Part 2


Day Terri

Rose and John entered the courtroom. "Patrick, when will those reporters get it through their head that I won't give any comments or make a statement?"
"They won't, honey. They just keep hoping."
"How do I look?" Rose was dressed in a simple skyblue dress that accentuated the blue of her eyes. She had on a subtle pale pink lipstick and small pearl earrings with a very understated pearl necklace. Her hair was brushed loose around her shoulders. "Like innocence personified."

The judge entered the courtroom. Everyone rose. Amanda Baker came in wearing a red power suit. To show she controlled the courtroom and not Patrick.
The judge nodded to Amanda and she barked, "The prosecution calls Rosamond de Clifford Gwinnett to the stand."
Rose stood and walked with a confidence she certainly did not feel. Act! Act! Act! she repeated like a litany.
Ms Baker said, "Well, Miss de Clifford. Now it is your turn."
"No, I mean, my name is Rosamond Gwinnett."
Amanda said sarcastically, "Oh! Pardon me! Well, MRS. GWINNETT! We have heard quite alot about you. And now it is your turn to tell YOUR side of the story. Where were you on the night of March 3, 2004 at 7:00 PM.?" Rosamond said, "I was on the expressway trying to make my 7:00 PM appointment with Ms. Sheffield."
"And why was that?"
"I was meeting to make arrangements to get personal property back from her that she stole."
"You are accusing the deceased--who is not here to defend herself--of theft?"
"I am not accusing. Just stating a fact."
"And when you arrived at the house at what you SAY is 7:20, what happened?"
"I came in the front door. I called out and John, my husband, said, 'Don't come in here.'"
"And did you?"
"Yes. I didn't understand why not. It was just a reaction. John was holding the knife from our knife block and feeling for a pulse in Tori Sheffield's neck. We then called 9-1-1. And the rest of it is in the police report."
Ms Baker said, "No, that is not right. What really happened, Mrs. Gwinnett, is that you hurried back to Chappaqua, met Ms. Sheffield in your kitchen. An argument ensued and you reached over and took the pot roast from the counter and hit her on the head. In a stupor, she reached for you for support and you grabbed a kitchen knife and slashed.."
"...and slashed!"
"Not true!"
"..and slashed until she was dead!"
"OBJECTION!" Patrick yelled.
The judge pounded his gavel.
But Ms. Baker paid no heed. "You collaberated with your husband to falsify the time and you washed the blood off and burned your clothes later when the coast was clear. The two of you conspired to cover up this crime. DIDN'T YOU?! DIDN'T YOU?!"
Rosamond stood up and shouted, "NO! I DIDN'T! I--I---" And fainted. Dead away.

