Wish You Were Here!


"Wait'll ya see my digs in Pleasantville!" WandaSue tells Sally and Penelope, "They're swank. Real swank. Of course it's all thanks to BB and his million dollars!"
"He gave you a million dollars? Wow! Sounds to me like he must like you more than he admits!" Penelope exclaims.
WandaSue laughs, "Oh no, he didn't do it out of generosity, he did it because I told him it's either cough up a mil or I tell Rosebud that he and I were never officially divorced. Now, this may not have been his least directly......but the facts are the facts. He freaked and laid a mil on my nose to keep my yap shut."
They park at her apartment complex and get out of the car. Swinging her keys around one finger, she tells the other two women, "Not a bad place! They only let rich people live here, ya know. See those windows back there? That's the apartment of some oil company heiress. She has lovers coming and going all hours. Must be nice!"
"Must be disgusting!" Sally says bitterly, "How can she stand it?"
"Ohhhhh, she manages!" Wandasue tells her as she puts the key in the lock and opens the door to her apartment. Sally and Penelope enter and look around, surprised that someone as low-class as WandaSue would live in such an elegant place.
"Take your coats off and have a seat, gals! What's your fancy? I have Bud in the fridge, that and Bud light. What'll it be?"
"It's early yet, WandaSue. Let's make it Bud light!" Penelope requests. "Same for me," Sally echoes.
WandaSue checks her answering machine, which shows five messages. She pushes the button and hears:
'Miss Skaggs, we have recovered a blue Acura from the creekbed that has your registration form in the glove compartment. Please contact us at your earliest convenience. This is Sargeant Magilicuddy of the Pleasantville Police."
"WHAT?!" WandaSue yells at the answering machine, "My Acura!?"
Muttering, "I knew Billy Bob took it somewhere, that swine!" she calls the police station. "Yes, hello........this is WandaSue Skaggs. A Sergeant Magillicuddy left a message saying you found my blue Acura.......oh good, this is Sergeant Magillicuddy......then how do I get my car back and have you any clue how it ended up in the creek?...........the last person to have it was William Robert Montgomery, my estranged husband............oh realllllly........he filed a stolen car report in Chappaqua?.........that bum!...........yes, I know he's responsible for it disappearing............I left it on his property and that was the last I saw of it.............right, who else could it be but him?..........a-ha, it has marks on the bumper like it's been towed........that figures.........I'll make him pay for that!!.........allright.......I'll be here. See ya soon."
She hangs up and turns to her two friends, "My car is back! You heard it........BB is gonna pay for this little and, shall I have him arrested for car theft or just send him humongous bills for having the car refurbished?...........if it's totalled he'll just buy me a brand new one.........yeah, I like that idea the best. That way I won't be finding little fish pieces in the cracks of the upholstery for months and months.......oooooo, and that rank smell. Yeah, a new one!"
Penelope and Sally clap their hands in glee, "You give it to 'em, WandaSue!"
"They'll be here with the car within the next hour, what say we spend the time watching some quality television? How about Jerry Springer?"
Sally has never heard of him, and asks, "Is this show educational? I heard someone say there are a lot of educational shows on PTS......."
"Ya mean PBS? No no, this is not PBS, this is real life, toots!" she turns it on and soon they're reveling in the carnage taking place on the show. Sally especially enjoys the part where the woman gets to beat her husband to a bloody pulp for having cheated on her.



Jack and Marthy sit at the table nibbling on their lunch, exchanging meaningful glances and smiling. Marilyn picks up on this and asks, "Hey, you two! You look like two cats that swallowed two canaries!"
They both laugh nervously while Marthy extends her left hand toward Marilyn, who takes one look and whoops, "WOW! Is that an engagement ring I see on your finger or is the sun temporarily blinding me?"
Everyone else leans toward Marthy expectantly.
Marthy's face is flushed as she looks to Jack, who begins, "Yes, we're engaged. As of last night. I know it's sudden, not to us of course, but to you.....and I hope you approve."
Everyone leaps out of their chairs and hugs and kisses the newly engaged couple, who are both still seated, which almost knocks them backward in their chairs.
As they take their seats again, Celeste asks, "When do you plan to be married?"
"Christmas!" Marthy finally finds her voice, "I know, that's less than a month away, but we don't want anything real fancy. We thought we'd get married here in this house, in the living room. Is that ok?"
"More than OK, that's magnificent!" William pronounces his agreement, "How festive, how totally wonderful for us all. Where will you be living after the wedding? I'm hoping against hope it's here!"
Jack is relieved and grins as he says, "That was our plan....that is, if you'll let us. I'm apprenticing in technology for TV right now....should be getting a full time job in about six months, so in time we can buy our own place."
"And I'm still modeling," Marthy puts in, "It's ridiculous how much money they pay for you to put on clothes and walk down a runway, then go back and put on different clothes and walk down the runway.....I'm saving all my money for our house next year."
Bess asks excitedly, "So how did he propose, Marthy? I am so jealous!"
Marthy blushes again and says softly, "I'll tell you later, Bess. We can still be best friends, too. Like Beth is still best friends with Eleanor and Marilyn and Rose, even if she does live down there across the street."
William steeples his hands and says thoughtfully, "We'll make sure Roger or Hotspur find you a house in the immediate neighborhood. We can't have you two off galavanting in some strange new're family now, you stay close."
Marthy gets up and goes to where William is sitting and puts her arms around his neck, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
"Oh my, that was pleasant, my girl. Can I play Papa and give you away at the wedding?"
"I was hoping you would. How many girls have William the Conqueror give them away at their wedding?"
"How many girls even know he's in this century?" Celeste adds as she wipes a tear from her cheek.


WandaSue looks out the window and sees her car being towed into the parking lot. "There it is!" she yells out as she barrels down the steps toward where the Policman is standing.
"May I see some identification so that I know this is yours?" he asks politely, "Just a formality, ma'am."
She whips out her driver's license and shows it to him. "Now what do I do with it?" she asks, dismayed at the condition it's in.
"I would suggest contacting your insurance company first. It is insured, right?"
"Yeah, I think so. Yeah, it is. So I phone them up and the what?"
"They'll send somebody out to look at it and see if it's worth repairing or whether it's totaled."
"What would be your guess?"
"Wellll, when it fell into the creek, it sustained a lot of damage to the front end and the the parts underneath....if you'll bend down you'll see how things are about to fall off. Not a good sign. But that's not for me to decide."
"Can I file a stolen car report with you?"
"Stolen car....hmm....did you report it stolen back when it first came up missing?"
"Ahhhhh, no. I shoulda?"
"It would have helped."
"But I know who took it and shoved it off the bridge!" she insists, her temper beginning to rise.
"You can file on it if you want to, but it's odd you let it go this long."
The tow-truck operator maneuvers the Acura into a parking spot; releases it from the tow, and drives off.
WandaSue is flustered. Now what does she do? The Policeman stands there for another few minutes, then tells her, "If you need to contact me, here's the card with my number on it. If I'm not there, someone else will be glad to assist you." and leaves.

She stamps back into the apartment where Sally and Penelope have been sitting looking out the window.
"That's a great car, too bad about it being all smashed up like that," Penelope commiserates.
"Yeah! The Cop told me that I shoulda filed a stolen car report right after it came up missing, but because I didn't it'll be harder to do now. I can't let BB get away with this!"
"But you have his Lincoln, WandaSue!" Sally puts a different slant on things, "Can't you just call it even? Tell him you'll have him arrested for car theft unless he gives you the Lincoln...."
"Yeah, I suppose he could sign it over to me. But I loved that Acura!" WandaSue stamps around the room, then stands still and says in a small but vicious tone, "I think we can fix Mr. BB Montgomery in other ways, girls. Never mind throwing his butt into the clink. We can "take" him somewhere..."
Sally's eyes light up, "We could! We could take him someplace awful and dump him there. Now what place would be really, really awful?" Coralynn

Beth opens the front door and peers in, "Hey! Anybody home?"
"Yes!" come several voices from the kitchen. Beth signals Elizabeth that it's OK to enter.
As the group in the kitchen see Elizabeth, they comment on how up-to-date she looks now that her hair is colored and cut and her clothes are more modern.
She twirls around happily and says, "I look like a regular 21st century woman now, don't I?"
Celeste catches Eleanor's glance, and they both send an "oh-oh" to the other.
"Is my husband back from his trip yet?" she asks, sitting down in a chair.
"You mean Rose's husband, don't you, Liz?" Marilyn asks without the gentle tone she'd been using when speaking to Elizabeth. Marilyn looks at Celeste and Eleanor and again they send the "oh-oh" message with their eyes.
"I've decided to let John decide," Elizabeth says coyly, flipping her hair back, adjusting her sweater, "After all, he did marry me first!"
Celeste lets out a deep breath and thinks, I've gotta perfect that forgetting-potion and do it fast. If we can take her back to 1640 Southold with no memory of her time travel experience, that may be the end of it. IF she'll go, which is looking less likely by the minute!

