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Charles Darwin portrait Darwin links
The Ultimate Creation-Evolution Web Site
      The Voyage of the Beagle
      another excellent Darwin site

The Galapagos Islands and the Giant Galapagos Tortoise,
so important to Darwin in coming to understand evolutionary forces. Now an endangered species.  Browse the web sites of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, and the National Geographic Society for more on Galapagos species. They have a great web sites. For a photo of the Galapagos Giant Tortoise, see the bottom of my Ideal Vacations page.

Honky Chateau

On my father's side (Joslin-Brown-Roper-Davis-Leighton, Kinney, Hayes, Richardson), my ancestry is English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and French. The French comes filtered through generations of co-mingling with fair Saxon wenches, who came with huge tracts of land (cf. Python, Monty, Holy Grail).  But before they went limey, Joslins lived in and fought for France. The ancestral chateau actually exists, and was actually built by my ancestors God knows when, but certainly more than a thousand years ago. (circa 900; a Josceline was living there in 925.) It is in the small town of Morbihan, in Brittany. I've got to go there. Think they'd give me the keys?
You can see it for yourself by clicking here. But first, equal time to my mother's family (Down-Hanson (not those Hanson)- Bushnell-Patterson). They hail from England, Scotland and Sweden, which could be why I drive a Volvo. Okay, go see the Chateau Josselin. It's about as old as my Volvo.

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