THE DAY Coralynn

If the weather is any indicator, the grey skies and strong wind do not auger well for trial of Rosamond Gwinett, accused of murdering Tori Sheffield.
People who usually sleep half the morning away are up, getting dressed to attend the first day of the trial.
Daisy Moonbeam Freedom, who prides herself on her nocturnal tendency, says it pays to keep cat hours, is going through her closet looking for the most conspicuous outfit she owns. "Have to be noticable," she says aloud, "want people to know I'm a famous psychic......oh good, this long dress is perfect!" She pulls out a polyester dress with bright daisies and black eyed susans shrieking from the material.
"My name is Daisy, and after everyone sees me in this dress they won't soon forget it!" she congratulates herself for her good idea. Still limping from her fall from a ladder a few weeks back, she lays the dress on the bed and goes digging in her closet for matching shoes.

WandaSue sits watching the local morning news, and rubs her hands together in glee as they announce, yet again, that the murder trial of Rose Gwinett begins today at 10am. "This I hafta see! Even if I have to sit in the peanut gallery, I want to see Rosebud get hers! Her beauty, her money, her 'conncections,' none of them will keep her from getting her just deserts! Ohhhh yeah, how sweet it is!"

Penelope Patterson applies her makeup perfectly. "I'll show them who the real beauty, the real talent is around here. Rose may have beaten me out for the part on Planet Turns, but with her in jail for 20 to life, her victory will be meaningless."
Sally Jennings comes out of her room yawning, "That trial start today, Penny?"
"It certainly does and I'm going to be there with bells on. Why aren't you getting ready to go, Sally?"
Sally ties the belt on her robe a bit tighter and flops down on the bed, "I don't have the stomach for it, Penny. I've seen too many women railroaded into looking guilty, I've seen too much abuse, too much male dominance...."
"This has nothing to do with male dominance or male anything," Penelope says sharply, "Just because she's a woman doesn't make her innocent. I suppose you'd prefer we go out on the street and drag some man inside, just at random, and accuse him because he's a man?"
Sally shrugs, then grins, "Sounds good to me!" and goes into the bathroom to shower.

Glenda "Buffy" Lewis views herself in the full-length mirror and adjusts the jacket of her silk suit.
"You coming or not?" her husband, Mark, barks at her from the other room, "I've gotta get there early!"
"You go on ahead," she tells him, "I'll drive separately. I still have to get this hair under control."
"Suit yourself!" he yells as he leaves the house.
Glenda knows full well that Mark is railroading this murder trial, rushing to get Rose Gwinett convicted. He's done it many times before, but never quite as speedily as this trial. Wants to be Governor. Hmmmmm, how would I look at first lady of the State? she laughs to herself, if Rose Gwinett has to secure his election, so be it! She hikes her very large handbag up on her shoulder, walks out the door, locks it, and is greeted by a grey, windy day. Shuddering, she hops into her car for the ten minute ride to the courthouse.

Biff Murdock laughs aloud, "So I've been called to testify regarding Rose Gwinett's character! What a joke! And it's the prosecution that wants my testimony. Well, well, little Miss Rose, won't you be sorry that your cruel treatment and refusal to work with me cost me my job.....and now I get the revenge I've been waiting for......"

Richard Anderson always needed extra money. Two kids in college and now his wife wants breast implants. No way could I afford that, he thinks, but now that I'm on this Jury, it looks like the anonymous, wink wink, benefactor is going to solve my financial difficulties for a long time to come. It's a win-win situation, I mean after all the woman has to be guilty. Doesn't she?


William was putting on his tie and getting his thumbs tangled up in it. "Fie on this!" Celeste came over and deftly tied it. "There!"
William fretted, "I would have thought the police would have found what they needed to clear Rose."
Celeste put her suit jacket on. "I have no idea what goes on in the heads of those...those....I don't know WHAT they are!"
Marilyn came downstairs holding Julie. "I'm staying away. Rose and John do not need a media circus with headlines screaming at them, 'Marilyn clone is intimate friend of alleged Sheffield killer.' I voluteered to stay with the children."
Eleanor came into the room. "If I had half a chance, I'd skewer that Mark Lewis to the wall. Did you hear he has a woman as the prosecuting attorney?"
William raised his eyebrows. "A woman? Rose won't have a chance. You women! You kill your own over a handbag at Macy's bargain basement sales! Bah!"
Rosamond and John came downstairs. Rose looked exceptionally pale. She had on a simple black dress with a heart-shaped gold locket. Her earrings were tiny gold hoops. She had her hair in a knot at the base of her neck. But she wore high high heels. Her one indulgence. John wore a navy suit with a tie in a subdued print.
William frowned. "You just don't look like our Rose. You look....not plain but you--well, something is just missing."
Rose tried to manage a smile. "Patrick told me how to dress. Demurely, he called it.I asked if I should wear ruffles and lace but he said 'don't be funny'. I know. This doesn't feel like me. But then being accused of murder doesnt' feel like me either."
William asked, "How are you getting to the courthouse? Are you riding with us? Or is John driving?"
John shook his head. "Patrick is picking us up. He expects a media circus and he wants to be the one to field questions. Get the public on our side."
Celeste said, "I can't believe they supoenaed everyone in this house. I know you can't testify, John. Who outside of this house got one?"
John said, "I know Moose did, on account of his working with Rose. Alan Carson. That will be tough. He's been acting really strange around me. I saw him at Home Depot last week and he avoided me. I didn't know to what extent he and Tori were involved. I thought it was just casual dating. We joined them for dinner one evening when we ran into them at that Sushi Bar. Hotspur got one. I really dread it when HE gets on the stand. Patrick tried to block that one but unsuccessfully. Someone told the prosecuter that Rosamond and Hotspur at one time had a 'close relationship' while she was married to me."
Patrick pulled up and came into the house. "OK. boys and girls! This is it! Rose, you look very understated. And even though I told you to dress that way...I hate it! You don't look like you."
Rose sat down quickly. John asked her, "Are you alright?"
She nodded. "Just a little light-headed. That's all."
"Did you eat something?"
She shook her head no. "I couldn't begin to eat. My stomach has been queasy and in knots. I'll be alright. Just the jitters."
John sat next to her and rubbed her neck. "Darling, in a little while, this will all be over and the state of New York will owe you a big apology. Then we turn around and sue the pants off them."

Rose lay back on the couch, her arm across her eyes. "I just want it to be over." Her blue eyes filled with tears. "I want to be a wife and mother and be in my own house. What if I get sent up the river for the next twenty-five years? Julie will be out of college then. And probably deep into therapy! Unless she becomes a little streetwalker! Will will be a grease monkey who strips cars on the side who shaves his head and is covered with tatoos! And all because Tori Sheffield couldn't keep her sticky fingers out of people's personal business!"
John helped her to her feet. "Come on, darling. Everyone who has been supoenaed will support you. Right, Patrick?"
Patrick put on a confident air he was not really feeling. "Huh? Oh! Sure, Rose! Sure!"
Rose picked up her coat. "Do you think the annulment will come out and Daniel..."
Her voice faded as they walked toward the car.
Patrick let out a deep sigh. This one is going to be tough!

William pulled up to the courthouse. The media was there in droves. ABC. NBC and CBS--followed by CNN and FOX and MSNBC.
William swore. "Can you believe this? Don't people have anything better to do with their time?"
Celeste looked out the car window. "Apparently not."
They got out of the car and pushed their way to the doors. Celeste held onto William's hand. The media pressed in.
"Are you for the prosecution or the defense, Mr. Conqueror?"
"Is it true those poems were from her lover? How does Mr. Gwinnett feel about it?"
"Is it true, Mr. Conqueror, that you have a cholesterol problem? Are you on Atkins?"
"Are you going to marry the woman you have been living with? Ma'am, would you show us your engagement ring? Have you set a date?"
William ignored them all, pushed through the doors and spat out, "A pox on all of them!"

Patrick looked out his car window. He sighed. "Just what I expected."
Rose gave a cynical little laugh. "Marty said no publicity is bad. I think he's wrong. Now I know how Martha Stewart felt."
John reached over and grabbed her hand. "Honey? You OK?"
Rose said, "Never mind the fact that I am on trial for my life? No. No, I am not OK. But I have no choice."
Patrick said, "I'll bet the Star has everyone curious. O.J. drew a media crowd like this too."
Rose said, "And I didn't even treat them to a Bronco ride!"
Patrick said, "Remember. I do all the talking. You two just stand there and hold hands. You have to present a picture of solidarity. Like nothing can ever come between you."
They exited the car and the media swarmed like bees to honey.