John and Patrick rushed over to her. John yelled, "Get back! Give her air!"
Roger rushed over. "Let me through, I'm her doctor!"
Patrick said, "It must be low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia!"
Someone said, "I have an amphetamine. Here! This will jumpstart her!"
Roger yelled out. "No! No drugs!"
John patted her hand. "Come on, sweetheart!"
Rose came around. "Wh-what happened?"
"You fainted."
"I--I did?"
"Yes. Are you alright? Is it because you aren't eating right?"
Ms. Baker said sarcastically, "OH! NICE SHOW, MRS. GWINNETT! What is your next trick?"
Roger turned around and said nastily, "It's no trick!"
Ms Baker snarled, "How can you be so sure?"
Roger blurted out, "Because she's pregnant!"
The silence in the courtroom was deafening. John turned to Roger and could hardly find his voice. He whispered, "A-are you sure?" Roger grinned and said, "Well, I didn't spend all that time in medical school for nothing, buddy boy! Yes, she's pregnant. Not very far along, only about 4-6 weeks. But yeah, she's pregnant." Rose whispered, "I'm so sorry, John.." Just then, Travis McGee jumped up. He was twisting his hat in his hands and had a look of panic on his face. He said loudly, "OH, *(&(&*!!! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN, ROSE! I'M SO SORRY! I KNOW YOU DIDN'T PLAN THIS! IT--IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" And with that, Travis practically ran out of the courtroom. John turned to Rose with a questioning look on his face. He whispered bewilderedly, "Wh-what was that all about?" Rose sat there looking pale. Patrick immediately said, "Judge Hallock, in light of the circumstances, I would like to request an hour's recess." Judge Hallock smacked his gavel and said, "Gladly! ONE HOUR!" He headed for the judge's chamber, looked at the clock and said, "Well, hell! It's five o'clock somewhere..." and poured a stiff drink from the bottle under his desk. Patrick and John took Rose by each arm and led her to a chamber down the hall. The courtroom was buzzing. Eleanor came forward. Patrick stopped her. "El, I think those two need some time alone. If they need you, I'll come get you." She reluctantly nodded. "I'll be right here if you need me." In the room, Patrick said, "I'll be right outside the door. You two need to talk." John nodded, his mind reeling from Travis' outburst. Rose looked up at him. "I have no idea what Travis McGee was saying. I--I'm so sorry, John. I know this wasn't what we planned or expected." John took her hands. "But--when? How?" Rose laughed a little. "The 'how'--I'm not even going to go there! When? Roger figures sometime in November." John said, "But the pills--did you forget them?" Rose shook her head. "Never. I took them like I always have. Never missed." "When did you find out?" "Last night. When you were busy with the children upstairs, I told Celeste I wanted to see Roger about some sleeping pills. So I went over there. Bethia was at the store. Roger talked to me and he took a blood sample and went into his office early this morning. He didn't even have time to tell ME. So I guess we found out we are going to have a baby at the same time!" John held her close. "Another baby! And this time, the paternity isn't in question." He laughed and said, "Or is Travis McGee laying claim to it?" Rose shook her head. "I have no idea what he was talking about." They sat and talked for almost an hour. Court reconvened. Judge Hallock said, "Are we ready to begin?" Amanda Baker had Rosamond back on the stand. "Nice ploy, Mrs. Gwinnett! Playing the pregnancy trump card at the crucial moment. In light of the dramatics played out here this morning, the prosecution is not in the mood for any more scenes like the one we just witnessed. We are letting our case presented as it stands." She sat down. Judge Hallock said, "Defense?" Patrick stood up and said, "Defense is forgoing cross-examination. Mrs. Gwinnett has been through alot and her testimony can only stand as it is. The defense rests." Judge Hallock said, "Very well, if that is your decision. We shall take a recess, and reconvene in 30 minutes. With any luck, we will get this wrapped up by the weekend." He muttered to himself, 'and I can spend all my time playing golf!'

CLOSING Coralynn

There has been a short recess while the two attorneys prepare their closing arguments.
Rose stands in the hall, leaning on John, repeating softly, "I'm sorry I dragged you into this John. So sorry."
"Hey, sweetheart, it wasn't your fault. Like Patrick asked Daniel......'.do you sometimes forget to take out the trash'"?
She looks up at him and a feeble smile plays around her mouth, "Trash is right. If only I had....."
"Now, now, let's not have 'what ifs''ll be declared innocent. They have nothing on you, no matter how that ridiculous Amanda Baker keeps repeating herself, saying you're guilty. All we have to get through now are the closing arguments, the jury deliberation and we're home free."

The Court convenes and Judge Hallock intones, "Counselors, are you ready to present your closing arguments?"
"Yes." both voices say in concert.
"Alright then. Let us hear the statement from the Prosecution."
Amanda strides to the front of the courtroom, looks intently at the Jury and begins, "Our evidence clearly proves that Rosamond Gwinett, the defendant, is guilty of murder in the second degree. In a fit of passion she did bludgeon the victim with a potroast, then finish her off with a knife. It's all there in the Police Report. She had the motive, she had the opportunity and she had displayed unstable behavior in her dealings with others, which proves her a person easily capable of murder. She did lure the victim into the house, argue with her, hit her with the frozen meat, then plunge a knife into her repeatedly. I rest my case."

