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                             Daniel Harary's Bio:


Daniel Harary was born in the "Northern Hollywood" Toronto, Ontario, Canada. When he was two he moved to Ottawa, Ontario. Daniel started composing songs on the piano at 8, and took a big interest in music, he started writting his own songs. Daniel then seemed different, he had a dream. Daniel literly buzzed in his school, as if the "star of the school". He created music video's, movies, adds and a CD. Daniel also created a DJ Company. Using the lights fog, and props, daniel started performing on stage, and started to get popular. He then went on to perform his own songs, and sing with a dual. He then went to different Talent Agency's. He started his work, on going into the Music Industry, by also submitting, video's two chum. He was then fetured on tv, on his video's. Noted as a "Sucsess story". He then got his way and is working with his lawyers to get
a record deal. Daniel has created songs on cd already.


               Comming soon to a MTV/Muchmusic and JIVE.