The reporters tried to get as close as they could. The flashbulbs were popping off.
John grasped Rose's hand and held it tight.
"Miss de Clifford! Was it a pot roast or a ham butt that you used on Tori Sheffield? And is it true you bought it on sale at Sam's Club?" "Are you and Mr. Gwinnett getting divorced? Is it true you are leaving him for Biff Murdoch?"
Rose whispered to John, "Biff?"
The questions continued to fly.
"Is it true you kicked your husband William Robert Montgomery out of the car and left him stranded while you ran off to Vegas with Elvis?"
Rose whispered to John again, "Elvis Costello?"
John shook his head.
"Is your daughter Julie your brother in law's child? Or is she the product of an alien abduction, uh, encounter? And if so, did you enjoy it?"
"It has been reported that you danced naked at the fires of Beltane. Were you selected by the stag to..."
Rose whispered to John, "How did they find out about the stag and the Beltrane fires?"
John was shocked. "ROSAMOND!!"
She shrugged and said, "What can I say? It was the 1100's!"
Patrick cut them off with a wave of his hand. "NO QUESTIONS! This is a murder trial in which I expect Miss de Clifford to be totally exhonerated. When that happens, we will have a press conference. Until then, NO COMMENT!"
Patrick ushered John and Rose into the courthouse.
The reporter from the Star asked the reporter from the National Enquirer, "What is this about a stag?"
"Well, it has been a fertility ritual of the Druids.." and with that their voices faded as the courthouse door closed.

"All rise! The honorable Judge Phillip Hallock presiding. The State vs. Rosamond de Clifford Gwinnett on the charge of murder in the second degree."
Judge Hallock, a stern man in his sixties, turned to the attorneys. "Rosamond de Clifford Gwinnett has been charged with murder in the second degree on Victoria Elaine Sheffield. Is the prosecution ready?"
"We are, your honor."
Patrick stood up. "Yes, your honor."
Judge Hallock said, "Opening statement, Prosecutor. Please keep it succinct and brief."
"Yes, Your Honor." Amanda Baker rose. She looked very professional in her power suit. "The State of New York will prove without a shadow of a doubt that Ms. Gwinnett did in fact lure Ms. Sheffield to her unoccupied house at 274 Winding Willow and clubbed her with a pot roast" there were a few giggles at which Judge Hallock glared..."and after having disabled her, did so take a kitchen knife from the knife block and stab Ms. Sheffield twenty-nine times, causing her to bleed to death when her carotid artery was slashed."
At this Rose visibly shuddered.
"Thank you." Ms. Baker concluded.
Judge Hallock turned to Patrick. "Defense?"
Patrick rose and said, "The defense will prove without a doubt that Ms. Sheffield was blackmailing Rosamond Gwinnett to the tune of 30,000.00 over some poetry that Ms. Sheffield did in fact seek out and purloin. The defense will show that Mrs. Gwinnett was elsewhere and that Ms. Sheffield was followed by someone else she was extorting. Rosamond would not have had the opportunity or the strength required to club someone with a 7 lb. frozen solid pot roast. Nor to bludgeon a person that many times."
Patrick sat down and Judge Hallock turned to Amanda Baker. "Call your first witness, please."

TO TELL THE Coralynn

"The State calls Biff Murdock to the stand," Amanda Baker announces.
There is murmuring in the audience, people trying to figure out why the actor Biff Murdock is being called. Many of them are craning their necks around the people in front of them to get a better look at the man.
Biff settles into the witness chair after having been sworn in, looking very self satisfied.
"State your name, please."
"Walter William Eloishius Shackelford, but you can call me 'Biff!'"
Amanda ignores the suggestion and begins, "Now, Mr. Shackelford, how long have you known the accused?"
"About three years."
"How did you meet?"
"She was cast in the part of Daisy on As The Planet Turns. I was already playing the part of her love interest, but......she got me fired."
"How did she do that, Mr. Shackleford?"
"She accused me of raping her!" Biff says dramatically.
Rose jumps up and is about ready to yell out, but Patrick pulls her back down, whispering, "he's purjuring himself, let it go."
Rose is still fuming, but takes his advice.
"And were you? Did you? Rape her, that is."
"Good grief NO!"
"Then why did she accuse you of this?"
"Why? Why?! Because she wanted her boyfriend, John, there..." he points to John......"to have the part."
"Did she say anything else to you on this matter?"
"Yeah, she sure did! Told me that if I breathed a word of it I'd end up dead."
"She threatened to kill you?"
"That's all, Mr. Shackleford. Defense?" Amanda smirks as Patrick walks toward the witness box.

Patrick stands there a minute to clear his mind, and also to make this witness nervous. He looks at Biff, who looks back, then averts his gaze.
"Mr. Shakleford, did anyone else hear the accused threaten to kill you?"
"Does the name Gwendolyn Minor sound familiar to you?"
"Why should it?"
The Judge looks over and instructs, "Just say yes or no."
"That's interesting. She played the part of Daisy before Rose did. If you were the love interest in that drama, surely you met her on the set."
"What if I did?" Biff is getting testy and defensive.
"What was the reason she left the show?"
"Marty fired her; she was no good."
"Remember, you are under oath. You don't wish to perjure yourself do you, Mr. Shakleford?"
Biff is now visibly nervous, and as his eyes sweep the courtroom he sees Gwendolyn sitting in about the fifth row. She glares at him.
"She quit," he changes his story.
"Why did she quit?"
"Because she didn't like me."
"And why didn't she like you, Mr. Shakleford?"
"Hell if I know!"
"That's all for now, but you may be called back later. Thank you."

Patrick rejoins Rose at the defense table, winks at her and whispers, "Marty Henshaw is one of our witnesses. Biff is in a peck of trouble."

"The State now calls Gunther Gunther to the stand," Amanda Baker says loudly.
A blond Adonis type of guy ambles up and is sworn in. He sits in the witness chair smiling out over the sea of female faces, undressing the more attractive women with his mind.
"State your complete name."
"Gunther G. Gunther," he says, distracted by the killer legs of a woman in the first row.
"Full name."
"Oh yeah, it's Gunther Gunther Gunther," he says, winking at the killer legged woman.
"All three names are Gunther?"
"Right on!"
"Please look at the accused. Do you know this person, have you ever met, and when?"
"About three years ago. She wanted to take tennis lessons, or so she said, but she was all over me like white on rice."
"She made advances on you, Mr. Gunther?"
"It was awful! When I resisted, she said I'd better think twice, because she knew some mobsters who would put out a hit on me."
"She threatened you life?"
"Well, duhhhhh, yeah!"
"Just answer yes or no," the Judge says in a bored voice.
"How were you able to avoid being killed?" Amanda puts on her sympathetic voice.
"I took her to bed, and then I changed Country Clubs so she wouldn't be able to find me again."
Rose's face is flaming red. She glares at Gunther, then at Patrick, who puts his hand on her arm and whispers, "another perjury. Don't worry."
"That'll be all," Amanda Baker says, smirking.
The Judge looks at Patrick to see if he wants to cross examine.
"I may want to talk to this witness later, your Honor," he stands, then sits down again. Rose looks at him questioningly. "Don't worry," he whispers, "I have a plan."
Rose is thinking, Two men lied about me already, and the trial has just begun. This is going to be pure hell. Patrick knows what he's doing, he keeps telling me. I hope future depends upon it.

Amanda then says in a voice designed to strike terror into Rose's heart, "The State now calls Wanda Sue Skaggs Montgomery!"
Rose shakes her head; good grief, have they found every person on the planet who has it in for me?
WandaSue approaches the witness box, feeling very important, and realizing that if she says the right things, it may help put Rosebud behind bars for a long, long time.
She's sworn in, but, as she then goes up to sit in the witness box, is stopped dead in her tracks. Her muscles seize up and she falls flat on her face on the floor.
The observers stand to see what has happened. Has she had a heart attack? A fit? The murmuring becomes so loud that the Judge bangs his gavel and says loudly, "Order in the Court! Order in the Court!"