Judge Hallock looks at Patrick, "Counselor, present your closing arguments for the defense."
Patrick slowly strides to the front of the courtroom, nods to the jury box and states, "Men and women of the Jury, I'm sure by now that you see how flimsy is the case against the defendant. Witnesses have testified to the fact that she was nowhere near the house at the time of the murder. Her car broke down, at which time she phoned for Triple A to send someone, and when he arrived, as he testified, the car was put back into running order at 6:47pm. He also stated that the defendant could not have arrived at the house in which the victim's body was found before 7:10, but closer to 7:20, either time being after the Coroner's report said the victim was killed.
The gentle character of the defendant has also been established by several qualified witnesses. The Prosecuting Attorney says that she had the motive..........which she may have, the opportunity, which she definitely did not have, and this is key! then the prosecution claims she had it in her character from past behavior. This part is also incorrect. You have no other option..."
A clattering sound interrupts his speech. He looks into the audience to see the source of the noise and sees a woman dashing out of the room. Thinking that she might have had a sudden touch of the flu, he concludes, "You have no other option than to acquit!"
Abby Bennett looks down and sees a lipstick rolling on the floor near where the woman had just been sitting, two seats down. Obviously this must have fallen out of the woman's large, unzipped purse as she hurried out. Abby reaches down to retrieve it and sees the black book a few inches behind it. She reaches under the seat and moves the book forward enough to grasp. Flipping it open, she sees the List of Blackmail Victims written in red ink on the first page. She gasps and proceeds out of her row and into the aisle.
Moving toward the front of the courtroom, she declares, "I wish to introduce a new piece of evidence, your Honor."
She places the book in front of the Judge. "And who might you be?" he asks.
"I'm Abby Bennett, your Honor. I was assigned the investigation by Chief Alan Carson of the Chappaqua Police. This book was found by my partner, Jeremy Pennypacker, and me in a drawer in the victim's living room. This is her book and her handwriting."
The Judge looks at the book skeptically, "And you're prepared to produce Officer Pennypacker to back up your story?"
By now Jeremy sees what's happening and joins Abby, "I am Jeremy Pennypacker, Sir, and this is definitely the book. See the heading: 'List of Blackmail Victims'?"
These exchanges have taken place in very soft voices. Everyone in the courtroom is curious and straining to see and hear what is happening.
"I will deal with this after the Jury deliberation," Judge Hallock decides.
Abby and Jeremy are shocked. After the jury deliberation? They look at Judge Hallock in shock. "But......" Jeremy begins, but is cut off when the Judge declares, "You're excused."
Abby and Jeremy can do nothing at this point but take seats in the audience.
Abby whispers to Jeremy, "She'll be found innocent anyway, but damn! I wish this book had turned up sooner. I also wish I'd gotten a better look at the woman from whose purse this fell."
Jeremy nods his agreement as they hear the Judge instruct the Jury regarding deliberations. The Jury then files out into the room set aside for their deliberation.

JURY Coralynn

Richard Anderson, Jury Foreman, waits till everyone is seated, then says with gravity, "I say she's guilty. All in agreement?"
Nobody moves or says anything.
"She had the motive, she had the opportunity, and, being a born troublemaker, the character to pull of a murder. Open and shut case......"
"How about her air-tight alibi?" one of the women asks.
"What air-tight alibi?"
"She couldn't have gotten to that house before 7:10. You heard that the Coroner set the time of death as 7 O'Clock, plus or minue 5 minutes max."
"And you believe that?" Richard laughs mirthlessly, "You are naive, aren't you?"
One of the men, a very burly man with a voice that sounds like it's coming from the bottom of a deep well expresses, "She's as innocent as the day she was born!"
"You believe that?" Richard scoffs, but with not as much bravado. That guy looks like he could deck me by just blowing in my direction! Better not rile him up!
"Yes!" the burly man replies, "Why are you trying to get a guilty verdict, Anderson? It's obvious the woman is innocent, or if not innocent, there is at least a reasonable doubt, and that means we acquit."
"Reasonable doubt for you. Not for me. You saw that phoney fainting scene! How pitiful, trying to get sympathy from us. Nope.....we convict her on the evidence."
"I suggest me put it to a vote," another man says.
"YOU suggest? Who's the Jury Foreman here anyway, fella?"
A smartly dressed woman raises her hand.
"Ahhhh, you vote for a guilty verdict, too."
"No, I do not. I vote for us to take a vote, that's all. Why are you trying to railroad a guilty verdict anyway? Something in it for you?"
Richard is getting nervous; his approach is raising suspicions. He wonders what the penalty is for taking a bribe. The thought is too frightening for him to entertain, so he says, "OK, let's vote......all in favor of a guilty verdict, say aye."
"All in favor of an aquittal, say aye!" the burly man interjects.
"AYE!" resounds through the room.
Richard sighs and shakes his head, "People! people! Are you really that easily taken in? OK, so she's a beautiful woman and bats her big blue eyes at everyone. Do you all have the hots for her?"
"I take exception to that!" another woman yells out.
Richard decides to downplay the 'attractive woman' angle, but tells them, "We shall stay in this room until we are all in accord that the defendant is guilty!"
The burly man stands, walks over to Richard, pulls out a chair and shoves him into it roughly. "I say we acquit!" he growls, glaring down at Richard, "All in favor?"
Everyone's hand goes up and "AYE!" is heard loud and clear. The burly man reaches down, takes hold of Richard's arm and forces it upward.
"Good! Looks like we have a unanimous decision!" he declares, smiling, showing two gold front teeth gleaming as the light glances over them.