Bess stands and casually tells everyone, "Nathan is picking me up in a few minutes. We're going to go over our lines so I'm letter perfect when we start filming again in a couple days. He's been so helpful!"
"I'll just bet he has," Marilyn says snidely, "Do you know whether he's married or not, Bess?"
Bess' face begins to redden as she says, "We're just going over our lines, Marilyn, not running away together!"
"Ohh yeah, that's right. That's stage two. You're in stage one."
"Marilyn! I'm shocked! How can you be so suspicious?"
Marilyn laughs, "If you'd led the life I did back in the 1950s, you'd understand. You're a very pretty girl, Bess, and men will want to make passes at you, married ones as well as single ones."
"Well, you have Nathan all wrong! He'd never do that."
"What's in the case?" Eleanor queries, looking at the overnight case Bess is carrying.
"Just some outfits. Swim suits and stuff. Nathan says he can take wonderful pictures of me so that I have a collection to present for other acting jobs in the future. He's really interested in my career."
"Is that what they're calling it now?" Celeste shakes her head in disbelief.
"Is that what they're calling what now?"
"It used to be 'come up to my place and see my etchings'," Marilyn says ruefully.
"How about 'my wife doesn't understand me?'" Eleanor throws in.
"How about 'you are the female version of me'".....Celeste contributes.
"Ok, OK, so he did say that last one. What's wrong with that?" Bess is beginning to feel defensive and it shows in her voice.
"What are you all talking about?" Elizabeth asks with an innocent look on her face.
They ignore her.
A car horn sounds from the driveway. Bess looks out the window, gathers up her case and runs outside. The others shakes their heads. Marilyn comments, "That's what that kind of guy does.....honks his horn.....afraid to face the rest of us because he has to know we're on to him!"


"Well, lady, it looks like your car has been totalled. It would cost more to fix than to buy a new one. I hate to stick my insurance company for this much, but every so often one of these expensive cars comes up totalled. We'll tow it away and after I submit my report you'll get a check for what the car is worth in the Kelly blue book."
"Oh good, then I can just go buy another one!" WandaSue says happily.
"Not exactly. You have to realize that a new car depreciates the minute you drive it off the car lot. But at least you'll be getting a check for fair value."
"OK, fine," WandaSue tells him and thinks, No big deal. I still have most of that mil I got out of BB.
The insurance adjuster leaves.
WandaSue goes back inside her apartment and announces, "I got a check for my wreck...hey, it rhymes! Anyway, that car is out of here. But I'm still hacked off at BB. Think I should take him on the Jerry Springer show and beat him up?"
"Like he'd go!" Penelope scoffs, "but isn't that show about to come on now?"
"Yeah!" WandaSue flips over to the channel that has the J.S. show and settles in with a big bottle of pigs feet, passing them around to the others, who smile but demur.
"Today! A woman re-claims her husband from another woman! Says she was married to him in a past life in Pompeii, and since she saw him first, she gets to have him back! Right after these messages!"
"Pompeii?" WandaSue licks her fingers.
"Yeah, didn't that town Bite the Big One because of some volcano?" Penelope tries to remember.
Soon the show returns and the woman says "He's mine!" pulling the other woman's hair, who in turn pulls the first woman's hair. They end up on the floor grappling.
Jerry Springer stands there and shakes his head, smiling.
"When Vesuvius erupted he and I were in bed on our wedding night! I want him back!" the woman yells.
"You were toast then, babe, and you're toast now!" the other woman screams in her face.
This goes on for a while, then, in an unprecidented jesture, WandaSue grabs the remote and turns down the sound.
Penelope and Sally look at her, surprised. She grins and says, "Let's find out more about Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius, gals! Think they're online?"
"What's that?!" Sally asks.
Penelope and WSue rush to the computer and Google "Pompeii +Mt. Vesuvius" and go from website to website until they have all the information. "YES!" WandaSue announces triumphantly, "If we send BB to Pompeii the 23rd of August in the year 79 A.D., when he goes to bed that night, he'll never wake up again. Perfect!"
Sally's forehead wrinkles and she asks, "But WandaSue, if he's dead, how can you get anything from him then?"
"You forget: I'm his legally married wife! I can petition the Courts to give me all his assets, his land, his horses, his whatever else he has.....mine, all mine!"
"That sounds good," the other two have to admit.


The kitchen door opened. John and Rosamond came in, laden with their luggage and children. John said, "Hey! Guess who's home!"
Celeste jumped up enthusiastically and said in an voice whose meaning was lost on Elizabeth, "OH, my dears!" She hugged and kissed them. "I am SO glad you are home. And how wonderful you both look!" Marilyn and Eleanor exchanged amused glances. Yeah, you go, Celeste! Elizabeth sat there and stirred her coffee, staring at the scene.
Will ran up to Marilyn and threw his arms around her. "Aunt Marilyn, I got to go ice skating with Daddy! Just the two of us! He called it male-banding."
John took Will's hat and playfully pulled it over his face. "Bonding, son. Bonding."
Bethia held her arms out for Julie and Rosamond handed her over to her. "And we have an announcement to make...John?"
John said proudly. "My daughter took her first step two days ago! Can you believe it?" He looked up. "OH! Elizabeth! Hi--how are you doing?"
Elizabeth sat there and shrugged. "OK, I guess."
Marilyn whispered under her breath to Eleanor, "She's just fine and dandy. Except her husband came home from his vacation with his wife!"
Eleanor tried to stifle a giggle.
Rosamond saw Elizabeth and gave her a brittle smile. "Elizabeth! So good to see you. And my, don't you look nice!"
Eleanor whispered, "That must have cost Rosamond a pretty penny! Like wringing a fertilizer secret out of William!"
Elizabeth ignored Rosamond. "I'm glad you had a wonderful time, John. You'll have to take me to this Colorado sometime."
Rosamond raised her eyebrow as if to say, John? What do you intend to do about this? John stood there not knowing what to say. "Er...yes. Yes, I...we...all four of us...had a wonderful time."
Rose exhaled her breath loudly. "John? Darling? Why don't you go upstairs and put all the luggage in OUR room? I'll be up shortly to unpack."
John was glad to have an excuse to leave. "Sure! Will? Want to help me?" "Sure, Daddy." As their voices faded down the hall, the girls heard Will ask, "Daddy, how do you get rid of coon eyes before school Monday?......"
Rosamond poured orange juice in a bottle for Julie. "Here, sweetheart."
She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down, taking a seat next to Elizabeth. Rose subconsciously twisted her wedding ring on her finger. Elizabeth tried hard not to stare but it wasn't easy. The meaning was not lost on her this time.

Bethia, without thinking, said, "Rose, you are positively glowing!"
Rose blushed. "We had a wonderful time! John and I took a snowmobile up to the top of the mountain and then we rode half the night in the snow under the full moon and stars! I've never been so in..."
She broke off what she was saying. No sense in rubbing Elizabeth's nose in it. Not yet, anyways. Let's just see where this goes. And Elizabeth played a trump card.
She said quietly, "How can you be so nonchalant about helping a man break his marriage vows? Where we come from, that is called adultery."
The room was silent. Finally Rose found her voice. "EXCUSE ME?"
Elizabeth said, "You heard me."
Bethia got up. "I think I hear Roger calling me."
Celeste took the baby from Bethia. "Come on, sugar, I'll get you changed."
Marilyn and Eleanor looked at each other. "I need help with that thing...." Eleanor said. Marilyn replied, "What thing?" That know?"
"OH! THAT THING!" In their haste they knocked their chairs over. It was just Elizabeth and Rosamond there in the kitchen together. Rose got up. "Elizabeth? Can I get you a cup of coffee while I'm up?"
Elizabeth said, "Yes. Please."
"Will that be in your lap or over your head?"
"Pardon me?"
"Pardon YOU? No, I will not pardon you! Let's establish something. John is my husband. I married him last month. And you think I'm going to let him go? Step aside because that is what you want? Not on your life. I've got news for you, sister! I wanted John the moment I laid eyes on him in Southold. And make no mistake about it, I always..ALWAYS!...get what I want!"
Elizabeth jumped up. "You used witchcraft on him to make him fall in love with you! John would never leave me! YOU BEWITCHED HIM!"
Rosamond said in a deadly calm voice. "Sit down. SIT DOWN!"
Elizabeth sat down.
"I'm going to tell you exactly the way it is. You are dead. Were dead. If you hadn't grabbed onto us, you'd be back in Southold. Blissfully unaware of anything in this century. That technically makes John a widower in my book. Fair game."
"But how can he be a widower when I am here? Alive?"
Rosamond didn't lose her temper. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Elizabeth, I'm only going to tell you this once. John married me. Julie is John's daughter. The baby I gave him. We are so head over heels in love with each other. In every way. Do I have to paint you a picture?"
Elizabeth stared hard back at Rosamond. "No. No, you don't. But this is not the end of it. John is my husband. I am here. I intend to get him back."
As she turned and walked out the door, Rosamond called out, "Game is ON!" And under her breath called Elizabeth a nice old-fashioned Ango-Saxon name.


Rosamond clattered the coffee cups into the dishwasher and went upstairs to begin unpacking. Also have to have a long talk with hubby dear. THAT WOMAN HAS GOT TO GO!
As she walked into the room, she heard Will. "....but if that woman is married to you and you are married to Mommy, does that mean Mommy is still married to Mr. Montgomery? And that means we finally have enough mommies for daddies...."
Will broke off when he saw his mother. Rosamond had two bright pink spots on her cheeks.
"Will, darling? Would you take your suitcase to your room and empty it? Take all your dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. I've got alot of laundry to do. Then I want you to go downstairs with Grandma Celeste and Poppy William."
Will hopped off the bed and took his suitcase. "OK." As he walked down the hall, they heard him say as he passed Eleanor's room. "Aunt El, you were right! It's gonna get heavy in there!"
Rosamond shut the door. John smiled tentatively at her. "IS it going to get heavy in here, Ro'?"
Rose sat on the bed. "I don't know, John. You tell ME!"
John folded his sweaters back in the drawers. "Rose, you have to be patient with Elizabeth. She's been sheltered. She's in the 21st century and she's naive."
"Naive, John? She catches on quick! She accused me of witchcraft and sorcery and adultery and I WON'T STAND FOR IT, JOHN! For Pete's sake, why can we not have a normal life? Colorado was great. For once I was starting to feel like we weren't the Chappaqua version of the Addams Family!"
John put his arms around her. She pushed his arms down. "NO, JOHN! I won't continue to put up with this constant tug o' war and you being the prize. Didn't you tell me you had a very unfulfilling marriage in Southold? Am I or am I not the love of your life?"
John went back to emptying out his suitcase. "You know you are, darling. Just wait until we are in our own home."
Rose said, "You planning on putting that simp in the spare bedroom? Maybe we'd better start saving our money for the children's therapists." "Don't be this way, Rose. It is just a bad situation we have to make the best of."
Rose was trying not to cry. "She told me she intends to get you back. That you are her husband. And I'm afraid the rule of seniority will win out. She had you for thirteen years. I've only had you for two months." John laughed softly, "You've had me for a lot longer. And it's quality, not quantity that counts, love."
He reached for Rosamond and this time she didn't pull away. Even if I have to have another baby to keep him and show Elizabeth up, I will! Now to plan my strategy...and make him forget she ever existed.