Wandasue looks up and sees several concerned faces looking down at her. "Just move that computer!" she yells out, pointing to the one not far from the witness box.
Someone carries the computer into another area, at which time WandaSue stands and completes her trip to the witness chair.
Dusting herself off, she smiles at the judge, at the jury, and out at the faces in the audience.
"Are you sure you're well enough to continue?" the Judge asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. Allergy to computers, doncha know!"
The Judge nods to Amanda, who hadn't counted on any of the witnesses she called to behave in such a bizarre manner, but plunges onward.
"State your full name," she again tells the witness.
"WandaSue Skaggs Montgomery," WandaSue puts particular emphasis on the last name.
"How long have you known the accused?"
"About two years. She married the man I'm still legally married to, and look, Judge, if you get a divorce case from the jerk, please rule in my favor. He's tryin' to stiff me out of our community property! And a rich man he is, too. Wouldn't ya think that a young girl, swept off her feet, married to a rich young landowning fella, would get more consideration? I mean, I gave that man the best years of my life!"
"Please just answer the questions!" the Judge says with an edge to his voice.
WandaSue rearranges herself in the chair, puts her hands together demurely and looks at Amanda expectantly.
"Has the accused ever threatened you?" Amanda cuts to the chase to keep this witness from telling her life story.
"On many occasions!" WandaSue is proud of her choice of words. White trash people don't say 'occasions' the way she does. But they don't know about the book, "Talk with Class..a Book of Vocabulary for Po' White Trash."
"Can you describe one of these occasions?" Amanda urges her.
WandaSue is impressed. This person catches on fast! Maybe I ought lend her the book, she thinks.
WandaSue sighs for effect, and gets a serious sad look on her face.
"She told me that if I didn't leave Billy Bob Montgomery alone, I would be swimming with the fishes!"
"She threatend your life?"
"Well yeah! You know what 'swimming with the fishes' is, doncha? Everybody knows that! And you're a lawyer? With a lot of fancy titles and degrees after yer name?"
"Just answer yes or no!" the Judge says once again.
"Yes. She threatend to knock me senseless and dump my body into the Hudson, or East River, or Long Island Sound, though, ya know, you'd have to go OUT a ways to get in water deep enough on the Sound! And she mentioned the Brooklyn Bridge, tossin' me over that one, or the TriBorough Bridge or that one with the cute name, what is it? uhhhh, is it the Verazono or something like that..."
"Please just stick to answering the questions that are asked!" the Judge yells.
Amanda is beginning to regret calling this witness, but decides to at least walk away with a clear characterization of Rose as a person who has threatened to kill a lot of people.
"She threatened your life." Amanda states, looking at WandaSue for verification.
"She sure did, Toots!"
"That will be all for now, but I may call you back at another time."
"Great doin' business with you!" WandaSue smiles widely and prepares to leave the witness box.
"Does the defense care to cross examine this witness at this time?" the Judge asks Patrick.
Ohhhhhhh no, WandaSue's happiness evaporates.
Patrick slowly approaches the witness box, doing his 'stare a hole in their foreheads' technique.
"Ms. Skaggs....."
"It's Mrs. Montgomery to you, fella!" she says proudly.
Patrick decides to not address her by name. "Isn't it true that you were blackmailing Rose and John and even William Robert Montgomery?"
"So what?! This isn't about me! This is about that homicidal maniac, Rosebud!"
"Just establishing a motive," Patrick says calmly, "Is it true that you and the accused were found duking it out several months ago and had to be put in the town jail?"
"Isn't it true that you have a long-standing enmity toward the accused?"
"Hell yes! She went and married my man! Listen, Mister, women are territorial..." another big word, wow......"and we protect what's ours!"
"Isn't it also true that you would do anything, even perjure youself, to see the accused put in prison?"
"You betcha!" WandaSue goes along with this line of reasoning.
"That will be all," Patrick says and takes his seat.
WandaSue sits there wondering what just happened. Did I actually agree with that guy that I would perjure myself? Wonder what that is anyway? Doesn't sound like a good word! Better look it up in the book! Terri

After Wanda Sue's glorious testimony, the courtroom broke for lunch. Patrick, John and Rose found a small room in the courthouse. Patrick sent out for Chinese food.
Rose was furious. "I can't believe the lies that Gunther told on the stand! Sure, he's a hunk. But PLEASE!!!"
John added, "Rosamond took one lesson from him. He got her drunk on Long Island Ice Teas and then tried to get her into his room at the Country Club.I punched his lights out and he went down like a ton of bricks. He planned it so he even had a white towel on the doorknob!"
Patrick broke into a reverie. "I remember those days.." with a dreamy look on his face.
Rose asked, "Are we going to let the entire town obliterate my reputation?"
Patrick answered, "You have to remember that they are the PROSECUTION'S witnesses. We have your friends. That's when I control the courtroom."
John shook his head. "Wanda Sue Montgomery. Who would have thought she would be testifying?"
Rose said, "It's like that last Seinfeld episode where they trotted out everyone that ever knew them. All the ones they wronged."
Patrick grinned. "But you don't have Jackie Childs for a lawyer. You have me. With the gift of Blarney."
"Do I take the stand, Patrick?"
"We save you for last, Rose. Just keep looking like you came from a DAR meeting."

When the courtroom resumed and procedures were followed, the judge said, "Call your next witness, Ms. Baker."
"Certainly, Your Honor. The State calls Robert Joseph Austin to the stand."
Rose slunk down in her seat. Whose side would Bobby Joe be on anyway?
Ms Baker said, "State your name and occupation, please."
"Robert Joseph Austin. Folks call me Bobby Joe. I am part time bartender at the Dew Drop Inn."
"How long have you known the defendant?"
"Almost two years."
"Would you relate your first meeting for us?" "Well, Rose came into the Dew Drop Inn trying to wash some guy's memory away."
"She tell you about it?"
"How did you know?"
"It came out eventually. She met a friend of mine and told him a story that she was married."
"Was she?"
"No. She was dancing with my friend and a man came in and acted like her husband. Tried to drag her out of the bar. He and my friend got into an argument. The man told my friend that she had a uh, VD."
The court room gasped. Rose slid even further down in her seat.
"Did your friend believe him?"
"I guess so. He told my friend that Rose left the baby with her ma, wrecked his truck, and shot his best hunting dog. That he caught her with his own brother. Turns out it wasn't true. She was nursing a broken heart and wanted to be left alone."
"What about the man?"
"Guess he was just protecting her."
"Was that the last you saw of Rosamond Gwinnett?"
Bobby Joe scratched his head. " She started frequenting the place. We called her Tequila Sunrise. On account of that is what she always ordered."
"So you are saying she was in there enough to rate a little pet name. Did she see anyone there? On a social level?"
Bobby Joe hem-hawed around and then blurted out, "It's no secret that the guy who had the hots for her from the start was Billy Bob."
"William Robert Montgomery?"
"Yes. She started singing with the band and they were great together. They started seeing each other in spite..."
Bobby Joe stopped.
"In spite of what, Mr. Austin?"
"In spite of the fact that Daniel Gwinnett started working there too."
"This was a problem?"
"It was obvious from the start that Rose and Daniel were involved. Or at least had been at one time."
"How do you know this?"
"I emptied the garbage out at the DDI and saw them talking. They were in Rose's car and they left together. Then next night they were talking by Rose's car again and she swung her leg out to kick him. He caught her foot and he threw her to the ground. She side-kicked him and he fell too."
"Anything pass between them?"
"Rose tried to pretend like there wasn't but Daniel always came out with those, you know...innuendoes. To let us know they were more than kissin' cousins. But by that time Billy Bob staked a claim. By the time they got back from Austin, everyone knew she was his girl."
"And this was a few weeks after she met Billy Bob?"
"Uh..uh..I guess so."
"When was this?"
"Around August of 2002. Billy Bob was totally turned inside out by her. He'd put salt in his coffee, shoes on the wrong feet. We all thought they were perfectly matched."
SNAP!! Everyone looked up. Subconsiously John had broken a pencil in half.
"She married him a few months later. On account of she was pregnant and Billy Bob thought the baby was his."
"Did you know about John Gwinnett and Rose de Clifford?"
"Not really. At least not at the time. Maybe in retrospect there were clues. But I think I figured it out when Billy Bob was uh, misplaced in Paris and Rose brought John Gwinnett around."
"You mean the time that Billy Bob was assumed murdered?"
"How long after did she bring him around?"
"Three days."
GASP!!! The courtroom reverberated with the sound.
Rose put her hand to her mouth. Whose side are you on anyways, Bobby Joe. Finally Bobby Joe said, "Look, I don't want to give the wrong impression..."
"That will be all, Mr. Austin. Your honor, I am finished with this witness."
Patrick approached the stand. "Mr. Austin, did you ever see any fights between Rosamond Gwinnett and Mr. Montgomery?"
"No, but he called me that night she kicked him out.."
"But you didn't see the fight, did you?"
"You just have Billy Bob Montgomery's word. The word of a man who disappeared for months and put his poor wife through HELL!"
"Yes sir."
"How long have you known Mr. Montgomery?"
"Since I was three. What does this have to do..?"
"So you have had a life-long friendship with Rosamond's ex-husband. A man who has been very controlling and domineering in her life."
"Well, uh..."
"So naturally you would be on the side of Mr. Montgomery."
"No, you have it all wrong. Rose has never been anything but decent to me. She let me stay in the guest house when Billy Bob was dead. She was fair to me."
"Did she ever make a pass at you? A good-looking guy like you?"
"No sir. She never did. We had a friendship. Nothing more than that."
"Did she confide she was miserable with him?"
"Didn't have to. You could see it on her face. Like someone sapped the spirit out of her. I thought it was just the pregnancy."
"Do you know of Wanda Sue Skaggs blackmailing Billy Bob Montgomery?"
"OBJECTION, Your Honor! These two are not on trial!"
"Sustained. Please keep your questions pertinent to the case here, Mr. O'Malley."
Patrick said, "I'm sorry, Your Honor. No more questions."
Billy Bob stepped down. As he passed by Rose, he whispered, "Honest. I didn't want to do it." And then he sat down in the back.
Rose sighed. If it is like this on the first day, what will the second one bring?