Richard Anderson, Jury Foreman, has the mental vision of his college age children being reduced to flipping burgers at McDonalds and his wife, in her anger at not being able to get those implants, going to Victoria's Secret and buying the most expensive push-up bras the place offers, probably every stinkin' one of them in every stinkin' size!

THE Coralynn

Glenda "Buffy" Lewis is in the Lady's restroom, her heart racing. This is getting too much for my nerves, she thinks as she again reassures herself the black book is safely in her large purse. She feels the bottom of the, not down there; must have worked its way up. She peers into the cavernous bag and moves the contents around, sure that the small book has just become lodged maybe in a corner. She runs her hand around into the corners and NO, not there. She walks to a baby-changing counter, pulls it down, and dumps the entire contents of her purse upon it.
Where is it? she wonders, as she replaces all the items back into her purse. No black book. Did I leave it at home? No, I wouldn't do that. I haven't removed it from my purse for several weeks, not since I found it in Mark's safe.
I'd better get back into the courtroom before Mark or one of the others notices I'm missing, she thinks as she tosses the last of the items back into her purse, hikes it up on her shoulder and exits the ladies room.
When she reaches the courtoom, she opens the large door very carefully, and slides in, sitting in the back row.
The Jury is out. The other spectators are milling around, and even the Judge has gone back into his chambers. Good, she thinks, I'll just blend in with the crowd. Ohhh, there's Mark, and uh-oh there's Robert as well. No way I can avoid speaking to him. As the two men near her, she waves playfully and says, "Yooo hoooo, guys, how do you think the trial is going?"
They both stop and look at her. Robert sees a disheaveled woman and wonders what on earth he ever saw in her. My God, she's a mess. And for her I jeapodized my marriage? Mark looks at her and sees a wife that he's almost sure has cheated on him, but with who?? Who would want her? She's scatter-brained, her hair looks like it's been caught in the blades of a fan, and those fake eyelashes are hanging askew.
She gives them her most flirtatious smile and asks, "Do you think she's guilty?"
"For sure!" Mark states.
"You can bet the farm on it!" Robert uses one of his folksey phrases, as both men walk away.
Glenda "Buffy" Lewis sits down again and panic rises in her chest.
Just as she's about to have a full-blown panic attack, though, the Jury re-enters the room.
The Judge steps into his chair and sits.
Onlookers file back inside and take their seats quietly.
That sure was fast! Glenda thinks, That means the verdict is guilty. I just know it!

After the soft rustle of people taking their places within the courtroom concludes, the Judge asks the Jury Foreman, "Mr. Foreman and Jury members, have you reached a verdict?"
Richard Anderson stands with the written verdict and replies, "We have, your Honor."
The Bailiff takes the paper from the foreman, shows it to the Judge, then returns it to the foreman, who is now expected to read it aloud.
"We, the Jury in the aforementioned case, do declare the defendant, Rosamond........"
"STOP!" a female voice yells out. "She's innocent! I did it! I murdered Tori Sheffield!"
The Judge automatically reaches for his gavel but is unable to bang it as his mouth flies open in shock.


