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Beach Bums inc.

What the heck is Beach Bum inc. and this website about?

Beach Bum inc.

This motley crew consists of 5 members. Namely; Sticky, Chewy, Jerky, Bum and Fifi. Despite their varied personalities and backgrounds, the group bands together because of their shared love for beach culture. Jerky is into beach sports, Sticky is into geographic knowledge about beaches, Chewy is into bikinis and hunks, Bum is into beachside clubbing and pubbing and Fifi is just into the wide variety of food found in beachside restaurants. Together, they will educate you on all you need to know or ever want to know about beaches in Singapore.



Sticky AKA Pan Jing

Sticky is a harsh-mouthed, intellectual guru type. She knows too much, thinks too much and is always eager to show off her extensive knowledge on beach culture as well as geographical hard facts. She is cynical and always critical of the rest of the motley crew for their perceived “shallow-mindedness”. The rest sees her as the leader of the group and know that they can always depend on her when trouble crops up for practical and feasible solutions.





Chewy AKA Chew Wee

Chewy is the hollow-brain bimbo of the group. Her goal in life is to be the next “Miss World, Bikini”. She is extremely conscious of her looks and figure and is always on the forefront of beachwear fashion. Her hobbies includes hunk watching, shopping, cat-walking and putting on make-up. She is also constantly on the lookout for her Prince Charming who needs to be extremely rich and handsome; whether he has a brain does not matter.





Bum AKA Alvin

Bum is a bum: he is a lazy vagrant who indulges heavily in lager, babes, partying and more partying. He is fat because he drinks too much and is too lazy to workout. Bum is the cheery hip-hop, “what’s up” rapper of the group. He thinks that life is meant to be free and hates to be tied down with any commitment or work. Bum is a good friend of Chewy as they both enjoy “Babes and Hunks watching” respectively.





Jerky AKA Jerry

Jerky is the sunshine boy of the group. He is a sea sports fanatic who aspire to be the first Singaporean to win a Gold medal in the Olympics for Sailing. He is a cheery character who never fails to put on a smile in all situations. He also loves to sing a lot and has the uncanny ability of being able to memorize and sing any song or tune upon hearing it once for the first time. He hates Bum for his laziness and lack of enthusiasm for sports.





Fifi AKA Fiona

Fifi is Chewy’s pet cat. She is a food-crazed cat who will reject your typical cat food. Her favorite food is laksa (really weird). She is a very cunning and mischievous cat who has more brain than her owner. She is a gourmet expert and really knows how to appreciate fine cuisines. She was adopted by Chewy after she saved her from drowning at East Coast Park. Apparently, Fifi was dumped into the sea by a pissed restaurant owner for gobbling down one whole pot of “Buddha Jump Over Wall”.



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