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A travel within

I am a traveller
This journey will be my last
Returning to the roots
is dealing with my past

Looking out a window
Landscapes passing by
Sceneries long time gone
covered by a gloomy sky

I remember the past
The days of my youth
How I distorted the reality
and shut my eyes to the truth

When life was a struggle
I could not carry the day
I never faced the problems
I looked the other way

I prefered to ignore
I dismissed the intuition
Will I close another door
or learn from this recognition?

Did I ever reach out my hand
offering anything true?
Or was it only unfullfilled vows
and things I promised to do?

When I am long time gone
will anyone bow at my grave?
Or will the overgrowing weeds
represent what I never gave?

Yes, when life reaches the end
and I enter the eternal night
Can I in all conscience say
I lived a life and did it right?

I have seen many a wanderer
too proud to go back
Instead of reminisce what's bygone
they're covering the track

Provinces disappear in the distance
as I am passing my life's stations
I am slowly finding myself
A travel within my foundations

I have been a traveller
For such a long time I did roam
I'll find myself beyond the horizon
I am finally coming home.

My poetry index

Music: Watchman's song in E Major by Edvard Grieg

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