO" , Holy War on Drugs. The Beast. :) Fascism with a smiley face... |
1925 1928 1932 1934 1939 1945 1950 1952 1961 1968 1969 1971 1972 1973 1974 1977 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 |
119** 144 165*** 164** 206*** 147** 164*** 162** 179*** 141** 146*** 143 140** 144 153 194 203 220 241 263 276 288 312 332 353 388 435 458 480 503 524 558 595 610 639 658 678 686 688 707 718 729 742 |
452,790 501,886 555,114 610,767 645,713 681,282 742,939 799,171 856,906 949,659 1,076,670 1,146,401 1,216,664 1,292,347 1,364,881 1,469,947 1,585,586 1,646,020 1,743,643 1,816,931 1,893,115 1,937,482 1,961,247 2,033,022 2,085,620 2,135,901 2,193,798 |
222,585,000 227,726,463 229,966,237 232,187,835 234,307,207 236,348,292 238,466,283 240,650,755 242,803,533 245,021,414 247,341,697 250,131,894 253,492,503 256,894,189 260,255,352 263,435,673 266,557,091 269,667,391 272,911,760 276,115,288 279,294,713 282,338,631 285,023,886 287,675,526 290,342,554 293,027,571 295,734,134 |
Add in 126,561 inmates (Juvenile, U.S. Territories, etc.) to get total inmates. |
+126,561 | +4,327,569 | ||
2005 | 773 | 2,320,359 | 300,061,703 | |
Total incarceration rate per 100,000 population. |
Total inmates in U.S.A. and its Territories |
Total population of U.S.A. and its Territories (4,327,569). |
The last link above
is a clickable U.S.
map of state-by-state incarceration rates. The rates are for inmates per 100,000 state population. Note that no state in the USA has a rate less than 200. Bush was governor of Texas 1994-2000. His legacy: Louisiana (1025) and TEXAS (1014) (under Bush) had the highest rates in 1999. In 2001 (see the 4 links just above) it was Louisiana (1013) and TEXAS (966) that again had the highest incarceration rates with 1% of their populations imprisoned. 2001 Federal incarceration rate of 49 was NOT added in to those numbers. In the USA it costs around $25,000 average per year for each inmate. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS): "At midyear 2005, nearly 4.7 percent of black males were in prison or jail, compared to 1.9 percent of Hispanic males, and 0.7 percent of white males. Among males in their late 20s, nearly 12 percent of black males, compared to 3.9 percent of Hispanic males and 1.7 percent of white males, were incarcerated" Above BJS quote is from the link below: |
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/press/pjim05pr.htm __ |
*1925 to 1977
incarceration rates are
estimates based on prison rates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics document NCJ 102494, State and Federal Prisoners, 1925-85. Info is also in NCJ 85861. The 1925-1977 jail rates are estimated as 50% of prison rates. Prison rate plus jail rate equals total incarceration rate. Sources: |
Imprisonment rates per 100,000 population. | |
2001. U.S.
State Incarceration Rates. Descending order. |
Followed by alphabetical list. |
1013 Louisiana _966 Texas _963 District of Columbia _952 Georgia _895 Delaware _852 Mississippi _812 Oklahoma _792 Alabama _772 Florida _756 South Carolina _734 Nevada _720 Virginia _720 Arizona _697 California _667 Alaska _657 Maryland _647 Tennessee _644 Michigan _623 Missouri _613 Idaho _605 Wisconsin _605 New Mexico _597 Colorado _597 Arkansas _569 Kentucky _560 North Carolina _558 Ohio _546 New York _545 Indiana _533 Pennsylvania _524 Connecticut _521 Wyoming _512 Illinois _503 New Jersey _501 South Dakota _498 Oregon _489 Kansas _468 Montana _457 Washington _424 Utah _416 Hawaii _376 Iowa _359 Massachusetts _349 Nebraska _339 West Virginia _325 New Hampshire _315 Rhode Island _265 North Dakota _226 Vermont _225 Minnesota _222 Maine |
_792 Alabama _667 Alaska _720 Arizona _597 Arkansas _697 California _597 Colorado _524 Connecticut _895 Delaware _963 District of Columbia _772 Florida _952 Georgia _416 Hawaii _613 Idaho _512 Illinois _545 Indiana _376 Iowa _489 Kansas _569 Kentucky 1013 Louisiana _222 Maine _657 Maryland _359 Massachusetts _644 Michigan _225 Minnesota _852 Mississippi _623 Missouri _468 Montana _349 Nebraska _734 Nevada _325 New Hampshire _503 New Jersey _605 New Mexico _546 New York _560 North Carolina _265 North Dakota _558 Ohio _812 Oklahoma _498 Oregon _533 Pennsylvania _315 Rhode Island _756 South Carolina _501 South Dakota _647 Tennessee _966 Texas _424 Utah _226 Vermont _720 Virginia _457 Washington _339 West Virginia _605 Wisconsin _521 Wyoming |
U.S. state rates map. Click
any state name on the map: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/icps/worldbrief/usa.html http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbprint.html Population. https://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/rates.htm USA rates. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/pjim01.htm 2001 USA. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/pjim01.pdf -2001 USA state-by-state incarceration rates chart is Table 16. 2001 federal prison rate of 49 is calculated from Table 1. State incarceration rates do not include federal prison rate. State rates are calculated from inmates in jails and state prisons. |