All eyes are riveted to the rear of the courtroom. Buffy Lewis stood up, shaking and trembling. "I--I couldn't help it! She--she was so cruel! So--taunting!"
Mark Lewis rushed up and took her by the arm. "Shut up! SHUT UP!!"
Buffy shook off his arm. "I can't stand it anymore! I CAN'T STAND IT! I need to make a full confession!"
Judge Hallock pounded his gavel. "ORDER IN THE COURT! ORDER IN THE COURT!"
Buffy was sobbing. Richard Anderson threw down the paper the verdict was written on. He yelled, "Aw, hell! Rosamond Gwinnett was judged 'innocent' anyhow!"
Cheers went up from practically everyone. Amanda Baker sat there, watching her whole case go up in smoke. She muttered to herself, " 'If it don't fit, you must acquit!' Now I know how Marcia Clark felt!"

John hugged Rosamond like he never wanted to let her go. Patrick grinned from ear to ear. The media lunged forward. Patrick said, "We would now like to make a statement."
Rosamond said, "Thank you to all the family and friends who stood behind me and supported me at this time. I will grant an interview. Just one." The media reporters crowded, looking like they were the one. Rosamond took great delight in telling them, "I have already picked the reporter. A contract has been drawn. I would not grant an interview to any of you vultures if my life depended on it. You have never respected anyone's privacy. And now you will pay the price for it."
The reporters stood there mentally kicking themselves because they missed a media coup.
John kissed Rosamond and shook Patrick's hand. "Thanks, pal! You are the best!"
Rosamond threw her arms around Patrick and kissed him. "I'll never forget this, Patrick." Patrick turned red and said, "Like the cowboy said, Rose--'aw, shucks!'"
And with that, they all left the courthouse.

Later that evening, Patrick came over. The gang was in the middle of popping open some champagne. Rose and Bethia were sipping club soda.

"Patrick, my man! Would you care to imbibe in a bit of the bubbly? It is from Henry's fine cellar!" William said.
The house was packed with wall-to-wall people. Patrick glady accepted a glass of champagne. Rose was talking to Bethia. "I swear, Bethie, I don't know what happened! Roger said the only way it could happen is if the placebo pills were taken instead of the regular ones. But I wouldn't screw it up."
Bethia squeezed her arm. "I for one am delighted, Rose! You and John are building that family bit by bit!"
Rose laughed a little. "But I didn't plan these bits to come so close together."
Patrick came up to her. "Rose, could I please see you and John privately?"
Rose was puzzled. "Sure, Patrick. There isn't a problem, is there?"
Patrick said, "No. I just got Glenda Lewis' full statement and confession. May we slip away somewhere?"
Rose nodded, said a few words to John and the three of them went into the study.
John closed the door. They both looked questioningly at Patrick. He took a deep breath and said, "I was at the police station when Glenda Lewis was brought in. And what I heard was about what I figured out. But it still is amazing...."

Patrick said, "She made a full confession. Under the circumstances, I think Glenda Lewis may get off relatively easy. She said that Tori Sheffield was blackmailing several people. She made a regular business out of it. Almost kept a ledger. It turns out Glenda 'Buffy' Lewis was having an affair with the mayor."

