Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Robert Demaree

At The Juvenile Diabetes Walk


There are thousands of us:

Kids with pumps and meters,

Mothers who have learned the math,

Families and friends in bright tee shirts

With hopeful mottos.

The sun has come out,

And we are led to think

This is a rock concert

Or a Mardi Gras parade,

Local news anchor as grand marshal.

I only cry when I think of

His little pancreas shutting down;

That, and all the cheerful tee shirts.




Positive Thinking


People thought not long ago

That cancer could be held at bay

By putting stickers on your car,

Reading Norman Cousins, forming clubs:

Bill Smith’s Unbeatable Team.

A survivor, for a time, at least,

He spoke at our school;

We marveled at his strength of will.

But the daughter of a stricken friend

Came to my office in tears:

My mother doesn’t have a team;

Does that mean she won’t get well?

Robert Demaree is the author of four collections of poems, including Fathers and Teachers (2007) and Mileposts (2009), both published by Beech River Books. The winner of the 2007 Conway, N.H., Library Poetry Award, he is a retired school administrator with ties to North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. He has had over 500 poems published or accepted by 100 periodicals, including Louisville Review, Louisiana Review, Miller’s Pond, the Aurorean and Thick with Conviction. For further information see


Current Issue:
December 2011


Russ Brickey
Jackson Burgess
Robert Demaree
James H. Duncan
Carol Lynn Grellas
Paul Hostovsky
Seif-Eldeine Och
Jane Olivier
Timothy Pilgrim
Russell Rowland
M. Travis Walsh

