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Ideal Vacations
The Internet
Darwin & Ancestors              Electronic Frontier Foundation Blue Ribbon Campaign GIF 49kb

Digital Future Coalition logo (2kb)

Internet Free Expression Alliance GIF 1kb

Global Internet Liberty Campaign logo (6kb)

Frank Zappa circa 1990 (8kb)

Realaudio banner logo (1kb)

Adobe Acrobat Reader banner (1kb)

Netscape Now! banner logo (1kb)

Winzip Logo

'Weasels Ripped My Flesh'LP cover

Not Insane Campaign Button 9kb





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   gmah_yng.gif (23267 bytes)    Monty Python's Flying Circus Logo (4.7kb)       

Images Art and Music. My favorite museums, artists and musicians. If you love Jackson Pollock and don't mind downloading 283kb to your browser or drive, click here!
Astronomy has been an interest since childhood. Links to magazinesAstronomy magazine cover 3.8kb, NASA, images of space objects, my old childhood stargazing buddy's web page.
Anyone can tell you I am obsessed with the news.
Ideal Vacations: Places I've been; places I want to go. Including Paris, the British Virgin Islands, the Galapagos Islands, the Peruvian Andes, and Finland!
The Internet. How to use it, how to find things on it, how to create web pages for it. My suggested links.
Charles Darwin and his trip on HMS Beagle are fascinating to me.
HMS Beagle in South America - woodcut (29kb)              HMS Beagle in South America                   From there we descend into my ancestry. Anyone want to go in with me on buying  an old chateau in Brittany?

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