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ChannelWood Age

Turning on the power around here

This world is powered by windmill energy and water. So, before we can do anything, we need to hook everything up right in the windmill. To get there, turn around and follow the planks to the windmill. If you look down here, you will see a switch turn it only once, much like the switches controlling train tracks. Water (which=energy) can only flow to some places at some times. We will have to throw the switches correctly in order to power the things we need in this world. We will use this particular switch as a reference point. I'll refer to it from now on as the starting switch. Looking forward, you will see the windmill. Go inside, so we can power up! There should be a faucet handle at your feet. Turning it will start water flowing. Energy will now start flowing on Channelwood.

HINT: You will be able to hear running water when you are standing on top pipe that has water flowing through it.

Getting to the Elevator

Go back outside the windmill to the starting switch. Look down at the switch, and make sure that the water is flowing to the left. We can't get to the stairs yet (which we will need) Go: Forward-left, Forward, Forward , Forward and check the switch. The water should be going to the right. Foward-right, Forward and check this switch. Water should be going right. Forward-right, Forward and check this switch. Water should be going right. Go Forward-right, Forward, Forward, Forward. A motor will be running. Open the elevator door and get in. Throw the handle and take off!

Navigating the second Floor

NOTE: THIS IS TOUGH TO FOLLOW. Go: Forward, Forward-right, Forward-right, Forward, Forward, Right, Forward, Forward, Forward. From this room (lots of pots laying around) go Right, Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward. Throw the Switch. In the distance you'll see something moving. That's where we need to get to. Turn around 180 degrees. Go Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward. From this room (again!), go Right, Forward, Forward, Forward-right, Forward six times, Right, Forward, Forward, Forward, forward down the stairs. Open the door. Go forward five times. We're back at the started switch. Change the water to go toward the stairs (right). Go left, and then forward six times. Climb the stairs, turn left, and there's the elevator. Flip the switch-it'll take us to the third floor. Get out on the third floor.

The top floor

Turn around 180 degrees. Go Forward-right, Forward, Forward, Forward. This is a bedroom of some sort. There is a night stand in the room with drawers. Go to is. The Red Page is in the left side. On the right side, you'll find half of a white note-this is a Vault note. COPY THE INFORMATION DOWN. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! This is one half of a note, with the other half in Stoneship. Leave the room and go forward four times, forward-right, and then forward again four times. This room has some smoke and mirrors, but we're on our way out! Leave by going out the opposite door you came in. Go right, forward, forward, forward-left and forward. Enter this room to find the blue note! There are some messages in this room using the machine. They are not that important. Go out of the room and go forward twice, forward-right. Get back to the elevator. Throwing the switch will get you to the second floor. Go down the stairs.

Going back to MYST

Start from the starting switch. Change the switch to the left. Go forward-left, forward, forward, forward. Change this switch so the water goes right. Go forward-right, and forward. At this switch, make sure the water is going left. We'll go forward-left and forward. Go left with the water forward-left and forward get's you to a bunch of forwards until you see and engine/pump lookin' thing at the end of the path. Forward-right, forward, Forward, forward. Flip the switch and watch a magic bridge appear! Follow the path forward until the elevator. Turn around and trace the pipe left, until it runs out. Find the crank here and crank it, the pipe will extend. Turn around, head towards the elevator, but go past it back to the bridge motor/pump. From here, go forward, forward, forward, and forward-left. Go forward, forward-right, forward, look down. Throw the switch to the other side. Turn left. and go to the next switch. The water should be flowing beneath your feet. Turn around, go forward, Right, forward, Forward-left, Forward, Forward-right, and a ton forwards until you reach the elevator. Get in. shut the door and throw the lever. Open the door and you'll see the MYST book!

[Myst Island] [Channel Wood] [Mechanical Age] [Stone Ship] [Selenitic Age] [D'ni/Ending]