THE WORST Coralynn

Amanda Baker calls her next witness: "I call Travis McGee to the stand." she announces. This ougha put the nail in the coffin of Rose Gwinett's character profile, she thinks, a cop testifying against her. Perfect.
Travis struts up to the front of the courtoom. Rose puts her right hand over her face, then peeks through her fingers at her worst nightmare being sworn in. She turns to Patrick, who is stifling a laugh. She hopes Patrick isn't underestimating Travis' ability to make her look like someone who could kill.

Travis takes the stand, and when Amanda Baker asks his name and occupation, says as loudly as he can, "Travis Johnson McGee, Police officer!"
"Now, Mr. McGee, it is my understanding that you know the accused, Rose Gwinett. Would you describe your knowledge of this person."
"Oh yeah, she's a killer alright!" Travis goes for the jugular immediately.
The Judge says loudly, "The witness is not to pass judgement on the defendent, just answer the questions asked!"
"I met her back oh two, two and a half years ago. She and her 'hippie commune' of rich snobs had moved into that big house on Winding Willow..."
The Judge interrupts, "Refrain from character assassinations! Just state the facts and leave out the editorializing!"
"OK. Rose and her gang moved in. Immediately the whole neighborhood was turned upside down because these people gave loud parties, and it is my understanding that drugs were present, even sold on the premises!"
The Judge: "I warn you, stick to answering the questions, just the questions or I'll have to disqualify you as a witness!"
Amanda Baker is not too pleased with her witness and decides to guide him more carefully. "In your official capacity as a Police officer, did you ever have any dealings with the defendent?"
"Hell yes! Seems every time I turned around she was parked in some lover's lane or other with some man, and it wasn't the same man every time, either! She must have had intimate relationships with eight or ten guys!"
The Judge again, "State facts, do not conjecture. One more time and you will be removed."
Amanda tries desperately to keep her witness on the straight and narrow, "So you found that the accused frequented these lovers lanes? Just exactly how many times did you come upon her with a man?"
"Three. Or was it four? Lots and lots!" Travis is on a roll, "And.....she protected her drug lord husband, John Gwinett, you know, the guy who pushes speed and crack and heroin and God knows what else...."
The Judge actually stands up from his seat after banging the gavel, "You are dismissed, Officer McGee. Never in my twenty-three years on the bench have I ever had to throw out a witness, but there's always a first time. Stand down."
"What?!" Travis is nonplussed, "Stand down?"
"Yes. Go back to where you were sitting. I warned you about interjecting other factors into your testimony, but you ignored them. Now you are dismissed!"
Amanda Baker gestures for Travis to get out of the witness chair. He does, bewildered. "You told me to tell what I knew..." he whispers to Amanda, "and that's what I was doing....."
"Sit down, McGee!" is all she can get out between clenched teeth.

Patrick whispers to Rose, "Don't have to cross examine that witness. He did it for me!" which brings a smile to Rose's face.
But her expression changes when she hears Amanda Baker call out, "My next witness is William Clinton!"
As Bill is sworn in, Rose, perplexed, asks Patrick, "Why would the prosecution call him?"
"I don't understand it, either," Patrick answers.
The first question Amanda asks tells them the reason, "Mr. Clinton, or should I call you President Clinton? Do you know the accused? And just how well do you know her?"
Rose and Patrick have "I don't believe I'm hearing this" expressions on their faces as they look at each other, mouths gaping.
"I know Rose Gwinett socially, just as I know the others in the house on Winding Willow.....Eleanor, William, Bethia...."
"Just answer the question asked!" the Judge interjects.
"I know her from being at the same social events." Bill says then stops.
"Did you observe any erratic behavior on her part? Any violent outbursts?"
"None that I can remember. Her friend, Marilyn, however, decked a few there's a real scrappy woman!"
"Answer the question and only the question!" Judge Hallock is wondering why this whole case is getting so out of control. Amanda Baker must be desperate or she wouldn't be calling these people, who, it appears, don't know when to shut up!

"Were you there during a party in which the Police had to break up a fight? And was Rose a part of that altercation?"
"A fight? Rose? Only fight I ever saw was between Montgomery and John Gwinett, but Rose? No."
Amanda is confused. She was told by excellent sources that Bill had seen her in a brawl at one of the now-famous parties at the big house.
Bill is enjoying walking down memory lane, however and goes on, "The most exciting party was when John got out of the ropes his brother Daniel had him tied up in, came downstairs and fell face first into the soup toureen!" Bill laughs uproariously.

"Counselor! Control your witness!" the Judge demands of Amanda.
Amanda again tries to get this mess back under her control, "Did you see the defendent act in any inappropriate manner?"
"No, not really. She couldn't help that half the men in Westchester County had the hots..."
"I said ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ONLY!" Judge Hallock thunders.
"Did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Have the hots for her?" Amanda knows this is not keeping to the subject, but can't help herself. She has to get something on Rose. Something. Anything to make her look unstable.
"NO! I did not!" Bill is now getting red in the face and angry.
"Counselor, please approach the bench!" the Judge says sternly.
Amanda does so and hears, "You had better screen your witnesses better if you want to establish whatever it is you're trying to establish. Just what IS it you're going for here anyway?"
"I want the defendent to appear erratic and unstable and hopefully violent."
"Then please pick your witnesses more carefully. Excused."

Amanda knows she's made some miscalculations, and in humiliation, sits down at the Prosecutors table.
"Does the Defense wish to cross examine?" the Judge asks Patrick.
Rose turns to Patrick, "No?" she whispers.
"No need. Bill's testimony could have been for the defense, Rose. No harm, no foul."

Judge Hallock checks the clock and announces, "We'll adjourn till 10 am tomorrow." then bangs his gavel, gets up and walks back into his chambers, shaking his head.

Richard Anderson, Jury Foreman, rubs his hand over his face. This is the best the prosecution has? How can I sway the Jury to proclaim her guilty unless the prosecuting lawyer comes up with something more concrete? Like an eye-witness to the crime? If this charade goes on, I'm cooked, and my wife can just kiss those breast implants goodbye!


