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Fyn's Lovable Linkables

You can find anything on the internet. Even things, in my opinion, don't deserve to be here. Here are a few of my favorite links. Not to like, detour you away from my own "wonderful" web creation. No, no, I'd have to drag you away, wouldn't I?

Sites I Frequent the Most:

The Onion

The Onion is one of thwo things that gets me through the week. The other being The Simpsons. To comment on its hilarity would be like commenting on the wetness of the sea. I'm serious. The sentence, "The Onion is funny." is so utterly obvious and redundant that anyone who strings those words together should be beaten. The Onion simply is.
This guy Matt has the most impeccable memory of the toys and media from his childhood. And since he's only one year older than me, the toys of his childhood are the toys of my childhood. So what's absolutely amazing is that his articles are able to joggle my memory and send me back to a time when I was shitloads happier, and the only worries I had were attempting to obtain all the magical plastic hunks of wonder that tv commercials bombarded my eyeballs with. So I highly praise x-entertainment, simply because of the sense of euphoria that hits me when I am reminded of Wacky Wall Walkers in my Froot Loops box, Clowny Crayons, that Crispy Critters were "indubitably delicious," and the Twizzlers lips commerical. Oh, and because of Matt's sharp wit, which makes his articles hilarious.

Dork Tower

My favorite Fox Trot comic strips involve Jason acting geeky. John Kovalic's Dork Tower strips are like those exceptional Fox Trot strips--all the time. This is a hilarious comic strip about geek life and gaming. And muskrats, but that's beside the point. And whatever they say about GeekCons--it's all true!!


Interesting. Amusing. Spiffy. Obvious. Weird. Dumbass. Weiners. Fark has got the links to all of the above on one convenient site, updated frequently. It's a time waster, really. My personal favorite procrastination aids are the Photoshop contests. Zzzing!

Lord of the Rings-related:

The One Ring dot net
This is bar-none, the best site to get the latest skinny on anything LOTR. Books, movies, you name it. It's updated so frequently that your head?? It will spin.

Lord of the Rings dot net
OK...if OneRing was the best site, what the heck is this? I'd say it's the best site for into on the feature films. It doesn't change that much, but it's fun to go to if you ever want to be greeted by the stars of the film saying, "Hi, this is so-and-so. Welcome to Lord of the Rings dot net." Seriously, they got the likes of Christopher Lee and Hugo Weaving to stoop themselves down a notch and say that. I always get a rush when it's Orli. Sigh. Orli.
Anyway, this site has awesome screensavers and desktop themes. Right now, Mount Doom looms on my screen, and Legolas rules my screensaver.

The Encyclopedia of Arda
So's I'm in the middle of Middle Earth, right? So many names! People, places, oddly-glowing does a girl keep track of it all? Well, I started my fashioning my own list, but laziness got the best of me. Luckily, my Google search found for me exactly what I needed: an encyclopedia to all things Tolkien! This is it baby! Your days of musing, "What the heck is Minas Tirith?" are over! A few minor quibbles though (got that from Trekkies--that freak fourteen year old griping about his First Contact costume): no type-in search. Hoom! Hrrrumph! And also a warning--if you're not done reading the series and don't want to know what happens, some of the entries are not for your eyes.

Services. FREE services, that is:

So I Google. So sue me. But I think it's the best search engine for looking up stupid trivia, which I do more often than not.

Well, WinMX stopped working. Morpheus doesn't work. So it's back to Kazaa for me.

Old Favorites:

Rushmore Academy: The Unofficial Site for Wes Anderson Films

The definitive reference for Rushmore (yaay!), The Royal Tenenbaums (yaay!), and Bottle Rocket (groan!)

The Neo-Futurists Website

The geniuses behind Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind. Thirty plays in sixty minutes--one of Chicago's finest.

The Official LucasArts Entertainment Company Website

Not just for it's spectacular Star Wars qualities, but because of the lesser-known gems like Monkey Island and Grim Fandango.

The Official Maxis Website for The Sims

See how I waste away my life by running the lives of these little people. Once you go, you will never come back.

I remember back in the day before Dilbert was strictly office humor. It was funnier back then. I actually never go to this site anymore, but I couldn't bear to get rid of that cute little button with Dogbert, Wally, and the Pointy-Haired-Boss popping up. Whoop! There they are! Boing!

A Dent in the Tori Amos Net Universe

But a rather massive Dent. Someone once said you cannot possibly be a Sandman fan without being a Tori Amos fan, and vice versa. Well, in my case, they're right.

If you want to go back, you really can. Back to Fyn's Webpage 'o' Wonders!