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To Grace
In memorial of her son Johnny

The wooden box

I found a wrapped up box
in my attic today
With a red silky ribbon
and wrapping paper silver grey

And all of a sudden
I held in my hand
This wooden box
so precious, so grand

The dust felt so smooth
as I wiped it away
And when I opened the lock
a song started to play

It was an old lullaby
I sang years ago
It brought life to memories
it made my eyes flow

Calmly and silent I began to hum
those tunes from the past
In silence I prayed
let this moment last

This is my treasure
It is priceless ,you see
My sweet little boy
made this box just for me

He carved this pattern
with hands, small and soft
Wrapped the present
and hid in this loft

And now when I found it
I can't help but crying
He did not know
he so soon would be dying

I close my eyes
holding the box to my chest
Feeling the hinges
cold against my breast

I cry when the tunes
suddenly stops to play
You are gone and
this moment faded away

I whisper to you
How I will treasure this
As I hold the box to my lips
and bid you farewell with a kiss

My poetry index


Music: Picard's flute from The Inner Light
Painting: Psyche opening the golden box by J.W Waterhouse 1903

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