Patrick ushered Rosamond and John out of the courthouse to the flurry of flashbulbs and microphones thrust at them.
Patrick yelled, "I TOLD YOU---NO QUESTIONS, NO STATEMENTS, NO COMMENTS!" Once in Patrick's Mercedes, Rosamond leaned on John.
She was totally pale and exhausted. John rubbed her neck. "You holding up alright, pumpkin?"
She shook her head. "No. But I have no choice, do I? This is where my acting comes in handy. I have to act like I am fine."
John murmured, "It will be over soon. Then life can get back to normal."
Rose said, "What is normal anyway? Even if I am found innocent, I will always be under suspicion. Like OJ. I think we should move. Maybe to North Dakota. Or Saskatchewan."
John said, "We'll talk about that later."
As they pulled up to the house, a lone reporter stood there in the dusk. She approached Rosamond shyly. "Excuse me, my name is Holly Hartford...."
Patrick whirled on her. "I SAID NO INTERVIEWS AND I MEAN IT!!"
Holly just about shrank into the darkness. She stammered, "I-I'm sorry. This is my first assignment. I didn't want to do this, honest I didn't..."
Rose felt sorry for the young woman. She spoke kindly to her. "I'm sorry, Holly, but I can't talk to anyone right now."
Holly's face fell. "Oh. I--I guess I am out of a job. My editor said 'get a statement or else.' I'm sorry to have bothered you, Miss de Clifford..."
Rose felt sorry for her. "I'll tell you what, Miss Hartford. When the trial is over, I will grant you--and only you--an exclusive interview. Would that be enough to save your job?"
Holly couldn't believe her ears. "You'd do that?"
Rose looked to Patrick. "Is that allowable?"
Patrick scowled. "Yes. But, Rose..."
"Tell you what, Holly. I'll have Patrick draw up a contract and have your editor call him for confirmation. Will that do?"
"Will it! Wonderful! I can't thank you enough!" Holly's eyes were shining. "And..Miss de Clifford--Mrs. Gwinnett?---for what it is worth, I think you are innocent."
Rose smiled genuinely at the young girl. "Thanks, Miss Hartford. That means a lot to me."
Holly got in the car and drove off.
Patrick said, "But Rose.."
"No 'buts' Patrick. I will need a spin doctor after this. And what better than a noviced, unjaded rookie reporter?"
They went inside the house.

Celeste had a nice dinner ready for them. Everyone in the house was invited, including Roger and Bethia. She had comfort food--chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole. Will threw himself into his mother's arms and she held him tight. As they sat down to dinner, Rose just picked at her food.
Celeste said, "Dear, you have to eat something. To keep your strength up."
Rose said listlessly, "I just can't. I am too upset. The lies they are telling about me! Biff! Gunther! Travis! Where would I find the time to go to Venus Point? I have kids to take care of! And why would a person go to the lover's lane when the Bide-a-Wee motel rents by the hour?" She attempted a smile.
The dinner talk then consisted of small talk, everyone carefully avoiding talk about the trial. Patrick bid them goodnight early. He was staying over in the guest room and had his notes to go over for the next day. John and Rose went upstairs with the children to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.
Bethia and Roger stood up to leave. "I only have about 6 more weeks to go. I can't wait!"
William said, "Don't rush it. At least they are quiet now!"
Bethia said, "I'm worried about Rose. She needs to keep her strength up right now."
Roger said, "If it will make you feel better, little Mama, I will give her a tonic."
Bethia beamed. "See why I love this man?"
They left for their own house.

Upstairs, John and Rose were spending time with their children. Rose gave Julie a bath while Will read a book to John. After the children were settled in their beds, John and Rose found time for each other. As they lay wrapped in each other's arms, Rose said hesitatingly, "John?"
"Hmm?" he said drowsily.
"Do--do you think we would have--you know--conjugal visits? I don't want you to bring the children to see me. I couldn't bear to see them and not be able to touch them."
Her laugh was brittle. "Besides, they can see me picking up trash on the side of Route 9. I'll be the one in the orange jumpsuit. Unless they put me in solitary confinement."
John kissed her and stroked her hair back from her face. "Darling, don't think that way!"
Rose tried to keep her stomach from doing flip-flops. "What if there is a mistrial? John, I don't think I can go through it again. I just want to get it over with."
John kept his arms wrapped tightly around her. "Patrick is the absolute best. I promise you. This nightmare will be over."

The next morning, William got up early to read his five newspapers. He put the coffeepot on and what percolated next was always a matter of speculation in the folklore of Winding Willow. As he unfurled the papers, the headlines screamed,

Clinton Denies Relationship

"I Never Had Sexual Relations With That Woman!!" Clinton States.

Hilary Has Tape of Torrid Affair

Four Year White House Affair Revealed! Gwinnett Was a Child of Twelve!

"William Conqueror Was My Go-Between!" Clinton Confesses.

Celeste came downstairs to the sound of William blubbering incoherently. She took the paper away from William, whose fingers were still curled as if holding the paper.
"Shame!" she said.
"'Shame'! That is all you can say?"
Celeste said, "Keep these away from Rose and John, alright? Those two poor kids have enough to contend with."
John and Rose came downstairs just after Celeste threw the papers away. "Get a good night's sleep?"
John shook his head. "Not really. Rose's tossing and turning kept me up." Rose said, "I tried to be quiet."
John stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her like he never wanted to let her go. "I heard you in the bathroom getting sick. Not feeling well?"
Rose said, "It's all crashing down on me. When I get through all this, I will either be eating prison food or you will take me out to a French restaurant."
Rose smiled. "In Paris. And if it is prison food, I will at least have practice puking it up!"
Patrick came downstairs. "Are we all ready to go?"
Rose shook her head. "No. But that doesn't matter. Let's go."
William said, "We will be there before it starts."
And with that, the three left for the courthouse. To face the reporters yet again.


"What is he doing here?" Rose whispered to Patrick.
Patrick frowned. "He probably knows you just as well as John. It's logical they would call him."
Amanda Baker said, "The Court calls William Robert Montgomery to the stand."
Rose's face turned white. She whispered again, "I think I'm going to be sick!"
Patrick said, "Feeling faint?"
Rose nodded. "I guess I should have eaten this morning. Billy Bob is going to skewer me."
"Want me to call a recess and you get something to eat?"
"No. Let's get it over with."

"Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
Billy Bob snapped, "For God's sake, I passed the bar. I know the rules."
"State your name and occupation for the court, please." Amanda Baker said.
"William Robert Montgomery. I am a horse breeder in this county."
"How long have you known the defendant?"
Billy Bob allowed the very trace of a smile on his face. "Not quite two years."
"And what is your relationship with the defendant."
Billy Bob said, "The whole world knows we were married."
"And how long were you married?"
Patrick jumped up. "Objection! Everyone knows they weren't really married. I should know, I handled the annulment!"
"Overruled. You may answer."
Billy Bob said, "We were married in October 2002."
"While we were vacationing in New Orleans."
"Where did you meet Miss de Clifford?"
"At the Dew Drop Inn. She came in there one night, we struck up a friendship. She sang with me in the band."
"Were you involved then?"
"Describe 'involved'."
"I think you know, Mr. Montgomery."
He sighed. "We became involved when she surprised me in Austin. We became lovers then."
"Was yours a whirlwind engagement?"
Billy Bob said, "I was in New Orleans about two months later and Ms. de Clifford accompanied me. She told me she was pregnant. I did right by her and we were married in New Orleans."
Amanda walked around. "Honeymoon there, too?"
"No, we left the next day."
"Isn't it true the now-Mrs. Montgomery wanted to keep your marriage a secret?"
"What was the reason?"
Billy Bob said, "She had her personal reasons."
"And isn't it true that her personal reasons were that she was continuing an affair with John Gwinnett? That she never gave him up even though she was married only three days--THREE DAYS--to you?"
Billy Bob looked Amanda straight in the eye. With an even voice, he said, "Yes. That's true."
The courtroom yielded an audible gasp.
John's jaw clenched. Rose looked like she wanted to die right then and there.
The judge banged his gavel. "ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!"
"Describe your marriage, Mr. Montgomery."
"Like any other marriage. It had its problems."
"And isn't the main problem sitting right next to Rose Gwinnett?" Amanda pointed at John.
"What problems did you have, Mr. Montgomery. Aside from..let me rephrase it. Would you say you had a happy marriage?"
"I thought we were happy. We had our ups and downs."
"Isn't it true Ms. Gwinnett flaunted her lover on public TV during the Daytime Drama Awards?"
"I wouldn't say 'flaunt'. No one knew what was going on. Especially me."
"I understand a child is involved. You laid claim to her."
"Yes. Her birth certificate read 'Julie Beth Montgomery'. It listed me as the father."
"If you weren't the father, then why was your name on the birth certificate?"
"I don't know. Because I was her husband at the time of birth. Maybe to get her hands on my money."
"OBJECTION!" Patrick yelled. "The defendant is a wealthy woman in her own right!"
Amanda picked up the pace. "It must have been a joy to hold your own daughter in your arms, Mr. Montgomery. I mean the day she was born." Billy Bob stared straight ahead. "I wasn't there."
"Not there?"
Billy Bob looked at John Gwinnett. "John Gwinnett delivered the child at my ranch during a torrential storm."
Another gasp from the courtroom. More gavel pounding.
"Where were you, Mr. Montgomery?"
"At a horse auction in Richmond, Virginia."
"You left your pregnant wife to go to a horse auction?"
"The baby was premature."
"A 7 lb. premature baby."
Billy Bob looked at Rose. "I thought she was early. I found out later she was right on time."
"Meaning that Rosamond Gwinnett was pregnant even before we were together in Austin."
"Are you saying she tried to pass the baby off as yours?"
"OVERRULED! Answer the question, please, Mr. Montgomery."
"Yeah. I guess she did."
"Because she wasn't even sure WHO the father was."
Rose whispered to Patrick. "And what you just heard was the final nail in my coffin!"