John stopped Patrick. "The mayor...OUR mayor? Mayor Robert Gillis?"
Patrick nodded. "She said they would slip away to the Bide-a-Wee motel for trysts a couple times a week. Tori Sheffield saw her one day and decided to follow her. She took photos--everything. The phone calls started coming. Tori demanded money. Glenda paid. Tori demanded more. Glenda paid more. Finally, she said 'Enough is enough!' Glenda demanded the photos and Tori said no way. Glenda followed her, just intending to talk to her. She confronted Tori as she was picking up your key, Rose. An argument ensued and Tori shoved Glenda into your kitchen. Certainly Tori didn't want the world to find out what she was up to. Glenda pleaded with her but Tori just laughed. Then Tori got a glass of water and some ice from your freezer. Glenda said she doesn't remember what happened next but she must have grabbed a pot roast and clobbbered Tori on the head. As she was sinking to the floor, Glenda said she doesn't remember what happened next. But we know now that she stabbed Tori twenty-nine times. If she had stabbed her once or twice, she would be in deep doo-doo. But since she lost control and kept stabbing, it showed someone controlled by fury or fear. And believe me, Buffy Lewis was plenty scared! Her marriage would have gone up in smoke and her husband would lose his bid for Governor. It turns out Mark Lewis suspected all along. But he wanted to protect his phony-baloney reputation. So he covered it up. HE was the one who helped Buffy burn her clothes and gave her the alibi. He was willing to let Rosamond fry in order to protect his position.
Anyway, she was in the kitchen as John came in the back. She hid in the pantry until John turned to call 9-1-1. She slipped out and headed home. The cover-up. And Rose was the sacrificial lamb."
Rosamond sagged wearily against John. "I could have been imprisoned for life. How dare she!"
Patrick touched her arm. "Don't judge Buffy too harshly. She is totally dominated by a career driven husband. She's scared. Real scared. And Mark Lewis will be out of a job as District Attorney."
Patrick finished his champagne. "It will be the front page news tomorrow. Rosamond will be totally exonorated."
Rosamond said, "And now we just have to deal with Travis' surprise outburst. I still don't know what that is about."
John said, "I don't either...but believe me, I'm going to get to the bottom of it!" Coralynn

Daisy Moonbeam Freedom is disappointed that her appearance at the courthouse for three days has drawn no attention from the media. None whatsoever.
"I knew! I think I knew anyway......that the District Attorney's wife was the guilty party! First thing in the morning I contact the newspapers. Hell, I'm going to phone up the TV stations and alert them that I cracked the case. They'll report anything!
She dials up channel 7 and gets a recording, .."Please leave your message after the beep"......
"This is Daisy Moonbean Freedom, renowned pyschic. I was the only person who knew the identity of the murderer in the Tori Sheffield case. I am free to be interviewed at your convenience. Thank you."
"There!" she says aloud to the empty room, "That should bring them running!"
She turns on the evening news. Peter Jennings has nothing about the case. Where is the man's imagination anyway? Doesn't he know how huge this case was?
The local news then comes on. Patty Fitzpatrick begins the broadcast by saying, "The trial of Rosamond Gwinett was brought to a startling conclusion today when Glenda Lewis, wife of the Mark Lewis, District Attonery, confessed to the crime in front of a packed courtroom. More at 10."
"More at 10?!" Daisy scoffs, then throws a shoe at the TV screen which misses and falls helplessly to the floor.

Jonas Gillis glances up from his algrebra homework to see the same newscast.
"Whew!" he exclaims, "Looks like I'm off the hook! The D.A.'s wife? Wonder why she'd do something like that!"
He hears yelling downstairs, but can't make out the words. Sounds like his parents are having one of their high-voltage fights. Ahhhh well, what can you do? He goes to the door and closes it to shut out the sound.

"Hey Penny! It's on the news!" Sally Jennings calls out.
Penelope Patterson quickly dashes into the living room to catch just the last few words. "What did she say?"
"Not much, just that the D.A.'s wife confessed, but then you already knew that."
"Yeah, I was there. Bummer. I wanted Rose to be convicted whether she did it or not! Oh well, I may have lost a battle, but the war is far from over!"

Billy Bob Montgomery was not at the courthouse on day three, so, when he flips on his TV and the news of Glenda Lewis' confession is reported, he sits on the couch and breaths out, "Good. I knew Rose couldn't have done it!"

WandaSue Skaggs (Montgomery, depending on whether or not you take her claim to be Montgomery's wife seriously or not)....stomps around her living room, fuming.
"What do we haffta do to get Rosebud out of the way? They had a perfect opportunity to lock her up and throw away the key, but did that happen? Nooooooo! Some ninny confesses! Seems to me she could have kept her big yap shut. Never mind the ninny did it! Well, babydoll, it's back to square one!"

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