AHHHH, ITALY in Coralynn


WandaSue punches in the number of the Montgomery ranch and, as BB's voice comes over the line, winks and gives two thumbs up to Sally and Penelope.
She says nothing, but, holding the phone high over the base, lets it drop back into its cradle with a bang.
"Ohhhh boy, that'll hurt his eardrums! I love it! He's home. Let's roll!"
The three women get into the Lincoln and drive rapidly toward the ranch. As they enter the driveway, they see that the production company has built a great deal of their medieval town in the meadow on the east side of the property.
WandaSue pulls up in the back of the guest house and signals for the others to follow her to the door. Banging on it, she yells out, "I know you're in there Billy Bob!"
He opens the door a crack and looks out to see his worst nightmare, then goes to close it again, but all three women wedge themselves into the crack and push till they're standing in the living room.
"Well, well, legally wed husband of mine, the Acura was found while you were off galavanting on the high seas. It had been shoved off a bridge into the creek. Now that the water level of the creek is kinda low, it was easy for the Police to spot. Oh yeah, they found it and hauled it out of there. Now, I may or may not press charges against you, who, I might add, filed a stolen car report like you didn't have a clue where it was. To keep me from prosecuting, I want 50 thousand dollars so I can buy a new car. I want it NOW!"
BB ran his hand over his eyes, then with a defeated expression sat down and made out a check, ripped it off and flung it at WandaSue, who tucked it into her enormous handbag and commented, "You look weary, oh lawfully wedded husband on mine, suntanned too. I think you need a little R and R. Wouldn't you agree, Sally? Penelope?

BB looks at Penelope and shakes his head, "What are you doing with these two renegades, Penelope? Isn't this a new low, even for you?"
She sneers at him, "We have things in common, one of them being a dislike for you."
BB stands and starts walking toward his bedroom, but WandaSue grabs hold of him and yells to Sally, "NOW!"

Instead of his room, BB's eyes observe a costume party of sorts. Buildings like Greek or Roman temples, people in robes of various colors, and food lying on every surface in sight. He blinks to clear his eyes. This can't be happening!!
The three women are jubilant, "This is Pompeii, you stupid clod! This is the last place you will ever see! This is your death nell!" WandaSue says viciously.
"Enough of this, WandaSue, now that you've played your little joke, let's go back to the ranch. I gave you your lousy 50 thou. What else do you want?"
"I want it ALL!" she says as she advances on him and puts her face right into his so close you couldn't wedge a piece of paper between.
"Sorry, no can do..." he begins.
"But, BB, dearest, you will be dead! And I will be your grieving widow. Grieving with millions of dollars in the bank. Now, Sally, how long do you think I'll pretend to be grief stricken with that much money to spend?"
"Oh I'd say about 10 or 12 minutes!" Sally laughs.
He sits wearily and looks around, trying to figure out what to do if anything. The people of the town seem to be celebrating something. They're in various amorous positions all over the lawns the patios, everywhere the eye can see. What on earth?!
"Oh, you see the party....oh yes, the people of Pompeii had a real swingers convention the day before the night that volcano blew up and buried them all alive. Any of these ladies take your fancy, big boy? You can join right in!"
Penelope thinks that a great idea so she runs up to a very attractive man who looks to be between partners and throws herself into his arms. He looks at her, smiles, and soon they're lying on the grass.
"GET UP!" Sally yells at her, "STOP THAT!"
"Ahhhh, Sally, don't be a spoil sport!" WandaSue kids her, "I think I'll take a little nip in the fleshpots myself while we're here. See that guy over there? Mmmmm, lucious. Be right back."
Wandasue means business, and as Sally sees the brazen display play out before her eyes, suddenly decides enough is enough. She takes the time travel coin into her hand and tells it what to do.
*POOF!* No more Sally.

When Wandasue and Penelope rejoin BB and Sally, they look around, confused. "Where's Sally? In whatever they use for restrooms here?"
BB has a big smile on his face, which seems odd to the two women, especially under the circumstances. He tells them, "Sally went home."
"That's right! She didn't approve of your behaviour out there with those men and left."
"Oh GOD! I knew she hated men, but I never thought she'd turn against us because we don't!" WandaSue moans.
"Well, Wandasue, legally wedded wife of mine, it appears we are in this stew together!" BB says with satisfaction.
Penelope isn't as easily convinced and goes around screaming, "Sally Jennings! Sally Jennings! You get your butt over here! This isn't funny anymore! Sally .....Sally!" till her voice is hoarse and she give up, collapsing onto a divan. A young man approaches her and begins disrobing. She gives him a disgusted look, kicks him off the divan onto the ground and yells, "HELP! HELP! Will nobody HELP US?"
But everyone is engaged in other activities and ignores the demented woman on the divan who is wearing totally out of style clothing and speaks with a foreign accent. Even the hookers they brought into the city that day could do better than that.
The party proceeds apace.


Celeste frowns. I am so close to getting this potion right.....if only I had someone to test it out on, but....that's too dangerous. One swallow could wipe out 24 hours of a person's swallows would make memories of an entire week irretrievable. Well, I'll just have to test it out on the subject herself.
She pours a cup of tea and puts three drops of her current potion into it, then, smiling cheerfully, puts it down in front of Elizabeth, who looks up at her, startled.
"I'm trying to make better tea, dear, taste that, will you, and tell me if it's especially delicious or not?"
Elizabeth swallows the half cup of tea and smacks her lips, "Whatever you put in there, it's wonderful."
"Thank you so much," Celeste says happily, "Now, I want you to remember something important.."
Elizabeth looks at her intently, "what?"
"Well, dear, we have two dogs, and they're as nice as can be, but you have to call them by their names, which are Frick and Frack."
"Yes dear, now will you please say those names for me?"
"Frick and Frack."
"Wonderful, now if you see the dogs, you must call them by their names so that they don't think you're a stranger. Some dogs are not friendly to strangers, and we don't want you to have any trouble with them."
"That's very nice of you, Celeste."
Celeste goes back into her room and watches the clock. In about ten minutes the potion should start to work if it's going to, she thinks. She dusts a bookshelf, looks at the clock.....hmmm...another five minutes....she changes the towels in the bathroom.....three more minutes....ahhhhh, I can't wait....
She walks back into the kitchen where Elizabeth looks up at her like she has no idea who she is. Just to make sure, she calls in the dogs, who leap around and lick Elizabeth's hands and try to jump on her lap.
"They will cease bothering you if you call them by name," she advizes Elizabeth.
"What are their names?!" Elizabeth asks, trying to shooo the dog away.
Celeste puts the dog out and realizes that if that potion isn't just right, it's very close, maybe even close enough!


After an hour of unpacking and gathering up laundry, Rose had an armful of dirty clothes as she tried to shove it all in the washing machine in the downstairs laundry room. Bethia came into the room.
"Ohh, my back is getting a little sore." Bethia massaged her back. Rose looked at her. "No wonder. You have two little critters there. Just hope they aren't like Cain and Abel."
Bethia laughed. "Or John and Daniel!"
"Is there a difference?"
Rose was stuffing the clothes in the machine and getting frustrated trying to turn sleeves from inside out. "I wish to God John would take his clothes off like normal people instead of over his head!" She threw the clothes down on the floor.
"Who, pray tell, are you shoving in the washer with those clothes?"
Rose said quickly, "NO ONE! NO ONE AT ALL!"
Bethia leaned against the dryer. "OK, Rose, what catastrophe do you have in your life now? You just had a wonderful, romantic week with your man and kids. What's the trouble now?"
Rose tried to keep the trembling from out of her voice. She took a deep breath. "It's precious Elizabeth! Why oh why couldn't she stay dead?" Then Rose began to tell Bethia all that had transpired in the kitchen and how it splashed over into her private life.
"Where is John now?" Bethia asked.
"He went to the fitness center to check things over with Slim. And to give him a big fat bonus for shouldering this whole thing while Daniel was cavorting alone on the high seas."
"He left on good terms with you, didn't he?"
" For now. Bethia, I just have to get rid of her. Celeste can't whip that potion up fast enough for me. I just worry that now that she's there, a little part of John's brain will remember his salad days with her. I mean, Lord knows I've given John more grief than the average woman gives her man in a lifetime. I even got him shot! And Henry aimed that arrow for him, let's not forget that. And he broke his hand punching out Billy Bob.
What if he wants a little peace and quiet in his life?"
Bethia sympathized. "Yeah, you're a walking disaster magnet, sweetie! But no, I knew John in his 'salad days'. He always walked around like he wished he were somewhere else. One time I ran into him on the beach at Southold and he was looking over the ocean. He just shielded his eyes, looked to the horizon and said, 'Ever wish you were somewhere else, Bethia?' I didn't know then, I know now what he meant. He was not happy. He is now. You did that for him. You gave him what he was always searching for. Excitement. With a firm foundation. And a family. You and the children are everything to him. And there is where you will win." Rose hugged Bethia. "You are the best! I can confide this in no one but you. Bethia, I love you for it!"
Bethia hugged her back. "And now you just be your own sweet...Ahh!"
Rose grew alarmed. "Bethia! You alright?"
Bethia grinned. "Yep! I think Thing One just took a punch at Thing Two!" They laughed. From downstairs, there was a shout. "Uh, oh! Sounds like Eleanor--and this can't be good!"
Rose sighed. "As long as it doesn't have to do with Elizabeth and John, I can take on anything. I'd race you, Beth, but I would win!"
Bethia laughed. "Come on, let's see who else has grief!"

