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                       Daniel Harary's News
                     Top Stories
-Daniel is scripting up a new pepsi commercial.
2002 Concert *New details on the upcomming concert.
 Daniel with the Orange Hat. New Whool Style!

 Pepsi Commercial
I am working and now editing my Pepsi Commecial, It's a surprise, it might even be on tv. I had to buy all the Pepsi's though, you'll like it, we've done a lot of work on it, me and my crew, when it is done you can probably watch it on my site:
                        Album News
Daniel has added some hiphop/rap/pop songs on his cd. He also plans to put an accapelo on it. Also a Digital sound to it. Cool vibes and rythms Lots of Energetic tunes too. 
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Daniel is scripting up a new pepsi commercial.
Since the release of the Latest pepsi commercial relesed from daniel, but noit on air yet, Daniel has came up with another commercial for Pepsi to coinside with Pepsi Commercial #1. Daniel says that he can't wait to start shooting this commercial.
2002 Concert *New details on the upcomming concert.
Its no surprise that Daniel is steeping the Concert up anotch this year, but what exactly will he be performing. We've heard that there will be walkout stages in the middle of the audience. Also you might even have some fire in it. 
Daniel with the Orange Hat. New Whool Style!

In Daniel's Latest video the Orange hat, keeps appering, infact most Music Stars, Such as Justin Timberlake, Enrique have gone into a whool hat faze. But Daniels changes it slightly by adding a funky orange color to it!
One of my music video's will be a surprise song fromm Nsync, fromm there newest CD, Celebrity. TheMusic Video will have atleast 46 shots per 30 seconds. Which is a lot. We also have corriography, and a little theme going on. Comming out Soon. 
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   USA Mesasage

It is unfortunate of what happened on Sept 11th. Seems that we have to wait untill something happens to us to wake us up. But the United States has rised as a Nation, to fight Terrirism. All the great souls are up in Heaven.

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