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 Families Forever

Foetal diagnosis & Child loss support group


  • Meet us
  • Waiting with love
  • What is? (facts)
  • Stories
  • Articles
  • online journals
  • Resources (various areas)
  • Professional counselling
  • Discussion board
  • Chat room
  • Newsletter
  • Guestbook
  • Add your link
  • Gifts


    Web rings
    Join our Foetal diagnostic ring
    join our Families Forever ring


    Scheduled chat
    Friday  the 25th of Aug 7.30 PM, QLD Australia time

  • Professional counselling




    Sometimes even the support of our family and friends isn't enough to help us through the loss of our child. This is especially true when other losses are also involved or re-surfacing.   "Professional counselling" is valuable in such instances.

    Because of the nature of Child loss, online support is available free of charge via the Families Forever web site. Face to face counselling is also available by appointment only and though a charge occurs, it is based on a sliding scale and varies from client to client from $40 up to a maximum of $80 per session. The fee is negotiable, especially for bereaved parents. 


    To make an appointment:

    (07) 3807 3644 during business hours

    0403 774 459 and leave a message