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Understand the experts when they carp about delicate bouquets, happy aromas and a fruity character? No, neither do us at Beach Bum Inc. so Bum took the best beers from around the world, ploughed through the lot and wrote one barely legible note on every last one. Check it out! Some of these beers are must-have essentials when you go pubbing by the beach; or for a quiet drink alone (you sorry ass).



(Holland) ABV 5%
Often called bland but it's far better than the piss at your local. Bum gives it 2 thumbs up as it's everywhere in Singapore.

Stella Artois

Stella Artois

(Belgium) ABV 5.2%
Slips down without quibble leaving quiet satisfaction. Fifi seems to like this. (weird cat)

Betty's Blond


Betty's Blond

(Belgium) ABV 5.5%
Another trashy gimmick beer. But Chewy likes it though. Maybe its marketing appeals to bimbos.



(Australia) ABV 4%
Archetypal learner's beer. Clean in taste, but lacks the kick of our Continental cousins' brew. Jerky's choice. A good beer for sports.




(Singapore) ABV 5%
Beautiful. Quite a zing to it, but a pleasure to slurp. The PAP should tout this as another Singapore's Best! Sticky's all time favorite.



It's a proven fact that men in Speedo look frankly ludicrous. But pair this modest sartorial concept with the fine feminine form and you're on to be a winner. Hence Bum is dedicating this portion of his page to revel in the aesthetic glory of the woman and bikini combo.

Maggie Q

1. Maggie Q

After seeing her for the first time in Jackie Chan's Rush Hour 2, Bum just cannot forget that stunning hot figure of hers. Bum's perfect dream girl! Definitely this month's number one!

Ruby Lin

2. Ruby Lin

Who cares if she used to act in a silly period drama as a tear-jerking/inducing weakling princess. This lady may not be voluptuous but she still is hot, in her own cute and demure way.(Bum blushes)





Christy Chung


3. Christy Chung

The ultimate girl of every Asian man's erotic fantasy. Bum likes her too.


Vivian Hsu


4. Vivian Hsu

Soft porn chick turns angelic goody-two-shoe babe. Nevertheless, she is still a stunning beauty.



Ayumi Hamasaki




5. Ayumi Hamasaki

The queen of J-pop! Somehow, she is really sorry looking in this past bikini pic she took when she was not yet queen. Definitely one of those stars that grows prettier with time.(but for how long?)





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