A lot of time and hard work has been put into not only the creation of these customs but the look and feel of this website for all to enjoy. It is the webmaster's wish to have the content displayed in its full context and in the manner at which it is presented on this website here.
Linking to pages on this site is acceptable, preferably the main "Home" page. Linking to this site is acceptable on message boards/forums & newsgroups, personal websites/fansites ect. If you are the owner of a website that reports news on related content and would like to feature this site please contact the webmaster.
Linking this website from comercial websites or any website that charges fees to its "members" is not acceptable unless prior arrangements are made with the webmaster. Linking directly to images ("hot linking" or "bandwith theft") is not acceptable.
All images, photographs and custom made graphics published on this website are the property of the webmaster and may not be used or altered without written permission. Contact the webmaster for image use. Permission may be granted by the webmaster at his discretion and can be revoked at any time and for any reason.
Please be aware that all images displayed on this website contain an embeded digital watermark to track theft and misuse and to take legal action if necessary. Images may not be saved on computers for offline use or to be used for longer then reasonable browsing allows.
Outside use of photographs & custom graphics in their original or altered form shown on this website is prohibited. Prohibited use includes but not limited to: hosting images on other servers/image hosting services, displaying images on other websites, forums/message boards or news pages without prior written permission to the webmaster.
Enforcement of image use policies include contacting Internet Service Providers, the administration of forums/message boards, image hosting services, and webhosts of any website misusing my images which may result in suspension or termination of your accounts or the removal of my property from these accounts through the providers.. I have had several offenders in the past and a sucessful track record at reporting these offenders.
Many have enjoyed my work and website as it is presented, please respect these policies by not butchering their presentation or cheating others out of the full experience. Thank You.