USA and Texas correctional supervision numbers. [TopLink] |
Texas, the modern police state. |
USA. Almost 7.1 million adults were under correctional supervision (jail, prison, parole, probation) at yearend 2005. That's 1 in 32 adults, or almost 3.2% of the USA's total adult population. At yearend 2003 TEXAS led with 4.6% of its adults. See end of chart. |
_______________________________________________________ ______Probation__Jail_______Prison___Parole___Total____ _______________________________________________________ 1975_________________________________143,164___________ 1976_________________________________147,539___________ 1977____816,525_____________285,486__173,632___________ 1978____899,305__158,394____294,396__177,847__1,529,900 1979__1,080,385_____________301,470__217,697___________ 1980__1,118,097__183,988____319,598__220,438__1,842,100 1981__1,225,934__196,785____360,029__225,539__2,008,300 1982__1,357,264__209,582____402,914__224,604__2,194,400 1983__1,582,947__223,551____423,898__246,440__2,476,800 1984__1,740,948__234,500____448,264__266,992__2,690,700 1985__1,968,712__256,615____487,593__300,203__3,013,100 1986__2,114,621__274,444____526,436__325,638__3,241,100 1987__2,247,158__295,873____562,814__355,505__3,461,400 1988__2,356,483__343,569____607,766__407,977__3,715,800 1989__2,522,125__395,553____683,367__456,803__4,057,800 1990__2,670,234__405,320____743,382__531,407__4,350,300 1991__2,728,472__426,479____792,535__590,442__4,537,900 1992__2,811,611__444,584____850,566__658,601__4,765,400 1993__2,903,061__459,804____909,381__676,100__4,948,300 1994__2,981,022__486,474____990,147__690,371__5,148,000 1995__3,077,861__507,044__1,078,542__679,421__5,342,900 1996__3,164,996__518,492__1,127,528__679,733__5,490,700 1997__3,296,513__567,079__1,176,564__694,787__5,734,900 1998__3,670,441__592,462__1,224,469__696,385__6,134,200 1999__3,779,922__605,943__1,287,172__714,457__6,340,800 2000__3,826,209__621,149__1,316,333__723,898__6,445,100 2001__3,931,731__631,240__1,330,007__732,333__6,581,700 2002__4,024,067__665,475__1,367,547__750,934__6,758,800 2003__4,120,012__691,301__1,390,279__769,925__6,924,500 2004__4,143,466__713,990__1,421,911__771,852__6,995,300 2005__4,162,536__747,529__1,446,269__784,408__7,056,000 _______________________________________________________ ______Probation__Jail_____Prison_____Parole___Total____ _______________________________________________________ The_Courier_New_font_lines_up_the_columns._____________ |
Yearly totals are
rounded off to nearest hundred. There are state and federal prisons. Jails are local and county lockups. |
Use the
free Adobe Reader for the pdf files. Unzip the spreadsheets and then use MS Excel, etc.. Quote from the 2 links just above. Emphasis added: "Texas led the Nation at yearend 2003 with 4,609 adults under correctional supervision per 100,000 adult State residents, followed by Washington State (4,350), and Delaware (4,235) (table 8)." That's 4.6% of Texas adults imprisoned, on probation, or on parole! Calculations from Table 8 show that 1337 Texas adults out of 100,000 are in prison or jail. That's 1.34% of Texas adults imprisoned! |
Prison Population Rates. In descending order. From World Prison Population List. 5th edition: "Most figures relate to dates between late 1999 and November 2003." There is a 6th edition here: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/icps/world-prison-population-list-2005.pdf The very latest list is found on this web page: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/icps/worldbrief/highest_to_lowest_rates.html |
Rates are calculated for the total number of prisoners in penal institutions, including pre-trial detainees. Incarceration rates of 210 independent countries and dependent territories. Use "find" in the edit menu to locate one here. |
Imprisonment RATE per 100,000 population. "c" means the rate is an estimate. There are links and more notes at the end of the list. Use free Adobe Reader to see more notes in pdf file: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs2/r234.pdf It has dates, national populations, inmate totals, etc.. |
For comparison