Amanda Baker continued to pound away. "Is it true the two of you carried your arguments out in public?"
Montgomery said, "It's common knowledge, " he shrugged.
"Is it true she kicked you out of the car and left you stranded on the highway a couple weeks after the child was born?"
"And she also left you stranded in a meadow when the two of you were horseback riding?"
"I'm not saying. Personal reasons that have nothing to do with this."
Amanda abandoned that train of thought.
"Your disappearance. Care to explain that?"
"It has nothing to do with Rosamond."
"Let's move on to her wedding to Mr. Gwinnett. You showed up an hour after it was over. Is this true?"
"Yes. I tried to stop it. She didn't know I was still alive."
"What happened?"
"She told me she had it annulled when she thought I was dead."
"But wouldn't she be a widow and free to remarry? Why annull it?" "As Wanda Sue Skank explained, it turned out my divorce from HER was never finalized. Rose found out about it and wanted to cover all her bases."
"Now Mr. Montgomery..."
"NO. I have told you all that is necessary. I am leaving now." He got up. The judge said, "Mr. O'Malley? You wish to cross-examine?"
Rose looked expectantly at Patrick. He said, "We reserve the right to call Mr. Montgomery later."
Billy Bob exhaled loudly and said, "Thank God!"
He walked out and headed straight for the bar down the street.

Rose put her head down on the defense's table. John rubbed her back. She moaned softly, "I hope Billy Bob didn't put the screws to me!" Patrick whistled softly, "No, but brace yourself!" Because Amanda Baker looked over at the defense table and smirked. Judge Hallock said, "Call your next witness!" Amanda Baker said, "The State calls Daniel Gwinnett to the stand." The courtroom gasped as Daniel walked to the witness stand. He looked so much like John it was incredible. John said, "OH &^$%$!!" Rose put her hands over her face and said, "Now I am done for!" Patrick leaned over and said in a stage whisper, "For Pete's sake, don't show any reaction! That is what the jury is looking for." Daniel sat there, looked at Rose and gave her a slight smile. To Rose's eyes alone, he gave a 'thumbs up'. "State your name and occupation, please." "Daniel Gwinnett, I am a manager and part owner of Body Shop, Fitness Center." "And what is your relationship to the defendant." "I am her brother-in-law." "That's all?" "Currently." "Mr. Gwinnett, isn't it true you were once 'involved' with the defendant?" "For a brief period of time." "Please tell us under what circumstances." "OBJECTION!" Patrick said. "Overruled." "But Your Honor.." The judge nodded to Ms. Baker. She said, "We need to establishe the extent and to what basis the poetry is involved." Patrick sat down with an I-don't-believe-this look on his face. Judge Hallock said, "Please continue, Mr. Gwinnett." Danie said, "Rose and I were involved for a long weekend but she didn't know it." A murmur ran through the courtroom. Judge Hallock pounded his gavel. Amanda Baker said sarcastically, looking at Rose. "This woman was having a relationship with you and didn't know it? Was she subject to black outs? Was she unconscious? In a coma?" Daniel snorted, "Absolutely not!" "Then please elaborate." Daniel said, "Rose de Clifford had the hots for my brother. It was mutual but they didn't act on it because neither one would confess to it. I was passing through on my way to uh, Virginia. I stopped off at John's to pay him a visit. John didn't want anyone to know about me." "And why is that, Mr. Gwinnett?" "I am what you call the 'black sheep' of the family. I uh, have an eye for the ladies and John didn't want to see me get involved with anyone. He kind of kept me hidden in his room before I was moving on. When he left for an errand, I saw something of his I just had to have." "And what was that, Mr. Gwinnett?" "Rosamond de Clifford. She was sunning herself out by the pool and she was wearing this itty bitty..." "OBJECTION! The defendant's clothing is not germain (I like that word!) to the situation! "Sustained. Please stick to the bare facts." And with that the courtroom burst into laughter. "OK--If you insist!" "Please tell us about your first meeting with the defendant." "Rose thought I was John. I found out there was alot---ALOT--of sexual tension between the two. So I, uh, relieved it!"
"And how did you manage that?"
Daniel said, "How do you THINK I did?"
A titter ran through the courtroom.
Amanda's face was crimson but she said, "I mean, please explain the circumstances. On how she didn't know."
Daniel said, "OH! That! Well, my brother wanted to keep me quiet and away from everyone so he tried to drug me."
A murmur ran through the courtroom again.
"He slipped a mickey into a beer but I switched glasses on him. He passed out. I uh, kind of left him tied up and assumed his identity."
Daniel turned to the judge. "Does a gentleman have to continue with this? Not that I mind, you understand, it's just that there are ladies present..."
Judge Hallock waved, "No, we get the gist of it. Skip over that part."
Daniel continued, "We made good use of a weekend. If you get my drift. I mean to tell you, that Rose could..."
Judge Hallock pounded, "SUSTAINED! Without a doubt!"
Daniel continued, "OK, OK! Well, we went down to dinner after surfacing in a few days and Eleanor had a party. To make a long story short, Rose was with me thinking I was John and when he came to and found his way downstairs, he fell face first in the soup tureen. Let me tell you, my brother sure looked funny with noodles hanging from his face! Rose realized what had happened and she uh, racked me. Surprised I could walk after that!"
"Was that the end of your relationship?"
"Well, that was the end of the whole enchilada. But there WERE some intense make-out situations after that. Especially when it came to the Dew Drop Inn."
Rose sat there white-faced and John clenched his jaw.

