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Tell Yourself

Tell yourself you're wonderful
You don't deserve to die
Tell yourself you're beautiful
And that it's not a lie
Tell yourself you're worth it
Because you really are
Tell yourself you aren't the worst
'Cause you are better by far
Tell yourself that you can eat
Because it is OK
And if you don't believe me
Just do it anyway
And tell yourself you're wonderful
And you deserve to live
Although you may not see it
You have so much to give
Tell yourself that you're not bad
Because you aren't bad at all
Tell yourself you're not a failure
Just because you fall
Everybody falls once in a while.
So tell yourself you're fabulous
Unique, one-of-a-kind
Tel yourself someone like you
Is rare and hard to find
Tell yourself you're good enough
Because you tried your best
Tell yourself you can't expect
A perfect grade on every test
Just tell yourself you're wonderful
And you don't need to cut
Tell yourself you shouldn't
And you don't believe mme, but
You are so terrific
You are really great
You do not deserve the dregs
You derserve first-rate!
Tell yourself you're wonderful
Tell yourself you are
So much better
Than you feel you are
Tell yourself these things
And I know you don't believe
But tell yourself that's just the monster
Trying to deceive
Copyright 1999 by Alissa

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