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                            Daniel's Songs

1.Oh Daniel Star    2.Rock the vibe    3.Digitaly mine    4. She's fine
5.Turn away from me    6. Hope    7.POPSTAR    8.Static    9.Your mine
10.Justified    11. Cotten Candy    12.Girly girl   13. World Peace
 Sample "Oh Daniel Star " Rap/POP
Hay, yoh
I was wakin down the street one day, when I heard my name got it the way, now if you want to take a ride wit me, backseet, backstret, it's all neat,
just visit me- (oh danny)
                             The band seacrh 
Hay you know if you want to be famous here's the way. 4 boys around the age 11-14, with an excellent voice, like(nsync) or (Backstreet Boys), and with good dancing and choriography moves to please e-mail me or call me at 613-721-9605. Once wev'e got the four boys and me to make 5, guess what you'll be part of one of the newest boy bans around, want to be famous well call, thanks, Will then head on to the recording studios and create our first hit. Call or e-mail for more information.
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The chorioghy studio- most dance moves are made up by daniel while he choriographys the moves. With some here and their help from a choriographer. Daniel creates the record, he writes his own songs, does his own coriography. 
       Some other songs that might be in a single or next album:
1. Digital Pop  2.Justified  3.Broken Heart 
4.Who would but you    5.Baby Your Mine 
6. Canceld   7. Sweat Taste 
8. Get a groove    9.Gang up 
10. No more    11. Tell me 
12. Hot N'cold  13. Never Understood



                   What's the deal with this poplife?
Talent show 2001 was a blast, whether you caute it or not, fog lights,lasers, action, what might just look like animprovised on the spot choriography to N'sync's pop, well your wrong, it took months of effort, getting every step down perfectly and memorized, don't forget those are the exact steps Up Coming concert, coming soon at greenbank, more songs!, more lights, , better sounds, props and a set! Wow you can't miss it this year!
  What we like about Daniel's music?
-its fun and catchy
-it's got a good vibe! 
It's got nice harmony
The Acapelo!
How do you know the exact coriography so well?
You, know, I just work hard on it, I watch different videos over and over, slowing down, stoping rewinding. It's also my improv that I can add to parts. I don't know, it's studing, hard work and talent.

Talent show 2001 was a blast, whether you caute it or not, fog lights,lasers, action, what might just look like animprovised on the spot choriography to N'sync's pop, well your wrong, it took months of effort, getting every step down perfectly and memorized, don't forget those are the exact steps Up Coming concert, coming soon at greenbank, more songs!, more lights, , better sounds, props and a set! Wow you can't miss it this year!

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What is it like, preforming, how does it feal to have your fans going wild!

t's huge, all that energy, it stimulatesy secound nervous system(scientificly speaking). I don't get really nervous, because I know that even if I screw up I can impovise. You can't always do that though when your dancers are there. It's static, I feal really excited, I love it guys!