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                   The Topics
  Who do you think you most resemble?
" I knew somebody was gonna ask that. Um I think that I resemble many things, I believe if you have a goal and you can do it, go ahead, and I think that all the Kids out there, who have done this, like lil'romeo, or Aaron for ex. But overall you know we all have differ
ent styles, and were all different people." 

     What is it like being a role model?
"Well you know it's really cool, I like to give people good examples, and not send anywrong messages. But yeah it's really neat, and I love all the people that look up to me like that, and I think that I give a lot of dreams to younger kids."

  Do you think that you will stay solo, or do you want to get into a group?
Well for now i'll stay solo, but really soon in the near future i'v been looking into mabey getting into a "boy band" . If the chance arises. But you know I love what i'm doing weather it's solo or in a group.

What Kind of concert will you be doing next?
Well I will be doing a much bigger coincert than last year, and the big part is that I have some of my stuff mixed in. I also will have some more lights and a fex more surprises. More props and stuff too. I might even make a charity concert, who knows.But yeah it will be cool!
How do you know the exact coriography so well?

You, know, I just work hard on it, I watch different videos over and over, slowing down, stoping rewinding. Dance choreographer but I have a lot of greast idea's that we do. It's hard     work. Also It's also my improv that I can add to parts. 

Who do you think you have some resemblance to in your singing?
Well here's a little description of my voice: combonation of justin Timberlake, JC, Britney Spears, Aaron Carter ect..
 65&-Justin Timberlake 17% Britney Spears  7% JC of Nsync  6 % Aaron Catrer
-Icombine cool and harmonic and digital pop-vibes, with low and also soft sounding voice-with high voice capability's but also with a strong projection.

        Some cool Information
The chorioghy studio- most dance moves are made up by daniel while he choriographys the moves. With some here and their help from a choriographer. Daniel creates the record, he writes his own songs, does his own coriography. 


 Question: What's the main things you like about your fans?
Well, the main thing is I love them, and I want to entertain them, I really want them to enjoy what I'm doing. I think being an good fan is to be there with me, and chear me on, and to be a excited and always spread the word.

    Some songs that might be on the cd:

1.Oh Daniel Star          6. Hope 
2.Rock the vibe           7.POPSTAR   
3.Digitaly mine            8.Static
4. She's fine                9.Your mine
5.Turn away from me  10.Justified         
  11. Cotten Candy       12.Girly girl  
13. World Peace