purposes the 2 U.S. states with the highest rates (Texas and Louisiana) are in the list: 1014____Texas 1999 (governor George W. Bush) 1013____Louisiana 2001 966_____Texas 2001 715_____United States of America 584_____Russian Federation 554_____Belarus 532_____Bermuda (UK) 523_____Palau 522_____Virgin Islands (USA) 501_____Cayman Islands (United Kingdom) c.489___Turkmenistan c.487___Cuba 459_____Belize 437_____Suriname 420_____Dominica 416_____Ukraine 414_____Maldive Islands 410_____Bahamas 402_____South Africa 390_____Kyrgyzstan 388_____Singapore 386_____Kazakhstan 378_____Puerto Rico (USA) 367_____Barbados 364_____Netherlands Antilles (Netherlands) 354_____Panama 351_____Trinidad and Tobago 340_____Thailand 339_____Estonia 339_____Latvia 338_____St Kitts and Nevis 334_____Guam (USA) 333_____Grenada 327_____Botswana 324_____French Guiana/Guyane (France) 324_____Swaziland 303_____Mongolia 297_____Moldova (Republic of) 278_____Antigua and Barbuda 270_____St Vincent and the Grenadines 267_____Namibia 253_____Tunisia c.250___United Arab Emirates 248_____Taiwan 243_____American Samoa (USA) 243_____St Lucia 237_____Aruba (Netherlands) 234_____Lithuania 229_____Costa Rica 215_____Virgin Islands (United Kingdom) 214_____Mauritius 210_____Poland 209_____Uruguay 207_____Seychelles 204_____Chile 198_____Azerbaijan 194_____Iran 190_____Romania 189_____Hong Kong (China) 188_____Jersey (United Kingdom) 184_____Macau (China) 184_____Uzbekistan 178_____Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) 178_____Czech Republic 177_____Greenland (Denmark) 176_____Jamaica 176_____Morocco 175_____Guyana 174_____Israel 173_____Libya 172_____Honduras 169_____Brazil 169_____Mexico 165_____Georgia 165_____Hungary 165_____Slovakia 164_____Martinique (France) 161_____Malaysia 161_____New Zealand 161_____Tajikistan c.160___Zimbabwe 159_____Guadeloupe (France) 158_____El Salvador 158_____Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) 157_____Dominican Republic 156_____Northern Mariana Islands (USA) 155_____Bahrain 146_____Lebanon 144_____Spain 143_____Lesotho 143_____Nicaragua 143_____Reunion (France) 142_____United Kingdom: England & Wales 139_____New Caledonia (France) 134_____United Kingdom: Scotland 132_____Brunei Darussalam 130_____Madagascar 129_____Burundi 129_____Cameroon 129_____Portugal 128_____Guernsey (United Kingdom) 127_____Bulgaria 126_____Colombia 125_____Republic of (South) Korea c.121___Egypt 121_____Zambia 120_____French Polynesia (France) 119_____China 118_____Myanmar (formerly Burma) 117_____Fiji 116_____Canada 116_____Tanzania 114_____Australia 112_____Gibraltar (United Kingdom) 112_____Netherlands 112_____Peru 111_____Kenya 111_____Luxembourg 110_____Algeria 110_____Central African Republic 110_____Saudi Arabia 109_____Rwanda 108_____Serbia and Montenegro: Montenegro 107_____Argentina 106_____Jordan 106_____Tonga 105_____Albania 105_____Sri Lanka 102_____Bolivia 102_____Kuwait 100_____Austria 100_____Italy 96______Germany 95______France 95______Mayotte (France) 95______Qatar 94______Philippines 93______Syria 92______Armenia c.92____Ethiopia 92______Isle of Man (United Kingdom) 92______Serbia and Montenegro: Serbia 92______Turkey 90______Andorra 90______Cook Islands (New Zealand) c.89____Uganda 88______Belgium 87______Ireland, Republic of 83______Greece 83______Yemen 81______Benin 81______Oman 79______Sao Tome e Principe 78______Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of) 76______Venezuela 75______Paraguay 75______Sweden 72______Denmark 72______Malta 72______Switzerland 71______Finland 71______United Kingdom: Northern Ireland 71______Vietnam 70______Malawi 68______Guatemala 67______Bosnia and Herzegovina: Republika Srpska 66______Papua New Guinea 64______Croatia 64______Norway 62______Ivory Coast 61______Djibouti 59______Ecuador 59______Pakistan 59______Slovenia c.57____Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) 56______Kiribati 56______Tuvalu 54______Japan 54______Senegal 54______Serbia and Montenegro: Kosovo/Kosova 53______Haiti 53______Liechtenstein 52______Ghana c.52____Niger 51______Bosnia and Herzegovina: Federation 50______Bangladesh 50______Cyprus 50______Mozambique 48______Mauritania 48______Nauru 46______Chad 46______Togo 45______Cambodia 44______Angola 44______Marshall Islands 44______Vanuatu 41______Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) 40______Iceland 39______Monaco 38______Congo (Brazzaville) 38______Indonesia 37______Republic of Guinea c.36____Sudan 34______Mali 34______Micronesia, Federated States of 33______Nigeria 32______Gambia 31______Solomon Islands c.30____Comoros 29______India 29______Nepal 28______Faeroe Islands (Denmark) 23______Burkina Faso [TopLink] |
Incarceration RATE per 100,000 population. You can divide it by a thousand to get the percentage of the national population imprisoned. Or just move the decimal point to the left 3 places. 1000 prisoners per 100,000 population is 1.000 percent of the population imprisoned. "Over 9 million people are held in penal institutions throughout the world, mostly as pre- trial detainees (remand prisoners) or having been convicted and sentenced." -- World Prison Population List (fifth edition), published in 2004. Top 3 links below are for mirror pages with web page charts of rates of nations in descending or alphabetical order: |
More Drug War charts, and other info. [TopLink] |