Ms. Baker said, "Please explain."
Patrick stood up with his mouth open, then sat down. Judge Hallock said, "Something you want to say?"
Patrick shook his head. "No. I will have my turn at him later."
Daniel raised his eyebrow and said, "Bring it on, Big Fella!"
Judge Hallock slammed his gavel down so hard he broke it. Again. The baliff came forward with a new one.
"ENOUGH!" the judge roared.
Daniel continued, "As I was GOING to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, is that she started frequenting the Dew Drop Inn. I was singing there. Now the tension shifted from Rose and John to the two of US. We used to scrabble in the parking lot. Knocked each other on our arses a few times. But alas! She was done with me by then. Because she had a fling with John somewhere along the line and then she took up with Billy Bob Montgomery. Well, you have his testimony. Which is pretty much how it happened."
"So you and Ms. de Clifford never consumated your relationship after that weekend?"
Daniel said, "Alas, no. She was wise to me by then and never let me into her bed again."
"What of the child? Julie Beth Montgomery now known as Julie Beth Gwinnett."
Daniel said, "I found out Rose was pregnant and that she kept it hidden from John and me. I found out by accident when I was passing Eleanor's bedroom and heard them talking. I found the proof in a doctor's appointment card. I guess I went a little beserk after that."
"Describe 'beserk'."
"I, uh, trashed her room. Heavily. That was when she ran off to Austin with Mr. Stud- Muffin-Cowboy-With-The-Tight-Jeans-And-The-Aw-Shucks-I'm-Just-A-Country-Boy-With-Millions-Of-Dollars."
Laughter in the courtroom, even from Judge Hallock.
Daniel continued. "She married Montgomery but I found out she started an affair with my brother right afterwards. So I figured she and Montgomery's knot-tying had some loopholes. So I figure, what the hey-hey, she's willing and able.."
Ms. Baker interrupted again. "Was there some dispute on whose child it was?"
"Yeah. She said once it could have been Henry's or mine or John's or even Billy Bob's baby. But I think she was just slingin' it about BB."
Daniel waved it away."Just a ship that crossed her wake. Immaterial."
"And whose child is Julie Beth?"
"Tests say John. Tests have been known to be wrong. On account of we are identical twins. Still think she is mine."
John shouted out, "Yeah. Fat chance!"
Judge Hallock pounded his gavel again.
Daniel looked at John and glared, "Still don't want to admit it, huh, Johnny boy?"
John jumped up, "Let's go right here and now, Danny!"
The judge pounded his gavel and broke it again. "That's enough! ONE MORE OUTBURST AND YOU ARE BOTH IN CONTEMPT OF COURT! I MEAN IT!"
Patrick pulled John down as he seethed.
Ms. Baker said, "Is it true that you wanted to marry Miss de Clifford?" Daniel said, "Yes. I offered to take her away the night before she married my brother."
Sounds rippled through the courtroom. Daniel continued. "I offered to run off with her to Rome or Paris or London. Hell, I even offered Iowa. But she wasn't having it. Guess she doesn't like Iowa."
Laughter again. Ms. Baker continued. "When did you start to send poetry to her, Mr. Gwinnett?"
"Oh, right after our first, uh, encounter. Half the fun was in leaving them where there was a chance my brother could possibly find them. You should have seen the look on her face when I would see her finding it in her car! Rosamond, I gotta tell you, the look of panic on your face almost made up for being dumped by you!"
"How many of these sonnets did you write?"
Daniel laughed. "Sonnets? Wow, I like the sound of that! Makes me sound like a Shakespeare! Wrote about 35 of them. But sonnets? No....I think they call them 'erotic poetry'. I especially remember the one I wrote, 'The sunbeams from the window caressing your bronze and ivory skin...' Wrote that on account of the tan lines she had right about here.."
John jumped up and yelled, "OBJECTION!!"
Patrick's mouth dropped open as he pulled John down.
The judge looked sternly at John. "I should find you in contempt but under the circumstances, it is forgiveable. Especially if it were MY wife! SUSTAINED!!"
Ms. Baker said, "I think that is about all I have to ask. The prosecution rests with this witness. But I want the option of recalling him if need be."
The judge turned to Patrick O'Malley. "Does the defense wish to cross-examine?"
Patrick stood up and said. "Oh yes. Definitely. DEFINITELY!!"

Patrick got up and casually walked over to Daniel.
"Mr. Gwinnett, have you ever heard the term 'satyr'?"
Daniel said, "Not really."
Patrick strolled around. "A satyr, Mr. Gwinnett, is a 'mythical woodland creature depicted as having the pointed ears, legs, and short horns of a goat, with a fondness for unrestrained rivalry.' It is also a licentious man, a lecher. Would you say you are a satyr, Mr. Gwinnett? A licentious man? A LECHER?"
"How old are you, Mr. Gwinnett?" "Thirty" How old is Rosamond?"
"I don't know--Twenty-one? Twenty-two?"
"How long ago was this deception you pulled on her."
"I guess about 18 months ago. Why?"
"She would be about 20 then?"
"Hey,. I thought there wouldn't be any math!"
Laughter through the courtroom.
"Would you say by this deception that it amounts to a...forcible seduction?"
"Hell no! She knew what she was doing!"
"Ah...but with whom?"
Daniel said cooly, "I guess it was just like Zeus and Danae. He turned himself into a shower of gold and visited Danae in the night. Got her preggers, too!"
Patrick leaned over to face Daniel. "That is a Greek myth. Believe me, you are NO ZEUS!"
Daniel glared at Patrick. "Makes no difference, we each got what we wanted. What business is it of yours anyways? I don't hear Rose complaining. And what is done is done."
"When she found out, was she allright with it? Did she say, 'oh,well, Daniel-thanks for the buggy ride!'"
Daniel said, ""
Patrick looked at Daniel with disgust. "No. She didn't. She told you she never wanted to see you again. I believe her words to you generally are, 'Daniel? You're disgusting!' Am I right?"
Daniel said, "Yeah? Well, if it meant nothing to her, then why did she keep those poems? Answer me that, counselor?"
Patrick said cooly, "Have you ever forgotten to take the garbage out, Mr. Gwinnett?"
Daniel said, "Well...yeah."
"Enough said. Judge Hallock, I am through with this witness."
Daniel stepped down, walked out of the courtroom and straight to the same bar as Billy Bob.

LUNCH Coralynn

Abby Bennett feels sick over how Rose's private life has been probed into in such a disgusting manner.
She wrestles with her decision: should I tell someone about the black book or not? People think that Tori Sheffield was only blackmailing one person: Rose. I know better!
As everyone mulls around in the hall, she spies William Conqueror and being that it's her day off and she is in regular street clothes, hopes no one takes notice that she's approaching him.
She whispers, "I have information. Where can we talk?"
"You do?"
"It's crucial that I tell you something."
"How about that park bench over there away from the courthouse?"
They casually stroll over to the bench and sit.
"Sir, I'm Abby and working the case for the Police department. My partner, Jeremy, and I found a black book in Tori Sheffield's apartment, in which she had a detailed list of everyone in town she was blackmailing."
William's eyebrow raise, "Then it must be introduced as evidence!"
"It would be, Sir, but someone took it out of the evidence room. It's a mystery who could have done it. The only people allowed back there are my partner and me, Alan Carson, and the District Attorney. Someone somhow got back there and stole it. I lie awake nights trying to figure out just how. But, beleve me, there are other people in town with as much if not more motive to kill Tori Sheffield as Rose has."
"Could telling me get you in trouble, young lady?"
"I could lose my job, so please...."
"I won't tell where I got the information. You have my word!" William tells her seriously.
They stroll back to the Courthouse, enter separately, and rejoin the groups that are discussing the case with fervor, pro and con.


"Counselor, call your first witness," Judge Hallock instructs Patrick O'Malley.
"I call William Conqueror to the stand," Patrick announces.
William has known he would be the first witness and thinks he has his mental ducks in a row as he advances on the witness stand, is sworn in and asked,
"State your full name and your occupation," Patrick tells him perfunctorally.
"William Conqueror, the star of William the Conquering Chef on television."
"No middle name?"
"No." William is loathe to disclose his 'middle' names, especially 'the bastard.' Better to just go with what he said.
"Tell me, Mr. C, are you acquainted with the accused?"
"Oh yes, yes, Rose and I go back several years."
"When did you first meet her?"
"At a party." William doesn't add that it was in the 12th century. Nobody's business!
"And more recently you have lived at 224 Winding Willow, the same address the defendant shares, am I correct?"
"Yes. Many of us live there, though Rose and John bought a house down the street and were fixing it up until some maniac killed that Tori woman."
"Just answer the questions," the Judge interrupts, "Please try not to embellish."
"Mr. Conqueror, have you ever observed violent outbursts from Rose Gwinett? Or behavior that would lead you to believe her capable of murder?"
"Rose? Hardly!"
"Why do you say that?"
"She's a gentle soul. Couldn't kill a fly, in fact one time we had several of the pesky critters landing all over our lunch....someone had left the door open.....and when I handed Rose the swatter to kill them, she refused."
"So your knowledge of the defendant leaves you with the strong impression that she could not be the murderer, is that correct?"
"That will be all."
Judge Hallock asks Amanda Baker, "Does the prosecution wish to cross examine?"
"Yes, your honor!" Amanda approaches the witness box and glares up at William, then asks, "If your friend, Rose, is so gentle, then why has she destroyed your garden more than once?"
"Accident, pure accident."
"I have it on good autority that you ranted and raved and swore vengeance...."
"You know, lady, I rant and rave a lot. Means nothing. Rose didn't set out to destroy my garden."
Amanda changes tactics, "Have you been witness to the defendant acting erratic, say in her love life? You heard the testimony of Daniel Gwinett who wrote love sonnets to the accused, which, I might add, she kept!"
William shifts in the chair, then looks sternly at Amanda and declares, "I would like to know what Rose's love life has to do with any of this! Look here! She has been accused of murder, which has nothing to do with her relationships with men. I would suggest you concentrate on this case, and this case alone!"
Cheers ring out in the audience.
"ORDER IN THE COURT!" Judge Hallock intones, banging the gavel several times.
After several minutes of mayhem, the onlookers quiet down. Judge Hallock asks, "Prosecuting attorney, please approach the bench."
Amada does so, and hears, "This witness has a valid point. Dragging the defendant's love life into this as though it were what she was accused of is highly distracting. If you're trying to prove the defendant unstable, you've had enough time for that. Now......confine your questions to the murder case!"
Amanda feels like she's been doused with cold water, but nods and goes back to her cross.
"Are you aware, Mr. Conqueror, that the defendant was being blackmailed by the victim?"
"Yes. But, I have it on good authority that she was blackmailing others as well."
"Where's your proof?"
"Hopefully it will turn up."
"That's all you have to say?"
"Yes, that's all I have to say."
"Do you know where the defendant was at the time of the murder, Mr. Conqueror?"
"When was it?"
"7 pm, given a five minute leeway in either direction according to the Coroner's report."
"It's my understanding that she got back to town late because of car trouble and went straight to the new house. When she walked in the dead body was already in her kitchen."
"Just the body? No one else?"
"John had gone over to leave something for the contractor and came upon the body just minutes before Rose arrived."
"So she walked in and saw her husband standing over the body of Tori Sheffield?"
"But you didn't actually witness this, did you, Mr. Conqueror?"
"Not in person."
"Then she could have arrived before John, killed Tori, slipped out the back door, doubled around, come in the front door after she saw John go in....."
"Leading the witness!" the Judge says sternly.
William has had enough of this nonsense, "Look, lady, you have no evidence that Rose is a murderer. Your case is spurious......." Judge Hallock wants to jump in and tell him to only answer the questions asked, but is agreeing with William, so does not. ".....and muddleheaded and just plain silly. Stick to hard evidence or go into another line of work."
William gets up, walks back to his place in the galley to the cheers of most of the observers.
Judge Hallock calls out, "I'm calling for a 30 minute recess. We will resume at 2 pm sharp!" goes back into his chambers, grabs a stiff drink and pours it down his throat in one long swallow.


