Some ebay sellers continue to "take inspiration from my customs" to make a profit off them. This is one reason why I have not updated or have my labels available to the public. Besides the unethical use of my work, mass reproducing copy write characters and selling them for a profit is trademark infringement.
Dont support these people. They take advantage of fans. You can find the parts you need on bricklink and similar labels are available on other lego sites and message boards to print off yourself for free since I launched this site. Many of the people who created their own labels have them available to use as long as you do not sell them. Plus you will have the satisfaction of making them yourself like a true fan without padding the wallets of hacks and copycats exploiting everyone.
Future updates and new content will be available on an alternate site which will be available at a later date. This site will remain as an archive of my past customs as they were built from the late 90's to 2001.