The N64 Stinks Page

N64. Gamecube. Where will we be next? The higher the game graphics, the worse the game. We all love NES, why settle for something worse such as N64? Where will we be ten years from now? Graphics don't make the game. Look at the right screenshot of the latest highway game for N64, named Speed Racer 2075. As you can see, the technology is so great that you are speeding down the road so fast that--well the game's all a blur.

We have to stop the lousy games, before more come out. N64 stinks, it always did, it always will, so lets all go back to our closets, dig out our NESes, and play Duck Hunt for hour upon hour. Agreed? I knew you would. There. Thank you for reading this little rant of mine, it makes me feel alot better.