THEY'RE WHERE?! Coralynn

Eleanor rushes into the room, almost out of breath. "Come quick, Celeste! Marilyn! Come quick! Rose! Come see what I just found out!"
Celeste, Rose, Beth, Eleanor and Marilyn appear with inquisitive looks on their faces. She leads them into the computer room and sure enough, the Story is on the screen.
"Billy Bob Montgomery is in Pompeii! Wandasue took him there....Sally has a time travel coin, but Sally got digusted and zapped herself back. Now we have BB, Wandasue and that Penelope woman who has it in for you, Rose, all in Pompeii."
"That place blows up!" Marilyn exclaims in a breathy voice, "...doesn't it?"
"And the volcano is set to go off in about another 8 to 10 hours!" Celeste exclaims, "What do you propose we do about it, gals?"

"Nothing!" Marilyn says enthusiastically, "We're well rid of them!"
"Oh come on, Marilyn," Rose says, "That would be cruel. Sure, they've each been a pain in the neck in their own ways, but letting them die in a volcanic eruption? I don't think so!"
Celeste agrees, "I know that WandaSue has been the bane of your existence, Rose, but you're right....she doesn't deserve this fate."
"Right. She dumped me at the gold rush in California, but that was to get rid of me, not to kill me. I say we go get them!"
They don't see Henry8 standing in the doorway till he says, "Ladies! Wanna put a fiver on a pony? I've been two days into the future and I know which nag wins tomorrows race. A little known horse called Dead Last. And dead last has been his fate for many races, but he goes for broke in tomorrows race and wins it. Odds are 45 to one, so if you even bet just two dollars, you'd end up with 90. If you bet a hundred....."
"You still doing that?" Eleanor asks, irritated, "Good grief, Henry!"
"You poke fun at me, but I've made so much money on the races that I'm about to put an addition onto my castle!"
"That huge monstrosity needs an addition?" Bethia chides.
"Well, I have to have some place for the serfs to live," he comes right back.
"Serfs! When will you get over it, Henry? Are you going to put an ad in the newspaper requesting 'serfs' to work for you?" Eleanor is even more annoyed than before.
"Alright! But you were given your chance to make a lot of money. I'll be off now. William won't turn me down!" he stamps off.
The women roll their eyes, then get back to the task at hand. Celeste closes the door lest any other interlopers enter.
"Looks like we have to go or have it on our consciences for the rest of our lives," Marilyn says, grudgingly.
"And, given that time travelers don't age, that would be a long, long, long time!" Beth reminds them. "I'd love to go with you, ladies, but," she pats her tummy. "NO way are you going to go! You stay here and take care of yourself," Rose hugs her.
"OK!" Celeste takes charge, "Let's be off!"
"But shouldn't we leave a note telling where we went?" Rose asks.
"We won't be gone for more than a few minutes; besides, let the men figure it out! They don't buy the idea that the Story tells what's been going on. Maybe now they'll take it more seriously!" Eleanor says decisively.

The four women make a circle; Celeste programs her time travel coin, and off they go.
They look around at the baccalalian scene laid out in front of their eyes and emit a single, "Wow!"
"We've gotta find BB, PP and WSue and quickly!" Eleanor tells them.
They all glance around, but don't see the three they have come to rescue.
A man in a Roman soldier's garb is herding several women into a line. Rose spots WandaSue in the lineup, and whispers to the others, "There's WandaSue! I wonder what that line is all about?"
Before anyone gets a chance to speculate, another Roman soldier herds Marilyn into the line. She tries to shake off his grip, but he's too strong, and stands away from her far enough that she can't deliver her famous kick.
"HEY!" Eleanor protests, "That's my friend! Let her go!"
"She has to be presented to the Emperor's sargeant, who is here to choose new concubines for the Emperor! How dare you question my authority?"
Eleanor is about ready to remind him that she is a Queen, but stops herself. People living in 79 A.D. have no idea who Eleanor of Aquitaine is or was.
There are about 25 women in the lineup. One of the Soldiers then leads them to a platform upon which they are to stand. El, Celeste and Rose are aghast.
"What's WandaSue doing in that line?" Rose asks the other two, "The Emperor would have a cow if he was presented with the likes of her! That is unless he likes big hips. There's no accounting for some people's taste!"
There seems to be some kind of juding panel composed of more Roman soldiers, who walk up and down the line, turning each woman from side to side, feeling their various body parts, which, when they get to Marilyn results in her biting one of them on the hand.
He withdraws his hand in shock and pain and yanks her out of the line, "This one wins!" he announces with a look of disdain on his face. The other soldiers laugh and even applaud.
El, Rose and Celeste look at each other in dismay. "What are we going to do now?!" Rose asks. Terri

Billy Bob walked the stone streets of Pompeii. The sky was gettiing grey. He tried to stem the rise of panic. Damn! Whose fault is all of this anyways? Mine? Wanda Sue's? Rosamond's? I could try to escape to that mountain...He sighed. No, I'm pretty well screwed. Unless that Sally Jennings comes back. Fat chance. She hates anything in pants.
Speaking of pants...I'd better get into something. He looked over to the villas on the streets. Hey! Laundry! Sheets! If I can only remember how they did this in Animal House....
He grabbed the sheet and went behind the alley. He took his clothes off and wrapped the sheet like so...tucked it here..there! TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!

He tried to be brave. What did I ever do to Wanda Sue that was so terrible? I feel like a man on death row. Knowing what is going to happen...he got a little teary-eyed but tried not to. What a way to end up. Will they find me as a statue 2000 years down the road?
A drunken woman came by, waving a flagon of wine. "I dare say, would you like a sip of the nectar of the gods? And how about this bread?"
Billy Bob took it. "And now, you have partaken of my victuals, you may partake of my body..."
Billy Bob handed her back the staples. "No, thanks! I didn't know it came with a price!"
The drunken woman shouted, "May the curse of Bacchus be on you!" Billy Bob looked around. There was debauchery everywhere. Jeez! Like Cinemax after midnight! No! Somehow I'm going to get out of this!

Celeste, Eleanor and Rose tried to push their way through the crowd. Men tried to grope them. Eleanor cut a swath with her punches. Rose exclaimed, "Didn't these guys ever see women before today?"
Celeste explained, "It is their festival of Vulcan. The god of fire. They think they can appease the gods by acting this way."
Rose said, "Ewwww! Some things should be kept behind closed doors!"
Eleanor looked around exasperated. "Now where is Marilyn? I saw her a few minutes ago. She seems to have disappeared!"
Celeste walked over to two women who were obviously looking for least Celeste thought that was what they were looking for. "Excuse me..did you happen to see a woman about so-high with blonde hair and a red velvet sweatsuit on?"
The women shrugged like they didn't know what Celest was talking about. Celeste turned to El and Rose. "I'm afraid, girls, we have to blend."
Celeste walked over to where there was a pile of bodies in the grass. She took three togas. "Disgusting! They left their togas here...oh, well, they won't need them anymore!"
The three of them went behind the villas. Celeste said, "You two change first. I'd better keep a lookout for young studs who think you may be ready for action!"
The girls hurried behind the villa and changed. Rose held her new turquoise sweater.
"Celeste, I really hate to lose this...can we send our clothes back?" Eleanor didn't know whether to get mad or laugh. "Oh, Rose!"
Celeste said, "Yes, yes...but let's be fast about this. Not only are we looking for those three bozos, we now have Marilyn to look for."
Celeste changed quickly and then put their clothes in a pile and put the coin on top of them. The air glowed and swirled. Just before they were gone, Celeste grabbed the coin. "Fastest hands in Chappaqua!" she grinned.
Eleanor said, "I think Marilyn is our first priority." They all agreed. Rose balked a little. "I know it is foolish. In spite of everything Montgomery has done to me, I'd hate to see him incinerated."
Eleanor started to berate her but Celeste took El aside and told her, "Leave her be. She has a tender soul. She lived with the man for almost a year. She slept with him all that time. So what if she was in love with another man? Rose has a history with Montgomery that you will probably never understand, Eleanor. She will never forgive herself if she didn't do this for him. After all, he loved her and married her in good faith."
Eleanor got impatient. "OK, OK--but Marilyn comes first, Montgomery second...and if we have time, those other two dingbats!"

Marilyn looked around. There was an overweight woman with an authoritative voice. "You women have been chosen to be concubine to the Emperor. A rare privilege and honor. You will satisfy his every whim and desire. You will be in constant attendance on him. Wine stewardesses, food servers....and maybe you will be the fortunate one to be selected to.."
"LIKE HELL!" Marilyn shouted out. Wanda Sue looked over. "Holy, moley! Is that you? Marilyn from the house on Winding Willow? Marilyn, old pal, old chum of mine! I--ha, ha!--I seem to have gotten myself in a little bit of a spot! Can I bum a ride home with you?"
Marilyn was exasperated. "Now why do you think I am stuck in this hotbed of lava...and lava isn't the only thing that's a hotbed. Criminy, have you ever seen anything like this?"
Wanda Sue looked around. "Well, once Billy Bob and I went to Galveston with Bobby Joe and Carolyn...."
"Spare me. You really DO deserve that 'dirtbag' label that Rosamond hung on you."
Wanda Sue said, "Are you here by yourself?"
"No, Celeste, Eleanor and Rose are here."
"Rosetramp? Looking for a fling before they become statues? I heard from Jerry Springer..."
"Jerry who?"
"...a commentator. He said that the lava poured on them in unspeakable acts and they went Poof! Years later their bodies were like a mold for plaster of Paris. Now that's the way to be remembered! Go out with a .." "Enough, Wanda Sue! I get the picture. No, the four of us came to rescue you and Peneloe and Montgomery. We've got to get out of here."
Wanda Sue whispered, "I wanna see what this Emperor looks like. Maybe it's Julie Caesar."
"Julius. You called him Julie."
"OH! Julius. Like Orange Julius."
Marilyn rolled her eyes, then grabbed Wanda Sue by the collar.
"Let's go! This place is going up in smoke..lava...ash..whatever!"
Wanda Sue whispered, "I want to see this stud! Maybe we can take the Emperor with us.."
Marilyn stood there, hands on hips. "You are insane! These guys were ruthless. Vicious. These are the same guys who used to feed Christians to lions. Didn't you see Dom DeLuise in History of the World? Well, their manners are just like that! They belch, they burp, they puke. They let loose. Disgusting! Now either you go now with me, Wanda Sue, or you will find yourself under glass in a Paris museum. Do I make myself clear?"

Rose sat down. "I'm tired. You guys check in that building. I'll wait here." Eleanor said, "No, Rose, we need to stay together."
Rose said, "Oh, for Pete's sake, no one is going to bother me. Look! Those people over there are too engrossed--and I do mean GROSS--in each other to pay me any attention."
Celeste said, "Are you sure? This way you can stay here and watch for them while we go in that palace."
Eleanor whipped out her stun gun. "Keep this close to you. Just zap them in the family jewels if they bother you. Of course, they'd probably think that was a come-on!"
Rose put the stun gun in her toga bodice. "I'll be fine!"
Celeste and Eleanor went into the palace, looking back and checking on Rosamond the whole time until they disappeared. Rosamond waved them on. She leaned her head against the wall. Pompeii in August. May as well have been sent to equatorial Africa. Rosamond wiped the perspiration from her face with the corner of her toga. A young well-built stud came up to her. "I say, you have very nice legs. Do you want to join me and my friends?" Rose looked over and saw five good-looking Adonises grinning at her. She said cooly, "I think I shall pass."
The stud grabbed her arm. "I asked you if you WANTED to join us! Whether you want to or not is not an option. One way or the other you are coming with us."
Rose tore her arm away from away. "Uh, I don't THINK so!"
She whipped out Eleanor's stun gun and applied it to Stud's chest. He went down like a pile of bricks, rolled into a fetal ball and blubbered incoherently.
Rose blew off the end of it, and said, "YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?"
The five took off in different directions. Rose leaned over him and asked, "Do you know what 'NO" means? You don't? Shall I zap you again? OK, then!"
She looked up and saw a forlorn figure with his head down against the wall. Hey, poor guy. He may be the only one here who maybe knows what's going on. He keeps looking at the mountain. Nice toga. Unusual to see a man with blond hair here among the Romans...something familiar...OMIGOD!! BILLY BOB!
She ran over and shouted, "BILLY BOB! BILLY BOB! IS IT REALLY YOU?"
Billy Bob looked up. "Rose?" he whispered, "ROSAMOND!"
She ran over and flung herself in his arms. "Thank God we found you! And in the nick of time!"
He buried his face in her hair. "I can't believe it! Do you know what's going to happen?"
Rose pulled away, embarrassed by her display of emotion. "We--we came to get you." Then she said as calmly as she could. "Don't read anything into this. I wouldn't let a dog die here."
Billy Bob let out a pent-up sigh. "Good! Because I found this..!" It was a large white dog. Billy Bob tried to put a stern look on his face. "And Rose? YOU OWE ME A DOG!"
Rose tried to match his steely gaze. "I do. It's the least I can do for you. Come on--hold my hand! And don't let go! This rescue will make up for the way it ended with us. Our slates are clean. Even. And i don't want to hear anything more about it. Now let's find the others and get the heck out of here before Vesuvius blows her top!"


John came home and picked up the mail from the foyer. "Rose? Rose, darling? I'm home and I thought we'd go out to dinner with Rog and Bethia tonight...."
He headed upstairs. On the bed were Rosamond's clothes--but also Celeste's and Eleanor's. That's odd. Maybe she did their laundry, too. No, that's not Rose's style. She hates doing ours.
He went downstairs. William was on the phone. "..and if that paper is on top of the roof once more, I'll cancel my subscription..THAT'S RIGHT! CANCEL!"
William slammed the phone down. "Three times--THREE TIMES!---this week. Enough is enough!"
John sat down. "Rosamond and the girls go shopping? Lord knows, she doesn't need any more clothes."
William said, "They were in the computer room. Then Beth took your kids home with her...maybe they found a going-out-of-business sale on the computer."
John got up. "And guaranteed Ro' forgot to turn the computer off. I'll check."
He walked into the computer room. There on the screen was "Royal Story" by Coralynn and Terri. They weren't kidding? Honest? Let's see what it says..wait a minute...Pompeii? He sat down and googled 'Pompeii'. Holy smokes! A volcano? Lava? John read on. He had a sick feeling in his stomach. No...they couldn't have...they wouldn't have..not without telling us...

John looked at the words swimming before his eyes. Billy Bob...Wanda Sue...Sally Jennings....Penelope...PENELOPE???
Stuff about the girls thinking of going off....this Coralynn and Terri, must have left writing early.. He scrolled up. Last he saw was the girls contemplating going to Pompeii. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hands over his face. Oh, Rose, Rose....what have you and those other bubbleheads done now?
He called, "WILLIAM! WILLIAM! We've got trouble...MAJOR trouble!"
William folded his paper as he walked in. "What is it? Something about Ben and JLo? I know the engagement is off but...."
John's eyes never left the computer screen. "William, I am afraid Celeste, Rose, El and Marilyn took a little time trip to Pompeii."
William sputtered, "Pompeii? It's December, for God's sake. It's cold there."
John had the computer mouse dancing and gliding all over the screen. "No, they went in August."
"August is nice, but why didn't they tell.."
John exploded. "WILLIAM, THEY WENT IN AUGUST 79 AD! Doesn't that ring a bell?"
William thought for about five seconds. "Oh, no! NO!! The four of them? They went during the Festival of Vulcan? That is the bacchanalias to end all bacchanalias! You throw two blondes and a redhead in that mix..."
He showed William the story. William paled. "They couldn't have. They WOULDN'T have...would they?' John stood up and grabbed his jacket. "I'm going to get some answers. And I know just who to get them from!"

John jumped in his 'Vette and roared over to Sycamore Street. He bounded up the stairs and pounded on the door.
Sally opened the door a crack. "YOU!" she said and tried to slam it shut. John heaved with all his might and the door went flying open and Sally went slamming into the wall. She recouped and stood up defiantly. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU....MAN!!"
John got in her face and grabbed her by the hair. He yelled, "YOU TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON! WHY IS MY WIFE IN POMPEII???"
Sally's face registered shock. "What is that little tart doing there? She wasn't there when I left. Did she go to Bacchanalia? Figures..."
John shook her so hard her teeth rattled. "You have five seconds to tell me what you did or I drag you up the stairs and throw you off the balcony. I'll tell everyone it was a suicide!"
Sally grew resentful. "OK--but only so I can get rid of you. And I am sure by the time you find Rosebud, she will be a plaster cast! Probably in the embrace of her former husband! Wanda Sue found out her loving husband deep sixed her car in Booker's Pond and then reported it stolen. So we cooked up a plan to get rid of him once and for all and no one could pin a murder on us because we didn't kill him. Wanda Sue would get the whole kit and kaboodle. Penelope went along for the ride. But they started getting caught up in the action, if you know what I mean. So I left. I was just getting ready to go back and fetch them. Teach them a lesson, you know?
How was I supposed to know your lawfully wedded tramp would take it in her head to scram two thousand years into the past and try to reconnect with her long lost love? Anyway, I take no responsibility for them. They did it on their own! And now...GET OUT! I have to get ready to go back to get Wanda Sue and Penelope."
John got in her face, shoved her against the wall and said in a dead calm voice, "If a hair on any of their heads get singed, I'll hunt you down the rest of my days. You will never be safe. In this century or the next..or any other."
With that he turned to leave.
Sally Jennings yelled out, "Yeah, well, forget about Penelope Patterson's head. SHE'S BALD AND YOU AREN'T PINNING THAT ON ME!"

John pulled into the drive and bounded up the stairs. He knocked forcefully. Bethia answered the door, "JOHN! How many times do I have to tell you to just come in..."
John walked in hurriedly. "Bethia, why didn't you tell me? WHY?? And I can tell by the look on your face that you know exactly what I'm talking about!"
Roger came into the kitchen, paintbrush in hand. "John! Hey, buddy, I can use your help..."
John shook his head. "No time for that now. Bethia, why did they go?" Bethia bit her lip. Roger said, "Bethia? You know something? Keeping secrets from us..."
Bethia blurted out, "If you knew you never would have let them go we saw it and you men never believe a word we say and if you had listened to us we wouldn't have done it behind your back but you never listened and when you did you didn't believe us and now the four of them did what they had to do and Rose was afraid you wouldn't let her go and he would be incinerated and you would think she was still in love with him and would be well rid of him if he became a plaster cast lying in a museum in Paris..."
Roger interrupted her. "Bethia, darling, that is one run-on sentence like I've never heard before."
John interrupted him.. "That's all well and good. BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?"
Bethia sighed. "I was sworn to secrecy. They said they would arrange it so it would only be a few minutes in the time line. But I guess they must have run into complications."
Roger looked from Bethia to John. "Just what is going on?"
John looked like he was at the end of his rope. "Rose and the girls have gone to Pompeii 79 AD to pick up her ex-husband and a few other scumbags."
Roger exclaimed, "WHAT??? Bethia, you knew about this and kept quiet?"
Bethia looked ready to cry. "I didn't think it was so bad. I didn't go because of the critter-butts and someone had to watch Julie and Will.." Just then Will came into the room. "Daddy! You come to pick me and Julie up?"
John got down to Will's level. "No, son. Aunt Bethia had something I need and I stopped by to get it. I have a few errands to run and so did Mommy. So you and Julie stay here and I'll pick you up later." Will said, "She didn't go anywhere like she did when you got hurt, did she, Daddy?"
John gave Will a hug. "No, she'll be back soon. She's with Grandma Celeste and Aunt El and Aunt Marilyn."
Will left the room.
Bethia asked John fearfully, "What are you going to do, John?"
John's voice was steely, "Do? What choice do I have? I have to get my wife and her friends..and even her ex-husband. And try not to get incinerated in the process."
With that, he turned and walked back to his car.

ROME BOUND...NOT!! Coralynn

WandaSue leans toward Marilyn, "I have a way to get us out of this....I think. But you gotta play along."
They've been herded into a large room, which is the staging area for them to be put into horse drawn conveyances to be taken to Rome. The first few women have already left.
"What is it?" Marilyn whispers back.
"This worked in Salem, let's hope it works here!" WandaSue picks up a pillow from a nearby divan and stuffs it into her robe, which everyone is now wearing, ties a belt below it so that she looks very pregnant, then starts to moan loudly, "Ahhkkkkk! The PAIN! Oooooooooo, the pain!"
She slumps onto the floor. One of the guards sees her do this and rushes over. This is odd: he doesn't remember any of the chosen women being pregnant, but there were quite a lot of them, so who knows.
Marilyn kneels by her and yells up at the guard, "We need a room! She's having a baby! NOW!"
The guard is flustered. He wishes he had someone to ask about procedure, but most of the other guards are too busy herding the women out into the horse drawn conveyances.
Marilyn tugs on WandaSue, dragging her across the floor, bending down whispering, "Can you try to scootch a little? I can barely budge you an inch!"
Instead WandaSue puts her head back and emits a blood-curdling scream. Marilyn keeps tugging her across the floor. The guard just stands there, dumbfounded.
"Crawl," Marilyn tells her in desperation, "we've gotta get out of here, and it'll take till tomorrow if you lie there like a sack of potatoes!"
WandaSue begins to crawl slowly, then reaches out and runs her hand along a rough edge of a chair, cutting it. Marilyn's eyes bulge, what is she up to now?
WandaSue then reaches down and rubs blood onto her legs. Since the cut was a pretty nasty one, there is enough blood to make her legs a real mess. The guard looks over and sees her bleeding profusely and decides to get help.
"This is our chance!" WandaSue stands up and, pulling Marilyn after her, bolts out the back of the place. They run for what feels like miles, and finally rest, panting, in a peach orchard. No one is in sight. They slump onto the ground. After catching their breaths, WandaSue looks at Marilyn and says in her cocky way, "See? It works every time!"

Marilyn examines the gash on WandaSue's hand, "That looks bad!"
WandaSue whips off the sash around the middle of her robe and ties it around her hand, flippantly remarking, "Hey, I'm a fast healer. Don't worry about it. It was worth it, considering they really meant to pack us off to Rome. Now, I personally think that would have been really, really intersting to see.....Rome, that is. But my problem is, I have no time travel coin. Do you have one on you?"
"No. Celeste has one with her, and Eleanor has one too, but I was in a hurry and left mine at home."
"That many of you have time travel coins?!" WandaSue is surprised.
Marilyn feels it wise to change the subject. Looking off into the distance, she remarks, "See way off there to the right? Isn't that the palace in the middle of town?"
"Where? Ohhhhh, I see it. I think. You must have great eyes, because it looks hazy to me. Think we oughta make tracks for there?"
Marilyn thinks it over, "There's no totally safe place to be in this nutty town, except for this orchard, but if we stay here, we have no way to get back to our own timeframe, so we'll have to go back into town and look for Rose and Celeste and Eleanor."
WandaSue makes a face, "Jeeeeez, kid, do we have to look for Rose? She hates me. Eleanor isn't much better, and that Celeste woman gives me the creepy-crawlies. I heard she was a witch!"
Marilyn stands up and streches, exhaling loudly, "No, she's not a witch. She's psychic, but that doesn't make her a witch!"
"I meant that in the best sense of the word," WandaSue tries to smooth it over, "I mean, look at her. She doesn't look like she could harm a fly."
Marilyn smiles and keeps her insights into what Celeste is capable of to herself, but begins to walk in the direction of the palace. WandaSue catches up with her, "Hey, Marilyn, does this 'bonding' we just did mean we can be friends?"
"I seriously doubt that, WandaSue. If you didn't have a vendetta on Rose, there would a chance, but Rose is a close friend of mine. What harms her harms me. That's the way we are in our family."
They pick up their pace.
"But you aren't a family! Aren't you just a patched together bunch of people who time traveled here?"
"Looks that way from the outside, but we have formed a family, a very, very close family. When you threaten one, you threaten all."
WandaSue spits on the ground like a hired hand and says grimly, "You sure do make it hard, you and your 'family.' Tell ya what, though: if we can leave BB here and he buys the farm when Vesuvius explodes, I get everything, being his lawfully wedded widow. If that happens, I call a truce with Rose!"
Marilyn sighs, "The damage has been done, WandaSue. Too late now. I suppose if you behaved yourself for a year you might, you just might be forgiven. I can't see that happening. If BB is caught in the volcanic eruption, you will be placed on our crap list permanently. So things are not looking good for you."
WandaSue scowls, "If we take BB out of here, would I be on your non-crap list?"
Marilyn stops briefly and looks her in the face, sternly, "Look, WandaSue, you would have to be a perfect angel for a year or two to prove yourself, whether BB is rescued or not. That's the bottom line."
"I wanna be invited to your rich-bitch parties!" WandaSue whines.
"HA! You got into one of them, remember? Then you snuck upstairs and robbed Eleanor's jewelry box. Why would anyone want you in their house.....ever?"
Defeated, WandaSue falls into step with Marilyn, and as they approach the middle of town, falls silent.


John walked determinedly into the kitchen. William sat there at the table drinking a Heineken and he looked up worriedly at John. John nodded. "It's true. The four of them are in Pompeii!"
William exploded. "She has more sense than that! How could she do this?"
John said wearily, "Eleanor always used to say Rose didn't have the sense God gave a goose."
William said, "Not Rose. Celeste."
John registered shock. "William? You and Celeste...?"
William waved his hand impatiently. "Nothing like that, lad. But yes, I do have deep feelings for the lady. It's love on a spiritual level. Higher than the passions of the young. Someday you'll understand. When the fire goes out, there's smoldering embers. But then, you and Rosamond will never age, so who knows? But then with a love and passion you two have, we may just come in to your room and find a pile of ashes in your bed some day! You know....spontaneous combustion!" William smiled at his attempted levity.
They looked at each other with a new understanding. William capable of something higher than passion?
William cleared his throat. "What do you intend to do, John? Wait for them to return? I think that would be best."
John reached for his cellphone out of his pocket. "Of course not! They are in mortal danger. I have to go and get them out of there. They are thinking with their hearts and not their heads. And when I finally catch up with Rose, I'm going to turn her over my knee and give her the whalloping I should have months ago!"
William tried not to laugh, but it had a hollow ring to it. "You intend to bring her..extra baggage home with her? Could simplify your lives.."
John said, "No, much as I would like to, I can't do that.....Hello?....HOTS!, I don't need to talk to, it's you...I need someone with your expertise and cunning and daring. Someone who is hardened in, we aren't going back to the Battle of Shrewsbury...Yes, I know you want your land back..WILL YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR A MINUTE?? This is important. Get over here in the next five minutes! With weapons...That's right...weapons! Bye!"
John looked at William sadly. "I need help. Hotspur's help. William? I never ask much of you...but perhaps we may borrow your time-travel coin in case Hots and I get separated?"
William stood up. "It's in my safe. I'll get it."
John said resolutely, "As I have to get some things out of my safe. I'll be down in a few minutes."

John opened up the wallsafe in his bedroom. Inside was the .357 Magnum that he brought with him to San Francisco. The one Rosamond nailed Matt Dillon in the knee with. He also took out a switchblade. John felt shivers up his spine. This was so formidable. It's one thing to shoot someone...quite another thing to stab them. But you never know... He put handcuffs in his backpack. A couple bottles of water. A first aid kit. Extra ammuntion for the Magnum. He went downstairs and heard Hotspur in the kitchen rummaging in the fridge for a beer. Hots popped the top and turned to John. He gave him an endearing lopsided grin.
"Sounds like you are up for an adventure, John. Where to? And if there is trouble, I'm your man!"
John slipped on his backpack. "Hots, we are going to Pompeii during the Festival of Vulcan and just prior to the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius to get Rose and the girls and a few others who were sent there out of vengeance."
Hotspur drank his beer quickly. "Festival of Vulcan? Oooh, I love a good party!"
Hotspur and John walked outside behind the gazebo. Hotspur looked dubiously at John. "How are we going to do this? I don't want to offend you, John, you're one of the straightest guys I know....but I don't want to hold your hand!"
John tried to suppress a smile. "I understand, Hots. Let's just put our hands on each other's shoulder. Face me."
They faced each other and clapped their hand on the shoulder of the other.
"Close your eyes, Hotspur. That way we have no distractions..."
The air began to swirl and glow. They opened their eyes to the sounds of revelry. Hotspur's eyes were wide in amazement. "Gadzooks! I've been missing a party!"
John sighed. "Decadence everywhere, my man."
Hotspur exclaimed, "I'll say! Hey, John! Look over there!"
John looked. He shook his head. "Damn, why can't Rose ever get sent to someplace nice and quiet where I don't have to fear for my life?" He reached into his backpack and took out the .357 Magnum. He loaded it with ammunition and put the safety on.
"Before we get involved in this, Harry, I need to talk seriously to you. I got William to agree to lend you his time travel coin. Now I am giving this to you on one condition. Harry, this is VERY important and I don't want you to let me down. I have faith in you. Take the coin. On one condition. It is to be used only...and ONLY... if we get separated and the lava starts to flow. All you have to do is say, '224 Winding Willow, Chappaqua NY---present time' It will take you instantaneously behind the gazebo.
Take whichever of the family you have. Even Wanda Sue Skaggs. Much as I would like to leave her here to become a pornographic statue, I couldn't live with it on my conscience."
Hotspur took the coin. He said soberly, "I won't let you down, John. I promise. Only for the purpose you outlined."
John smiled wanly. "I knew I could count on you. Now, let's get the girls, Montgomery, Penelope Patterson and even Wanda Sue Skaggs out of here before the lava starts to flow. Which gives us about 2 hours."

John and Hotspur start down the street.They pilfered togas from the pile laying at the side of the road. Before they got to the end of the street, a Roman soldier called, "HALT!! HALT!!"
John and Hotspur stopped and turned around. A brutish looking Roman soldier complete with helmet, sword and shield stopped them. "Show me your pass!"
John and Hotspur looked from one to the other. "A pass?" John said. "Like a hall pass?"
The soldier pushed the two of them against the wall. Hotspur got red in the face. John said under his breath, "Easy, big fella. We need to stay calm."
The soldier said, "You have no pass? Every reveler has a pass! A pass to do whatever he wants. NO PASS?? Then you must be Roman soldiers!" Hotspur spoke up without thinking. "Yeah. That's it. We're Roman soldiers!"
The soldier who happened to be a Roman centurion, sneered. "And where is your armor? Your sword? Your shield?"
Hotspur blurted out, "I left them in Britain!"
The centurion called for help. "Agrippa! Look what we have here!"
Agrippa, who was even more of a brute, with cruel, strong features, looked them up and down. "Deserters of Caesar's army if I ever saw them!"
Octavius, the first soldier, said, "And what do we do with deserters, Agrippa?" Agrippa yelled, "TO THE GALLEY!!"
John whispered to Hotspur, "Whatever you do, keep that coin hidden!"
John had discreetly tucked the Magnum in his toga.
Agrippa and Octavius shoved them along. "We'll put you in the brig. Awaiting the barge. Shouldn't be too long. And then when you get to Rome, you'll go to the lions!"
Hotspur spoke up. "The Lyons! Sure hope they beat the Dallas Cowboys next weekend!"
Agrippa and Octavius laughed uproariously. "You'll find out!"

John and Hotspur were thrown into a cell. "NOW what do we do?" Just then, a rumble was heard. The earth started to shake. "Uh, oh! The eruption is starting. We have GOT to get out of here!" MEANWHILE: Rose and Billy Bob were walking around, looking for Marilyn and the others. They held each other's hands tightly so they wouldn't lose track of each other. The large white dog followed them like a shadow.
Billy Bob was feeling a bit more like himself now that he saw hope."LIke old times, huh, Rosamond!" He reached up to push her hair away from her face. She pushed his hand away. Rose said through clenched teeth, "Don't get too used to this, Montgomery! I'm only holding on to you so I don't lose you and have to go home without you."
"ROSE, DARLING! You DO care!" She looked at him incredulously. "You never give up, do you?"
He grinned, "Not while there is breath in my body!"
She jerked her hand away. "I told you not to read anything into this. I just don't Wanda Sue to inherit everything you own." Her feet stumbled over something. It was black....
She picked it up and her heart fell to her feet. "Oh, no! NO! It can't be!"
She unzipped it and rummaged around in it. "&*(*(%^^&^!!!"
Billy Bob grew alarmed. "What is it?"
Rosamond's eyes filled with tears. "It's John's backpack. He's here. He came here to find me. AND I DON'T KNOW WHER HE IS!!"
The rumble was deafening in the distance. She started to panic and looked frantically down the street. "Something must have happened. John would never let that backpack out of his sight. And now I don't know where to look for him!"

Rose clutched the backpack. "Oh, what have I done? I'll be the death of him yet! He got shot because of me.."
"He WHAT?"
"When I was sent back to the Gold Rush of 1849..."
Billy Bob shook his head as if to clear it. "You were sent to the Gold Rush? How? Why?"
"Isn't the 'how' obvious? The 'why'--retribution. Oh, I don't have time for this crap! I NEED TO FIND MY HUSBAND!" Her voice started to tremble. The large white dog came up and sniffed the backpack. He began to pace back and forth. Rose slipped the backpack on her own back. The dog started down the street, circled and came back. He did this several times. Rosamond was too busy looking up and down the street to pay any attention to the dog. Billy Bob was beginning to realize what was happening. The dog was a tracker! He tried to push the dog discreetly away. Montgomery reasoned, if Gwinnett becomes a statue, I may be able to win fair lady's hand..and the rest of her..again and regain Sundown...
The white dog nosed up to the backpack again as Rosamond picked up the pace and began to look down the alley. The dog began to bark.
"SHHHHH!" he hissed at the dog. The dog barked even louder. Rosamond looked at the dog and then at Billy Bob. She began to get excited. "Billy Bob! I--I think that dog has caught a scent! Could he possibly be able to pick up John's scent and lead us to him?"
Billy Bob acted surprised. "OH! Is THAT what he was trying to tell us? I thought he might smell a snack in that backpack. Well, I don't know, Rose..."
The mountain began to shake violently and smoke was beginning to belch forth.
Rosamond grew pale. "I've got to find him! I'm not leaving here without him. AND IF I DON'T GO, YOU DON'T GO EITHER, MONTGOMERY!"
Billy Bob saw that she was serious. "Well, let's away then! Hey, pooch! Here!"
He took the backpack off Rosamond and let the dog smell it. The dog walked off and circled back. He trotted about 10 yards away, and came back and barked.
Billy Bob looked off. "I don't know, Rose. Aren't you supposed to wait for the others? I mean, I'd hate to miss our way back.."
But Rose was halfway down the street and Billy Bob had no choice but to follow her. He muttered under his breath, "Twenty million dogs in Pompeii...and I have to find Lassie!"


Marilyn and WandaSue scan the crowd. "Where are they?" Marilyn asks no one in particular.
"Isnt' that Celeste, the witch, over there?" WandaSue points to the right, "And Eleanor?"
"You may be a low-life, but your eyes are good," Marilyn tells her as they hurry over to where Celeste and Eleanor are standing. When they see Marilyn, they rush toward her, meeting her half-way.
El remarks, "Looks like you escaped, Marilyn. We thought you were going to end up in Rome as some kind of concubine to the Emperor. How'd you get away?"
"I must give WandaSue credit for our escape," Marilyn says, "She is resourceful, if nothing else. But where are the others? Where's Rose? Has anyone located BB? or Penelope?"
Penelope hears her name. Tearing herself away from the handsome man she's been lying on the ground with, she joins the others, straightening her clothes as she approaches.
Eleanor rolls her eyes at PP, but there is no time to be judgmental. "The air is beginning to smell acrid," she tells the others, "so time is of the essence. We've gotta get as many of you out of here as we can, the sooner the better. Now, Celeste, you have a coin......can you get Marilyn, WandaSue and Penelope back to the 21st Century?"
"Why yes of course, but I don't want to leave you behind, El."
"I have to find Rose. Can't leave without her. Right now BB Montgomery is the least of my concern, but I must find Rose and get her home soon.....within the next half hour."
Marilyn's concern shows on her face, "Oh Eleanor! I hate to leave you here, but you're right. You have to find Rose. Please be careful."
"I will. Now you four get out of here now!" Eleanor insists.
The four make a circle and disappear.
Just as they leave, Eleanor sees Sally Jennings touch down.
She glowers at her, "What is it with you, Sally? You brought people here, then abandoned them. What kind of friend are you?"
Sally says defensively, "I couldn't stay around here watching all this debaucery! It's disgusting. So, where are they?"
"WandaSue, Marilyn, Celeste and Penelope just went back to the 21st century, so you're appearance is a little to little and a little too late."
"What were those others doing here, and what are you doing here, I might ask? This isn't your concern."
"Look here, you little twit, we came to get you out of here because we're decent human beings and couldn't stand by and do nothing."
"How'd you know we were here?"
"Never mind that. The fact is, we still have Rose and BB to locate. I don't suppose you have any ideas about that, do you?"
Sally looks like she's about to depart again, but Eleanor grabs her hand away from the coin in her pocket and drags her along behind her, saying, "You don't get to leave until we find Rose and Billy Bob. You started this whole thing, and by all that's holy, you're going to be here for the finish, whatever that may be."
"I don't wanna die when that volcano blows!" Sally whimpers, but Eleanor isn't listening as she drags the unwilling Sally toward the harbor, the only place she has yet to search.


Celeste, Marilyn, WandaSue and Penelope find themselves in the back yard of the big house on Winding Willow. As Celeste and Marilyn walk toward the back door, the other two follow. Marilyn turns and says sharply, "Oh no, you two don't get to come in!"
WandaSue grumbles something under her breath that only Penelope can hear and they walk off toward Sycamore Street to confront Sally Jennings and ask her why she took off like that, leaving them there with no way to get back.
William hears the back door open and close and rushes into the kitchen. When he sees Celeste and Marilyn he rushes up and hugs them both. "I was so afraid we'd never see you again!"
"But Rose and Eleanor are still there, William," Celeste mentions, "We can't celebrate till everyone is back."
"Why didn't they come back with you?"
"Eleanor doesn't know where Rose is, so she stayed behind to find her."
"None of you are aware the John is also in Pompeii looking for Rose, are you?"
"Oh NO!" Celeste sits heavily on a chair, "Why did you let him do that, William? You should have known better."
"Well, he and Hotspur were determined...."
"Hotspur, too?" Marilyn is appalled.
"Seems I'm one of the few people who hasn't gone to Pompeii," William groans, "John read the last part of the Story you women put so much stock in, and it told where Rose and Eleanor and you two had gone. I couldn't hold him back at that point."
Marilyn looks at the clock, "They have only 20 minutes till that entire city and two other nearby cities are completely destroyed with no survivors. El has a time travel coin, so we know she can get out, but Rose does not. John does, right? But what if John can't find Rose? She's doomed if time runs out."


WandaSue and Penelope walk as fast as they can toward Sally's house on Sycamore.
"I'd like to give her a good piece of my mind, abandoning us like that!" WandaSue says angrily.
"Yeah, but don't. I don't want to make her angry; then she'll ask me to move out, and I don't want to move back to Staten Island."
"Plus.....she's the only one with a time travel coin, right?" WandaSue adds.
"Exactly." Penelope puts her key into the lock when they get to the front door, and, pushing open the door and stepping inside, yells out, "Sally! We're back!"
No response.
"Now where do you think she went?" WandaSue asks, disgusted.
"She mainly stays home! She doesn't know anyone but us. Well, she knows the people over on Winding Willow, but she isn't exactly welcome over there any more than we are. So, where is she?"
They sit on the couch and mull it over. This mental exercise become too laborious, so WandaSue flips on the television. "Fear Factor" comes on, and she enthusiastically says to Penelope, "Good. I love to watch people eat maggots and roaches, don't you?"
Penelope makes a face and goes into her bedroom to wait it out till the program is over.
WandaSue puts some PopSecret into the microwave, then in a couple minutes comes back out and plops down in front of the Tv again, muching away happily. She sees a woman eating small scorpions and mentally puts Rose's face on her. This is the life!


"Billy Bob, would you stop lagging behind? Time is of the essence here. If you drag, I'm going to just leave you here!" Rose yelled. "Yeah, yeah!" Billy Bob muttered. "Can't forget your little boy toy!"
Rose said, "What did you say?"
"Nothing. Look, Rosamond! See that cloud of smoke and ash? I'd say we have maybe twenty minutes. LET'S JUST GET OUT OF HERE!"
Rose was distracted. "And how do you propose we do that? I have no time travel coin. We just HAVE to find John, our lives depend on it. I am sure El and the others have left."
Montgomery said, "You don't have one of your own? How come?"
Rose whirled around. "I don't want to talk about it, OK?"
The white dog continued to sniff and bark and circle and run.

John and Hotspur were banging on the door. "No use!" Hotspur said. Just then, an earth tremor rocked the jail. The floor started to buckle. "Holy *&(&(^!!" John said. "We've got to get out of here and like yesterday! I can only hope Rose got out in time."
A large brown dog trotted by and sat in front of the jail cell. Hotspur shouted, "Look! See what that pooch has in his mouth!" The dog in question sat there watching them with a jailer's ring with a key on it. John called, "Come on, pup! Come on! Good boy!" The dog nosed up just out of reach. Hotspur said, "Hey, mangy mutt! Give it up!"
The dog took off like a shot. John glared at him. "Nice going, Hots!"
Just then the earth trembled again. The door groaned. Hotspur ran up with all his might and rammed his shoulder into it. It started to give way.
John looked at it. "Look! It has pins in the hinges. If we just move it a little...."
Hotspur looked at it. He grabbed the gun out of John's toga and before he could stop him, Hots shot the hinges out. The door fell forward. Hotspur grinned, "What a brainiac I am!"
John said, "Given time, I would have though of it!" Hots clapped him on the shoulder and said, "Sure, John! Now let's get out of here! Rosamond is probably snuggy-bug back at the 21st century!" They scrambled out of the jail and started down the street towards the harbor.

Rose gave the dog the backpack to sniff again. "Please, puppy! Please lead me to him!" she prayed. The dog sniffed and ran in circle and turned the corner. Rose grabbed BB's hand. "Would you come ON??!!"
Within five minutes they were standing in front of the jail. Rose's hands flew up to her face. She breathed, "OMIGOD!! John is in the jail!" Billy Bob said, "Family trait with you, Rosamond? You a family of jail birds?"
Rose ignored him and went inside. She saw the jail cell with the door shot off. "He got away!"
Billy Bob looked at the hinges. "He's packin'? What''s he got? A .38? A .22?"
Rose said absentmindedly, "No, a .357."
Billy Bob whistled. "I AM impressed!"
Rosamond looked around and started to cry. "We're stuck here! We'll never get back and I am going to die here with YOU!"
Billy Bob hugged her and kissed her on the ear. Rose pulled away. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" She backed against the jail cell and pulled out the stun gun. "Take one move on me and I zap you with this, Montgomery! I am John's wife, not yours anymore! That particular avenue of pleasure has been cut off to you!"
Billy Bob raised his hands. "Hey, I just thought as long as we are going to die and become statues, we may as well be the one that they whistle at when they dig us up!"
Rose squared her shoulders. "You can die if you want to, but I WILL find John. And get out of here. Whether you do or not is your problem. I no longer care."
With that, she hugged the dog's neck. "Puppy, please! Find him!" she whispered.

The white dog ran to the door of the jail and started down the path. Billy Bob said, "Where is that dog going?"
Rose wiped the tears from her face and said, "I--I think towards the wharfs. Oh, no! They couldn't have possibly forced John onto a barge, could they? Would he be one of those sweaty skinny guys that row the boat and that fat ugly guy beats them with a cat o' nine tails?" She started to follow the dog and run towards the water when the mountain let out a humongous groan.

John and Hotspur headed towards the water. Hotspur said, "John, let's go back home. She's no doubt there. She's got a coin."
John shielded his eyes with his hands and scanned the crowd. "No, she doesn't."
"Doesn't what?"
"Have a coin. William wouldn't let her have one because of her propensity for trouble."
Hotspur said, "But isn't she in deep now?"
"Shut up."

Eleanor had Sally in a firm grip. "Let's go, sweetie! Look around. See Rose or Montgomery?"
Sally snarled, "No, I don't and it looks like they will be the chewy center when they turn into chocolate bunnies! Happy Easter to them!" Eleanor looked over the crowd and said, "I don't believe it! JOHN! HOTS!" She grabbed Sally and dragged her towards the men. "What are you doing here?"
John grabbed El and gave her a bear hug. "Where is she? Where's my wife?"
El said, "I don't know! I came out of the palace and she was gone!"
John paced back and forth. "No. I'm not going to lose her. Not here. Not after all the stuff we went through. It's not going to end this way. Eleanor. I want you and Sally to get out of here. We have five minutes left. Ten tops. NOW! I'll get Rose."
Eleanor nodded. "OK. Godspeed, John!" She grabbed Sally, chanted "224 Winding Willow, Chappaqua NY--NOW!"
The air glowed and swirled and they were gone.

Mt Vesuvius gave a mighty heave and spewed her contents out. Hot magma shot up in the air like it was the Fourth of July. It rained hot drops of lava down. John and Hotspur covered their faces. "Aw, damn! That hurts!"
John looked up, terror and facination reflected in his face. Hotspur grabbed him. "JOHN! For the love of God, let's GO!"
John yelled, "Not without Rose! I can't go on without her!" Hotspur grabbed his arm and spun him around. "Think of the children! Think of Will and Julie. For God's sake, man! They need their father!"
The lava started down the mountain like a river of flame. Trees and bushes melted at its touch.What flowed into the ocean created a steam that was like the hissing of a thousand lanterns being extinguished. John hesitated a second. He drew out his coin and with tears in his eyes, he took his coin out and whispered, "Good bye, Rosamond. I'll always love you. You and only you!"

John closed his eyes and whispered haltingly, "224 Winding Wil..." "JOHN!! JOHN!!" Rosamond flung herself into his arms.
John started to cry and laugh at the same time. "Is it really you? Is it, Rose? Or am I hallucinating?"
Rose shouted, "JOHN, LOOK OUT!!" Lava barely missed his feet. "Rose, we get out of here, NOW!!"
Rose shouted, "Not without Billy Bob and.....him!" Rose pointed at the dog who was held by a rope around his neck in Billy Bob's hands. "I can't explain it all now. John! Take me home! NOW!! There's no time to lose!"
The lava dribbled past them. They all looked up and saw the River of Magma steaming their way. John yelled, "HOTSPUR! GRAB MONTGOMERY AND THE DOG AND HOLD ON TIGHT!"
They all huddled together as John shouted, "224 Winding Willow, Chappaqua New York. For God's sake-----NOW!"
The air swirled and glowed as within one nanosecond the lava dropped the wharf into the ocean with a steamy hiss that sounded like a thousand lost souls. But the time travelers were not to be found.

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