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    Coming in June                   Movies 
 Daniel Harary stars in:
 14 Days is about the world and it's biggest fear! Can the world forgive before it's to late, what happens when a Russian Sattalight accidentialy bombs the would, can they stop it in 14 days? 
  The movie taks place in a school in 1990's, through the kids eyes of how the world is now, but takes a drasticturn. It all starts with a little of a Love story
The movie taks place in a school in 1990's, through the kids eyes of how the world is now, but takes a drasticturn. It all starts with a little of a Love story, there's this girl that is stuck in Alaska while this happens. One day the alarms go off, everybody stuck in the scool, for safety, nand basicly there stuck there because they can't go out side becaus eof the deadly fumes that hit the city. It turns to be a shelter, watch how thEASE kids try to save the world in 14 days.
Scene 1: Break Out
Scene 2:BUSTED
Scene3: The Split Up
Scene 4: I remember you
Scene 5: Hospital accident
Scene 6: The Meat
 Coming Out Soon.        Music Video's
Daniel's Hit "Oh Danny" the music video has been started. The movies gives a general outsifde summer sunshine theame in daniel's Pop/Rap song on his album!
THE REMIX of Nsync's Gone, with singing in a douette with justin and his team Nsync. The hole thing is Black & White, and Sepia Tone. This video shows the emotional stress.of being alone. It takes my talent the next level, showing the deepnes and enfusiasm of me. It's a nice Video!

 Released to Pepsi PEPSI COMMERCIAL
Pepsi commercial we did was really cool, it's got a new 
theme to it and everything.Pepsi Commecial, It's a 
surprise, it might even be on tv. I had to buy all the Pepsi's
though, you'll like it, we've done a lot of work on it, me
my crew, when it is done you can probablywatch it on my
site: The Comercial in the opening shots, zomms up close
 to a pepsi can, then the next shot is the Pepsi cans 
 dancing to the music, then the can is taken from Daniel,
at him, and then a extra goes"YAH PEPSI" Music 
Continues (Joy of Pepsi Song:)