Patrick is conflicted. If he calls Eleanor or Beth to the stand, they will simply reiterate everything William testified. Except, where did William get that information about others in town also being blackmailed? I'll have to ask him after this session is over. I hate to cheat the others, especially Eleanor, out of their chance to confirm William's high opinion of Rose, but I'm going to play my trump card. Now.

The Judge looks at Patrick and instructs him to call his next witness.
"I call Anthony Romano to the stand!"
No one is sure who this person is, but Rose smiles as she sees the tow-truck driver from AAA walk forward, carrying paperwork with him.
He's sworn in and takes the stand.
"State your full name and occupation, please."
"Anthony Stephen Romano. I'm a mechanic at the MidTown Garage."
"Mr. Romano, have you seen the defendant before, and if so, where and when?"
"Yeah, I seen her. She had a dead battery. Call came into the garage at......." he hands some papers to Patrick, who gives one to the Judge........"at 6:20 pm on the date......see, the same date as this murder. It took me fifteen minutes to drive to the parking garage where this lady's car was, Manhattan traffic and all, you know, and during rush hour? Whew! Anyway, I got there at 6:35. I got out my battery cables and charged her battery. That took up 12 minutes, so she was good to go by 6:47. All the while the battery is charging, she's fretting about missing a 7 O'clock appointment, too. Said no way could she make it back to Chappaqua by 7."
"How long did you estimate it would take her?"
"A good 25 minutes, 20 if she went way over the speed limit. So, she couldn't have gotten there much before 7:10. Believe me, I know! Plus, it was rush hour, like I said, and that freeway is clogged going north out of the City. My guestimate is that she would have done well if she'd gotten back there by 7:20, but ya know, if things go just right, sometimes you can make it in 20 minutes, though it would be pretty hard!"
"Thank you!" Patrick says, meaning it.
The Judge looks at Amanda and asks, "Does the prosecution wish to cross?"
"Yes, your honor."
Amanda requests a copy of the mechanic's time sheet and looks it over for inaccuracies. Finding none, she wings it.
"Mr. Romano, did you actually see the defendant arrive in Chappaqua?"
"No! I went straight to my next job! You wouldn't believe how many cars break down in the City!"
"So you don't know what time the defendant got to the house on Winding Willow, in which the victim was so viciously slain."
"No. But she couldn't get there before 7:10. It's physically impossible."
"But you didn't see her arrive."
"NO! Did you?!" Romano is getting angry. Sheeesh, what about this does the stupid woman not understand?
The Judge hides a snicker and the witness is told to step down.

Richard Anderson sits in the Jury box feeling his heart fall to his feet. Ohhhh jeeeez, he thinks, not only will my wife not get her boob job, but I'm going to have to pull one of my kids out of college. Why can't that prosecuting attorney come up with something I can use for leverage? I've gotta get a guilty verdict out of these other jurors! I gotta!


"Call your next witness," Judge Hallock instructs Patrick.
"I call Marty Henshaw to the stand," Patrick responds.
Marty is sworn in and sits in the witness box, looking to Patrick eagerly.
"Mr. Henshaw," Patrick begins, "Are you aquainted with the defendant?"
"Yes. I've known Rose for almost three years, ever since she began work on As The Planet Turns."
"Did she accuse "Biff".....I mean Mr. Shackleford, of rape while they worked together?"
Judge Hallock knows this is going against procedure, but is too curious himself to object.
"No, she did not. Biff made an untoward pass at Rose during filming and she objected. The two actresses who had taken the part of Daisy before her also objected. One quit and the other one sued. I had to let Biff go because the studio couldn't afford to continually pay out that kind of money."
"So you would conclude that Mr. Shakleford lied on the stand?"
"Oh yes, definitely."
Patrick looks at Judge Hallock and says, "We seem to have a case of perjury, your Honor."
"We'll look into it after the case concludes," the Judge replies.
By now Biff's heart is racing and his palms sweating. Damn that Rosamond! It's all her fault!!
"Mr. Henshaw, have you ever observed violent behavior on the part of the defendant?"
"No." "Did she have an appointment with you in Manhattan the day of the murder?"
"Yes. She arrived around 5:30 pm and left about 45 minutes later. The testimony of Mr. Romano squares with when she left my office and when she got to the parking garage."
"Thank you."

The Judge asks, "Does the Prosecution wish to cross examine?"
"Yes, your Honor, " Amada replies, having no idea why she said that, but not wanting to give up and go away quietly, she steps up and asks, "Mr. Henshaw, isn't it true that the defendant has disrupted the set of As The Planet Turns many times....with her outbursts?"
"Would you say you've had more problems since she joined the cast? More than you had before that?"
"What was the nature of the meeting you alluded to?"
"We talked over the direction her character in the drama should go...."
"For 45 minutes?!"
"Look, unless you know how much brainstorming it takes to put on a daytime drama, I suggest you do your homework before asking questions that display your ignornace."
That stops Amanda in her tracks, unable to come up with a rejoinder or another question. Humiliated, she simply says, "That will be all, but I reserve the right to call back this witness should it become necessary." She likes that last part; makes it appear that she hasn't been defeated.


Judge Hallock took his gavel and slammed it down. The head went flying off behind him. The baliff handed him another one. The judge shook his head, said, "I've had enough for the day. COURT IS DISMISSED!!"

The night passed without incident. Dinner was a quiet affair and no one said much.
Rosamond and John retired earlier than usual to their room. Once upstairs, Rose sat down, white-faced. "I have to testify tomorrow! What if I screw it up? Ms Baker is so harsh! So--sarcastic!"
John took her hands. "Love, we will get through this. We have the truth and Patrick O'Malley on our side. Who can hurt us?"
Rose flopped back onto the bed. "John? If they reach a verdict tomorrow, will it be our last night together?"
John pulled her to a sitting position. "Don't even talk like that. In a few more days, this will all be behind us. We can start planning our future again. Our house..more children..."
Rosamond stood up quickly and then sat down.
John said, "You OK?"
"Yes. I just want my future back."
John pulled the covers down. "Let's get a good night's sleep."
Rose nodded and said, "I just want to take a hot shower. It might be the last one I have all by myself."
John said, "Rose, don't think like that. Because it isn't going to happen."
She nodded, took her robe off the hook and closed the bathroom door. She looked at herself in the mirror. I'm pale. And I don't look well. She took a few of the pills Roger gave her. Got to keep my strength up. Now more than ever.
She took a shower and climbed into bed. John was already asleep. So much for our last night together! She turned off the light and went to sleep.

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