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Dedicated to Joseph and Samia

In memorial of their son Waleed J.Iskandar

A new beginning

Time is so very precious
So vulnerable and fragile
Cherished moments filled with life
are suddenly silent and a trial

If I could only turn back time
I would do it just for you
So many things left to say
Our time was far from through

But I know that is impossible to do
I have to suffer this pain
With all these beautiful memories
your death will never be in vain

I see you so much clearer now
How beautiful you truly are
You light up my darkened sky
You are it's brightest star

But I will always feel this emptiness
A heavy burden in my heart
Although I try my very best
to aim at a brand new start

There will always be
a new beginning, a new tomorrow
But the memories will remain
My love for you, my deepest sorrow.

Waleed's memorial page

My poetry index

Music: Butterfly by Andy Klapwyk
Thank you, dear Andy, for the permission to let me use this song

Poem: Copyright Eva-Lena Nylen © All Rights Reserved
Music: Copyright Andy Klapwyk © All Rights Reserved