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* * * QL galleries on Angelfire! * * *

Site last updated: December 30th 2009

Welcome to A PART of the personal QLvsJAGUAR website of Urs König (coWo). Since 2002 I'm hosting my QL pictures and movies galleries here on Angelfire! While Angelfire was OK in 2002 (free service, "huge" 20MB! webspace, comfortable web shell) it became outdated when Web 2.0 became reality. Therefore in 2007 I joined YouTube (Videos) and in 2009 I launched my new photo gallery (up to 25GB! webspace, SilverLight powered slide show). So remember: Those pages are old fashioned and outdated and will not be maintained. You'll better go to my main site and enjoy the more modern and more comprehensive picture and movie galleries.


  • Pictures of the US1995 QL-show held in May 1995 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA...
  • Pictures of the CH2000 "Swiss/German QL Jam-session" held at my home on October 1st 2000 in St. Erhard, Switzerland...
  • Pictures and short movies of the QL2000 meeting held on October 14/15th 2000 in Portsmouth, England...
  • Pictures and short movies of the US2002 QL-show held on June 1st 2002 in Washington D.C., USA and my North America-trip...
  • Pictures of the UK2002 autumn QL-show held on November 10th 2002 in London, England...
  • Pictures of the US2003 QL-show held on May 17th 2003 in West Haven, Connecticut, USA and my mach 2 Concorde experience...
  • Pictures of the US2004 QL-show held on April 24/25th 2004 in Orlando, Florida, USA and the QL forever memorial (Leave a Legacy) at Epcot...
  • Pictures of the NA2006 QL-show held on September 30th 2006 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada and my second Falls experiences...
  • Photo Album "Urs in the US" with a selection of pictures of me...

    Complete sets of the pictures (most of them in higher resolution, e.g. 200KB instead of 100KB each) are available on request. In case of interest contact me via the feedback form on my main site (follow link below).

    Main site...

    On the main site you'll find a link to more comprehensive and modern picture & movie galleries.

    Please visit my full-scale 'QLvsJAGUAR' site featuring Sinclair QL vs. ATARI JAGUAR!

    site produced (p) and copyright (c): 1999-2009, Urs König
    best viewed in 800 x 600 resolution with IE5 or N4.7 (or later)

    page views since 2007-11-11: