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Welcome to the Library of Kalihan.
All the books that have ever come to Kalihan
can be found here in this library.
If anyone has anything to share with Kalihan
and have it displayed here just email your
poems, stories or fanfiction  
to the King.


Enjoy your reading in the Library.

Keeper of the Library


Fan Fiction

This link is a very, very good site of fan fiction.
The King's Sister is the writer on this fan fiction page
and all that have read her work say its an excellent fan fiction story.
There are also many other fan fiction stories here. Check them all out.
The Kings Sisters name is TigerEyes, and her story is called
Destinys Call. It is located in the DOA Stories section at fan fiction. 

More Fan Fiction to come.

Dragon Poems

This next series of dragon poems were
written by a woman named Emme. 
The King and Queen don't know Emme on a personal level
but insists she is a very good poet and wanted
these poems to be posted.
If Emme happens to come to this page by chance
someday and doesn't want the poems posted,
Please contact the King or Queen at the email addresses above.

Faeries Flight

My dragon's name is Faeries Flight
and she lives within the glen
Her life is cast in timelessness
through ever, and through when
Her scales are muted rainbows
with a touch of starlight's glow
Colors that no palette
will ever touch or know
My dragon is a gentle beast
her magic heals a troubled soul
Within her dream's the power
to take broken, make it whole
A dragon fire is nurtured
from a star that once did fall
Angels place them in the dragon's breast
that it might warm us all
My dragon lives with faeries
with unicorns and sprites
She plays with them by daylight
but her realm is born of night
Tis then she casts off earthly things
and wings spread wide she flies
Past rain and storms, past mortal world
into a moon drenched sky
My dragon glows from deep within
iridescent through her scales
See my dragon at this hour
against her sunshine pales
Her wings are spread majestically
and she spirals into dance
As she whirls it makes moonbeams freeze
places angels in a trance
My dragon's wings beat out a melody
a primal passioned plea
That touches each and every soul
wakes them, sets them free
It enhances every movement, every breath
of what might be
Opens eyes forever closed, wakes them
that they might see
My dragon's name is Faeries Flight
and she lives her days in light
But the magic in my dragon
is born again each night.

Dragons Moon
Dragons moon shines full and bright
casts its rays on deepest night
Brings the dragons out to play
while humans hide in light of day
From behind clouds beams break through
and haloed images shine anew
Casting its light upon the skies
so dragon wings can now arise
In search of dreams they find a way
to welcome night in joyous play
Far aloft, with wings spread wide
their massive bodies swoop and glide
And angels now join in the dance
they came upon by happenstance
Ballet of magic, cast in the glow
the bright full moon is theirs to know
In mystery it is born of night
will never last till birth of light
And dances dragon, to one last tune
played in front of dragons moon.

A Dragon's Love
A dragon's love is gentle
woven deep within a soul
Has the miracle of healing
takes the broken
makes it whole
A dragon gives his heart away
for it dies if it is kept
Dragon heart must be wakened
from the place
where it has slept
A dragon's love is timeless
knows no future, has no past
It builds upon the moment
hold it close
that it might last
A dragon gives his heart away
for it dies if it is kept
Dragon heart must be wakened
from the place
where it has slept
A dragon's love is fearless
will face the sword that it might stay
Through all that would destroy it
stands alone
and finds a way
A dragon gives his heart away
for it dies if it is kept
Dragon heart must be wakened
from the place
where it has slept
A dragon's love is burning
and the fire can't be quenched
Impassioned, uncontrollable
immortal love
A dragon gives his heart away
for it dies if it is kept
Dragon heart must be wakened
from the place
where it has slept

Dragon Dreams

Dragon dreams are magic
weaved of moonlight's lacy threads
They follow paths of shadowed mystery
past where the dragons bed
They drift away in galaxies
an endless, timeless flow
Suns which saw their births
their fire, born of dragon's glow
They stand alone as witness
to all that's come before
A testament to future
through tales of ancient lore
Dragon dreams can terrify
for what they really mean
Is, all we really thought we knew
is never truly seen

On Dragon's Back 
On dragon's back
I fly away
Beginning flight
to unborn day
Now take me high
where winds blow loud
That I might reach
and touch a cloud
I pull it's fragile
beauty near
And falls to earth
a dragon's tear
Above these clouds
a magic rules
Scorned by closed hearts
call them fools
To them it's not
if they can't see
They lose all
life's mystery
But I through
dragon's vantage high
Can now ken
the reason why
The dragons live
to keep us whole
They see the love
within our souls
They see the passions
that we hide
They see it all
from whence they glide
And so
on dragon's back I fly
Within the clouds
that paint the sky
And somewhere
in this mortal quest
I share with dragon
all the best

Dragonheart shines through the night
Surrenders all in search for light
Burns a fire deep inside
That mortal souls can scarce abide
Births a love and lets it grow
Never dares to let it show
Nourishes with tender care
Waits in faith for one to share
Fearless, patient in the quest
Passion muted, made to rest
This love once born will never die
And dragon's soul will make it fly
And Dragonheart will ne'er be quenched
Till from the beast the heart is wrenched 

A Dragon’s Promise
A dragon's promise
wrote in fire.
Voids the dark
transcends desire.
Pushes past
 mere mortal time.
Etches words
into a rhyme.
Is cast forever
in the skies.
Truth exists
beyond mere eyes.
A promise born
a promise made.
That nothing known
can ever fade.
When life and pain
take from the whole.
The dragon heals
the broken soul.
Holds the heart
in need of rest.
Till it can rise
again and crest.
Tomorrow, then,
and just today.
Dragon's promise
knows the way.
With soul that loves
and eyes that see.
The dragon kens
and sets you free.



King Kalin Fenix